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* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.content.pm;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.annotation.UserIdInt;
import android.app.Person;
import android.app.appsearch.AppSearchSchema;
import android.app.appsearch.GenericDocument;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.LocusId;
import android.graphics.drawable.Icon;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.PersistableBundle;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.ArrayMap;
import android.util.ArraySet;
import com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.android.internal.util.Preconditions;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
* A {@link GenericDocument} representation of {@link ShortcutInfo} object.
* @hide
public class AppSearchShortcutInfo extends GenericDocument {
/** The TTL (time-to-live) of the shortcut, in milli-second. */
public static final long SHORTCUT_TTL = TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(90);
/** The name of the schema type for {@link ShortcutInfo} documents.*/
public static final String SCHEMA_TYPE = "Shortcut";
/** @hide */
public static final int SCHEMA_VERSION = 3;
* Property name of the activity this {@link ShortcutInfo} is associated with.
* See {@link ShortcutInfo#getActivity()}.
public static final String KEY_ACTIVITY = "activity";
* Property name of the short description of this {@link ShortcutInfo}.
* See {@link ShortcutInfo#getShortLabel()}.
public static final String KEY_SHORT_LABEL = "shortLabel";
* Property name of the long description of this {@link ShortcutInfo}.
* See {@link ShortcutInfo#getLongLabel()}.
public static final String KEY_LONG_LABEL = "longLabel";
* @hide
public static final String KEY_DISABLED_MESSAGE = "disabledMessage";
* Property name of the categories this {@link ShortcutInfo} is associated with.
* See {@link ShortcutInfo#getCategories()}.
public static final String KEY_CATEGORIES = "categories";
* Property name of the intents this {@link ShortcutInfo} is associated with.
* See {@link ShortcutInfo#getIntents()}.
public static final String KEY_INTENTS = "intents";
* @hide
public static final String KEY_INTENT_PERSISTABLE_EXTRAS = "intentPersistableExtras";
* Property name of {@link Person} objects this {@link ShortcutInfo} is associated with.
* See {@link ShortcutInfo#getPersons()}.
public static final String KEY_PERSON = "person";
* Property name of {@link LocusId} this {@link ShortcutInfo} is associated with.
* See {@link ShortcutInfo#getLocusId()}.
public static final String KEY_LOCUS_ID = "locusId";
* @hide
public static final String KEY_EXTRAS = "extras";
* Property name of the states this {@link ShortcutInfo} is currently in.
* Possible values are one or more of the following:
* {@link #IS_DYNAMIC}, {@link #NOT_DYNAMIC}, {@link #IS_MANIFEST}, {@link #NOT_MANIFEST},
* {@link #IS_DISABLED}, {@link #NOT_DISABLED}, {@link #IS_IMMUTABLE},
* {@link #NOT_IMMUTABLE}
public static final String KEY_FLAGS = "flags";
* @hide
public static final String KEY_ICON_RES_ID = "iconResId";
* @hide
public static final String KEY_ICON_RES_NAME = "iconResName";
* @hide
public static final String KEY_ICON_URI = "iconUri";
* @hide
public static final String KEY_DISABLED_REASON = "disabledReason";
* Property name of capability this {@link ShortcutInfo} is associated with.
* See {@link ShortcutInfo#hasCapability(String)}.
public static final String KEY_CAPABILITY = "capability";
* Property name of capability binding this {@link ShortcutInfo} is associated with.
* See {@link ShortcutInfo#getCapabilityParameters(String, String)}.
public static final String KEY_CAPABILITY_BINDINGS = "capabilityBindings";
public static final AppSearchSchema SCHEMA = new AppSearchSchema.Builder(SCHEMA_TYPE)
.addProperty(new AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.Builder(KEY_ACTIVITY)
).addProperty(new AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.Builder(KEY_SHORT_LABEL)
).addProperty(new AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.Builder(KEY_LONG_LABEL)
).addProperty(new AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.Builder(KEY_DISABLED_MESSAGE)
).addProperty(new AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.Builder(KEY_CATEGORIES)
).addProperty(new AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.Builder(KEY_INTENTS)
).addProperty(new AppSearchSchema.BytesPropertyConfig.Builder(
).addProperty(new AppSearchSchema.DocumentPropertyConfig.Builder(
KEY_PERSON, AppSearchShortcutPerson.SCHEMA_TYPE)
).addProperty(new AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.Builder(KEY_LOCUS_ID)
).addProperty(new AppSearchSchema.BytesPropertyConfig.Builder(KEY_EXTRAS)
).addProperty(new AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.Builder(KEY_FLAGS)
).addProperty(new AppSearchSchema.LongPropertyConfig.Builder(KEY_ICON_RES_ID)
).addProperty(new AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.Builder(KEY_ICON_RES_NAME)
).addProperty(new AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.Builder(KEY_ICON_URI)
).addProperty(new AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.Builder(KEY_DISABLED_REASON)
).addProperty(new AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.Builder(KEY_CAPABILITY)
).addProperty(new AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.Builder(KEY_CAPABILITY_BINDINGS)
* The string representation of every flag within {@link ShortcutInfo}. Note that its value
* needs to be camelCase since AppSearch's tokenizer will break the word when it sees
* underscore.
* Indicates the {@link ShortcutInfo} is dynamic shortcut.
* See {@link #KEY_FLAGS}
* See {@link ShortcutInfo#isDynamic()}.
public static final String IS_DYNAMIC = "Dyn";
* Indicates the {@link ShortcutInfo} is not a dynamic shortcut.
* See {@link #KEY_FLAGS}
* See {@link ShortcutInfo#isDynamic()}.
public static final String NOT_DYNAMIC = "nDyn";
* Indicates the {@link ShortcutInfo} is manifest shortcut.
* See {@link #KEY_FLAGS}
* See {@link ShortcutInfo#isDeclaredInManifest()}.
public static final String IS_MANIFEST = "Man";
* Indicates the {@link ShortcutInfo} is manifest shortcut.
* See {@link #KEY_FLAGS}
* See {@link ShortcutInfo#isDeclaredInManifest()}.
public static final String NOT_MANIFEST = "nMan";
* Indicates the {@link ShortcutInfo} is disabled.
* See {@link #KEY_FLAGS}
* See {@link ShortcutInfo#isEnabled()}.
public static final String IS_DISABLED = "Dis";
* Indicates the {@link ShortcutInfo} is enabled.
* See {@link #KEY_FLAGS}
* See {@link ShortcutInfo#isEnabled()}.
public static final String NOT_DISABLED = "nDis";
* Indicates the {@link ShortcutInfo} was originally from manifest, but currently disabled.
* See {@link #KEY_FLAGS}
* See {@link ShortcutInfo#isOriginallyFromManifest()}.
public static final String IS_IMMUTABLE = "Im";
* Indicates the {@link ShortcutInfo} was not originally from manifest.
* See {@link #KEY_FLAGS}
* See {@link ShortcutInfo#isOriginallyFromManifest()}.
public static final String NOT_IMMUTABLE = "nIm";
public AppSearchShortcutInfo(@NonNull GenericDocument document) {
* @hide
public static AppSearchShortcutInfo instance(@NonNull final ShortcutInfo shortcutInfo) {
return new Builder(shortcutInfo.getPackage(), shortcutInfo.getId())
* Converts this {@link GenericDocument} object into {@link ShortcutInfo} to read the
* information.
public ShortcutInfo toShortcutInfo(@UserIdInt int userId) {
final String packageName = getNamespace();
final String activityString = getPropertyString(KEY_ACTIVITY);
final ComponentName activity = activityString == null
? null : ComponentName.unflattenFromString(activityString);
// TODO: proper icon handling
// NOTE: bitmap based icons are currently saved in side-channel (see ShortcutBitmapSaver),
// re-creating Icon object at creation time implies turning this function into async since
// loading bitmap is I/O bound. Since ShortcutInfo#getIcon is already annotated with
// @hide and @UnsupportedAppUsage, we could migrate existing usage in platform with
// LauncherApps#getShortcutIconDrawable instead.
final Icon icon = null;
final String shortLabel = getPropertyString(KEY_SHORT_LABEL);
final String longLabel = getPropertyString(KEY_LONG_LABEL);
final String disabledMessage = getPropertyString(KEY_DISABLED_MESSAGE);
final String[] categories = getPropertyStringArray(KEY_CATEGORIES);
final Set<String> categoriesSet = categories == null
? null : new ArraySet<>(Arrays.asList(categories));
final String[] intentsStrings = getPropertyStringArray(KEY_INTENTS);
final Intent[] intents = intentsStrings == null
? new Intent[0] : Arrays.stream(intentsStrings).map(uri -> {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(uri)) {
return new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
try {
return Intent.parseUri(uri, /* flags =*/ 0);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
// ignore malformed entry
return null;
final byte[][] intentExtrasesBytes = getPropertyBytesArray(KEY_INTENT_PERSISTABLE_EXTRAS);
final Bundle[] intentExtrases = intentExtrasesBytes == null
? null : Arrays.stream(intentExtrasesBytes)
if (intents != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < intents.length; i++) {
final Intent intent = intents[i];
if (intent == null || intentExtrases == null || intentExtrases.length <= i
|| intentExtrases[i] == null || intentExtrases[i].size() == 0) {
final Person[] persons = parsePerson(getPropertyDocumentArray(KEY_PERSON));
final String locusIdString = getPropertyString(KEY_LOCUS_ID);
final LocusId locusId = locusIdString == null ? null : new LocusId(locusIdString);
final byte[] extrasByte = getPropertyBytes(KEY_EXTRAS);
final PersistableBundle extras = transformToPersistableBundle(extrasByte);
final int flags = parseFlags(getPropertyStringArray(KEY_FLAGS));
final int iconResId = (int) getPropertyLong(KEY_ICON_RES_ID);
final String iconResName = getPropertyString(KEY_ICON_RES_NAME);
final String iconUri = getPropertyString(KEY_ICON_URI);
final String disabledReasonString = getPropertyString(KEY_DISABLED_REASON);
final int disabledReason = !TextUtils.isEmpty(disabledReasonString)
? Integer.parseInt(getPropertyString(KEY_DISABLED_REASON))
final Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> capabilityBindings =
return new ShortcutInfo(
userId, getId(), packageName, activity, icon, shortLabel, 0,
null, longLabel, 0, null, disabledMessage,
0, null, categoriesSet, intents,
ShortcutInfo.RANK_NOT_SET, extras, getCreationTimestampMillis(), flags, iconResId,
iconResName, null, iconUri, disabledReason, persons, locusId,
null, capabilityBindings);
* @hide
public static List<GenericDocument> toGenericDocuments(
@NonNull final Collection<ShortcutInfo> shortcuts) {
final List<GenericDocument> docs = new ArrayList<>(shortcuts.size());
for (ShortcutInfo si : shortcuts) {
return docs;
/** @hide */
public static class Builder extends GenericDocument.Builder<Builder> {
private final List<String> mFlags = new ArrayList<>(1);
public Builder(String packageName, String id) {
super(/*namespace=*/ packageName, id, SCHEMA_TYPE);
* @hide
public Builder setLocusId(@Nullable final LocusId locusId) {
if (locusId != null) {
setPropertyString(KEY_LOCUS_ID, locusId.getId());
return this;
* @hide
public Builder setActivity(@Nullable final ComponentName activity) {
if (activity != null) {
setPropertyString(KEY_ACTIVITY, activity.flattenToShortString());
return this;
* @hide
public Builder setShortLabel(@Nullable final CharSequence shortLabel) {
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(shortLabel)) {
setPropertyString(KEY_SHORT_LABEL, Preconditions.checkStringNotEmpty(
shortLabel, "shortLabel cannot be empty").toString());
return this;
* @hide
public Builder setLongLabel(@Nullable final CharSequence longLabel) {
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(longLabel)) {
setPropertyString(KEY_LONG_LABEL, Preconditions.checkStringNotEmpty(
longLabel, "longLabel cannot be empty").toString());
return this;
* @hide
public Builder setDisabledMessage(@Nullable final CharSequence disabledMessage) {
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(disabledMessage)) {
setPropertyString(KEY_DISABLED_MESSAGE, Preconditions.checkStringNotEmpty(
disabledMessage, "disabledMessage cannot be empty").toString());
return this;
* @hide
public Builder setCategories(@Nullable final Set<String> categories) {
if (categories != null && !categories.isEmpty()) {
setPropertyString(KEY_CATEGORIES, categories.stream().toArray(String[]::new));
return this;
* @hide
public Builder setIntent(@Nullable final Intent intent) {
if (intent == null) {
return this;
return setIntents(new Intent[]{intent});
* @hide
public Builder setIntents(@Nullable final Intent[] intents) {
if (intents == null || intents.length == 0) {
return this;
for (Intent intent : intents) {
Objects.requireNonNull(intent, "intents cannot contain null");
Objects.requireNonNull(intent.getAction(), "intent's action must be set");
final byte[][] intentExtrases = new byte[intents.length][];
for (int i = 0; i < intents.length; i++) {
final Intent intent = intents[i];
final Bundle extras = intent.getExtras();
intentExtrases[i] = extras == null
? new byte[0] : transformToByteArray(new PersistableBundle(extras));
setPropertyString(KEY_INTENTS, Arrays.stream(intents).map(it -> it.toUri(0))
setPropertyBytes(KEY_INTENT_PERSISTABLE_EXTRAS, intentExtrases);
return this;
* @hide
public Builder setPerson(@Nullable final Person person) {
if (person == null) {
return this;
return setPersons(new Person[]{person});
* @hide
public Builder setPersons(@Nullable final Person[] persons) {
if (persons == null || persons.length == 0) {
return this;
final GenericDocument[] documents = new GenericDocument[persons.length];
for (int i = 0; i < persons.length; i++) {
final Person person = persons[i];
if (person == null) continue;
final AppSearchShortcutPerson personEntity =
documents[i] = personEntity;
setPropertyDocument(KEY_PERSON, documents);
return this;
* @hide
public Builder setExtras(@Nullable final PersistableBundle extras) {
if (extras != null) {
setPropertyBytes(KEY_EXTRAS, transformToByteArray(extras));
return this;
* @hide
public Builder setFlags(@ShortcutInfo.ShortcutFlags final int flags) {
final String[] flagArray = flattenFlags(flags);
if (flagArray != null && flagArray.length > 0) {
return this;
* @hide
public Builder setIconResId(@Nullable final int iconResId) {
setPropertyLong(KEY_ICON_RES_ID, iconResId);
return this;
* @hide
public Builder setIconResName(@Nullable final String iconResName) {
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(iconResName)) {
setPropertyString(KEY_ICON_RES_NAME, iconResName);
return this;
* @hide
public Builder setIconUri(@Nullable final String iconUri) {
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(iconUri)) {
setPropertyString(KEY_ICON_URI, iconUri);
return this;
* @hide
public Builder setDisabledReason(@ShortcutInfo.DisabledReason final int disabledReason) {
setPropertyString(KEY_DISABLED_REASON, String.valueOf(disabledReason));
return this;
* @hide
public Builder setCapabilityBindings(
@Nullable final Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> bindings) {
if (bindings != null && !bindings.isEmpty()) {
final Set<String> capabilityNames = bindings.keySet();
final Set<String> capabilityBindings = new ArraySet<>(1);
for (String capabilityName: capabilityNames) {
final Map<String, List<String>> params =
for (String paramName: params.keySet()) {
.map(v -> capabilityName + "/" + paramName + "/" + v)
setPropertyString(KEY_CAPABILITY, capabilityNames.toArray(new String[0]));
capabilityBindings.toArray(new String[0]));
return this;
* @hide
public AppSearchShortcutInfo build() {
setPropertyString(KEY_FLAGS, mFlags.toArray(new String[0]));
return new AppSearchShortcutInfo(super.build());
* Convert PersistableBundle into byte[] for persistence.
private static byte[] transformToByteArray(@NonNull final PersistableBundle extras) {
try (ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) {
new PersistableBundle(extras).writeToStream(baos);
return baos.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
* Convert byte[] into Bundle.
private Bundle transformToBundle(@Nullable final byte[] extras) {
if (extras == null) {
return null;
try (ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(extras)) {
final Bundle ret = new Bundle();
return ret;
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
* Convert byte[] into PersistableBundle.
private PersistableBundle transformToPersistableBundle(@Nullable final byte[] extras) {
if (extras == null) {
return null;
try (ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(extras)) {
return PersistableBundle.readFromStream(bais);
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
private static String[] flattenFlags(@ShortcutInfo.ShortcutFlags final int flags) {
final List<String> flattenedFlags = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++) {
final int mask = 1 << i;
final String value = flagToString(flags, mask);
if (value != null) {
return flattenedFlags.toArray(new String[0]);
private static String flagToString(
@ShortcutInfo.ShortcutFlags final int flags, final int mask) {
switch (mask) {
case ShortcutInfo.FLAG_DYNAMIC:
return (flags & mask) != 0 ? IS_DYNAMIC : NOT_DYNAMIC;
case ShortcutInfo.FLAG_MANIFEST:
return (flags & mask) != 0 ? IS_MANIFEST : NOT_MANIFEST;
case ShortcutInfo.FLAG_DISABLED:
return (flags & mask) != 0 ? IS_DISABLED : NOT_DISABLED;
case ShortcutInfo.FLAG_IMMUTABLE:
return (flags & mask) != 0 ? IS_IMMUTABLE : NOT_IMMUTABLE;
return null;
private static int parseFlags(@Nullable final String[] flags) {
if (flags == null) {
return 0;
int ret = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < flags.length; i++) {
ret = ret | parseFlag(flags[i]);
return ret;
private static int parseFlag(final String value) {
switch (value) {
return ShortcutInfo.FLAG_DYNAMIC;
return ShortcutInfo.FLAG_MANIFEST;
return ShortcutInfo.FLAG_DISABLED;
return ShortcutInfo.FLAG_IMMUTABLE;
return 0;
private static Person[] parsePerson(@Nullable final GenericDocument[] persons) {
if (persons == null) return new Person[0];
final Person[] ret = new Person[persons.length];
for (int i = 0; i < persons.length; i++) {
final GenericDocument document = persons[i];
if (document == null) continue;
final AppSearchShortcutPerson person = new AppSearchShortcutPerson(document);
ret[i] = person.toPerson();
return ret;
private static Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> parseCapabilityBindings(
@Nullable final String[] capabilityBindings) {
if (capabilityBindings == null || capabilityBindings.length == 0) {
return null;
final Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> ret = new ArrayMap<>(1);
Arrays.stream(capabilityBindings).forEach(binding -> {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(binding)) {
final int capabilityStopIndex = binding.indexOf("/");
if (capabilityStopIndex == -1 || capabilityStopIndex == binding.length() - 1) {
final String capabilityName = binding.substring(0, capabilityStopIndex);
final int paramStopIndex = binding.indexOf("/", capabilityStopIndex + 1);
if (paramStopIndex == -1 || paramStopIndex == binding.length() - 1) {
final String paramName = binding.substring(capabilityStopIndex + 1, paramStopIndex);
final String paramValue = binding.substring(paramStopIndex + 1);
if (!ret.containsKey(capabilityName)) {
ret.put(capabilityName, new ArrayMap<>(1));
final Map<String, List<String>> params = ret.get(capabilityName);
if (!params.containsKey(paramName)) {
params.put(paramName, new ArrayList<>(1));
return ret;