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// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.base;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Environment;
import android.os.storage.StorageManager;
import android.provider.MediaStore;
import android.system.Os;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi;
import org.jni_zero.CalledByNative;
import org.chromium.base.compat.ApiHelperForM;
import org.chromium.base.compat.ApiHelperForQ;
import org.chromium.base.compat.ApiHelperForR;
import org.chromium.base.task.AsyncTask;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
/** This class provides the path related methods for the native library. */
public abstract class PathUtils {
private static final String TAG = "PathUtils";
private static final String THUMBNAIL_DIRECTORY_NAME = "textures";
private static final int DATA_DIRECTORY = 0;
private static final int THUMBNAIL_DIRECTORY = 1;
private static final int CACHE_DIRECTORY = 2;
private static final int NUM_DIRECTORIES = 3;
private static final AtomicBoolean sInitializationStarted = new AtomicBoolean();
private static FutureTask<String[]> sDirPathFetchTask;
// If the FutureTask started in setPrivateDataDirectorySuffix() fails to complete by the time we
// need the values, we will need the suffix so that we can restart the task synchronously on
// the UI thread.
private static String sDataDirectorySuffix;
private static String sCacheSubDirectory;
private static String sDataDirectoryBasePath;
private static String sCacheDirectoryBasePath;
// Prevent instantiation.
private PathUtils() {}
// Resetting is useful in Robolectric tests, where each test is run with a different
// data directory.
public static void resetForTesting() {
sDirPathFetchTask = null;
sDataDirectorySuffix = null;
sCacheSubDirectory = null;
sDataDirectoryBasePath = null;
sCacheDirectoryBasePath = null;
* Get the directory paths from sDirPathFetchTask if available, or compute it synchronously
* on the UI thread otherwise. This should only be called as part of Holder's initialization
* above to guarantee thread-safety as part of the initialization-on-demand holder idiom.
private static String[] getOrComputeDirectoryPaths() {
if (!sDirPathFetchTask.isDone()) {
try (StrictModeContext ignored = StrictModeContext.allowDiskWrites()) {
// No-op if already ran.
try {
return sDirPathFetchTask.get();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private static void chmod(String path, int mode) {
try {
Os.chmod(path, mode);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to set permissions for path \"" + path + "\"");
* Fetch the path of the directory where private data is to be stored by the application. This
* is meant to be called in an FutureTask in setPrivateDataDirectorySuffix(), but if we need the
* result before the FutureTask has had a chance to finish, then it's best to cancel the task
* and run it on the UI thread instead, inside getOrComputeDirectoryPaths().
* @see Context#getDir(String, int)
private static String[] setPrivateDirectoryPathInternal() {
String[] paths = new String[NUM_DIRECTORIES];
File dataDir = null;
File thumbnailDir = null;
Context appContext = ContextUtils.getApplicationContext();
if (sDataDirectoryBasePath == null) {
dataDir = appContext.getDir(sDataDirectorySuffix, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
thumbnailDir = appContext.getDir(THUMBNAIL_DIRECTORY_NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
} else {
dataDir = new File(sDataDirectoryBasePath, sDataDirectorySuffix);
thumbnailDir = new File(sDataDirectoryBasePath, THUMBNAIL_DIRECTORY_NAME);
File cacheDir = null;
if (sCacheDirectoryBasePath != null) {
cacheDir = new File(sCacheDirectoryBasePath);
} else {
cacheDir = appContext.getCacheDir();
if (cacheDir != null) {
if (sCacheSubDirectory != null) {
cacheDir = new File(cacheDir, sCacheSubDirectory);
if (sCacheDirectoryBasePath != null || sCacheSubDirectory != null) {
// Set to rwx--S--- as the Android cache dir has a distinct gid and is setgid.
chmod(cacheDir.getPath(), 02700);
paths[CACHE_DIRECTORY] = cacheDir.getPath();
paths[DATA_DIRECTORY] = dataDir.getPath();
// MODE_PRIVATE results in rwxrwx--x, but we want rwx------, as a defence-in-depth measure.
chmod(paths[DATA_DIRECTORY], 0700);
paths[THUMBNAIL_DIRECTORY] = thumbnailDir.getPath();
return paths;
* Starts an asynchronous task to fetch the path of the directory where private data is to be
* stored by the application.
* <p>This task can run long (or more likely be delayed in a large task queue), in which case we
* want to cancel it and run on the UI thread instead. Unfortunately, this means keeping a bit
* of extra static state - we need to store the suffix and the application context in case we
* need to try to re-execute later.
* @param dataBasePath The base path for the data directory. If null, defaults to using Android
* Platform specific app data directory.
* @param cacheBasePath The base path for the cache directory. If null, defaults to using
* Android Platform specific app cache directory.
* @param dataDirSuffix The private data directory suffix.
* @param cacheSubDir The subdirectory in the cache directory to use, if non-null.
* @see Context#getDir(String, int)
public static void setPrivateDirectoryPath(
String dataBasePath, String cacheBasePath, String dataDirSuffix, String cacheSubDir) {
// This method should only be called once, but many tests end up calling it multiple times,
// so adding a guard here.
if (!sInitializationStarted.getAndSet(true)) {
assert ContextUtils.getApplicationContext() != null;
sDataDirectoryBasePath = dataBasePath;
sCacheDirectoryBasePath = cacheBasePath;
sDataDirectorySuffix = dataDirSuffix;
sCacheSubDirectory = cacheSubDir;
// We don't use an AsyncTask because this function is called in early Webview startup
// and it won't always have a UI thread available. Thus, we can't use AsyncTask which
// inherently posts to the UI thread for onPostExecute().
sDirPathFetchTask = new FutureTask<>(PathUtils::setPrivateDirectoryPathInternal);
} else {
assert TextUtils.equals(sDataDirectoryBasePath, dataBasePath)
: String.format("%s != %s", dataBasePath, sDataDirectoryBasePath);
assert TextUtils.equals(sCacheDirectoryBasePath, cacheBasePath)
: String.format("%s != %s", cacheBasePath, sCacheDirectoryBasePath);
assert TextUtils.equals(sDataDirectorySuffix, dataDirSuffix)
: String.format("%s != %s", dataDirSuffix, sDataDirectorySuffix);
assert TextUtils.equals(sCacheSubDirectory, cacheSubDir)
: String.format("%s != %s", cacheSubDir, sCacheSubDirectory);
* Starts an asynchronous task to fetch the path of the directory where private data is to be
* stored by the application.
* <p>This task can run long (or more likely be delayed in a large task queue), in which case we
* want to cancel it and run on the UI thread instead. Unfortunately, this means keeping a bit
* of extra static state - we need to store the suffix and the application context in case we
* need to try to re-execute later.
* @param suffix The private data directory suffix.
* @param cacheSubDir The subdirectory in the cache directory to use, if non-null.
* @see Context#getDir(String, int)
public static void setPrivateDataDirectorySuffix(String suffix, String cacheSubDir) {
setPrivateDirectoryPath(null, null, suffix, cacheSubDir);
public static void setPrivateDataDirectorySuffix(String suffix) {
setPrivateDataDirectorySuffix(suffix, null);
* @param index The index of the cached directory path.
* @return The directory path requested.
private static String getDirectoryPath(int index) {
String[] paths = getOrComputeDirectoryPaths();
return paths[index];
* @return the private directory that is used to store application data.
public static String getDataDirectory() {
assert sDirPathFetchTask != null : "setDataDirectorySuffix must be called first.";
return getDirectoryPath(DATA_DIRECTORY);
* @return the cache directory.
public static String getCacheDirectory() {
assert sDirPathFetchTask != null : "setDataDirectorySuffix must be called first.";
return getDirectoryPath(CACHE_DIRECTORY);
// Should not be called from WebView, since it does not support being used in a multiprocess
// environment.
public static String getThumbnailCacheDirectory() {
assert sDirPathFetchTask != null : "setDataDirectorySuffix must be called first.";
return getDirectoryPath(THUMBNAIL_DIRECTORY);
* Returns the downloads directory. Before Android Q, this returns the public download directory
* for Chrome app. On Q+, this returns the first private download directory for the app, since Q
* will block public directory access. May return empty string when there are no external
* storage volumes mounted.
public static @NonNull String getDownloadsDirectory() {
// TODO(crbug.com/508615): Move calls to getDownloadsDirectory() to background thread.
try (StrictModeContext ignored = StrictModeContext.allowDiskReads()) {
// https://developer.android.com/preview/privacy/scoped-storage
// In Q+, Android has begun sandboxing external storage. Chrome may not have
// permission to write to Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(). Instead
// using Context.getExternalFilesDir() will return a path to sandboxed external
// storage for which no additional permissions are required.
String[] dirs = getAllPrivateDownloadsDirectories();
assert dirs != null;
return dirs.length == 0 ? "" : dirs[0];
return Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS)
* @return Download directories including the default storage directory on SD card, and a
* private directory on external SD card.
public static @NonNull String[] getAllPrivateDownloadsDirectories() {
List<File> files = new ArrayList<>();
try (StrictModeContext ignored = StrictModeContext.allowDiskWrites()) {
File[] externalDirs =
files = (externalDirs == null) ? files : Arrays.asList(externalDirs);
return toAbsolutePathStrings(files);
* @return The download directory for secondary storage on Q+, returned by
* {@link MediaStore#getExternalVolumeNames(Context)}. Notices on Android R, apps can no longer
* expose app's private directory for secondary storage. Apps should put files to
* /storage/$volume_id/Download/ directory instead.
public static @NonNull String[] getExternalDownloadVolumesNames() {
ArrayList<File> files = new ArrayList<>();
Set<String> volumes =
for (String vol : volumes) {
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(vol) && !vol.contains(MediaStore.VOLUME_EXTERNAL_PRIMARY)) {
StorageManager manager =
ContextUtils.getApplicationContext(), StorageManager.class);
File volumeDir =
ApiHelperForR.getVolumeDir(manager, MediaStore.Files.getContentUri(vol));
File volumeDownloadDir = new File(volumeDir, Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS);
// Happens in rare case when Android doesn't create the download directory for this
// volume.
if (!volumeDownloadDir.isDirectory()) {
"Download dir missing: %s, parent dir:%s, isDirectory:%s",
return toAbsolutePathStrings(files);
private static @NonNull String[] toAbsolutePathStrings(@NonNull List<File> files) {
ArrayList<String> absolutePaths = new ArrayList<String>();
for (File file : files) {
if (file == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(file.getAbsolutePath())) continue;
return absolutePaths.toArray(new String[absolutePaths.size()]);
* @return the path to native libraries.
private static String getNativeLibraryDirectory() {
ApplicationInfo ai = ContextUtils.getApplicationContext().getApplicationInfo();
if ((ai.flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_UPDATED_SYSTEM_APP) != 0
|| (ai.flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM) == 0) {
return ai.nativeLibraryDir;
return "/system/lib/";
* @return the external storage directory.
public static String getExternalStorageDirectory() {
return Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath();