1263 lines
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Protocol Buffer
1263 lines
47 KiB
Protocol Buffer
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// Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Note that if you add/remove methods in this file you must update
// the metrics sql as well ./android/scripts/gen-grpc-sql.py
// Please group deleted methods in a block including the date (MM/DD/YY)
// it was removed. This enables us to easily keep metrics around after removal
// List of deleted methods
// rpc iWasDeleted (03/12/12)
// ...
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "com.android.emulator.control";
option objc_class_prefix = "AEC";
package android.emulation.control;
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
// An EmulatorController service lets you control the emulator.
// Note that this is currently an experimental feature, and that the
// service definition might change without notice. Use at your own risk!
// We use the following rough conventions:
// streamXXX --> streams values XXX (usually for emulator lifetime). Values
// are updated as soon as they become available.
// getXXX --> gets a single value XXX
// setXXX --> sets a single value XXX, does not returning state, these
// usually have an observable lasting side effect.
// sendXXX --> send a single event XXX, possibly returning state information.
// android usually responds to these events.
service EmulatorController {
// set/get/stream the sensor data
rpc streamSensor(SensorValue) returns (stream SensorValue) {}
rpc getSensor(SensorValue) returns (SensorValue) {}
rpc setSensor(SensorValue) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// set/get/stream the physical model, this is likely the one you are
// looking for when you wish to modify the device state.
rpc setPhysicalModel(PhysicalModelValue) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
rpc getPhysicalModel(PhysicalModelValue) returns (PhysicalModelValue) {}
rpc streamPhysicalModel(PhysicalModelValue)
returns (stream PhysicalModelValue) {}
// Atomically set/get the current primary clipboard data.
rpc setClipboard(ClipData) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
rpc getClipboard(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (ClipData) {}
// Streams the current data on the clipboard. This will immediately produce
// a result with the current state of the clipboard after which the stream
// will block and wait until a new clip event is available from the guest.
// Calling the setClipboard method above will not result in generating a
// clip event. It is possible to lose clipboard events if the clipboard
// updates very rapidly.
rpc streamClipboard(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream ClipData) {}
// Set/get the battery to the given state.
rpc setBattery(BatteryState) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
rpc getBattery(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (BatteryState) {}
// Set the state of the gps.
// Note: Setting the gps position will not be reflected in the user interface.
// Keep in mind that android usually only samples the gps at 1 hz.
rpc setGps(GpsState) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// Gets the latest gps state as delivered by the setGps call, or location ui
// if active.
// Note: this is not necessarily the actual gps coordinate visible at the
// time, due to gps sample frequency (usually 1hz).
rpc getGps(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (GpsState) {}
// Simulate a touch event on the finger print sensor.
rpc sendFingerprint(Fingerprint) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// Send a keyboard event. Translating the event.
rpc sendKey(KeyboardEvent) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// Send touch/mouse events. Note that mouse events can be simulated
// by touch events.
rpc sendTouch(TouchEvent) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
rpc sendMouse(MouseEvent) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
rpc injectWheel(stream WheelEvent) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// Make a phone call.
rpc sendPhone(PhoneCall) returns (PhoneResponse) {}
// Sends an sms message to the emulator.
rpc sendSms(SmsMessage) returns (PhoneResponse) {}
// Retrieve the status of the emulator. This will contain general
// hardware information, and whether the device has booted or not.
rpc getStatus(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (EmulatorStatus) {}
// Gets an individual screenshot in the desired format.
// The image will be scaled to the desired ImageFormat, while maintaining
// the aspect ratio. The returned image will never exceed resolution of the
// device display. Not setting the width or height (i.e. they are 0) will
// result in using the display width and height.
// The resulting image will be properly oriented and can be displayed
// directly without post processing. For example, if the device has a
// 1080x1920 screen and is in landscape mode and called with no width or
// height parameter, it will return a 1920x1080 image.
// The dimensions of the returned image will never exceed the corresponding
// display dimensions. For example, this method will return a 1920x1080
// screenshot, if the display resolution is 1080x1920 and a screenshot of
// 2048x2048 is requested when the device is in landscape mode.
// This method will return an empty image if the display is not visible.
rpc getScreenshot(ImageFormat) returns (Image) {}
// Streams a series of screenshots in the desired format.
// A new frame will be delivered whenever the device produces a new frame.
// Beware that this can produce a significant amount of data and that
// certain translations can be very costly. For example, streaming a series
// of png images is very cpu intensive.
// Images are produced according to the getScreenshot API described above.
// If the display is inactive, or becomes inactive, an empty image will be
// delivered. Images will be delived again if the display becomes active and
// new frames are produced.
rpc streamScreenshot(ImageFormat) returns (stream Image) {}
// Streams a series of audio packets in the desired format.
// A new frame will be delivered whenever the emulated device
// produces a new audio frame. You can expect packets to be
// delivered in intervals of 20-30ms.
// Be aware that this can block when the emulator does not
// produce any audio whatsoever!
rpc streamAudio(AudioFormat) returns (stream AudioPacket) {}
// Injects a series of audio packets to the android microphone.
// A new frame will be delivered whenever the emulated device
// requests a new audio frame. Audio is usually delivered at a rate
// that the emulator is requesting frames. Audio will be stored in a
// temporary buffer that can hold 300ms of audio.
// Notes:
// - Only the first audio format packet that is delivered will be
// honored. There is no need to send the audio format multiple times.
// - Real time audio currently immediately overrides the buffer. This
// means you must provide a constant rate of audio packets. The real
// time mode is experimental. Timestamps of audio packets might be
// used in the future to improve synchronization.
// - INVALID_ARGUMENT (code 3) The sampling rate was too high/low
// - INVALID_ARGUMENT (code 3) The audio packet was too large to handle.
// - FAILED_PRECONDITION (code 9) If there was a microphone registered
// already.
rpc injectAudio(stream AudioPacket) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// Returns the last 128Kb of logcat output from the emulator
// Note that parsed logcat messages are only available after L (Api >23).
// it is possible that the logcat buffer gets overwritten, or falls behind.
rpc getLogcat(LogMessage) returns (LogMessage) {}
// Streams the logcat output from the emulator. The first call
// can retrieve up to 128Kb. This call will not return.
// Note that parsed logcat messages are only available after L (Api >23)
// it is possible that the logcat buffer gets overwritten, or falls behind.
rpc streamLogcat(LogMessage) returns (stream LogMessage) {}
// Transition the virtual machine to the desired state. Note that
// some states are only observable. For example you cannot transition
// to the error state.
rpc setVmState(VmRunState) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// Gets the state of the virtual machine.
rpc getVmState(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (VmRunState) {}
// Atomically changes the current multi-display configuration.
// After this call the given display configurations will be activated. You
// can only update secondary displays. Displays with id 0 will be ignored.
// This call can result in the removal or addition of secondary displays,
// the final display state can be observed by the returned configuration.
// The following gRPC error codes can be returned:
// - FAILED_PRECONDITION (code 9) if the AVD does not support a
// configurable
// secondary display.
// - INVALID_ARGUMENT (code 3) if:
// - The same display id is defined multiple times.
// - The display configurations are outside valid ranges.
// See DisplayConfiguration for details on valid ranges.
// - INTERNAL (code 13) if there was an internal emulator failure.
rpc setDisplayConfigurations(DisplayConfigurations)
returns (DisplayConfigurations) {}
// Returns all currently valid logical displays.
// The gRPC error code FAILED_PRECONDITION (code 9) is returned if the AVD
// does not support a configurable secondary display.
rpc getDisplayConfigurations(google.protobuf.Empty)
returns (DisplayConfigurations) {}
// Notifies client of the following changes:
// - Virtual scene camera status change.
// - Display configuration changes from extended ui. This will only be fired
// if the user makes modifications the extended displays through the
// extended control tab.
// Note that this method will send the initial virtual scene state
// immediately.
rpc streamNotification(google.protobuf.Empty)
returns (stream Notification) {}
// RotationRadian is relative to the camera's current orientation.
rpc rotateVirtualSceneCamera(RotationRadian)
returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// Velocity is absolute
rpc setVirtualSceneCameraVelocity(Velocity)
returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// Set foldable posture
rpc setPosture(Posture) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// Get the backlight brightness.
// The following gRPC error codes can be returned:
// - FAILED_PRECONDITION (code 9) if the AVD does not support hw-control.
rpc getBrightness(BrightnessValue) returns (BrightnessValue) {}
// Set the backlight brightness.
// The following gRPC error codes can be returned:
// - FAILED_PRECONDITION (code 9) if the AVD does not support hw-control.
// - INVALID_ARGUMENT (code 3) The brightness exceeds the valid range.
rpc setBrightness(BrightnessValue) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// Returns the current mode of the primary display of a resizable AVD.
// The following gRPC error codes can be returned:
// - FAILED_PRECONDITION (code 9) if the AVD is not resizable.
rpc getDisplayMode(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (DisplayMode) {}
// Sets the size of the primary display of a resizable AVD. Fails if the AVD
// is not resizable. The following gRPC error codes can be returned:
// - FAILED_PRECONDITION (code 9) if the AVD is not resizable.
rpc setDisplayMode(DisplayMode) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// A Run State that describes the state of the Virtual Machine.
message VmRunState {
enum RunState {
// The emulator is in an unknown state. You cannot transition to this
// state.
// Guest is actively running. You can transition to this state from the
// paused state.
// Guest is paused to load a snapshot. You cannot transition to this
// state.
// Guest has been paused. Transitioning to this state will pause the
// emulator the guest will not be consuming any cpu cycles.
// Guest is paused to take or export a snapshot. You cannot
// transition to this state.
SAVE_VM = 4;
// System shutdown, note that it is similar to power off. It tries to
// set the system status and notify guest. The system is likely going to
// disappear soon and do proper cleanup of resources, possibly taking
// a snapshot. This is the same behavior as closing the emulator by
// clicking the X (close) in the user interface.
// Immediately terminate the emulator. No resource cleanup will take
// place. There is a good change to corrupt the system.
// Will cause the emulator to reset. This is not a state you can
// observe.
RESET = 9;
// Guest experienced some error state, you cannot transition to this
// state.
RunState state = 1;
message ParameterValue {
repeated float data = 1 [packed = true];
message PhysicalModelValue {
enum State {
OK = 0;
NO_SERVICE = -3; // qemud service is not available/initiated.
DISABLED = -2; // Sensor is disabled.
UNKNOWN = -1; // Unknown sensor (should not happen)
// Details on the sensors documentation can be found here:
// https://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/Sensor.html#TYPE_
// The types must follow the order defined in
// "external/qemu/android/hw-sensors.h"
enum PhysicalType {
// All values are angles in degrees.
// values = [x,y,z]
// Temperature in °C
// Proximity sensor distance measured in centimeters
// Ambient light level in SI lux units
LIGHT = 5;
// Atmospheric pressure in hPa (millibar)
// Relative ambient air humidity in percent
// Describing a hinge angle sensor in degrees.
// Describing the device posture; the value should be an enum defined
// in Posture::PostureValue.
// Heart rate in bpm
// Ambient RGBC light intensity. Values are in order (Red, Green, Blue,
// Clear).
// Wrist tilt gesture (1 = gaze, 0 = ungaze)
PhysicalType target = 1;
// [Output Only]
State status = 2;
// Value interpretation depends on sensor.
ParameterValue value = 3;
// A single sensor value.
message SensorValue {
enum State {
OK = 0;
NO_SERVICE = -3; // qemud service is not available/initiated.
DISABLED = -2; // Sensor is disabled.
UNKNOWN = -1; // Unknown sensor (should not happen)
// These are the various sensors that can be available in an emulated
// devices.
enum SensorType {
// Measures the acceleration force in m/s2 that is applied to a device
// on all three physical axes (x, y, and z), including the force of
// gravity.
// Measures a device's rate of rotation in rad/s around each of the
// three physical axes (x, y, and z).
// Measures the ambient geomagnetic field for all three physical axes
// (x, y, z) in μT.
// Measures degrees of rotation that a device makes around all three
// physical axes (x, y, z)
// Measures the temperature of the device in degrees Celsius (°C).
// Measures the proximity of an object in cm relative to the view screen
// of a device. This sensor is typically used to determine whether a
// handset is being held up to a person's ear.
// Measures the ambient light level (illumination) in lx.
LIGHT = 6;
// Measures the ambient air pressure in hPa or mbar.
// Measures the relative ambient humidity in percent (%).
// HINGE_ANGLE0 (11), HINGE_ANGLE1 (12), HINGE_ANGLE2 (13) are
// skipped; clients should use get/setPhysicalModel() instead for these
// "sensors".
// Measures the heart rate in bpm.
// Measures the ambient RGBC light intensity.
// Values are in order (Red, Green, Blue, Clear).
// WIRST_TILT (16) is skipped; clients should use get/setPhysicalModel()
// instead.
// Measures acceleration force and provides bias data.
// Type of sensor
SensorType target = 1;
// [Output Only]
State status = 2;
// Value interpretation depends on sensor enum.
ParameterValue value = 3;
// A single backlight brightness value.
message BrightnessValue {
enum LightType {
// Display backlight. This will affect all displays.
LCD = 0;
// Type of light
LightType target = 1;
// Light intensity, ranges from 0-255.
uint32 value = 2;
// in line with android/emulation/resizable_display_config.h
enum DisplayModeValue {
PHONE = 0;
message DisplayMode {
DisplayModeValue value = 1;
message LogMessage {
// [Output Only] The contents of the log output.
string contents = 1;
// The starting byte position of the output that was returned. This
// should match the start parameter sent with the request. If the serial
// console output exceeds the size of the buffer, older output will be
// overwritten by newer content and the start values will be mismatched.
int64 start = 2;
//[Output Only] The position of the next byte of content from the serial
// console output. Use this value in the next request as the start
// parameter.
int64 next = 3;
// Set the sort of response you are interested it in.
// It the type is "Parsed" the entries field will contain the parsed
// results. otherwise the contents field will be set.
LogType sort = 4;
// [Output Only] The parsed logcat entries so far. Only set if sort is
// set to Parsed
repeated LogcatEntry entries = 5;
enum LogType {
Text = 0;
Parsed = 1;
// A parsed logcat entry.
message LogcatEntry {
// The possible log levels.
enum LogLevel {
DEBUG = 3;
INFO = 4;
WARN = 5;
ERR = 6;
FATAL = 7;
// A Unix timestamps in milliseconds (The number of milliseconds that
// have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT), not counting
// leap seconds)
uint64 timestamp = 1;
// Process id.
uint32 pid = 2;
// Thread id.
uint32 tid = 3;
LogLevel level = 4;
string tag = 5;
string msg = 6;
// Information about the hypervisor that is currently in use.
message VmConfiguration {
enum VmHypervisorType {
// An unknown hypervisor
// No hypervisor is in use. This usually means that the guest is
// running on a different CPU than the host, or you are using a
// platform where no hypervisor is available.
NONE = 1;
// The Kernel based Virtual Machine
// (https://www.linux-kvm.org/page/Main_Page)
KVM = 2;
// Intel® Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager (Intel® HAXM)
// https://github.com/intel/haxm
HAXM = 3;
// Hypervisor Framework.
// https://developer.apple.com/documentation/hypervisor
HVF = 4;
// Window Hypervisor Platform
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/virtualization/api/
WHPX = 5;
GVM = 6;
VmHypervisorType hypervisorType = 1;
int32 numberOfCpuCores = 2;
int64 ramSizeBytes = 3;
// Representation of a clipped data object on the clipboard.
message ClipData {
// UTF-8 Encoded text.
string text = 1;
// The Touch interface represents a single contact point on a
// touch-sensitive device. The contact point is commonly a finger or stylus
// and the device may be a touchscreen or trackpad.
message Touch {
// The horizontal coordinate. This is the physical location on the
// screen For example 0 indicates the leftmost coordinate.
int32 x = 1;
// The vertical coordinate. This is the physical location on the screen
// For example 0 indicates the top left coordinate.
int32 y = 2;
// The identifier is an arbitrary non-negative integer that is used to
// identify and track each tool independently when multiple tools are
// active. For example, when multiple fingers are touching the device,
// each finger should be assigned a distinct tracking id that is used as
// long as the finger remains in contact. Tracking ids may be reused
// when their associated tools move out of range.
// The emulator currently supports up to 10 concurrent touch events. The
// identifier can be any uninque value and will be mapped to the next
// available internal identifier.
int32 identifier = 3;
// Reports the physical pressure applied to the tip of the tool or the
// signal strength of the touch contact.
// The values reported must be non-zero when the tool is touching the
// device and zero otherwise to indicate that the touch event is
// completed.
// Make sure to deliver a pressure of 0 for the given identifier when
// the touch event is completed, otherwise the touch identifier will not
// be unregistered!
int32 pressure = 4;
// Optionally reports the cross-sectional area of the touch contact, or
// the length of the longer dimension of the touch contact.
int32 touch_major = 5;
// Optionally reports the length of the shorter dimension of the touch
// contact. This axis will be ignored if touch_major is reporting an
// area measurement greater than 0.
int32 touch_minor = 6;
enum EventExpiration {
// The system will use the default time of 120s to track
// the touch event with the given identifier. If no update happens
// within this timeframe the identifier is considered expired
// and can be made available for re-use. This means that a touch event
// with pressure 0 for this identifier will be send to the emulator.
// Never expire the given slot. You must *ALWAYS* close the identifier
// by sending a touch event with 0 pressure.
EventExpiration expiration = 7;
// A TouchEvent contains a list of Touch objects that are in contact with
// the touch surface.
// Touch events are delivered in sequence as specified in the touchList.
// TouchEvents are delivered to the emulated devices using ["Protocol
// B"](https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/input/multi-touch-protocol.txt)
message TouchEvent {
// The list of Touch objects, note that these do not need to be unique
repeated Touch touches = 1;
// The display device where the touch event occurred.
// Omitting or using the value 0 indicates the main display.
// Touch events cannot be send to displays other than 0, due to
// https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/150699691
int32 display = 2;
// The MouseEvent interface represents events that occur due to the user
// interacting with a pointing device (such as a mouse).
message MouseEvent {
// The horizontal coordinate. This is the physical location on the
// screen For example 0 indicates the leftmost coordinate.
int32 x = 1;
// The vertical coordinate. This is the physical location on the screen
// For example 0 indicates the top left coordinate.
int32 y = 2;
// Indicates which buttons are pressed.
// 0: No button was pressed
// 1: Primary button (left)
// 2: Secondary button (right)
int32 buttons = 3;
// The display device where the mouse event occurred.
// Omitting or using the value 0 indicates the main display.
int32 display = 4;
message WheelEvent {
// The value indicating how much the mouse wheel is rotated. Scaled so that
// 120 equals to 1 wheel click. (120 is chosen as a multiplier often used to
// represent wheel movements less than 1 wheel click. e.g.
// https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qwheelevent.html#angleDelta) Positive delta value
// is assigned to dx when the top of wheel is moved to left. Similarly
// positive delta value is assigned to dy when the top of wheel is moved
// away from the user.
int32 dx = 1;
int32 dy = 2;
// The display device where the mouse event occurred.
// Omitting or using the value 0 indicates the main display.
int32 display = 3;
// KeyboardEvent objects describe a user interaction with the keyboard; each
// event describes a single interaction between the user and a key (or
// combination of a key with modifier keys) on the keyboard.
// This follows the pattern as set by
// (javascript)[https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent]
// Note: that only keyCode, key, or text can be set and that the semantics
// will slightly vary.
message KeyboardEvent {
// Code types that the emulator can receive. Note that the emulator
// will do its best to translate the code to an evdev value that
// will be send to the emulator. This translation is based on
// the chromium translation tables. See
// (this)[https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/qemu/+/refs/heads/emu-master-dev/android/android-grpc/android/emulation/control/keyboard/keycode_converter_data.inc]
// for details on the translation.
enum KeyCodeType {
Usb = 0;
Evdev = 1;
XKB = 2;
Win = 3;
Mac = 4;
enum KeyEventType {
// Indicates that this keyevent should be send to the emulator
// as a key down event. Meaning that the key event will be
// translated to an EvDev event type and bit 11 (0x400) will be
// set before it is sent to the emulator.
keydown = 0;
// Indicates that the keyevent should be send to the emulator
// as a key up event. Meaning that the key event will be
// translated to an EvDev event type and
// sent to the emulator.
keyup = 1;
// Indicates that the keyevent will be send to the emulator
// as e key down event and immediately followed by a keyup event.
keypress = 2;
// Type of keycode contained in the keyCode field.
KeyCodeType codeType = 1;
// The type of keyboard event that should be sent to the emulator
KeyEventType eventType = 2;
// This property represents a physical key on the keyboard (as opposed
// to the character generated by pressing the key). In other words, this
// property is a value which isn't altered by keyboard layout or the
// state of the modifier keys. This value will be interpreted by the
// emulator depending on the KeyCodeType. The incoming key code will be
// translated to an evdev code type and send to the emulator.
// The values in key and text will be ignored.
int32 keyCode = 3;
// The value of the key pressed by the user, taking into consideration
// the state of modifier keys such as Shift as well as the keyboard
// locale and layout. This follows the w3c standard used in browsers.
// You can find an accurate description of valid values
// [here](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/key/Key_Values)
// Note that some keys can result in multiple evdev events that are
// delivered to the emulator. for example the Key "A" will result in a
// sequence:
// ["Shift", "a"] -> [0x2a, 0x1e] whereas "a" results in ["a"] -> [0x1e].
// Not all documented keys are understood by android, and only printable
// ASCII [32-127) characters are properly translated.
// Keep in mind that there are a set of key values that result in android
// specific behavior
// [see](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/key/Key_Values#Phone_keys):
// - "AppSwitch": Behaves as the "Overview" button in android.
// - "GoBack": The Back button.
// - "GoHome": The Home button, which takes the user to the phone's main
// screen (usually an application launcher).
// - "Power": The Power button.
string key = 4;
// Series of utf8 encoded characters to send to the emulator. An attempt
// will be made to translate every character will an EvDev event type and
// send to the emulator as a keypress event. The values in keyCode,
// eventType, codeType and key will be ignored.
// Note that most printable ASCII characters (range [32-127) can be send
// individually with the "key" param. Do not expect arbitrary UTF symbols to
// arrive in the emulator (most will be ignored).
// Note that it is possible to overrun the keyboard buffer by slamming this
// endpoint with large quantities of text (>1kb). The clipboard api is
// better suited for transferring large quantities of text.
string text = 5;
message Fingerprint {
// True when the fingprint is touched.
bool isTouching = 1;
// The identifier of the registered fingerprint.
int32 touchId = 2;
message GpsState {
// Setting this to false will disable auto updating from the LocationUI,
// otherwise the location UI will override the location at a frequency of
// 1hz.
// - This is unused if the emulator is launched with -no-window, or when he
// location ui is disabled.
// - This will BREAK the location ui experience if it is set to false. For
// example routing will no longer function.
bool passiveUpdate = 1;
// The latitude, in degrees.
double latitude = 2;
// The longitude, in degrees.
double longitude = 3;
// The speed if it is available, in meters/second over ground
double speed = 4;
// gets the horizontal direction of travel of this device, and is not
// related to the device orientation. It is guaranteed to be in the
// range [0.0, 360.0] if the device has a bearing. 0=North, 90=East,
// 180=South, etc..
double bearing = 5;
// The altitude if available, in meters above the WGS 84 reference
// ellipsoid.
double altitude = 6;
// The number of satellites used to derive the fix
int32 satellites = 7;
message BatteryState {
enum BatteryStatus {
FULL = 4;
enum BatteryCharger {
NONE = 0;
AC = 1;
USB = 2;
enum BatteryHealth {
GOOD = 0;
DEAD = 2;
bool hasBattery = 1;
bool isPresent = 2;
BatteryCharger charger = 3;
int32 chargeLevel = 4;
BatteryHealth health = 5;
BatteryStatus status = 6;
// An ImageTransport allows for specifying a side channel for
// delivering image frames versus using the standard bytes array that is
// returned with the gRPC request.
message ImageTransport {
enum TransportChannel {
// Return full frames over the gRPC transport
// Write images to the a file/shared memory handle.
MMAP = 1;
// The desired transport channel used for delivering image frames. Only
// relevant when streaming screenshots.
TransportChannel channel = 1;
// Handle used for writing image frames if transport is mmap. The client
// sets and owns this handle. It can be either a shm region, or a mmap. A
// mmap should be a url that starts with `file:///` Note: the mmap can
// result in tearing.
string handle = 2;
// The aspect ratio (width/height) will be different from the one
// where the device is unfolded.
message FoldedDisplay {
uint32 width = 1;
uint32 height = 2;
// It is possible for the screen to be folded in different ways depending
// on which surface is shown to the user. So xOffset and yOffset indicate
// the top left corner of the folded screen within the original unfolded
// screen.
uint32 xOffset = 3;
uint32 yOffset = 4;
message ImageFormat {
enum ImgFormat {
// Portable Network Graphics format
// (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Network_Graphics)
PNG = 0;
// Three-channel RGB color model supplemented with a fourth alpha
// channel. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RGBA_color_model
// Each pixel consists of 4 bytes.
RGBA8888 = 1;
// Three-channel RGB color model, each pixel consists of 3 bytes
RGB888 = 2;
// The (desired) format of the resulting bytes.
ImgFormat format = 1;
// [Output Only] The rotation of the image. The image will be rotated
// based upon the coarse grained orientation of the device.
Rotation rotation = 2;
// The (desired) width of the image. When passed as input
// the image will be scaled to match the given
// width, while maintaining the aspect ratio of the device.
// The returned image will never exceed the given width, but can be less.
// Omitting this value (or passing in 0) will result in no scaling,
// and the width of the actual device will be used.
uint32 width = 3;
// The (desired) height of the image. When passed as input
// the image will be scaled to match the given
// height, while maintaining the aspect ratio of the device.
// The returned image will never exceed the given height, but can be less.
// Omitting this value (or passing in 0) will result in no scaling,
// and the height of the actual device will be used.
uint32 height = 4;
// The (desired) display id of the device. Setting this to 0 (or omitting)
// indicates the main display.
uint32 display = 5;
// Set this if you wish to use a different transport channel to deliver
// image frames.
ImageTransport transport = 6;
// [Output Only] Display configuration when screen is folded. The value is
// the original configuration before scaling.
FoldedDisplay foldedDisplay = 7;
// [Output Only] Display mode when AVD is resizable.
DisplayModeValue displayMode = 8;
message Image {
ImageFormat format = 1;
uint32 width = 2 [deprecated = true]; // width is contained in format.
uint32 height = 3 [deprecated = true]; // height is contained in format.
// The organization of the pixels in the image buffer is from left to
// right and bottom up. This will be empty if an alternative image transport
// is requested in the image format. In that case the side channel should
// be used to obtain the image data.
bytes image = 4;
// [Output Only] Monotonically increasing sequence number in a stream of
// screenshots. The first screenshot will have a sequence of 0. A single
// screenshot will always have a sequence number of 0. The sequence is not
// necessarily contiguous, and can be used to detect how many frames were
// dropped. An example sequence could be: [0, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11].
uint32 seq = 5;
// [Output Only] Unix timestamp in microseconds when the emulator estimates
// the frame was generated. The timestamp is before the actual frame is
// copied and transformed. This can be used to calculate variance between
// frame production time, and frame depiction time.
uint64 timestampUs = 6;
message Rotation {
enum SkinRotation {
PORTRAIT = 0; // 0 degrees
LANDSCAPE = 1; // 90 degrees
REVERSE_PORTRAIT = 2; // -180 degrees
REVERSE_LANDSCAPE = 3; // -90 degrees
// The rotation of the device, derived from the sensor state
// of the emulator. The derivation reflects how android observes
// the rotation state.
SkinRotation rotation = 1;
// Specifies the angle of rotation, in degrees [-180, 180]
double xAxis = 2;
double yAxis = 3;
double zAxis = 4;
message PhoneCall {
enum Operation {
InitCall = 0;
AcceptCall = 1;
RejectCallExplicit = 2;
RejectCallBusy = 3;
DisconnectCall = 4;
PlaceCallOnHold = 5;
TakeCallOffHold = 6;
Operation operation = 1;
string number = 2;
message PhoneResponse {
enum Response {
OK = 0;
BadOperation = 1; // Enum out of range
BadNumber = 2; // Mal-formed telephone number
InvalidAction = 3; // E.g., disconnect when no call is in progress
ActionFailed = 4; // Internal error
RadioOff = 5; // Radio power off
Response response = 1;
message Entry {
string key = 1;
string value = 2;
message EntryList {
repeated Entry entry = 1;
message EmulatorStatus {
// The emulator version string.
string version = 1;
// The time the emulator has been active in .ms
uint64 uptime = 2;
// True if the device has completed booting.
// For P and later this information will accurate,
// for older images we rely on adb.
bool booted = 3;
// The current vm configuration
VmConfiguration vmConfig = 4;
// The hardware configuration of the running emulator as
// key valure pairs.
EntryList hardwareConfig = 5;
message AudioFormat {
enum SampleFormat {
AUD_FMT_U8 = 0; // Unsigned 8 bit
AUD_FMT_S16 = 1; // Signed 16 bit (little endian)
enum Channels {
Mono = 0;
Stereo = 1;
enum DeliveryMode {
// The audio queue will block and wait until the emulator requests
// packets. The client does not have to throttle and can push packets at
// will. This can result in the client falling behind.
// Audio packets will be delivered in real time (when possible). The
// audio queue will be overwritten with incoming data if data is made
// available. This means the client needs to control timing properly, or
// packets will get overwritten.
// Sampling rate to use, defaulting to 44100 if this is not set.
// Note, that android devices typically will not use a sampling
// rate higher than 48kHz. See
// https://developer.android.com/ndk/guides/audio.
uint64 samplingRate = 1;
Channels channels = 2;
SampleFormat format = 3;
// [Input Only]
// The mode used when delivering audio packets.
DeliveryMode mode = 4;
message AudioPacket {
AudioFormat format = 1;
// Unix epoch in us when this frame was captured.
uint64 timestamp = 2;
// Contains a sample in the given audio format.
bytes audio = 3;
message SmsMessage {
// The source address where this message came from.
// The address should be a valid GSM-formatted address as specified by
// 3GPP 23.040 Sec
// For example: +3106225412 or (650) 555-1221
string srcAddress = 1;
// A utf8 encoded text message that should be delivered.
string text = 2;
// A DisplayConfiguration describes a primary or secondary
// display available to the emulator. The screen aspect ratio
// cannot be longer (or wider) than 21:9 (or 9:21). Screen sizes
// larger than 4k will be rejected.
// Common configurations (w x h) are:
// - 480p (480x720) 142 dpi
// - 720p (720x1280) 213 dpi
// - 1080p (1080x1920) 320 dpi
// - 4K (2160x3840) 320 dpi
// - 4K (2160x3840) 640 dpi (upscaled)
// The behavior of the virtual display depends on the flags that are provided to
// this method. By default, virtual displays are created to be private,
// non-presentation and unsecure.
message DisplayConfiguration {
// These are the set of known android flags and their respective values.
// you can combine the int values to (de)construct the flags field below.
enum DisplayFlags {
// When this flag is set, the virtual display is public.
// A public virtual display behaves just like most any other display
// that is connected to the system such as an external or wireless
// display. Applications can open windows on the display and the system
// may mirror the contents of other displays onto it. see:
// https://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/display/DisplayManager#VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_PUBLIC
// When this flag is set, the virtual display is registered as a
// presentation display in the presentation display category.
// Applications may automatically project their content to presentation
// displays to provide richer second screen experiences.
// https://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/display/DisplayManager#VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_PRESENTATION
// When this flag is set, the virtual display is considered secure as
// defined by the Display#FLAG_SECURE display flag. The caller promises
// to take reasonable measures, such as over-the-air encryption, to
// prevent the contents of the display from being intercepted or
// recorded on a persistent medium.
// see:
// https://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/display/DisplayManager#VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_SECURE
// This flag is used in conjunction with VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_PUBLIC.
// Ordinarily public virtual displays will automatically mirror the
// content of the default display if they have no windows of their own.
// When this flag is specified, the virtual display will only ever show
// its own content and will be blanked instead if it has no windows. See
// https://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/display/DisplayManager#VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_OWN_CONTENT_ONLY
// Allows content to be mirrored on private displays when no content is
// being shown.
// This flag is mutually exclusive with
// VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_OWN_CONTENT_ONLY. If both flags are specified
// then the own-content only behavior will be applied.
// see:
// https://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/display/DisplayManager#VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_AUTO_MIRROR)
// The width of the display, restricted to:
// 320 * (dpi / 160) <= width
uint32 width = 1;
// The heigh of the display, restricted to:
// * 320 * (dpi / 160) <= height
uint32 height = 2;
// The pixel density (dpi).
// See https://developer.android.com/training/multiscreen/screendensities
// for details. This value should be in the range [120, ..., 640]
uint32 dpi = 3;
// A combination of virtual display flags. These flags can be constructed
// by combining the DisplayFlags enum described above.
// The behavior of the virtual display depends on the flags. By default
// virtual displays are created to be private, non-presentation and
// unsecure.
uint32 flags = 4;
// The id of the display.
// The primary (default) display has the display ID of 0.
// A secondary display has a display ID not 0.
// A display with the id in the range [1, userConfigurable]
// can be modified. See DisplayConfigurations below for details.
// The id can be used to get or stream a screenshot.
uint32 display = 5;
// Provides information about all the displays that can be attached
// to the emulator. The emulator will always have at least one display.
// The emulator usually has the following display configurations:
// 0: The default display.
// 1 - 3: User configurable displays. These can be added/removed.
// For example the standalone emulator allows you to modify these
// in the extended controls.
// 6 - 11: Fixed external displays. For example Android Auto uses fixed
// displays in this range.
message DisplayConfigurations {
repeated DisplayConfiguration displays = 1;
// Display configurations with id [1, userConfigurable] are
// user configurable, that is they can be added, removed or
// updated.
uint32 userConfigurable = 2;
// The maximum number of attached displays this emulator supports.
// This is the total number of displays that can be attached to
// the emulator.
// Note: A display with an id that is larger than userConfigurable cannot
// be modified.
uint32 maxDisplays = 3;
message Notification {
enum EventType {
// Fired when an update to a display event has been fired through
// the extended ui. This does not fire events when the display
// is changed through the console or gRPC endpoint.
// Keep adding more for other event types
EventType event = 1;
message RotationRadian {
float x = 1; // x axis is horizontal and orthogonal to the view direction.
float y = 2; // y axis points up and is perpendicular to the floor.
float z = 3; // z axis is the view direction and is set to 0.0 in
// rotateVirtualSceneCamera call.
message Velocity {
float x = 1; // x axis is horizontal and orthogonal to the view direction.
float y = 2; // y axis points up and is perpendicular to the floor.
float z = 3; // z axis is the view direction
// must follow the definition in "external/qemu/android/hw-sensors.h"
message Posture {
enum PostureValue {
PostureValue value = 3;