
155 lines
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Protocol Buffer
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2025-01-20 15:15:20 +00:00
// Copyright 2018 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package waterfall;
option java_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "WaterfallProto";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
message Message {
bytes payload = 1;
// Keep this as lean as possible. We only care about the payload during most
// of the duration of the session. All other fields are only useful during
// the beginning/end of the transfer
message Transfer {
// Remote path to for push/pull. Remote path lives in the server fs.
// There is no need to send local path, since client has this info.
string path = 1;
// A stream of bytes. Encoded as a tarball.
bytes payload = 2;
// status fields.
bool success = 3;
bytes err = 4;
message Cmd {
// Path to the binary to execute.
// Path should be absolute. Otherwise behavior is not specified.
// use /system/bin/sh -c to run in a shell.
// Interactive shell is not supported.
string path = 1;
// Args to pass to the command
repeated string args = 2;
// Directory to execute the command
string dir = 3;
// Whether to pipe stdin to the command
bool pipeIn = 4;
// Environment to use
map<string, string> env = 5;
message CmdProgress {
// Command to execute. Only valid for the initial message of the stream.
Cmd cmd = 5;
// the exit code of the command.
// Only populated when the gRPC stream is done.
// I.e. the last message before the EOF.
uint32 exit_code = 1;
bytes stdout = 2;
bytes stderr = 3;
bytes stdin = 4;
message ForwardMessage {
enum Kind {
UNSET = 0;
TCP = 1;
UDP = 2;
UNIX = 3;
enum Op {
OPEN = 0;
FWD = 1;
CLOSE = 2;
// Kind of connection to start (tcp|udp|unix)
Kind kind = 1;
Op op = 2;
// Address to open and redirect payload to.
string addr = 3;
// Data to be pushed to connection established on addr.
bytes payload = 4;
// Whether or not to rebind the port.
bool rebind = 5;
message VersionMessage {
string version = 1;
service Waterfall {
// Echo exists solely for test purposes.
rpc Echo(stream Message) returns (stream Message);
// Push file/dir from host to device.
rpc Push(stream Transfer) returns (Transfer);
// Pull file/dir from device to host.
rpc Pull(Transfer) returns (stream Transfer);
// Exec executes cmd in the device and forward stdout and stderr to client
// Exec expects a single initial CmdProgress message if stdin is not
// being redirected. Otherwise Exec will read std from the stream.
rpc Exec(stream CmdProgress) returns (stream CmdProgress);
// Forward forwards the stream payload to the requested socket
rpc Forward(stream ForwardMessage) returns (stream ForwardMessage);
// Version gets the version of the server.
rpc Version(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (VersionMessage);
message ForwardSession {
string src = 1;
string dst = 2;
message PortForwardRequest {
bool rebind = 3;
ForwardSession session = 4;
message ForwardedSessions {
repeated ForwardSession sessions = 1;
// PortForwarder service runs a port forwarding session via waterfall.
// It allows start and stop forwarding connections when the waterfall client
// is unable to mantains any state (e.g. the waterfall adb binary).
service PortForwarder {
rpc ForwardPort(PortForwardRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
rpc Stop(PortForwardRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
rpc StopAll(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
rpc List(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (ForwardedSessions);