/* * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.database.sqlite; import android.annotation.NonNull; import android.annotation.Nullable; import android.compat.annotation.UnsupportedAppUsage; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.DatabaseUtils; import android.os.Build; import android.os.CancellationSignal; import android.os.OperationCanceledException; import android.provider.BaseColumns; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.ArrayMap; import android.util.Log; import com.android.internal.util.ArrayUtils; import libcore.util.EmptyArray; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * This is a convenience class that helps build SQL queries to be sent to * {@link SQLiteDatabase} objects. *

* This class is often used to compose a SQL query from client-supplied fragments. Best practice * to protect against invalid or illegal SQL is to set the following: *

*/ public class SQLiteQueryBuilder { private static final String TAG = "SQLiteQueryBuilder"; private static final Pattern sAggregationPattern = Pattern.compile( "(?i)(AVG|COUNT|MAX|MIN|SUM|TOTAL|GROUP_CONCAT)\\((.+)\\)"); private Map mProjectionMap = null; private Collection mProjectionGreylist = null; @UnsupportedAppUsage(maxTargetSdk = Build.VERSION_CODES.P, trackingBug = 115609023) private String mTables = ""; @UnsupportedAppUsage(maxTargetSdk = Build.VERSION_CODES.P, trackingBug = 115609023) private StringBuilder mWhereClause = null; // lazily created @UnsupportedAppUsage(maxTargetSdk = Build.VERSION_CODES.P, trackingBug = 115609023) private boolean mDistinct; private SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory mFactory; private static final int STRICT_PARENTHESES = 1 << 0; private static final int STRICT_COLUMNS = 1 << 1; private static final int STRICT_GRAMMAR = 1 << 2; private int mStrictFlags; public SQLiteQueryBuilder() { mDistinct = false; mFactory = null; } /** * Mark the query as {@code DISTINCT}. * * @param distinct if true the query is {@code DISTINCT}, otherwise it isn't */ public void setDistinct(boolean distinct) { mDistinct = distinct; } /** * Get if the query is marked as {@code DISTINCT}, as last configured by * {@link #setDistinct(boolean)}. */ public boolean isDistinct() { return mDistinct; } /** * Returns the list of tables being queried * * @return the list of tables being queried */ public @Nullable String getTables() { return mTables; } /** * Sets the list of tables to query. Multiple tables can be specified to perform a join. * For example: * setTables("foo, bar") * setTables("foo LEFT OUTER JOIN bar ON (foo.id = bar.foo_id)") * * @param inTables the list of tables to query on */ public void setTables(@Nullable String inTables) { mTables = inTables; } /** * Append a chunk to the {@code WHERE} clause of the query. All chunks appended are surrounded * by parenthesis and {@code AND}ed with the selection passed to {@link #query}. The final * {@code WHERE} clause looks like: *

* WHERE (<append chunk 1><append chunk2>) AND (<query() selection parameter>) * * @param inWhere the chunk of text to append to the {@code WHERE} clause. */ public void appendWhere(@NonNull CharSequence inWhere) { if (mWhereClause == null) { mWhereClause = new StringBuilder(inWhere.length() + 16); } mWhereClause.append(inWhere); } /** * Append a chunk to the {@code WHERE} clause of the query. All chunks appended are surrounded * by parenthesis and ANDed with the selection passed to {@link #query}. The final * {@code WHERE} clause looks like: *

* WHERE (<append chunk 1><append chunk2>) AND (<query() selection parameter>) * * @param inWhere the chunk of text to append to the {@code WHERE} clause. it will be escaped * to avoid SQL injection attacks */ public void appendWhereEscapeString(@NonNull String inWhere) { if (mWhereClause == null) { mWhereClause = new StringBuilder(inWhere.length() + 16); } DatabaseUtils.appendEscapedSQLString(mWhereClause, inWhere); } /** * Add a standalone chunk to the {@code WHERE} clause of this query. *

* This method differs from {@link #appendWhere(CharSequence)} in that it * automatically appends {@code AND} to any existing {@code WHERE} clause * already under construction before appending the given standalone * expression wrapped in parentheses. * * @param inWhere the standalone expression to append to the {@code WHERE} * clause. It will be wrapped in parentheses when it's appended. */ public void appendWhereStandalone(@NonNull CharSequence inWhere) { if (mWhereClause == null) { mWhereClause = new StringBuilder(inWhere.length() + 16); } if (mWhereClause.length() > 0) { mWhereClause.append(" AND "); } mWhereClause.append('(').append(inWhere).append(')'); } /** * Sets the projection map for the query. The projection map maps * from column names that the caller passes into query to database * column names. This is useful for renaming columns as well as * disambiguating column names when doing joins. For example you * could map "name" to "people.name". If a projection map is set * it must contain all column names the user may request, even if * the key and value are the same. * * @param columnMap maps from the user column names to the database column names */ public void setProjectionMap(@Nullable Map columnMap) { mProjectionMap = columnMap; } /** * Gets the projection map for the query, as last configured by * {@link #setProjectionMap(Map)}. */ public @Nullable Map getProjectionMap() { return mProjectionMap; } /** * Sets a projection greylist of columns that will be allowed through, even * when {@link #setStrict(boolean)} is enabled. This provides a way for * abusive custom columns like {@code COUNT(*)} to continue working. */ public void setProjectionGreylist(@Nullable Collection projectionGreylist) { mProjectionGreylist = projectionGreylist; } /** * Gets the projection greylist for the query, as last configured by * {@link #setProjectionGreylist}. */ public @Nullable Collection getProjectionGreylist() { return mProjectionGreylist; } /** {@hide} */ @Deprecated public void setProjectionAggregationAllowed(boolean projectionAggregationAllowed) { } /** {@hide} */ @Deprecated public boolean isProjectionAggregationAllowed() { return true; } /** * Sets the cursor factory to be used for the query. You can use * one factory for all queries on a database but it is normally * easier to specify the factory when doing this query. * * @param factory the factory to use. */ public void setCursorFactory(@Nullable SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory factory) { mFactory = factory; } /** * Gets the cursor factory to be used for the query, as last configured by * {@link #setCursorFactory(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory)}. */ public @Nullable SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory getCursorFactory() { return mFactory; } /** * When set, the selection is verified against malicious arguments. When * using this class to create a statement using * {@link #buildQueryString(boolean, String, String[], String, String, String, String, String)}, * non-numeric limits will raise an exception. If a projection map is * specified, fields not in that map will be ignored. If this class is used * to execute the statement directly using * {@link #query(SQLiteDatabase, String[], String, String[], String, String, String)} * or * {@link #query(SQLiteDatabase, String[], String, String[], String, String, String, String)}, * additionally also parenthesis escaping selection are caught. To * summarize: To get maximum protection against malicious third party apps * (for example content provider consumers), make sure to do the following: *


* This feature is disabled by default on each newly constructed * {@link SQLiteQueryBuilder} and needs to be manually enabled. */ public void setStrict(boolean strict) { if (strict) { mStrictFlags |= STRICT_PARENTHESES; } else { mStrictFlags &= ~STRICT_PARENTHESES; } } /** * Get if the query is marked as strict, as last configured by * {@link #setStrict(boolean)}. */ public boolean isStrict() { return (mStrictFlags & STRICT_PARENTHESES) != 0; } /** * When enabled, verify that all projections and {@link ContentValues} only * contain valid columns as defined by {@link #setProjectionMap(Map)}. *

* This enforcement applies to {@link #insert}, {@link #query}, and * {@link #update} operations. Any enforcement failures will throw an * {@link IllegalArgumentException}. *

* This feature is disabled by default on each newly constructed * {@link SQLiteQueryBuilder} and needs to be manually enabled. */ public void setStrictColumns(boolean strictColumns) { if (strictColumns) { mStrictFlags |= STRICT_COLUMNS; } else { mStrictFlags &= ~STRICT_COLUMNS; } } /** * Get if the query is marked as strict, as last configured by * {@link #setStrictColumns(boolean)}. */ public boolean isStrictColumns() { return (mStrictFlags & STRICT_COLUMNS) != 0; } /** * When enabled, verify that all untrusted SQL conforms to a restricted SQL * grammar. Here are the restrictions applied: *

* All column references must be valid as defined by * {@link #setProjectionMap(Map)}. *

* This enforcement applies to {@link #query}, {@link #update} and * {@link #delete} operations. This enforcement does not apply to trusted * inputs, such as those provided by {@link #appendWhere}. Any enforcement * failures will throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException}. *

* This feature is disabled by default on each newly constructed * {@link SQLiteQueryBuilder} and needs to be manually enabled. */ public void setStrictGrammar(boolean strictGrammar) { if (strictGrammar) { mStrictFlags |= STRICT_GRAMMAR; } else { mStrictFlags &= ~STRICT_GRAMMAR; } } /** * Get if the query is marked as strict, as last configured by * {@link #setStrictGrammar(boolean)}. */ public boolean isStrictGrammar() { return (mStrictFlags & STRICT_GRAMMAR) != 0; } /** * Build an SQL query string from the given clauses. * * @param distinct true if you want each row to be unique, false otherwise. * @param tables The table names to compile the query against. * @param columns A list of which columns to return. Passing null will * return all columns, which is discouraged to prevent reading * data from storage that isn't going to be used. * @param where A filter declaring which rows to return, formatted as an SQL * {@code WHERE} clause (excluding the {@code WHERE} itself). Passing {@code null} will * return all rows for the given URL. * @param groupBy A filter declaring how to group rows, formatted as an SQL * {@code GROUP BY} clause (excluding the {@code GROUP BY} itself). Passing {@code null} * will cause the rows to not be grouped. * @param having A filter declare which row groups to include in the cursor, * if row grouping is being used, formatted as an SQL {@code HAVING} * clause (excluding the {@code HAVING} itself). Passing null will cause * all row groups to be included, and is required when row * grouping is not being used. * @param orderBy How to order the rows, formatted as an SQL {@code ORDER BY} clause * (excluding the {@code ORDER BY} itself). Passing null will use the * default sort order, which may be unordered. * @param limit Limits the number of rows returned by the query, * formatted as {@code LIMIT} clause. Passing null denotes no {@code LIMIT} clause. * @return the SQL query string */ public static String buildQueryString( boolean distinct, String tables, String[] columns, String where, String groupBy, String having, String orderBy, String limit) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(groupBy) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(having)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "HAVING clauses are only permitted when using a groupBy clause"); } StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(120); query.append("SELECT "); if (distinct) { query.append("DISTINCT "); } if (columns != null && columns.length != 0) { appendColumns(query, columns); } else { query.append("* "); } query.append("FROM "); query.append(tables); appendClause(query, " WHERE ", where); appendClause(query, " GROUP BY ", groupBy); appendClause(query, " HAVING ", having); appendClause(query, " ORDER BY ", orderBy); appendClause(query, " LIMIT ", limit); return query.toString(); } private static void appendClause(StringBuilder s, String name, String clause) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(clause)) { s.append(name); s.append(clause); } } /** * Add the names that are non-null in columns to s, separating * them with commas. */ public static void appendColumns(StringBuilder s, String[] columns) { int n = columns.length; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { String column = columns[i]; if (column != null) { if (i > 0) { s.append(", "); } s.append(column); } } s.append(' '); } /** * Perform a query by combining all current settings and the * information passed into this method. * * @param db the database to query on * @param projectionIn A list of which columns to return. Passing * null will return all columns, which is discouraged to prevent * reading data from storage that isn't going to be used. * @param selection A filter declaring which rows to return, * formatted as an SQL {@code WHERE} clause (excluding the {@code WHERE} * itself). Passing null will return all rows for the given URL. * @param selectionArgs You may include ?s in selection, which * will be replaced by the values from selectionArgs, in order * that they appear in the selection. The values will be bound * as Strings. * @param groupBy A filter declaring how to group rows, formatted * as an SQL {@code GROUP BY} clause (excluding the {@code GROUP BY} * itself). Passing null will cause the rows to not be grouped. * @param having A filter declare which row groups to include in * the cursor, if row grouping is being used, formatted as an * SQL {@code HAVING} clause (excluding the {@code HAVING} itself). Passing * null will cause all row groups to be included, and is * required when row grouping is not being used. * @param sortOrder How to order the rows, formatted as an SQL * {@code ORDER BY} clause (excluding the {@code ORDER BY} itself). Passing null * will use the default sort order, which may be unordered. * @return a cursor over the result set * @see android.content.ContentResolver#query(android.net.Uri, String[], * String, String[], String) */ public Cursor query(SQLiteDatabase db, String[] projectionIn, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String groupBy, String having, String sortOrder) { return query(db, projectionIn, selection, selectionArgs, groupBy, having, sortOrder, null /* limit */, null /* cancellationSignal */); } /** * Perform a query by combining all current settings and the * information passed into this method. * * @param db the database to query on * @param projectionIn A list of which columns to return. Passing * null will return all columns, which is discouraged to prevent * reading data from storage that isn't going to be used. * @param selection A filter declaring which rows to return, * formatted as an SQL {@code WHERE} clause (excluding the {@code WHERE} * itself). Passing null will return all rows for the given URL. * @param selectionArgs You may include ?s in selection, which * will be replaced by the values from selectionArgs, in order * that they appear in the selection. The values will be bound * as Strings. * @param groupBy A filter declaring how to group rows, formatted * as an SQL {@code GROUP BY} clause (excluding the {@code GROUP BY} * itself). Passing null will cause the rows to not be grouped. * @param having A filter declare which row groups to include in * the cursor, if row grouping is being used, formatted as an * SQL {@code HAVING} clause (excluding the {@code HAVING} itself). Passing * null will cause all row groups to be included, and is * required when row grouping is not being used. * @param sortOrder How to order the rows, formatted as an SQL * {@code ORDER BY} clause (excluding the {@code ORDER BY} itself). Passing null * will use the default sort order, which may be unordered. * @param limit Limits the number of rows returned by the query, * formatted as {@code LIMIT} clause. Passing null denotes no {@code LIMIT} clause. * @return a cursor over the result set * @see android.content.ContentResolver#query(android.net.Uri, String[], * String, String[], String) */ public Cursor query(SQLiteDatabase db, String[] projectionIn, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String groupBy, String having, String sortOrder, String limit) { return query(db, projectionIn, selection, selectionArgs, groupBy, having, sortOrder, limit, null); } /** * Perform a query by combining all current settings and the * information passed into this method. * * @param db the database to query on * @param projectionIn A list of which columns to return. Passing * null will return all columns, which is discouraged to prevent * reading data from storage that isn't going to be used. * @param selection A filter declaring which rows to return, * formatted as an SQL {@code WHERE} clause (excluding the {@code WHERE} * itself). Passing null will return all rows for the given URL. * @param selectionArgs You may include ?s in selection, which * will be replaced by the values from selectionArgs, in order * that they appear in the selection. The values will be bound * as Strings. * @param groupBy A filter declaring how to group rows, formatted * as an SQL {@code GROUP BY} clause (excluding the {@code GROUP BY} * itself). Passing null will cause the rows to not be grouped. * @param having A filter declare which row groups to include in * the cursor, if row grouping is being used, formatted as an * SQL {@code HAVING} clause (excluding the {@code HAVING} itself). Passing * null will cause all row groups to be included, and is * required when row grouping is not being used. * @param sortOrder How to order the rows, formatted as an SQL * {@code ORDER BY} clause (excluding the {@code ORDER BY} itself). Passing null * will use the default sort order, which may be unordered. * @param limit Limits the number of rows returned by the query, * formatted as {@code LIMIT} clause. Passing null denotes no {@code LIMIT} clause. * @param cancellationSignal A signal to cancel the operation in progress, or null if none. * If the operation is canceled, then {@link OperationCanceledException} will be thrown * when the query is executed. * @return a cursor over the result set * @see android.content.ContentResolver#query(android.net.Uri, String[], * String, String[], String) */ public Cursor query(SQLiteDatabase db, String[] projectionIn, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String groupBy, String having, String sortOrder, String limit, CancellationSignal cancellationSignal) { if (mTables == null) { return null; } final String sql; final String unwrappedSql = buildQuery( projectionIn, selection, groupBy, having, sortOrder, limit); if (isStrictColumns()) { enforceStrictColumns(projectionIn); } if (isStrictGrammar()) { enforceStrictGrammar(selection, groupBy, having, sortOrder, limit); } if (isStrict()) { // Validate the user-supplied selection to detect syntactic anomalies // in the selection string that could indicate a SQL injection attempt. // The idea is to ensure that the selection clause is a valid SQL expression // by compiling it twice: once wrapped in parentheses and once as // originally specified. An attacker cannot create an expression that // would escape the SQL expression while maintaining balanced parentheses // in both the wrapped and original forms. // NOTE: The ordering of the below operations is important; we must // execute the wrapped query to ensure the untrusted clause has been // fully isolated. // Validate the unwrapped query db.validateSql(unwrappedSql, cancellationSignal); // will throw if query is invalid // Execute wrapped query for extra protection final String wrappedSql = buildQuery(projectionIn, wrap(selection), groupBy, wrap(having), sortOrder, limit); sql = wrappedSql; } else { // Execute unwrapped query sql = unwrappedSql; } final String[] sqlArgs = selectionArgs; if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) { if (Build.IS_DEBUGGABLE) { Log.d(TAG, sql + " with args " + Arrays.toString(sqlArgs)); } else { Log.d(TAG, sql); } } return db.rawQueryWithFactory( mFactory, sql, sqlArgs, SQLiteDatabase.findEditTable(mTables), cancellationSignal); // will throw if query is invalid } /** * Perform an insert by combining all current settings and the * information passed into this method. * * @param db the database to insert on * @return the row ID of the newly inserted row, or -1 if an error occurred */ public long insert(@NonNull SQLiteDatabase db, @NonNull ContentValues values) { Objects.requireNonNull(mTables, "No tables defined"); Objects.requireNonNull(db, "No database defined"); Objects.requireNonNull(values, "No values defined"); if (isStrictColumns()) { enforceStrictColumns(values); } final String sql = buildInsert(values); final ArrayMap rawValues = values.getValues(); final int valuesLength = rawValues.size(); final Object[] sqlArgs = new Object[valuesLength]; for (int i = 0; i < sqlArgs.length; i++) { sqlArgs[i] = rawValues.valueAt(i); } if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) { if (Build.IS_DEBUGGABLE) { Log.d(TAG, sql + " with args " + Arrays.toString(sqlArgs)); } else { Log.d(TAG, sql); } } return DatabaseUtils.executeInsert(db, sql, sqlArgs); } /** * Perform an update by combining all current settings and the * information passed into this method. * * @param db the database to update on * @param selection A filter declaring which rows to return, * formatted as an SQL {@code WHERE} clause (excluding the {@code WHERE} * itself). Passing null will return all rows for the given URL. * @param selectionArgs You may include ?s in selection, which * will be replaced by the values from selectionArgs, in order * that they appear in the selection. The values will be bound * as Strings. * @return the number of rows updated */ public int update(@NonNull SQLiteDatabase db, @NonNull ContentValues values, @Nullable String selection, @Nullable String[] selectionArgs) { Objects.requireNonNull(mTables, "No tables defined"); Objects.requireNonNull(db, "No database defined"); Objects.requireNonNull(values, "No values defined"); final String sql; final String unwrappedSql = buildUpdate(values, selection); if (isStrictColumns()) { enforceStrictColumns(values); } if (isStrictGrammar()) { enforceStrictGrammar(selection, null, null, null, null); } if (isStrict()) { // Validate the user-supplied selection to detect syntactic anomalies // in the selection string that could indicate a SQL injection attempt. // The idea is to ensure that the selection clause is a valid SQL expression // by compiling it twice: once wrapped in parentheses and once as // originally specified. An attacker cannot create an expression that // would escape the SQL expression while maintaining balanced parentheses // in both the wrapped and original forms. // NOTE: The ordering of the below operations is important; we must // execute the wrapped query to ensure the untrusted clause has been // fully isolated. // Validate the unwrapped query db.validateSql(unwrappedSql, null); // will throw if query is invalid // Execute wrapped query for extra protection final String wrappedSql = buildUpdate(values, wrap(selection)); sql = wrappedSql; } else { // Execute unwrapped query sql = unwrappedSql; } if (selectionArgs == null) { selectionArgs = EmptyArray.STRING; } final ArrayMap rawValues = values.getValues(); final int valuesLength = rawValues.size(); final Object[] sqlArgs = new Object[valuesLength + selectionArgs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < sqlArgs.length; i++) { if (i < valuesLength) { sqlArgs[i] = rawValues.valueAt(i); } else { sqlArgs[i] = selectionArgs[i - valuesLength]; } } if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) { if (Build.IS_DEBUGGABLE) { Log.d(TAG, sql + " with args " + Arrays.toString(sqlArgs)); } else { Log.d(TAG, sql); } } return DatabaseUtils.executeUpdateDelete(db, sql, sqlArgs); } /** * Perform a delete by combining all current settings and the * information passed into this method. * * @param db the database to delete on * @param selection A filter declaring which rows to return, * formatted as an SQL {@code WHERE} clause (excluding the {@code WHERE} * itself). Passing null will return all rows for the given URL. * @param selectionArgs You may include ?s in selection, which * will be replaced by the values from selectionArgs, in order * that they appear in the selection. The values will be bound * as Strings. * @return the number of rows deleted */ public int delete(@NonNull SQLiteDatabase db, @Nullable String selection, @Nullable String[] selectionArgs) { Objects.requireNonNull(mTables, "No tables defined"); Objects.requireNonNull(db, "No database defined"); final String sql; final String unwrappedSql = buildDelete(selection); if (isStrictGrammar()) { enforceStrictGrammar(selection, null, null, null, null); } if (isStrict()) { // Validate the user-supplied selection to detect syntactic anomalies // in the selection string that could indicate a SQL injection attempt. // The idea is to ensure that the selection clause is a valid SQL expression // by compiling it twice: once wrapped in parentheses and once as // originally specified. An attacker cannot create an expression that // would escape the SQL expression while maintaining balanced parentheses // in both the wrapped and original forms. // NOTE: The ordering of the below operations is important; we must // execute the wrapped query to ensure the untrusted clause has been // fully isolated. // Validate the unwrapped query db.validateSql(unwrappedSql, null); // will throw if query is invalid // Execute wrapped query for extra protection final String wrappedSql = buildDelete(wrap(selection)); sql = wrappedSql; } else { // Execute unwrapped query sql = unwrappedSql; } final String[] sqlArgs = selectionArgs; if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) { if (Build.IS_DEBUGGABLE) { Log.d(TAG, sql + " with args " + Arrays.toString(sqlArgs)); } else { Log.d(TAG, sql); } } return DatabaseUtils.executeUpdateDelete(db, sql, sqlArgs); } private void enforceStrictColumns(@Nullable String[] projection) { Objects.requireNonNull(mProjectionMap, "No projection map defined"); computeProjection(projection); } private void enforceStrictColumns(@NonNull ContentValues values) { Objects.requireNonNull(mProjectionMap, "No projection map defined"); final ArrayMap rawValues = values.getValues(); for (int i = 0; i < rawValues.size(); i++) { final String column = rawValues.keyAt(i); if (!mProjectionMap.containsKey(column)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid column " + column); } } } private void enforceStrictGrammar(@Nullable String selection, @Nullable String groupBy, @Nullable String having, @Nullable String sortOrder, @Nullable String limit) { SQLiteTokenizer.tokenize(selection, SQLiteTokenizer.OPTION_NONE, this::enforceStrictToken); SQLiteTokenizer.tokenize(groupBy, SQLiteTokenizer.OPTION_NONE, this::enforceStrictToken); SQLiteTokenizer.tokenize(having, SQLiteTokenizer.OPTION_NONE, this::enforceStrictToken); SQLiteTokenizer.tokenize(sortOrder, SQLiteTokenizer.OPTION_NONE, this::enforceStrictToken); SQLiteTokenizer.tokenize(limit, SQLiteTokenizer.OPTION_NONE, this::enforceStrictToken); } private void enforceStrictToken(@NonNull String token) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(token)) return; if (isTableOrColumn(token)) return; if (SQLiteTokenizer.isFunction(token)) return; if (SQLiteTokenizer.isType(token)) return; // Carefully block any tokens that are attempting to jump across query // clauses or create subqueries, since they could leak data that should // have been filtered by the trusted where clause boolean isAllowedKeyword = SQLiteTokenizer.isKeyword(token); switch (token.toUpperCase(Locale.US)) { case "SELECT": case "FROM": case "WHERE": case "GROUP": case "HAVING": case "WINDOW": case "VALUES": case "ORDER": case "LIMIT": isAllowedKeyword = false; break; } if (!isAllowedKeyword) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid token " + token); } } /** * Construct a {@code SELECT} statement suitable for use in a group of * {@code SELECT} statements that will be joined through {@code UNION} operators * in buildUnionQuery. * * @param projectionIn A list of which columns to return. Passing * null will return all columns, which is discouraged to * prevent reading data from storage that isn't going to be * used. * @param selection A filter declaring which rows to return, * formatted as an SQL {@code WHERE} clause (excluding the {@code WHERE} * itself). Passing null will return all rows for the given * URL. * @param groupBy A filter declaring how to group rows, formatted * as an SQL {@code GROUP BY} clause (excluding the {@code GROUP BY} itself). * Passing null will cause the rows to not be grouped. * @param having A filter declare which row groups to include in * the cursor, if row grouping is being used, formatted as an * SQL {@code HAVING} clause (excluding the {@code HAVING} itself). Passing * null will cause all row groups to be included, and is * required when row grouping is not being used. * @param sortOrder How to order the rows, formatted as an SQL * {@code ORDER BY} clause (excluding the {@code ORDER BY} itself). Passing null * will use the default sort order, which may be unordered. * @param limit Limits the number of rows returned by the query, * formatted as {@code LIMIT} clause. Passing null denotes no {@code LIMIT} clause. * @return the resulting SQL {@code SELECT} statement */ public String buildQuery( String[] projectionIn, String selection, String groupBy, String having, String sortOrder, String limit) { String[] projection = computeProjection(projectionIn); String where = computeWhere(selection); return buildQueryString( mDistinct, mTables, projection, where, groupBy, having, sortOrder, limit); } /** * @deprecated This method's signature is misleading since no SQL parameter * substitution is carried out. The selection arguments parameter does not get * used at all. To avoid confusion, call * {@link #buildQuery(String[], String, String, String, String, String)} instead. */ @Deprecated public String buildQuery( String[] projectionIn, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String groupBy, String having, String sortOrder, String limit) { return buildQuery(projectionIn, selection, groupBy, having, sortOrder, limit); } /** {@hide} */ public String buildInsert(ContentValues values) { if (values == null || values.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty values"); } StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(120); sql.append("INSERT INTO "); sql.append(SQLiteDatabase.findEditTable(mTables)); sql.append(" ("); final ArrayMap rawValues = values.getValues(); for (int i = 0; i < rawValues.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { sql.append(','); } sql.append(rawValues.keyAt(i)); } sql.append(") VALUES ("); for (int i = 0; i < rawValues.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { sql.append(','); } sql.append('?'); } sql.append(")"); return sql.toString(); } /** {@hide} */ public String buildUpdate(ContentValues values, String selection) { if (values == null || values.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty values"); } StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(120); sql.append("UPDATE "); sql.append(SQLiteDatabase.findEditTable(mTables)); sql.append(" SET "); final ArrayMap rawValues = values.getValues(); for (int i = 0; i < rawValues.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { sql.append(','); } sql.append(rawValues.keyAt(i)); sql.append("=?"); } final String where = computeWhere(selection); appendClause(sql, " WHERE ", where); return sql.toString(); } /** {@hide} */ public String buildDelete(String selection) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(120); sql.append("DELETE FROM "); sql.append(SQLiteDatabase.findEditTable(mTables)); final String where = computeWhere(selection); appendClause(sql, " WHERE ", where); return sql.toString(); } /** * Construct a {@code SELECT} statement suitable for use in a group of * {@code SELECT} statements that will be joined through {@code UNION} operators * in buildUnionQuery. * * @param typeDiscriminatorColumn the name of the result column * whose cells will contain the name of the table from which * each row was drawn. * @param unionColumns the names of the columns to appear in the * result. This may include columns that do not appear in the * table this {@code SELECT} is querying (i.e. mTables), but that do * appear in one of the other tables in the {@code UNION} query that we * are constructing. * @param columnsPresentInTable a Set of the names of the columns * that appear in this table (i.e. in the table whose name is * mTables). Since columns in unionColumns include columns that * appear only in other tables, we use this array to distinguish * which ones actually are present. Other columns will have * NULL values for results from this subquery. * @param computedColumnsOffset all columns in unionColumns before * this index are included under the assumption that they're * computed and therefore won't appear in columnsPresentInTable, * e.g. "date * 1000 as normalized_date" * @param typeDiscriminatorValue the value used for the * type-discriminator column in this subquery * @param selection A filter declaring which rows to return, * formatted as an SQL {@code WHERE} clause (excluding the {@code WHERE} * itself). Passing null will return all rows for the given * URL. * @param groupBy A filter declaring how to group rows, formatted * as an SQL {@code GROUP BY} clause (excluding the {@code GROUP BY} itself). * Passing null will cause the rows to not be grouped. * @param having A filter declare which row groups to include in * the cursor, if row grouping is being used, formatted as an * SQL {@code HAVING} clause (excluding the {@code HAVING} itself). Passing * null will cause all row groups to be included, and is * required when row grouping is not being used. * @return the resulting SQL {@code SELECT} statement */ public String buildUnionSubQuery( String typeDiscriminatorColumn, String[] unionColumns, Set columnsPresentInTable, int computedColumnsOffset, String typeDiscriminatorValue, String selection, String groupBy, String having) { int unionColumnsCount = unionColumns.length; String[] projectionIn = new String[unionColumnsCount]; for (int i = 0; i < unionColumnsCount; i++) { String unionColumn = unionColumns[i]; if (unionColumn.equals(typeDiscriminatorColumn)) { projectionIn[i] = "'" + typeDiscriminatorValue + "' AS " + typeDiscriminatorColumn; } else if (i <= computedColumnsOffset || columnsPresentInTable.contains(unionColumn)) { projectionIn[i] = unionColumn; } else { projectionIn[i] = "NULL AS " + unionColumn; } } return buildQuery( projectionIn, selection, groupBy, having, null /* sortOrder */, null /* limit */); } /** * @deprecated This method's signature is misleading since no SQL parameter * substitution is carried out. The selection arguments parameter does not get * used at all. To avoid confusion, call * {@link #buildUnionSubQuery} * instead. */ @Deprecated public String buildUnionSubQuery( String typeDiscriminatorColumn, String[] unionColumns, Set columnsPresentInTable, int computedColumnsOffset, String typeDiscriminatorValue, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String groupBy, String having) { return buildUnionSubQuery( typeDiscriminatorColumn, unionColumns, columnsPresentInTable, computedColumnsOffset, typeDiscriminatorValue, selection, groupBy, having); } /** * Given a set of subqueries, all of which are {@code SELECT} statements, * construct a query that returns the union of what those * subqueries return. * @param subQueries an array of SQL {@code SELECT} statements, all of * which must have the same columns as the same positions in * their results * @param sortOrder How to order the rows, formatted as an SQL * {@code ORDER BY} clause (excluding the {@code ORDER BY} itself). Passing * null will use the default sort order, which may be unordered. * @param limit The limit clause, which applies to the entire union result set * * @return the resulting SQL {@code SELECT} statement */ public String buildUnionQuery(String[] subQueries, String sortOrder, String limit) { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(128); int subQueryCount = subQueries.length; String unionOperator = mDistinct ? " UNION " : " UNION ALL "; for (int i = 0; i < subQueryCount; i++) { if (i > 0) { query.append(unionOperator); } query.append(subQueries[i]); } appendClause(query, " ORDER BY ", sortOrder); appendClause(query, " LIMIT ", limit); return query.toString(); } private static @NonNull String maybeWithOperator(@Nullable String operator, @NonNull String column) { if (operator != null) { return operator + "(" + column + ")"; } else { return column; } } /** {@hide} */ @UnsupportedAppUsage(maxTargetSdk = Build.VERSION_CODES.P, trackingBug = 115609023) public @Nullable String[] computeProjection(@Nullable String[] projectionIn) { if (!ArrayUtils.isEmpty(projectionIn)) { String[] projectionOut = new String[projectionIn.length]; for (int i = 0; i < projectionIn.length; i++) { projectionOut[i] = computeSingleProjectionOrThrow(projectionIn[i]); } return projectionOut; } else if (mProjectionMap != null) { // Return all columns in projection map. Set> entrySet = mProjectionMap.entrySet(); String[] projection = new String[entrySet.size()]; Iterator> entryIter = entrySet.iterator(); int i = 0; while (entryIter.hasNext()) { Entry entry = entryIter.next(); // Don't include the _count column when people ask for no projection. if (entry.getKey().equals(BaseColumns._COUNT)) { continue; } projection[i++] = entry.getValue(); } return projection; } return null; } private @NonNull String computeSingleProjectionOrThrow(@NonNull String userColumn) { final String column = computeSingleProjection(userColumn); if (column != null) { return column; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid column " + userColumn); } } private @Nullable String computeSingleProjection(@NonNull String userColumn) { // When no mapping provided, anything goes if (mProjectionMap == null) { return userColumn; } String operator = null; String column = mProjectionMap.get(userColumn); // When no direct match found, look for aggregation if (column == null) { final Matcher matcher = sAggregationPattern.matcher(userColumn); if (matcher.matches()) { operator = matcher.group(1); userColumn = matcher.group(2); column = mProjectionMap.get(userColumn); } } if (column != null) { return maybeWithOperator(operator, column); } if (mStrictFlags == 0 && (userColumn.contains(" AS ") || userColumn.contains(" as "))) { /* A column alias already exist */ return maybeWithOperator(operator, userColumn); } // If greylist is configured, we might be willing to let // this custom column bypass our strict checks. if (mProjectionGreylist != null) { boolean match = false; for (Pattern p : mProjectionGreylist) { if (p.matcher(userColumn).matches()) { match = true; break; } } if (match) { Log.w(TAG, "Allowing abusive custom column: " + userColumn); return maybeWithOperator(operator, userColumn); } } return null; } private boolean isTableOrColumn(String token) { if (mTables.equals(token)) return true; return computeSingleProjection(token) != null; } /** {@hide} */ public @Nullable String computeWhere(@Nullable String selection) { final boolean hasInternal = !TextUtils.isEmpty(mWhereClause); final boolean hasExternal = !TextUtils.isEmpty(selection); if (hasInternal || hasExternal) { final StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder(); if (hasInternal) { where.append('(').append(mWhereClause).append(')'); } if (hasInternal && hasExternal) { where.append(" AND "); } if (hasExternal) { where.append('(').append(selection).append(')'); } return where.toString(); } else { return null; } } /** * Wrap given argument in parenthesis, unless it's {@code null} or * {@code ()}, in which case return it verbatim. */ private @Nullable String wrap(@Nullable String arg) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(arg)) { return arg; } else { return "(" + arg + ")"; } } }