/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.graphics.animation; import android.animation.Animator; import android.animation.TimeInterpolator; import android.animation.ValueAnimator; import android.graphics.CanvasProperty; import android.graphics.Paint; import android.graphics.RecordingCanvas; import android.graphics.RenderNode; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.view.Choreographer; import com.android.internal.util.VirtualRefBasePtr; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * @hide */ public class RenderNodeAnimator extends Animator { // Keep in sync with enum RenderProperty in Animator.h public static final int TRANSLATION_X = 0; public static final int TRANSLATION_Y = 1; public static final int TRANSLATION_Z = 2; public static final int SCALE_X = 3; public static final int SCALE_Y = 4; public static final int ROTATION = 5; public static final int ROTATION_X = 6; public static final int ROTATION_Y = 7; public static final int X = 8; public static final int Y = 9; public static final int Z = 10; public static final int ALPHA = 11; // The last value in the enum, used for array size initialization public static final int LAST_VALUE = ALPHA; // Keep in sync with enum PaintFields in Animator.h public static final int PAINT_STROKE_WIDTH = 0; /** * Field for the Paint alpha channel, which should be specified as a value * between 0 and 255. */ public static final int PAINT_ALPHA = 1; private VirtualRefBasePtr mNativePtr; private Handler mHandler; private RenderNode mTarget; private ViewListener mViewListener; private int mRenderProperty = -1; private float mFinalValue; private TimeInterpolator mInterpolator; private static final int STATE_PREPARE = 0; private static final int STATE_DELAYED = 1; private static final int STATE_RUNNING = 2; private static final int STATE_FINISHED = 3; private int mState = STATE_PREPARE; private long mUnscaledDuration = 300; private long mUnscaledStartDelay = 0; // If this is true, we will run any start delays on the UI thread. This is // the safe default, and is necessary to ensure start listeners fire at // the correct time. Animators created by RippleDrawable (the // CanvasProperty<> ones) do not have this expectation, and as such will // set this to false so that the renderthread handles the startdelay instead private final boolean mUiThreadHandlesDelay; private long mStartDelay = 0; private long mStartTime; /** * Interface used by the view system to update the view hierarchy in conjunction * with this animator. */ public interface ViewListener { /** notify the listener that an alpha animation has begun. */ void onAlphaAnimationStart(float finalAlpha); /** notify the listener that the animator has mutated a value that requires invalidation */ void invalidateParent(boolean forceRedraw); } public RenderNodeAnimator(int property, float finalValue) { mRenderProperty = property; mFinalValue = finalValue; mUiThreadHandlesDelay = true; init(nCreateAnimator(property, finalValue)); } public RenderNodeAnimator(CanvasProperty property, float finalValue) { init(nCreateCanvasPropertyFloatAnimator( property.getNativeContainer(), finalValue)); mUiThreadHandlesDelay = false; } /** * Creates a new render node animator for a field on a Paint property. * * @param property The paint property to target * @param paintField Paint field to animate, one of {@link #PAINT_ALPHA} or * {@link #PAINT_STROKE_WIDTH} * @param finalValue The target value for the property */ public RenderNodeAnimator(CanvasProperty property, int paintField, float finalValue) { init(nCreateCanvasPropertyPaintAnimator( property.getNativeContainer(), paintField, finalValue)); mUiThreadHandlesDelay = false; } public RenderNodeAnimator(int x, int y, float startRadius, float endRadius) { init(nCreateRevealAnimator(x, y, startRadius, endRadius)); mUiThreadHandlesDelay = true; } private void init(long ptr) { mNativePtr = new VirtualRefBasePtr(ptr); } private void checkMutable() { if (mState != STATE_PREPARE) { throw new IllegalStateException("Animator has already started, cannot change it now!"); } if (mNativePtr == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Animator's target has been destroyed " + "(trying to modify an animation after activity destroy?)"); } } static boolean isNativeInterpolator(TimeInterpolator interpolator) { return interpolator.getClass().isAnnotationPresent(HasNativeInterpolator.class); } private void applyInterpolator() { if (mInterpolator == null || mNativePtr == null) return; long ni; if (isNativeInterpolator(mInterpolator)) { ni = ((NativeInterpolator) mInterpolator).createNativeInterpolator(); } else { long duration = nGetDuration(mNativePtr.get()); ni = FallbackLUTInterpolator.createNativeInterpolator(mInterpolator, duration); } nSetInterpolator(mNativePtr.get(), ni); } @Override public void start() { if (mTarget == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Missing target!"); } if (mState != STATE_PREPARE) { throw new IllegalStateException("Already started!"); } mState = STATE_DELAYED; if (mHandler == null) { mHandler = new Handler(true); } applyInterpolator(); if (mNativePtr == null) { // It's dead, immediately cancel cancel(); } else if (mStartDelay <= 0 || !mUiThreadHandlesDelay) { nSetStartDelay(mNativePtr.get(), mStartDelay); doStart(); } else { getHelper().addDelayedAnimation(this); } } private void doStart() { // Alpha is a special snowflake that has the canonical value stored // in mTransformationInfo instead of in RenderNode, so we need to update // it with the final value here. if (mRenderProperty == RenderNodeAnimator.ALPHA && mViewListener != null) { mViewListener.onAlphaAnimationStart(mFinalValue); } moveToRunningState(); if (mViewListener != null) { // Kick off a frame to start the process mViewListener.invalidateParent(false); } } private void moveToRunningState() { mState = STATE_RUNNING; if (mNativePtr != null) { nStart(mNativePtr.get()); } notifyStartListeners(); } private void notifyStartListeners() { final ArrayList listeners = cloneListeners(); final int numListeners = listeners == null ? 0 : listeners.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numListeners; i++) { listeners.get(i).onAnimationStart(this); } } @Override public void cancel() { if (mState != STATE_PREPARE && mState != STATE_FINISHED) { if (mState == STATE_DELAYED) { getHelper().removeDelayedAnimation(this); moveToRunningState(); } final ArrayList listeners = cloneListeners(); final int numListeners = listeners == null ? 0 : listeners.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numListeners; i++) { listeners.get(i).onAnimationCancel(this); } end(); } } @Override public void end() { if (mState != STATE_FINISHED) { if (mState < STATE_RUNNING) { getHelper().removeDelayedAnimation(this); doStart(); } if (mNativePtr != null) { nEnd(mNativePtr.get()); if (mViewListener != null) { // Kick off a frame to flush the state change mViewListener.invalidateParent(false); } } else { // It's already dead, jump to onFinish onFinished(); } } } @Override public void pause() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public void resume() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** @hide */ public void setViewListener(ViewListener listener) { mViewListener = listener; } /** Sets the animation target to the owning view of the RecordingCanvas */ public final void setTarget(RecordingCanvas canvas) { setTarget(canvas.mNode); } /** Sets the node that is to be the target of this animation */ protected void setTarget(RenderNode node) { checkMutable(); if (mTarget != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Target already set!"); } nSetListener(mNativePtr.get(), this); mTarget = node; mTarget.addAnimator(this); } /** Set the start value for the animation */ public void setStartValue(float startValue) { checkMutable(); nSetStartValue(mNativePtr.get(), startValue); } @Override public void setStartDelay(long startDelay) { checkMutable(); if (startDelay < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("startDelay must be positive; " + startDelay); } mUnscaledStartDelay = startDelay; mStartDelay = (long) (ValueAnimator.getDurationScale() * startDelay); } @Override public long getStartDelay() { return mUnscaledStartDelay; } @Override public RenderNodeAnimator setDuration(long duration) { checkMutable(); if (duration < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("duration must be positive; " + duration); } mUnscaledDuration = duration; nSetDuration(mNativePtr.get(), (long) (duration * ValueAnimator.getDurationScale())); return this; } @Override public long getDuration() { return mUnscaledDuration; } @Override public long getTotalDuration() { return mUnscaledDuration + mUnscaledStartDelay; } @Override public boolean isRunning() { return mState == STATE_DELAYED || mState == STATE_RUNNING; } @Override public boolean isStarted() { return mState != STATE_PREPARE; } @Override public void setInterpolator(TimeInterpolator interpolator) { checkMutable(); mInterpolator = interpolator; } @Override public TimeInterpolator getInterpolator() { return mInterpolator; } protected void onFinished() { if (mState == STATE_PREPARE) { // Unlikely but possible, the native side has been destroyed // before we have started. releaseNativePtr(); return; } if (mState == STATE_DELAYED) { getHelper().removeDelayedAnimation(this); notifyStartListeners(); } mState = STATE_FINISHED; final ArrayList listeners = cloneListeners(); final int numListeners = listeners == null ? 0 : listeners.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numListeners; i++) { listeners.get(i).onAnimationEnd(this); } // Release the native object, as it has a global reference to us. This // breaks the cyclic reference chain, and allows this object to be // GC'd releaseNativePtr(); } private void releaseNativePtr() { if (mNativePtr != null) { mNativePtr.release(); mNativePtr = null; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private ArrayList cloneListeners() { ArrayList listeners = getListeners(); if (listeners != null) { listeners = (ArrayList) listeners.clone(); } return listeners; } public long getNativeAnimator() { return mNativePtr.get(); } /** * @return true if the animator was started, false if still delayed */ private boolean processDelayed(long frameTimeMs) { if (mStartTime == 0) { mStartTime = frameTimeMs; } else if ((frameTimeMs - mStartTime) >= mStartDelay) { doStart(); return true; } return false; } private static DelayedAnimationHelper getHelper() { DelayedAnimationHelper helper = sAnimationHelper.get(); if (helper == null) { helper = new DelayedAnimationHelper(); sAnimationHelper.set(helper); } return helper; } private static ThreadLocal sAnimationHelper = new ThreadLocal(); private static class DelayedAnimationHelper implements Runnable { private ArrayList mDelayedAnims = new ArrayList(); private final Choreographer mChoreographer; private boolean mCallbackScheduled; DelayedAnimationHelper() { mChoreographer = Choreographer.getInstance(); } public void addDelayedAnimation(RenderNodeAnimator animator) { mDelayedAnims.add(animator); scheduleCallback(); } public void removeDelayedAnimation(RenderNodeAnimator animator) { mDelayedAnims.remove(animator); } private void scheduleCallback() { if (!mCallbackScheduled) { mCallbackScheduled = true; mChoreographer.postCallback(Choreographer.CALLBACK_ANIMATION, this, null); } } @Override public void run() { long frameTimeMs = mChoreographer.getFrameTime(); mCallbackScheduled = false; int end = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mDelayedAnims.size(); i++) { RenderNodeAnimator animator = mDelayedAnims.get(i); if (!animator.processDelayed(frameTimeMs)) { if (end != i) { mDelayedAnims.set(end, animator); } end++; } } while (mDelayedAnims.size() > end) { mDelayedAnims.remove(mDelayedAnims.size() - 1); } if (mDelayedAnims.size() > 0) { scheduleCallback(); } } } // Called by native private static void callOnFinished(RenderNodeAnimator animator) { if (animator.mHandler != null) { animator.mHandler.post(animator::onFinished); } else { new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper(), null, true).post(animator::onFinished); } } @Override public Animator clone() { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot clone this animator"); } @Override public void setAllowRunningAsynchronously(boolean mayRunAsync) { checkMutable(); nSetAllowRunningAsync(mNativePtr.get(), mayRunAsync); } private static native long nCreateAnimator(int property, float finalValue); private static native long nCreateCanvasPropertyFloatAnimator( long canvasProperty, float finalValue); private static native long nCreateCanvasPropertyPaintAnimator( long canvasProperty, int paintField, float finalValue); private static native long nCreateRevealAnimator( int x, int y, float startRadius, float endRadius); private static native void nSetStartValue(long nativePtr, float startValue); private static native void nSetDuration(long nativePtr, long duration); private static native long nGetDuration(long nativePtr); private static native void nSetStartDelay(long nativePtr, long startDelay); private static native void nSetInterpolator(long animPtr, long interpolatorPtr); private static native void nSetAllowRunningAsync(long animPtr, boolean mayRunAsync); private static native void nSetListener(long animPtr, RenderNodeAnimator listener); private static native void nStart(long animPtr); private static native void nEnd(long animPtr); }