/* GENERATED SOURCE. DO NOT MODIFY. */ // © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html /* * ******************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2007-2011, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * ******************************************************************************** */ package android.icu.impl; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import android.icu.lang.UCharacter; import android.icu.text.UnicodeSet; /** * TextTrieMap is a trie implementation for supporting * fast prefix match for the key. * @hide Only a subset of ICU is exposed in Android */ public class TextTrieMap { private Node _root = new Node(); boolean _ignoreCase; /** * @hide Only a subset of ICU is exposed in Android */ public static class Output { public int matchLength; public boolean partialMatch; } /** * Constructs a TextTrieMap object. * * @param ignoreCase true to use simple case insensitive match */ public TextTrieMap(boolean ignoreCase) { _ignoreCase = ignoreCase; } /** * Adds the text key and its associated object in this object. * * @param text The text. * @param val The value object associated with the text. */ public TextTrieMap put(CharSequence text, V val) { CharIterator chitr = new CharIterator(text, 0, _ignoreCase); _root.add(chitr, val); return this; } /** * Gets an iterator of the objects associated with the * longest prefix matching string key. * * @param text The text to be matched with prefixes. * @return An iterator of the objects associated with * the longest prefix matching matching key, or null * if no matching entry is found. */ public Iterator get(String text) { return get(text, 0); } /** * Gets an iterator of the objects associated with the * longest prefix matching string key starting at the * specified position. * * @param text The text to be matched with prefixes. * @param start The start index of of the text * @return An iterator of the objects associated with the * longest prefix matching matching key, or null if no * matching entry is found. */ public Iterator get(CharSequence text, int start) { return get(text, start, null); } public Iterator get(CharSequence text, int start, Output output) { LongestMatchHandler handler = new LongestMatchHandler(); find(text, start, handler, output); if (output != null) { output.matchLength = handler.getMatchLength(); } return handler.getMatches(); } public void find(CharSequence text, ResultHandler handler) { find(text, 0, handler, null); } public void find(CharSequence text, int offset, ResultHandler handler) { find(text, offset, handler, null); } private void find(CharSequence text, int offset, ResultHandler handler, Output output) { CharIterator chitr = new CharIterator(text, offset, _ignoreCase); find(_root, chitr, handler, output); } private synchronized void find(Node node, CharIterator chitr, ResultHandler handler, Output output) { Iterator values = node.values(); if (values != null) { if (!handler.handlePrefixMatch(chitr.processedLength(), values)) { return; } } Node nextMatch = node.findMatch(chitr, output); if (nextMatch != null) { find(nextMatch, chitr, handler, output); } } public void putLeadCodePoints(UnicodeSet output) { _root.putLeadCodePoints(output); } /** * @hide Only a subset of ICU is exposed in Android */ public static class CharIterator implements Iterator { private boolean _ignoreCase; private CharSequence _text; private int _nextIdx; private int _startIdx; private Character _remainingChar; CharIterator(CharSequence text, int offset, boolean ignoreCase) { _text = text; _nextIdx = _startIdx = offset; _ignoreCase = ignoreCase; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.util.Iterator#hasNext() */ @Override public boolean hasNext() { if (_nextIdx == _text.length() && _remainingChar == null) { return false; } return true; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.util.Iterator#next() */ @Override public Character next() { if (_nextIdx == _text.length() && _remainingChar == null) { return null; } Character next; if (_remainingChar != null) { next = _remainingChar; _remainingChar = null; } else { if (_ignoreCase) { int cp = UCharacter.foldCase(Character.codePointAt(_text, _nextIdx), true); _nextIdx = _nextIdx + Character.charCount(cp); char[] chars = Character.toChars(cp); next = chars[0]; if (chars.length == 2) { _remainingChar = chars[1]; } } else { next = _text.charAt(_nextIdx); _nextIdx++; } } return next; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.util.Iterator#remove() */ @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("remove() not supported"); } public int nextIndex() { return _nextIdx; } public int processedLength() { if (_remainingChar != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("In the middle of surrogate pair"); } return _nextIdx - _startIdx; } } /** * Callback handler for processing prefix matches used by * find method. * @hide Only a subset of ICU is exposed in Android */ public interface ResultHandler { /** * Handles a prefix key match * * @param matchLength Matched key's length * @param values An iterator of the objects associated with the matched key * @return Return true to continue the search in the trie, false to quit. */ public boolean handlePrefixMatch(int matchLength, Iterator values); } private static class LongestMatchHandler implements ResultHandler { private Iterator matches = null; private int length = 0; @Override public boolean handlePrefixMatch(int matchLength, Iterator values) { if (matchLength > length) { length = matchLength; matches = values; } return true; } public Iterator getMatches() { return matches; } public int getMatchLength() { return length; } } /** * Inner class representing a text node in the trie. */ private class Node { private char[] _text; private List _values; private List _children; private Node() { } private Node(char[] text, List values, List children) { _text = text; _values = values; _children = children; } public int charCount() { return _text == null ? 0 : _text.length; } public Iterator values() { if (_values == null) { return null; } return _values.iterator(); } public void add(CharIterator chitr, V value) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); while (chitr.hasNext()) { buf.append(chitr.next()); } add(toCharArray(buf), 0, value); } public Node findMatch(CharIterator chitr, Output output) { if (_children == null) { return null; } if (!chitr.hasNext()) { if (output != null) { output.partialMatch = true; } return null; } Node match = null; Character ch = chitr.next(); for (Node child : _children) { if (ch < child._text[0]) { break; } if (ch == child._text[0]) { if (child.matchFollowing(chitr, output)) { match = child; } break; } } return match; } public void putLeadCodePoints(UnicodeSet output) { if (_children == null) { return; } for (Node child : _children) { char c0 = child._text[0]; if (!UCharacter.isHighSurrogate(c0)) { output.add(c0); } else if (child.charCount() >= 2) { output.add(Character.codePointAt(child._text, 0)); } else if (child._children != null) { // Construct all possible code points from grandchildren. for (Node grandchild : child._children) { char c1 = grandchild._text[0]; int cp = Character.toCodePoint(c0, c1); output.add(cp); } } } } private void add(char[] text, int offset, V value) { if (text.length == offset) { _values = addValue(_values, value); return; } if (_children == null) { _children = new LinkedList(); Node child = new Node(subArray(text, offset), addValue(null, value), null); _children.add(child); return; } // walk through children ListIterator litr = _children.listIterator(); while (litr.hasNext()) { Node next = litr.next(); if (text[offset] < next._text[0]) { litr.previous(); break; } if (text[offset] == next._text[0]) { int matchLen = next.lenMatches(text, offset); if (matchLen == next._text.length) { // full match next.add(text, offset + matchLen, value); } else { // partial match, create a branch next.split(matchLen); next.add(text, offset + matchLen, value); } return; } } // add a new child to this node litr.add(new Node(subArray(text, offset), addValue(null, value), null)); } private boolean matchFollowing(CharIterator chitr, Output output) { boolean matched = true; int idx = 1; while (idx < _text.length) { if(!chitr.hasNext()) { if (output != null) { output.partialMatch = true; } matched = false; break; } Character ch = chitr.next(); if (ch != _text[idx]) { matched = false; break; } idx++; } return matched; } private int lenMatches(char[] text, int offset) { int textLen = text.length - offset; int limit = _text.length < textLen ? _text.length : textLen; int len = 0; while (len < limit) { if (_text[len] != text[offset + len]) { break; } len++; } return len; } private void split(int offset) { // split the current node at the offset char[] childText = subArray(_text, offset); _text = subArray(_text, 0, offset); // add the Node representing after the offset as a child Node child = new Node(childText, _values, _children); _values = null; _children = new LinkedList(); _children.add(child); } private List addValue(List list, V value) { if (list == null) { list = new LinkedList(); } list.add(value); return list; } } private static char[] toCharArray(CharSequence text) { char[] array = new char[text.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { array[i] = text.charAt(i); } return array; } private static char[] subArray(char[] array, int start) { if (start == 0) { return array; } char[] sub = new char[array.length - start]; System.arraycopy(array, start, sub, 0, sub.length); return sub; } private static char[] subArray(char[] array, int start, int limit) { if (start == 0 && limit == array.length) { return array; } char[] sub = new char[limit - start]; System.arraycopy(array, start, sub, 0, limit - start); return sub; } }