/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.telephony.data; import android.annotation.FlaggedApi; import android.annotation.IntDef; import android.annotation.IntRange; import android.annotation.NonNull; import android.annotation.Nullable; import android.annotation.SystemApi; import android.net.LinkAddress; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.telephony.Annotation.DataFailureCause; import android.telephony.DataFailCause; import android.telephony.PreciseDataConnectionState; import android.telephony.data.ApnSetting.ProtocolType; import com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.android.internal.telephony.flags.Flags; import com.android.internal.util.Preconditions; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; /** * Description of the response of a setup data call connection request. * * @hide */ @SystemApi public final class DataCallResponse implements Parcelable { /** {@hide} */ @IntDef(prefix = "LINK_STATUS_", value = { LINK_STATUS_UNKNOWN, LINK_STATUS_INACTIVE, LINK_STATUS_DORMANT, LINK_STATUS_ACTIVE }) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) public @interface LinkStatus {} /** Unknown status */ public static final int LINK_STATUS_UNKNOWN = -1; /** Indicates the data connection is inactive. */ public static final int LINK_STATUS_INACTIVE = 0; /** Indicates the data connection is active with physical link dormant. */ public static final int LINK_STATUS_DORMANT = 1; /** Indicates the data connection is active with physical link up. */ public static final int LINK_STATUS_ACTIVE = 2; /** {@hide} */ @IntDef(prefix = "HANDOVER_FAILURE_MODE_", value = { HANDOVER_FAILURE_MODE_UNKNOWN, HANDOVER_FAILURE_MODE_LEGACY, HANDOVER_FAILURE_MODE_DO_FALLBACK, HANDOVER_FAILURE_MODE_NO_FALLBACK_RETRY_HANDOVER, HANDOVER_FAILURE_MODE_NO_FALLBACK_RETRY_SETUP_NORMAL }) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) public @interface HandoverFailureMode {} /** * Data handover failure mode is unknown. */ public static final int HANDOVER_FAILURE_MODE_UNKNOWN = -1; /** * Perform fallback to the source data transport on data handover failure using * the legacy logic, which is fallback if the fail cause is * {@link DataFailCause#HANDOFF_PREFERENCE_CHANGED}. */ public static final int HANDOVER_FAILURE_MODE_LEGACY = 0; /** * Perform fallback to the source data transport on data handover failure. */ public static final int HANDOVER_FAILURE_MODE_DO_FALLBACK = 1; /** * Do not perform fallback to the source data transport on data handover failure. * Framework will retry setting up a new data connection by sending * {@link DataService#REQUEST_REASON_HANDOVER} request to the underlying {@link DataService}. */ public static final int HANDOVER_FAILURE_MODE_NO_FALLBACK_RETRY_HANDOVER = 2; /** * Do not perform fallback to the source transport on data handover failure. * Framework will retry setting up a new data connection by sending * {@link DataService#REQUEST_REASON_NORMAL} request to the underlying {@link DataService}. */ public static final int HANDOVER_FAILURE_MODE_NO_FALLBACK_RETRY_SETUP_NORMAL = 3; /** * Indicates that data retry duration is not specified. Platform can determine when to * perform data setup appropriately. */ public static final int RETRY_DURATION_UNDEFINED = -1; /** * Indicates that the pdu session id is not set. */ public static final int PDU_SESSION_ID_NOT_SET = 0; private final @DataFailureCause int mCause; private final long mSuggestedRetryTime; private final int mId; private final @LinkStatus int mLinkStatus; private final @ProtocolType int mProtocolType; private final String mInterfaceName; private final List mAddresses; private final List mDnsAddresses; private final List mGatewayAddresses; private final List mPcscfAddresses; private final int mMtu; private final int mMtuV4; private final int mMtuV6; private final @HandoverFailureMode int mHandoverFailureMode; private final int mPduSessionId; private final Qos mDefaultQos; private final List mQosBearerSessions; private final NetworkSliceInfo mSliceInfo; private final List mTrafficDescriptors; private final @PreciseDataConnectionState.NetworkValidationStatus int mNetworkValidationStatus; /** * @param cause Data call fail cause. {@link DataFailCause#NONE} indicates no error. * @param suggestedRetryTime The suggested data retry time in milliseconds. * @param id The unique id of the data connection. * @param linkStatus Data connection link status. * @param protocolType The connection protocol, should be one of the PDP_type values in 3GPP * TS 27.007 section 10.1.1. For example, "IP", "IPV6", "IPV4V6", or "PPP". * @param interfaceName The network interface name. * @param addresses A list of addresses with optional "/" prefix length, e.g., * "" or " 2001:db8::1/64". Typically 1 IPv4 or 1 IPv6 or * one of each. If the prefix length is absent the addresses are assumed to be * point to point with IPv4 having a prefix length of 32 and IPv6 128. * @param dnsAddresses A list of DNS server addresses, e.g., "" or * " 2001:db8::1". Null if no dns server addresses returned. * @param gatewayAddresses A list of default gateway addresses, e.g., "" or * " 2001:db8::1". When null, the addresses represent point to point connections. * @param pcscfAddresses A list of Proxy Call State Control Function address via PCO (Protocol * Configuration Option) for IMS client. * @param mtu MTU (maximum transmission unit) in bytes received from network. * Zero or negative values means network has either not sent a value or sent an invalid value. * * @removed Use the {@link Builder()} instead. */ public DataCallResponse(@DataFailureCause int cause, int suggestedRetryTime, int id, @LinkStatus int linkStatus, @ProtocolType int protocolType, @Nullable String interfaceName, @Nullable List addresses, @Nullable List dnsAddresses, @Nullable List gatewayAddresses, @Nullable List pcscfAddresses, int mtu) { this(cause, suggestedRetryTime, id, linkStatus, protocolType, interfaceName == null ? "" : interfaceName, addresses == null ? Collections.emptyList() : addresses, dnsAddresses == null ? Collections.emptyList() : dnsAddresses, gatewayAddresses == null ? Collections.emptyList() : gatewayAddresses, pcscfAddresses == null ? Collections.emptyList() : pcscfAddresses, mtu, mtu /* mtuV4 */, mtu /* mtuV6 */, HANDOVER_FAILURE_MODE_LEGACY, PDU_SESSION_ID_NOT_SET, null /* defaultQos */, Collections.emptyList() /* qosBearerSessions */, null /* sliceInfo */, Collections.emptyList(), /* trafficDescriptors */ PreciseDataConnectionState.NETWORK_VALIDATION_UNSUPPORTED); } private DataCallResponse(@DataFailureCause int cause, long suggestedRetryTime, int id, @LinkStatus int linkStatus, @ProtocolType int protocolType, @NonNull String interfaceName, @NonNull List addresses, @NonNull List dnsAddresses, @NonNull List gatewayAddresses, @NonNull List pcscfAddresses, int mtu, int mtuV4, int mtuV6, @HandoverFailureMode int handoverFailureMode, int pduSessionId, @Nullable Qos defaultQos, @NonNull List qosBearerSessions, @Nullable NetworkSliceInfo sliceInfo, @NonNull List trafficDescriptors, @PreciseDataConnectionState.NetworkValidationStatus int networkValidationStatus) { mCause = cause; mSuggestedRetryTime = suggestedRetryTime; mId = id; mLinkStatus = linkStatus; mProtocolType = protocolType; mInterfaceName = interfaceName; mAddresses = new ArrayList<>(addresses); mDnsAddresses = new ArrayList<>(dnsAddresses); mGatewayAddresses = new ArrayList<>(gatewayAddresses); mPcscfAddresses = new ArrayList<>(pcscfAddresses); mMtu = mtu; mMtuV4 = mtuV4; mMtuV6 = mtuV6; mHandoverFailureMode = handoverFailureMode; mPduSessionId = pduSessionId; mDefaultQos = defaultQos; mQosBearerSessions = new ArrayList<>(qosBearerSessions); mSliceInfo = sliceInfo; mTrafficDescriptors = new ArrayList<>(trafficDescriptors); mNetworkValidationStatus = networkValidationStatus; if (mLinkStatus == LINK_STATUS_ACTIVE || mLinkStatus == LINK_STATUS_DORMANT) { Objects.requireNonNull( mInterfaceName, "Active data calls must be on a valid interface!"); if (mCause != DataFailCause.NONE) { throw new IllegalStateException("Active data call must not have a failure!"); } } } /** @hide */ @VisibleForTesting public DataCallResponse(Parcel source) { mCause = source.readInt(); mSuggestedRetryTime = source.readLong(); mId = source.readInt(); mLinkStatus = source.readInt(); mProtocolType = source.readInt(); mInterfaceName = source.readString(); mAddresses = new ArrayList<>(); source.readList(mAddresses, LinkAddress.class.getClassLoader(), android.net.LinkAddress.class); mDnsAddresses = new ArrayList<>(); source.readList(mDnsAddresses, InetAddress.class.getClassLoader(), java.net.InetAddress.class); mGatewayAddresses = new ArrayList<>(); source.readList(mGatewayAddresses, InetAddress.class.getClassLoader(), java.net.InetAddress.class); mPcscfAddresses = new ArrayList<>(); source.readList(mPcscfAddresses, InetAddress.class.getClassLoader(), java.net.InetAddress.class); mMtu = source.readInt(); mMtuV4 = source.readInt(); mMtuV6 = source.readInt(); mHandoverFailureMode = source.readInt(); mPduSessionId = source.readInt(); mDefaultQos = source.readParcelable(Qos.class.getClassLoader(), android.telephony.data.Qos.class); mQosBearerSessions = new ArrayList<>(); source.readList(mQosBearerSessions, QosBearerSession.class.getClassLoader(), android.telephony.data.QosBearerSession.class); mSliceInfo = source.readParcelable( NetworkSliceInfo.class.getClassLoader(), android.telephony.data.NetworkSliceInfo.class); mTrafficDescriptors = new ArrayList<>(); source.readList(mTrafficDescriptors, TrafficDescriptor.class.getClassLoader(), android.telephony.data.TrafficDescriptor.class); mNetworkValidationStatus = source.readInt(); } /** * @return Data call fail cause. {@link DataFailCause#NONE} indicates no error. */ @DataFailureCause public int getCause() { return mCause; } /** * @return The suggested data retry time in milliseconds. 0 when network does not * suggest a retry time (Note this is different from the replacement * {@link #getRetryDurationMillis()}). * * @deprecated Use {@link #getRetryDurationMillis()} instead. */ @Deprecated public int getSuggestedRetryTime() { // To match the pre-deprecated getSuggestedRetryTime() behavior. if (mSuggestedRetryTime == RETRY_DURATION_UNDEFINED) { return 0; } else if (mSuggestedRetryTime > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } return (int) mSuggestedRetryTime; } /** * @return The network suggested data retry duration in milliseconds as specified in * 3GPP TS 24.302 section The APN associated to this data call will be throttled for * the specified duration unless {@link DataServiceCallback#onApnUnthrottled} is called. * {@code Long.MAX_VALUE} indicates data retry should not occur. * {@link #RETRY_DURATION_UNDEFINED} indicates network did not suggest any retry duration. */ public long getRetryDurationMillis() { return mSuggestedRetryTime; } /** * @return The unique id of the data connection. */ public int getId() { return mId; } /** * @return The link status */ @LinkStatus public int getLinkStatus() { return mLinkStatus; } /** * @return The connection protocol type. */ @ProtocolType public int getProtocolType() { return mProtocolType; } /** * @return The network interface name (e.g. "rmnet_data1"). */ @NonNull public String getInterfaceName() { return mInterfaceName; } /** * @return A list of addresses of this data connection. */ @NonNull public List getAddresses() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(mAddresses); } /** * @return A list of DNS server addresses, e.g., "" or * " 2001:db8::1". Empty list if no dns server addresses returned. */ @NonNull public List getDnsAddresses() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(mDnsAddresses); } /** * @return A list of default gateway addresses, e.g., "" or * " 2001:db8::1". Empty list if the addresses represent point to point connections. */ @NonNull public List getGatewayAddresses() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(mGatewayAddresses); } /** * @return A list of Proxy Call State Control Function address via PCO (Protocol Configuration * Option) for IMS client. */ @NonNull public List getPcscfAddresses() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(mPcscfAddresses); } /** * @return MTU (maximum transmission unit) in bytes received from network. Zero or negative * values means network has either not sent a value or sent an invalid value. * @deprecated For IRadio 1.5 and up, use {@link #getMtuV4} or {@link #getMtuV6} instead. */ @Deprecated public int getMtu() { return mMtu; } /** * This replaces the deprecated method getMtu. * @return MTU (maximum transmission unit) in bytes received from network, for IPv4. * Zero or negative values means network has either not sent a value or sent an invalid value. */ public int getMtuV4() { return mMtuV4; } /** * @return MTU (maximum transmission unit) in bytes received from network, for IPv6. * Zero or negative values means network has either not sent a value or sent an invalid value. */ public int getMtuV6() { return mMtuV6; } /** * @return The data handover failure mode. */ public @HandoverFailureMode int getHandoverFailureMode() { return mHandoverFailureMode; } /** * @return The pdu session id */ public int getPduSessionId() { return mPduSessionId; } /** * @return default QOS of the data connection received from the network * * @hide */ @Nullable public Qos getDefaultQos() { return mDefaultQos; } /** * @return All the dedicated bearer QOS sessions of the data connection received from the * network. * * @hide */ @NonNull public List getQosBearerSessions() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(mQosBearerSessions); } /** * @return The slice info related to this data connection. */ @Nullable public NetworkSliceInfo getSliceInfo() { return mSliceInfo; } /** * @return The traffic descriptors related to this data connection. */ @NonNull public List getTrafficDescriptors() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(mTrafficDescriptors); } /** * Return the network validation status that was initiated by {@link * DataService.DataServiceProvider#requestNetworkValidation} * * @return The network validation status of data connection. */ @FlaggedApi(Flags.FLAG_NETWORK_VALIDATION) public @PreciseDataConnectionState.NetworkValidationStatus int getNetworkValidationStatus() { return mNetworkValidationStatus; } @NonNull @Override public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("DataCallResponse: {") .append(" cause=").append(DataFailCause.toString(mCause)) .append(" retry=").append(mSuggestedRetryTime) .append(" cid=").append(mId) .append(" linkStatus=").append(mLinkStatus) .append(" protocolType=").append(mProtocolType) .append(" ifname=").append(mInterfaceName) .append(" addresses=").append(mAddresses) .append(" dnses=").append(mDnsAddresses) .append(" gateways=").append(mGatewayAddresses) .append(" pcscf=").append(mPcscfAddresses) .append(" mtu=").append(getMtu()) .append(" mtuV4=").append(getMtuV4()) .append(" mtuV6=").append(getMtuV6()) .append(" handoverFailureMode=").append(failureModeToString(mHandoverFailureMode)) .append(" pduSessionId=").append(getPduSessionId()) .append(" defaultQos=").append(mDefaultQos) .append(" qosBearerSessions=").append(mQosBearerSessions) .append(" sliceInfo=").append(mSliceInfo) .append(" trafficDescriptors=").append(mTrafficDescriptors) .append(" networkValidationStatus=").append(PreciseDataConnectionState .networkValidationStatusToString(mNetworkValidationStatus)) .append("}"); return sb.toString(); } @Override public boolean equals(@Nullable Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof DataCallResponse)) { return false; } DataCallResponse other = (DataCallResponse) o; return mCause == other.mCause && mSuggestedRetryTime == other.mSuggestedRetryTime && mId == other.mId && mLinkStatus == other.mLinkStatus && mProtocolType == other.mProtocolType && mInterfaceName.equals(other.mInterfaceName) && mAddresses.size() == other.mAddresses.size() && mAddresses.containsAll(other.mAddresses) && mDnsAddresses.size() == other.mDnsAddresses.size() && mDnsAddresses.containsAll(other.mDnsAddresses) && mGatewayAddresses.size() == other.mGatewayAddresses.size() && mGatewayAddresses.containsAll(other.mGatewayAddresses) && mPcscfAddresses.size() == other.mPcscfAddresses.size() && mPcscfAddresses.containsAll(other.mPcscfAddresses) && mMtu == other.mMtu && mMtuV4 == other.mMtuV4 && mMtuV6 == other.mMtuV6 && mHandoverFailureMode == other.mHandoverFailureMode && mPduSessionId == other.mPduSessionId && Objects.equals(mDefaultQos, other.mDefaultQos) && mQosBearerSessions.size() == other.mQosBearerSessions.size() // non-null && mQosBearerSessions.containsAll(other.mQosBearerSessions) // non-null && Objects.equals(mSliceInfo, other.mSliceInfo) && mTrafficDescriptors.size() == other.mTrafficDescriptors.size() // non-null && mTrafficDescriptors.containsAll(other.mTrafficDescriptors) // non-null && mNetworkValidationStatus == other.mNetworkValidationStatus; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(mCause, mSuggestedRetryTime, mId, mLinkStatus, mProtocolType, mInterfaceName, Set.copyOf(mAddresses), Set.copyOf(mDnsAddresses), Set.copyOf(mGatewayAddresses), Set.copyOf(mPcscfAddresses), mMtu, mMtuV4, mMtuV6, mHandoverFailureMode, mPduSessionId, mDefaultQos, Set.copyOf(mQosBearerSessions), mSliceInfo, Set.copyOf(mTrafficDescriptors), mNetworkValidationStatus); } @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { dest.writeInt(mCause); dest.writeLong(mSuggestedRetryTime); dest.writeInt(mId); dest.writeInt(mLinkStatus); dest.writeInt(mProtocolType); dest.writeString(mInterfaceName); dest.writeList(mAddresses); dest.writeList(mDnsAddresses); dest.writeList(mGatewayAddresses); dest.writeList(mPcscfAddresses); dest.writeInt(mMtu); dest.writeInt(mMtuV4); dest.writeInt(mMtuV6); dest.writeInt(mHandoverFailureMode); dest.writeInt(mPduSessionId); dest.writeParcelable(mDefaultQos, flags); dest.writeList(mQosBearerSessions); dest.writeParcelable(mSliceInfo, flags); dest.writeList(mTrafficDescriptors); dest.writeInt(mNetworkValidationStatus); } public static final @android.annotation.NonNull Parcelable.Creator CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator() { @Override public DataCallResponse createFromParcel(Parcel source) { return new DataCallResponse(source); } @Override public DataCallResponse[] newArray(int size) { return new DataCallResponse[size]; } }; /** * Convert handover failure mode to string. * * @param handoverFailureMode Handover failure mode * @return Handover failure mode in string * * @hide */ public static String failureModeToString(@HandoverFailureMode int handoverFailureMode) { switch (handoverFailureMode) { case HANDOVER_FAILURE_MODE_UNKNOWN: return "unknown"; case HANDOVER_FAILURE_MODE_LEGACY: return "legacy"; case HANDOVER_FAILURE_MODE_DO_FALLBACK: return "fallback"; case HANDOVER_FAILURE_MODE_NO_FALLBACK_RETRY_HANDOVER: return "retry handover"; case HANDOVER_FAILURE_MODE_NO_FALLBACK_RETRY_SETUP_NORMAL: return "retry setup new one"; default: return Integer.toString(handoverFailureMode); } } /** * Provides a convenient way to set the fields of a {@link DataCallResponse} when creating a new * instance. * *

The example below shows how you might create a new {@code DataCallResponse}: * *

     * DataCallResponse response = new DataCallResponse.Builder()
     *     .setAddresses(Arrays.asList(""))
     *     .setProtocolType(ApnSetting.PROTOCOL_IPV4V6)
     *     .build();
*/ public static final class Builder { private @DataFailureCause int mCause; private long mSuggestedRetryTime = RETRY_DURATION_UNDEFINED; private int mId; private @LinkStatus int mLinkStatus; private @ProtocolType int mProtocolType; private String mInterfaceName = ""; private List mAddresses = Collections.emptyList(); private List mDnsAddresses = Collections.emptyList(); private List mGatewayAddresses = Collections.emptyList(); private List mPcscfAddresses = Collections.emptyList(); private int mMtu; private int mMtuV4; private int mMtuV6; private @HandoverFailureMode int mHandoverFailureMode = HANDOVER_FAILURE_MODE_LEGACY; private int mPduSessionId = PDU_SESSION_ID_NOT_SET; private @Nullable Qos mDefaultQos; private List mQosBearerSessions = new ArrayList<>(); private @Nullable NetworkSliceInfo mSliceInfo; private List mTrafficDescriptors = new ArrayList<>(); private @PreciseDataConnectionState.NetworkValidationStatus int mNetworkValidationStatus = PreciseDataConnectionState.NETWORK_VALIDATION_UNSUPPORTED; /** * Default constructor for Builder. */ public Builder() { } /** * Set data call fail cause. * * @param cause Data call fail cause. {@link DataFailCause#NONE} indicates no error, which * is the only valid value for data calls that are {@link LINK_STATUS_ACTIVE} or * {@link LINK_STATUS_DORMANT}. * @return The same instance of the builder. */ public @NonNull Builder setCause(@DataFailureCause int cause) { mCause = cause; return this; } /** * Set the suggested data retry time. * * @param suggestedRetryTime The suggested data retry time in milliseconds. * @return The same instance of the builder. * * @deprecated Use {@link #setRetryDurationMillis(long)} instead. */ @Deprecated public @NonNull Builder setSuggestedRetryTime(int suggestedRetryTime) { mSuggestedRetryTime = (long) suggestedRetryTime; return this; } /** * Set the network suggested data retry duration. * * @param retryDurationMillis The suggested data retry duration in milliseconds. * @return The same instance of the builder. */ public @NonNull Builder setRetryDurationMillis(long retryDurationMillis) { mSuggestedRetryTime = retryDurationMillis; return this; } /** * Set the unique id of the data connection. * * @param id The unique id of the data connection. * @return The same instance of the builder. */ public @NonNull Builder setId(int id) { mId = id; return this; } /** * Set the link status * * @param linkStatus The link status * @return The same instance of the builder. */ public @NonNull Builder setLinkStatus(@LinkStatus int linkStatus) { mLinkStatus = linkStatus; return this; } /** * Set the connection protocol type. * * @param protocolType The connection protocol type. * @return The same instance of the builder. */ public @NonNull Builder setProtocolType(@ProtocolType int protocolType) { mProtocolType = protocolType; return this; } /** * Set the network interface name. * * @param interfaceName The network interface name (e.g. "rmnet_data1"). This value may not * be null for valid data calls (those that are {@link LINK_STATUS_ACTIVE} or * {@link LINK_STATUS_DORMANT}). * @return The same instance of the builder. */ public @NonNull Builder setInterfaceName(@Nullable String interfaceName) { if (interfaceName == null) interfaceName = ""; mInterfaceName = interfaceName; return this; } /** * Set the addresses of this data connection. * * @param addresses The list of address of the data connection. * @return The same instance of the builder. */ public @NonNull Builder setAddresses(@NonNull List addresses) { Objects.requireNonNull(addresses); mAddresses = addresses; return this; } /** * Set the DNS addresses of this data connection * * @param dnsAddresses The list of DNS address of the data connection. * @return The same instance of the builder. */ public @NonNull Builder setDnsAddresses(@NonNull List dnsAddresses) { Objects.requireNonNull(dnsAddresses); mDnsAddresses = dnsAddresses; return this; } /** * Set the gateway addresses of this data connection * * @param gatewayAddresses The list of gateway address of the data connection. * @return The same instance of the builder. */ public @NonNull Builder setGatewayAddresses(@NonNull List gatewayAddresses) { Objects.requireNonNull(gatewayAddresses); mGatewayAddresses = gatewayAddresses; return this; } /** * Set the Proxy Call State Control Function address via PCO(Protocol Configuration * Option) for IMS client. * * @param pcscfAddresses The list of pcscf address of the data connection. * @return The same instance of the builder. */ public @NonNull Builder setPcscfAddresses(@NonNull List pcscfAddresses) { Objects.requireNonNull(pcscfAddresses); mPcscfAddresses = pcscfAddresses; return this; } /** * Set maximum transmission unit of the data connection. * * @param mtu MTU (maximum transmission unit) in bytes received from network. Zero or * negative values means network has either not sent a value or sent an invalid value. * * @return The same instance of the builder. * @deprecated For IRadio 1.5 and up, use {@link #setMtuV4} or {@link #setMtuV6} instead. */ public @NonNull Builder setMtu(int mtu) { mMtu = mtu; return this; } /** * Set maximum transmission unit of the data connection, for IPv4. * * @param mtu MTU (maximum transmission unit) in bytes received from network. Zero or * negative values means network has either not sent a value or sent an invalid value. * * @return The same instance of the builder. */ public @NonNull Builder setMtuV4(int mtu) { mMtuV4 = mtu; return this; } /** * Set maximum transmission unit of the data connection, for IPv6. * * @param mtu MTU (maximum transmission unit) in bytes received from network. Zero or * negative values means network has either not sent a value or sent an invalid value. * * @return The same instance of the builder. */ public @NonNull Builder setMtuV6(int mtu) { mMtuV6 = mtu; return this; } /** * Set data handover failure mode for the data call response. * * @param failureMode Handover failure mode. * @return The same instance of the builder. */ public @NonNull Builder setHandoverFailureMode(@HandoverFailureMode int failureMode) { mHandoverFailureMode = failureMode; return this; } /** * Set pdu session id. *

* The id must be between 1 and 15 when linked to a pdu session. If no pdu session * exists for the current data call, the id must be set to {@link #PDU_SESSION_ID_NOT_SET}. * * @param pduSessionId Pdu Session Id of the data call. * @return The same instance of the builder. */ public @NonNull Builder setPduSessionId( @IntRange(from = PDU_SESSION_ID_NOT_SET, to = 15) int pduSessionId) { Preconditions.checkArgument(pduSessionId >= PDU_SESSION_ID_NOT_SET, "pduSessionId must be greater than or equal to" + PDU_SESSION_ID_NOT_SET); Preconditions.checkArgument(pduSessionId <= 15, "pduSessionId must be less than or equal to 15."); mPduSessionId = pduSessionId; return this; } /** * Set the default QOS for this data connection. * * @param defaultQos QOS (Quality Of Service) received from network. * * @return The same instance of the builder. * * @hide */ public @NonNull Builder setDefaultQos(@Nullable Qos defaultQos) { mDefaultQos = defaultQos; return this; } /** * Set the dedicated bearer QOS sessions for this data connection. * * @param qosBearerSessions Dedicated bearer QOS (Quality Of Service) sessions received * from network. * * @return The same instance of the builder. * * @hide */ public @NonNull Builder setQosBearerSessions( @NonNull List qosBearerSessions) { Objects.requireNonNull(qosBearerSessions); mQosBearerSessions = qosBearerSessions; return this; } /** * The Slice used for this data connection. *

* If a handover occurs from EPDG to 5G, * this is the {@link NetworkSliceInfo} used in {@link DataService#setupDataCall}. * * @param sliceInfo the slice info for the data call * * @return The same instance of the builder. */ public @NonNull Builder setSliceInfo(@Nullable NetworkSliceInfo sliceInfo) { mSliceInfo = sliceInfo; return this; } /** * The traffic descriptors for this data connection, as defined in 3GPP TS 24.526 * Section 5.2. They are used for URSP traffic matching as described in 3GPP TS 24.526 * Section 4.2.2. They includes an optional DNN, which, if present, must be used for traffic * matching; it does not specify the end point to be used for the data call. The end point * is specified by {@link DataProfile}, which must be used as the end point if one is not * specified through URSP rules. * * @param trafficDescriptors the traffic descriptors for the data call. * * @return The same instance of the builder. */ public @NonNull Builder setTrafficDescriptors( @NonNull List trafficDescriptors) { Objects.requireNonNull(trafficDescriptors); mTrafficDescriptors = trafficDescriptors; return this; } /** * Set the network validation status that corresponds to the state of the network validation * request started by {@link DataService.DataServiceProvider#requestNetworkValidation} * * @param status The network validation status. * @return The same instance of the builder. */ @FlaggedApi(Flags.FLAG_NETWORK_VALIDATION) public @NonNull Builder setNetworkValidationStatus( @PreciseDataConnectionState.NetworkValidationStatus int status) { mNetworkValidationStatus = status; return this; } /** * Build the DataCallResponse. * * @return the DataCallResponse object. */ public @NonNull DataCallResponse build() { return new DataCallResponse(mCause, mSuggestedRetryTime, mId, mLinkStatus, mProtocolType, mInterfaceName, mAddresses, mDnsAddresses, mGatewayAddresses, mPcscfAddresses, mMtu, mMtuV4, mMtuV6, mHandoverFailureMode, mPduSessionId, mDefaultQos, mQosBearerSessions, mSliceInfo, mTrafficDescriptors, mNetworkValidationStatus); } } }