/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.view.autofill; import static android.view.autofill.Helper.sVerbose; import android.annotation.NonNull; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.transition.Transition; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnTouchListener; import android.view.ViewTreeObserver; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams; import android.widget.PopupWindow; import android.window.WindowMetricsHelper; /** * Custom {@link PopupWindow} used to isolate its content from the autofilled app - the * UI is rendered in a framework process, but it's controlled by the app. * * TODO(b/34943932): use an app surface control solution. * * @hide */ public class AutofillPopupWindow extends PopupWindow { private static final String TAG = "AutofillPopupWindow"; private final WindowPresenter mWindowPresenter; private WindowManager.LayoutParams mWindowLayoutParams; private boolean mFullScreen; private final View.OnAttachStateChangeListener mOnAttachStateChangeListener = new View.OnAttachStateChangeListener() { @Override public void onViewAttachedToWindow(View v) { /* ignore - handled by the super class */ } @Override public void onViewDetachedFromWindow(View v) { dismiss(); } }; /** * Creates a popup window with a presenter owning the window and responsible for * showing/hiding/updating the backing window. This can be useful of the window is * being shown by another process while the popup logic is in the process hosting * the anchor view. *
* Using this constructor means that the presenter completely owns the content of * the window and the following methods manipulating the window content shouldn't * be used: {@link #getEnterTransition()}, {@link #setEnterTransition(Transition)}, * {@link #getExitTransition()}, {@link #setExitTransition(Transition)}, * {@link #getContentView()}, {@link #setContentView(View)}, {@link #getBackground()}, * {@link #setBackgroundDrawable(Drawable)}, {@link #getElevation()}, * {@link #setElevation(float)}, ({@link #getAnimationStyle()}, * {@link #setAnimationStyle(int)}, {@link #setTouchInterceptor(OnTouchListener)}.
*/ public AutofillPopupWindow(@NonNull IAutofillWindowPresenter presenter) { mWindowPresenter = new WindowPresenter(presenter); setTouchModal(false); setOutsideTouchable(true); setInputMethodMode(INPUT_METHOD_NOT_NEEDED); setFocusable(true); } @Override protected boolean hasContentView() { return true; } @Override protected boolean hasDecorView() { return true; } @Override protected LayoutParams getDecorViewLayoutParams() { return mWindowLayoutParams; } /** * The effective {@code update} method that should be called by its clients. */ public void update(View anchor, int offsetX, int offsetY, int width, int height, Rect virtualBounds) { mFullScreen = width == LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT; // For no fullscreen autofill window, we want to show the window as system controlled one // so it covers app windows, but it has to be an application type (so it's contained inside // the application area). Hence, we set it to the application type with the highest z-order, // which currently is TYPE_APPLICATION_ABOVE_SUB_PANEL. // For fullscreen mode, autofill window is at the bottom of screen, it should not be // clipped by app activity window. Fullscreen autofill window does not need to follow app // anchor view position. setWindowLayoutType(mFullScreen ? WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_SYSTEM_DIALOG : WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION_ABOVE_SUB_PANEL); // If we are showing the popup for a virtual view we use a fake view which // delegates to the anchor but present itself with the same bounds as the // virtual view. This ensures that the location logic in popup works // symmetrically when the dropdown is below and above the anchor. final View actualAnchor; if (mFullScreen) { offsetX = 0; offsetY = 0; // If it is not fullscreen height, put window at bottom. Computes absolute position. // Note that we cannot easily change default gravity from Gravity.TOP to // Gravity.BOTTOM because PopupWindow base class does not expose computeGravity(). final WindowManager windowManager = anchor.getContext() .getSystemService(WindowManager.class); final Rect windowBounds = WindowMetricsHelper.getBoundsExcludingNavigationBarAndCutout( windowManager.getCurrentWindowMetrics()); width = windowBounds.width(); if (height != LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) { offsetY = windowBounds.height() - height; } actualAnchor = anchor; } else if (virtualBounds != null) { final int[] mLocationOnScreen = new int[] {virtualBounds.left, virtualBounds.top}; actualAnchor = new View(anchor.getContext()) { @Override public void getLocationOnScreen(int[] location) { location[0] = mLocationOnScreen[0]; location[1] = mLocationOnScreen[1]; } @Override public int getAccessibilityViewId() { return anchor.getAccessibilityViewId(); } @Override public ViewTreeObserver getViewTreeObserver() { return anchor.getViewTreeObserver(); } @Override public IBinder getApplicationWindowToken() { return anchor.getApplicationWindowToken(); } @Override public View getRootView() { return anchor.getRootView(); } @Override public int getLayoutDirection() { return anchor.getLayoutDirection(); } @Override public void getWindowDisplayFrame(Rect outRect) { anchor.getWindowDisplayFrame(outRect); } @Override public void addOnAttachStateChangeListener( OnAttachStateChangeListener listener) { anchor.addOnAttachStateChangeListener(listener); } @Override public void removeOnAttachStateChangeListener( OnAttachStateChangeListener listener) { anchor.removeOnAttachStateChangeListener(listener); } @Override public boolean isAttachedToWindow() { return anchor.isAttachedToWindow(); } @Override public boolean requestRectangleOnScreen(Rect rectangle, boolean immediate) { return anchor.requestRectangleOnScreen(rectangle, immediate); } @Override public IBinder getWindowToken() { return anchor.getWindowToken(); } }; actualAnchor.setLeftTopRightBottom( virtualBounds.left, virtualBounds.top, virtualBounds.right, virtualBounds.bottom); actualAnchor.setScrollX(anchor.getScrollX()); actualAnchor.setScrollY(anchor.getScrollY()); anchor.setOnScrollChangeListener((v, scrollX, scrollY, oldScrollX, oldScrollY) -> { mLocationOnScreen[0] = mLocationOnScreen[0] - (scrollX - oldScrollX); mLocationOnScreen[1] = mLocationOnScreen[1] - (scrollY - oldScrollY); }); actualAnchor.setWillNotDraw(true); } else { actualAnchor = anchor; } if (!mFullScreen) { // No fullscreen window animation is controlled by PopupWindow. setAnimationStyle(-1); } else if (height == LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) { // Complete fullscreen autofill window has no animation. setAnimationStyle(0); } else { // Slide half screen height autofill window from bottom. setAnimationStyle(com.android.internal.R.style.AutofillHalfScreenAnimation); } if (!isShowing()) { setWidth(width); setHeight(height); showAsDropDown(actualAnchor, offsetX, offsetY); } else { update(actualAnchor, offsetX, offsetY, width, height); } } @Override protected void update(View anchor, WindowManager.LayoutParams params) { final int layoutDirection = anchor != null ? anchor.getLayoutDirection() : View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LOCALE; mWindowPresenter.show(params, getTransitionEpicenter(), isLayoutInsetDecor(), layoutDirection); } @Override protected boolean findDropDownPosition(View anchor, LayoutParams outParams, int xOffset, int yOffset, int width, int height, int gravity, boolean allowScroll) { if (mFullScreen) { // In fullscreen mode, don't need consider the anchor view. outParams.x = xOffset; outParams.y = yOffset; outParams.width = width; outParams.height = height; outParams.gravity = gravity; return false; } return super.findDropDownPosition(anchor, outParams, xOffset, yOffset, width, height, gravity, allowScroll); } @Override public void showAsDropDown(View anchor, int xoff, int yoff, int gravity) { if (sVerbose) { Log.v(TAG, "showAsDropDown(): anchor=" + anchor + ", xoff=" + xoff + ", yoff=" + yoff + ", isShowing(): " + isShowing()); } if (isShowing()) { return; } setShowing(true); setDropDown(true); attachToAnchor(anchor, xoff, yoff, gravity); final WindowManager.LayoutParams p = mWindowLayoutParams = createPopupLayoutParams( anchor.getWindowToken()); final boolean aboveAnchor = findDropDownPosition(anchor, p, xoff, yoff, p.width, p.height, gravity, getAllowScrollingAnchorParent()); updateAboveAnchor(aboveAnchor); p.accessibilityIdOfAnchor = anchor.getAccessibilityViewId(); p.packageName = anchor.getContext().getPackageName(); mWindowPresenter.show(p, getTransitionEpicenter(), isLayoutInsetDecor(), anchor.getLayoutDirection()); } @Override protected void attachToAnchor(View anchor, int xoff, int yoff, int gravity) { super.attachToAnchor(anchor, xoff, yoff, gravity); anchor.addOnAttachStateChangeListener(mOnAttachStateChangeListener); } @Override protected void detachFromAnchor() { final View anchor = getAnchor(); if (anchor != null) { anchor.removeOnAttachStateChangeListener(mOnAttachStateChangeListener); } super.detachFromAnchor(); } @Override public void dismiss() { if (!isShowing() || isTransitioningToDismiss()) { return; } setShowing(false); setTransitioningToDismiss(true); mWindowPresenter.hide(getTransitionEpicenter()); detachFromAnchor(); if (getOnDismissListener() != null) { getOnDismissListener().onDismiss(); } } @Override public int getAnimationStyle() { throw new IllegalStateException("You can't call this!"); } @Override public Drawable getBackground() { throw new IllegalStateException("You can't call this!"); } @Override public View getContentView() { throw new IllegalStateException("You can't call this!"); } @Override public float getElevation() { throw new IllegalStateException("You can't call this!"); } @Override public Transition getEnterTransition() { throw new IllegalStateException("You can't call this!"); } @Override public Transition getExitTransition() { throw new IllegalStateException("You can't call this!"); } @Override public void setBackgroundDrawable(Drawable background) { throw new IllegalStateException("You can't call this!"); } @Override public void setContentView(View contentView) { if (contentView != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("You can't call this!"); } } @Override public void setElevation(float elevation) { throw new IllegalStateException("You can't call this!"); } @Override public void setEnterTransition(Transition enterTransition) { throw new IllegalStateException("You can't call this!"); } @Override public void setExitTransition(Transition exitTransition) { throw new IllegalStateException("You can't call this!"); } @Override public void setTouchInterceptor(OnTouchListener l) { throw new IllegalStateException("You can't call this!"); } /** * Contract between the popup window and a presenter that is responsible for * showing/hiding/updating the actual window. * *This can be useful if the anchor is in one process and the backing window is owned by * another process. */ private class WindowPresenter { final IAutofillWindowPresenter mPresenter; WindowPresenter(IAutofillWindowPresenter presenter) { mPresenter = presenter; } /** * Shows the backing window. * * @param p The window layout params. * @param transitionEpicenter The transition epicenter if animating. * @param fitsSystemWindows Whether the content view should account for system decorations. * @param layoutDirection The content layout direction to be consistent with the anchor. */ void show(WindowManager.LayoutParams p, Rect transitionEpicenter, boolean fitsSystemWindows, int layoutDirection) { try { mPresenter.show(p, transitionEpicenter, fitsSystemWindows, layoutDirection); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Error showing fill window", e); e.rethrowFromSystemServer(); } } /** * Hides the backing window. * * @param transitionEpicenter The transition epicenter if animating. */ void hide(Rect transitionEpicenter) { try { mPresenter.hide(transitionEpicenter); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Error hiding fill window", e); e.rethrowFromSystemServer(); } } } }