/* * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.window; import static android.view.WindowManager.transitTypeToString; import android.annotation.Nullable; import android.app.ActivityManager; import android.app.WindowConfiguration; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.view.WindowManager; import com.android.internal.util.DataClass; /** * Used to communicate information about what is changing during a transition to a TransitionPlayer. * @hide */ @DataClass(genToString = true, genSetters = true, genAidl = true) public final class TransitionRequestInfo implements Parcelable { /** The type of the transition being requested. */ private final @WindowManager.TransitionType int mType; /** * If non-null, the task containing the activity whose lifecycle change (start or * finish) has caused this transition to occur. */ private @Nullable ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo mTriggerTask; /** * If non-null, the task containing the pip activity that participates in this * transition. */ private @Nullable ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo mPipTask; /** If non-null, a remote-transition associated with the source of this transition. */ private @Nullable RemoteTransition mRemoteTransition; /** * If non-null, this request was triggered by this display change. This will not be complete: * The reliable parts should be flags, rotation start/end (if rotating), and start/end bounds * (if size is changing). */ private @Nullable TransitionRequestInfo.DisplayChange mDisplayChange; /** The transition flags known at the time of the request. These may not be complete. */ private final int mFlags; /** This is only a BEST-EFFORT id used for log correlation. DO NOT USE for any real work! */ private final int mDebugId; /** constructor override */ public TransitionRequestInfo( @WindowManager.TransitionType int type, @Nullable ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo triggerTask, @Nullable RemoteTransition remoteTransition) { this(type, triggerTask, null /* pipTask */, remoteTransition, null /* displayChange */, 0 /* flags */, -1 /* debugId */); } /** constructor override */ public TransitionRequestInfo( @WindowManager.TransitionType int type, @Nullable ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo triggerTask, @Nullable RemoteTransition remoteTransition, int flags) { this(type, triggerTask, null /* pipTask */, remoteTransition, null /* displayChange */, flags, -1 /* debugId */); } /** constructor override */ public TransitionRequestInfo( @WindowManager.TransitionType int type, @Nullable ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo triggerTask, @Nullable RemoteTransition remoteTransition, @Nullable TransitionRequestInfo.DisplayChange displayChange, int flags) { this(type, triggerTask, null /* pipTask */, remoteTransition, displayChange, flags, -1 /* debugId */); } /** constructor override */ public TransitionRequestInfo( @WindowManager.TransitionType int type, @Nullable ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo triggerTask, @Nullable ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo pipTask, @Nullable RemoteTransition remoteTransition, @Nullable TransitionRequestInfo.DisplayChange displayChange, int flags) { this(type, triggerTask, pipTask, remoteTransition, displayChange, flags, -1 /* debugId */); } /** @hide */ String typeToString() { return transitTypeToString(mType); } /** Requested change to a display. */ @DataClass(genToString = true, genSetters = true, genBuilder = false, genConstructor = false) public static class DisplayChange implements Parcelable { private final int mDisplayId; @Nullable private Rect mStartAbsBounds = null; @Nullable private Rect mEndAbsBounds = null; private int mStartRotation = WindowConfiguration.ROTATION_UNDEFINED; private int mEndRotation = WindowConfiguration.ROTATION_UNDEFINED; private boolean mPhysicalDisplayChanged = false; /** Create empty display-change. */ public DisplayChange(int displayId) { mDisplayId = displayId; } /** Create a display-change representing a rotation. */ public DisplayChange(int displayId, int startRotation, int endRotation) { mDisplayId = displayId; mStartRotation = startRotation; mEndRotation = endRotation; } // Code below generated by codegen v1.0.23. // // DO NOT MODIFY! // CHECKSTYLE:OFF Generated code // // To regenerate run: // $ codegen $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/frameworks/base/core/java/android/window/TransitionRequestInfo.java // // To exclude the generated code from IntelliJ auto-formatting enable (one-time): // Settings > Editor > Code Style > Formatter Control //@formatter:off @DataClass.Generated.Member public int getDisplayId() { return mDisplayId; } @DataClass.Generated.Member public @Nullable Rect getStartAbsBounds() { return mStartAbsBounds; } @DataClass.Generated.Member public @Nullable Rect getEndAbsBounds() { return mEndAbsBounds; } @DataClass.Generated.Member public int getStartRotation() { return mStartRotation; } @DataClass.Generated.Member public int getEndRotation() { return mEndRotation; } @DataClass.Generated.Member public boolean isPhysicalDisplayChanged() { return mPhysicalDisplayChanged; } @DataClass.Generated.Member public @android.annotation.NonNull DisplayChange setStartAbsBounds(@android.annotation.NonNull Rect value) { mStartAbsBounds = value; return this; } @DataClass.Generated.Member public @android.annotation.NonNull DisplayChange setEndAbsBounds(@android.annotation.NonNull Rect value) { mEndAbsBounds = value; return this; } @DataClass.Generated.Member public @android.annotation.NonNull DisplayChange setStartRotation( int value) { mStartRotation = value; return this; } @DataClass.Generated.Member public @android.annotation.NonNull DisplayChange setEndRotation( int value) { mEndRotation = value; return this; } @DataClass.Generated.Member public @android.annotation.NonNull DisplayChange setPhysicalDisplayChanged( boolean value) { mPhysicalDisplayChanged = value; return this; } @Override @DataClass.Generated.Member public String toString() { // You can override field toString logic by defining methods like: // String fieldNameToString() { ... } return "DisplayChange { " + "displayId = " + mDisplayId + ", " + "startAbsBounds = " + mStartAbsBounds + ", " + "endAbsBounds = " + mEndAbsBounds + ", " + "startRotation = " + mStartRotation + ", " + "endRotation = " + mEndRotation + ", " + "physicalDisplayChanged = " + mPhysicalDisplayChanged + " }"; } @Override @DataClass.Generated.Member public void writeToParcel(@android.annotation.NonNull android.os.Parcel dest, int flags) { // You can override field parcelling by defining methods like: // void parcelFieldName(Parcel dest, int flags) { ... } byte flg = 0; if (mPhysicalDisplayChanged) flg |= 0x20; if (mStartAbsBounds != null) flg |= 0x2; if (mEndAbsBounds != null) flg |= 0x4; dest.writeByte(flg); dest.writeInt(mDisplayId); if (mStartAbsBounds != null) dest.writeTypedObject(mStartAbsBounds, flags); if (mEndAbsBounds != null) dest.writeTypedObject(mEndAbsBounds, flags); dest.writeInt(mStartRotation); dest.writeInt(mEndRotation); } @Override @DataClass.Generated.Member public int describeContents() { return 0; } /** @hide */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "RedundantCast"}) @DataClass.Generated.Member protected DisplayChange(@android.annotation.NonNull android.os.Parcel in) { // You can override field unparcelling by defining methods like: // static FieldType unparcelFieldName(Parcel in) { ... } byte flg = in.readByte(); boolean physicalDisplayChanged = (flg & 0x20) != 0; int displayId = in.readInt(); Rect startAbsBounds = (flg & 0x2) == 0 ? null : (Rect) in.readTypedObject(Rect.CREATOR); Rect endAbsBounds = (flg & 0x4) == 0 ? null : (Rect) in.readTypedObject(Rect.CREATOR); int startRotation = in.readInt(); int endRotation = in.readInt(); this.mDisplayId = displayId; this.mStartAbsBounds = startAbsBounds; this.mEndAbsBounds = endAbsBounds; this.mStartRotation = startRotation; this.mEndRotation = endRotation; this.mPhysicalDisplayChanged = physicalDisplayChanged; // onConstructed(); // You can define this method to get a callback } @DataClass.Generated.Member public static final @android.annotation.NonNull Parcelable.Creator CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator() { @Override public DisplayChange[] newArray(int size) { return new DisplayChange[size]; } @Override public DisplayChange createFromParcel(@android.annotation.NonNull android.os.Parcel in) { return new DisplayChange(in); } }; @DataClass.Generated( time = 1697564781403L, codegenVersion = "1.0.23", sourceFile = "frameworks/base/core/java/android/window/TransitionRequestInfo.java", inputSignatures = "private final int mDisplayId\nprivate @android.annotation.Nullable android.graphics.Rect mStartAbsBounds\nprivate @android.annotation.Nullable android.graphics.Rect mEndAbsBounds\nprivate int mStartRotation\nprivate int mEndRotation\nprivate boolean mPhysicalDisplayChanged\nclass DisplayChange extends java.lang.Object implements [android.os.Parcelable]\n@com.android.internal.util.DataClass(genToString=true, genSetters=true, genBuilder=false, genConstructor=false)") @Deprecated private void __metadata() {} //@formatter:on // End of generated code } // Code below generated by codegen v1.0.23. // // DO NOT MODIFY! // CHECKSTYLE:OFF Generated code // // To regenerate run: // $ codegen $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/frameworks/base/core/java/android/window/TransitionRequestInfo.java // // To exclude the generated code from IntelliJ auto-formatting enable (one-time): // Settings > Editor > Code Style > Formatter Control //@formatter:off /** * Creates a new TransitionRequestInfo. * * @param type * The type of the transition being requested. * @param triggerTask * If non-null, the task containing the activity whose lifecycle change (start or * finish) has caused this transition to occur. * @param pipTask * If non-null, the task containing the pip activity that participates in this * transition. * @param remoteTransition * If non-null, a remote-transition associated with the source of this transition. * @param displayChange * If non-null, this request was triggered by this display change. This will not be complete: * The reliable parts should be flags, rotation start/end (if rotating), and start/end bounds * (if size is changing). * @param flags * The transition flags known at the time of the request. These may not be complete. * @param debugId * This is only a BEST-EFFORT id used for log correlation. DO NOT USE for any real work! */ @DataClass.Generated.Member public TransitionRequestInfo( @WindowManager.TransitionType int type, @Nullable ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo triggerTask, @Nullable ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo pipTask, @Nullable RemoteTransition remoteTransition, @Nullable TransitionRequestInfo.DisplayChange displayChange, int flags, int debugId) { this.mType = type; com.android.internal.util.AnnotationValidations.validate( WindowManager.TransitionType.class, null, mType); this.mTriggerTask = triggerTask; this.mPipTask = pipTask; this.mRemoteTransition = remoteTransition; this.mDisplayChange = displayChange; this.mFlags = flags; this.mDebugId = debugId; // onConstructed(); // You can define this method to get a callback } /** * The type of the transition being requested. */ @DataClass.Generated.Member public @WindowManager.TransitionType int getType() { return mType; } /** * If non-null, the task containing the activity whose lifecycle change (start or * finish) has caused this transition to occur. */ @DataClass.Generated.Member public @Nullable ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo getTriggerTask() { return mTriggerTask; } /** * If non-null, the task containing the pip activity that participates in this * transition. */ @DataClass.Generated.Member public @Nullable ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo getPipTask() { return mPipTask; } /** * If non-null, a remote-transition associated with the source of this transition. */ @DataClass.Generated.Member public @Nullable RemoteTransition getRemoteTransition() { return mRemoteTransition; } /** * If non-null, this request was triggered by this display change. This will not be complete: * The reliable parts should be flags, rotation start/end (if rotating), and start/end bounds * (if size is changing). */ @DataClass.Generated.Member public @Nullable TransitionRequestInfo.DisplayChange getDisplayChange() { return mDisplayChange; } /** * The transition flags known at the time of the request. These may not be complete. */ @DataClass.Generated.Member public int getFlags() { return mFlags; } /** * This is only a BEST-EFFORT id used for log correlation. DO NOT USE for any real work! */ @DataClass.Generated.Member public int getDebugId() { return mDebugId; } /** * If non-null, the task containing the activity whose lifecycle change (start or * finish) has caused this transition to occur. */ @DataClass.Generated.Member public @android.annotation.NonNull TransitionRequestInfo setTriggerTask(@android.annotation.NonNull ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo value) { mTriggerTask = value; return this; } /** * If non-null, the task containing the pip activity that participates in this * transition. */ @DataClass.Generated.Member public @android.annotation.NonNull TransitionRequestInfo setPipTask(@android.annotation.NonNull ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo value) { mPipTask = value; return this; } /** * If non-null, a remote-transition associated with the source of this transition. */ @DataClass.Generated.Member public @android.annotation.NonNull TransitionRequestInfo setRemoteTransition(@android.annotation.NonNull RemoteTransition value) { mRemoteTransition = value; return this; } /** * If non-null, this request was triggered by this display change. This will not be complete: * The reliable parts should be flags, rotation start/end (if rotating), and start/end bounds * (if size is changing). */ @DataClass.Generated.Member public @android.annotation.NonNull TransitionRequestInfo setDisplayChange(@android.annotation.NonNull TransitionRequestInfo.DisplayChange value) { mDisplayChange = value; return this; } @Override @DataClass.Generated.Member public String toString() { // You can override field toString logic by defining methods like: // String fieldNameToString() { ... } return "TransitionRequestInfo { " + "type = " + typeToString() + ", " + "triggerTask = " + mTriggerTask + ", " + "pipTask = " + mPipTask + ", " + "remoteTransition = " + mRemoteTransition + ", " + "displayChange = " + mDisplayChange + ", " + "flags = " + mFlags + ", " + "debugId = " + mDebugId + " }"; } @Override @DataClass.Generated.Member public void writeToParcel(@android.annotation.NonNull android.os.Parcel dest, int flags) { // You can override field parcelling by defining methods like: // void parcelFieldName(Parcel dest, int flags) { ... } byte flg = 0; if (mTriggerTask != null) flg |= 0x2; if (mPipTask != null) flg |= 0x4; if (mRemoteTransition != null) flg |= 0x8; if (mDisplayChange != null) flg |= 0x10; dest.writeByte(flg); dest.writeInt(mType); if (mTriggerTask != null) dest.writeTypedObject(mTriggerTask, flags); if (mPipTask != null) dest.writeTypedObject(mPipTask, flags); if (mRemoteTransition != null) dest.writeTypedObject(mRemoteTransition, flags); if (mDisplayChange != null) dest.writeTypedObject(mDisplayChange, flags); dest.writeInt(mFlags); dest.writeInt(mDebugId); } @Override @DataClass.Generated.Member public int describeContents() { return 0; } /** @hide */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "RedundantCast"}) @DataClass.Generated.Member /* package-private */ TransitionRequestInfo(@android.annotation.NonNull android.os.Parcel in) { // You can override field unparcelling by defining methods like: // static FieldType unparcelFieldName(Parcel in) { ... } byte flg = in.readByte(); int type = in.readInt(); ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo triggerTask = (flg & 0x2) == 0 ? null : (ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo) in.readTypedObject(ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo.CREATOR); ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo pipTask = (flg & 0x4) == 0 ? null : (ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo) in.readTypedObject(ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo.CREATOR); RemoteTransition remoteTransition = (flg & 0x8) == 0 ? null : (RemoteTransition) in.readTypedObject(RemoteTransition.CREATOR); TransitionRequestInfo.DisplayChange displayChange = (flg & 0x10) == 0 ? null : (TransitionRequestInfo.DisplayChange) in.readTypedObject(TransitionRequestInfo.DisplayChange.CREATOR); int flags = in.readInt(); int debugId = in.readInt(); this.mType = type; com.android.internal.util.AnnotationValidations.validate( WindowManager.TransitionType.class, null, mType); this.mTriggerTask = triggerTask; this.mPipTask = pipTask; this.mRemoteTransition = remoteTransition; this.mDisplayChange = displayChange; this.mFlags = flags; this.mDebugId = debugId; // onConstructed(); // You can define this method to get a callback } @DataClass.Generated.Member public static final @android.annotation.NonNull Parcelable.Creator CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator() { @Override public TransitionRequestInfo[] newArray(int size) { return new TransitionRequestInfo[size]; } @Override public TransitionRequestInfo createFromParcel(@android.annotation.NonNull android.os.Parcel in) { return new TransitionRequestInfo(in); } }; @DataClass.Generated( time = 1697564781438L, codegenVersion = "1.0.23", sourceFile = "frameworks/base/core/java/android/window/TransitionRequestInfo.java", inputSignatures = "private final @android.view.WindowManager.TransitionType int mType\nprivate @android.annotation.Nullable android.app.ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo mTriggerTask\nprivate @android.annotation.Nullable android.app.ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo mPipTask\nprivate @android.annotation.Nullable android.window.RemoteTransition mRemoteTransition\nprivate @android.annotation.Nullable android.window.TransitionRequestInfo.DisplayChange mDisplayChange\nprivate final int mFlags\nprivate final int mDebugId\n java.lang.String typeToString()\nclass TransitionRequestInfo extends java.lang.Object implements [android.os.Parcelable]\n@com.android.internal.util.DataClass(genToString=true, genSetters=true, genAidl=true)") @Deprecated private void __metadata() {} //@formatter:on // End of generated code }