/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.internal.app; import static android.Manifest.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_PROFILES; import static android.app.admin.DevicePolicyResources.Strings.Core.FORWARD_INTENT_TO_PERSONAL; import static android.app.admin.DevicePolicyResources.Strings.Core.FORWARD_INTENT_TO_WORK; import static android.app.admin.DevicePolicyResources.Strings.Core.MINIRESOLVER_OPEN_IN_PERSONAL; import static android.app.admin.DevicePolicyResources.Strings.Core.MINIRESOLVER_OPEN_IN_WORK; import static android.app.admin.DevicePolicyResources.Strings.Core.MINIRESOLVER_USE_PERSONAL_BROWSER; import static android.app.admin.DevicePolicyResources.Strings.Core.MINIRESOLVER_USE_WORK_BROWSER; import static android.app.admin.DevicePolicyResources.Strings.Core.RESOLVER_CANT_ACCESS_PERSONAL; import static android.app.admin.DevicePolicyResources.Strings.Core.RESOLVER_CANT_ACCESS_WORK; import static android.app.admin.DevicePolicyResources.Strings.Core.RESOLVER_CROSS_PROFILE_BLOCKED_TITLE; import static android.app.admin.DevicePolicyResources.Strings.Core.RESOLVER_PERSONAL_TAB; import static android.app.admin.DevicePolicyResources.Strings.Core.RESOLVER_PERSONAL_TAB_ACCESSIBILITY; import static android.app.admin.DevicePolicyResources.Strings.Core.RESOLVER_WORK_PROFILE_NOT_SUPPORTED; import static android.app.admin.DevicePolicyResources.Strings.Core.RESOLVER_WORK_TAB; import static android.app.admin.DevicePolicyResources.Strings.Core.RESOLVER_WORK_TAB_ACCESSIBILITY; import static android.content.Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCH_ADJACENT; import static android.content.Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK; import static android.content.PermissionChecker.PID_UNKNOWN; import static android.stats.devicepolicy.nano.DevicePolicyEnums.RESOLVER_EMPTY_STATE_NO_SHARING_TO_PERSONAL; import static android.stats.devicepolicy.nano.DevicePolicyEnums.RESOLVER_EMPTY_STATE_NO_SHARING_TO_WORK; import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.SYSTEM_FLAG_HIDE_NON_SYSTEM_OVERLAY_WINDOWS; import static com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting.Visibility.PROTECTED; import android.annotation.NonNull; import android.annotation.Nullable; import android.annotation.StringRes; import android.annotation.UiThread; import android.app.Activity; import android.app.ActivityManager; import android.app.ActivityThread; import android.app.VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest; import android.app.VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest.Option; import android.app.VoiceInteractor.Prompt; import android.app.admin.DevicePolicyEventLogger; import android.app.admin.DevicePolicyManager; import android.app.admin.DevicePolicyResourcesManager; import android.compat.annotation.UnsupportedAppUsage; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.PermissionChecker; import android.content.pm.ActivityInfo; import android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo; import android.content.pm.PackageManager; import android.content.pm.PackageManager.NameNotFoundException; import android.content.pm.ResolveInfo; import android.content.pm.UserInfo; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import android.graphics.Insets; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.PatternMatcher; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.StrictMode; import android.os.Trace; import android.os.UserHandle; import android.os.UserManager; import android.provider.MediaStore; import android.provider.Settings; import android.stats.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyEnums; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Slog; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams; import android.view.Window; import android.view.WindowInsets; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent; import android.widget.AbsListView; import android.widget.AdapterView; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.Space; import android.widget.TabHost; import android.widget.TabWidget; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import com.android.internal.R; import com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.android.internal.app.AbstractMultiProfilePagerAdapter.CompositeEmptyStateProvider; import com.android.internal.app.AbstractMultiProfilePagerAdapter.CrossProfileIntentsChecker; import com.android.internal.app.AbstractMultiProfilePagerAdapter.EmptyStateProvider; import com.android.internal.app.AbstractMultiProfilePagerAdapter.MyUserIdProvider; import com.android.internal.app.AbstractMultiProfilePagerAdapter.OnSwitchOnWorkSelectedListener; import com.android.internal.app.AbstractMultiProfilePagerAdapter.Profile; import com.android.internal.app.AbstractMultiProfilePagerAdapter.QuietModeManager; import com.android.internal.app.NoCrossProfileEmptyStateProvider.DevicePolicyBlockerEmptyState; import com.android.internal.app.chooser.ChooserTargetInfo; import com.android.internal.app.chooser.DisplayResolveInfo; import com.android.internal.app.chooser.TargetInfo; import com.android.internal.content.PackageMonitor; import com.android.internal.logging.MetricsLogger; import com.android.internal.logging.nano.MetricsProto; import com.android.internal.util.LatencyTracker; import com.android.internal.widget.ResolverDrawerLayout; import com.android.internal.widget.ViewPager; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; /** * This activity is displayed when the system attempts to start an Intent for * which there is more than one matching activity, allowing the user to decide * which to go to. It is not normally used directly by application developers. */ @UiThread public class ResolverActivity extends Activity implements ResolverListAdapter.ResolverListCommunicator { @UnsupportedAppUsage public ResolverActivity() { mIsIntentPicker = getClass().equals(ResolverActivity.class); } protected ResolverActivity(boolean isIntentPicker) { mIsIntentPicker = isIntentPicker; } private boolean mSafeForwardingMode; private Button mAlwaysButton; private Button mOnceButton; protected View mProfileView; private int mLastSelected = AbsListView.INVALID_POSITION; private boolean mResolvingHome = false; private String mProfileSwitchMessage; private int mLayoutId; @VisibleForTesting protected final ArrayList mIntents = new ArrayList<>(); private PickTargetOptionRequest mPickOptionRequest; private String mReferrerPackage; private CharSequence mTitle; private int mDefaultTitleResId; // Expected to be true if this object is ResolverActivity or is ResolverWrapperActivity. private final boolean mIsIntentPicker; // Whether or not this activity supports choosing a default handler for the intent. @VisibleForTesting protected boolean mSupportsAlwaysUseOption; protected ResolverDrawerLayout mResolverDrawerLayout; @UnsupportedAppUsage protected PackageManager mPm; protected int mLaunchedFromUid; private UserHandle mLaunchedFromUserHandle; private static final String TAG = "ResolverActivity"; private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private static final String LAST_SHOWN_TAB_KEY = "last_shown_tab_key"; private boolean mRegistered; protected Insets mSystemWindowInsets = null; private Space mFooterSpacer = null; /** See {@link #setRetainInOnStop}. */ private boolean mRetainInOnStop; private static final String EXTRA_SHOW_FRAGMENT_ARGS = ":settings:show_fragment_args"; private static final String EXTRA_FRAGMENT_ARG_KEY = ":settings:fragment_args_key"; private static final String OPEN_LINKS_COMPONENT_KEY = "app_link_state"; protected static final String METRICS_CATEGORY_RESOLVER = "intent_resolver"; protected static final String METRICS_CATEGORY_CHOOSER = "intent_chooser"; /** Tracks if we should ignore future broadcasts telling us the work profile is enabled */ private boolean mWorkProfileHasBeenEnabled = false; @VisibleForTesting public static boolean ENABLE_TABBED_VIEW = true; private static final String TAB_TAG_PERSONAL = "personal"; private static final String TAB_TAG_WORK = "work"; private PackageMonitor mPersonalPackageMonitor; private PackageMonitor mWorkPackageMonitor; @VisibleForTesting protected AbstractMultiProfilePagerAdapter mMultiProfilePagerAdapter; protected QuietModeManager mQuietModeManager; // Intent extra for connected audio devices public static final String EXTRA_IS_AUDIO_CAPTURE_DEVICE = "is_audio_capture_device"; /** * Boolean extra to indicate if Resolver Sheet needs to be started in single user mode. */ protected static final String EXTRA_RESTRICT_TO_SINGLE_USER = "com.android.internal.app.ResolverActivity.EXTRA_RESTRICT_TO_SINGLE_USER"; /** * Integer extra to indicate which profile should be automatically selected. *

Can only be used if there is a work profile. *

Possible values can be either {@link #PROFILE_PERSONAL} or {@link #PROFILE_WORK}. */ protected static final String EXTRA_SELECTED_PROFILE = "com.android.internal.app.ResolverActivity.EXTRA_SELECTED_PROFILE"; /** * {@link UserHandle} extra to indicate the user of the user that the starting intent * originated from. *

This is not necessarily the same as {@link #getUserId()} or {@link UserHandle#myUserId()}, * as there are edge cases when the intent resolver is launched in the other profile. * For example, when we have 0 resolved apps in current profile and multiple resolved * apps in the other profile, opening a link from the current profile launches the intent * resolver in the other one. b/148536209 for more info. */ static final String EXTRA_CALLING_USER = "com.android.internal.app.ResolverActivity.EXTRA_CALLING_USER"; protected static final int PROFILE_PERSONAL = AbstractMultiProfilePagerAdapter.PROFILE_PERSONAL; protected static final int PROFILE_WORK = AbstractMultiProfilePagerAdapter.PROFILE_WORK; private BroadcastReceiver mWorkProfileStateReceiver; private UserHandle mHeaderCreatorUser; private UserHandle mPersonalProfileUserHandle; private UserHandle mWorkProfileUserHandle; @Nullable private OnSwitchOnWorkSelectedListener mOnSwitchOnWorkSelectedListener; private UserHandle mCloneProfileUserHandle; private UserHandle mTabOwnerUserHandleForLaunch; private UserHandle mPrivateProfileUserHandle; protected final LatencyTracker mLatencyTracker = getLatencyTracker(); private LatencyTracker getLatencyTracker() { return LatencyTracker.getInstance(this); } /** * Get the string resource to be used as a label for the link to the resolver activity for an * action. * * @param action The action to resolve * * @return The string resource to be used as a label */ public static @StringRes int getLabelRes(String action) { return ActionTitle.forAction(action).labelRes; } private enum ActionTitle { VIEW(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, com.android.internal.R.string.whichViewApplication, com.android.internal.R.string.whichViewApplicationNamed, com.android.internal.R.string.whichViewApplicationLabel), EDIT(Intent.ACTION_EDIT, com.android.internal.R.string.whichEditApplication, com.android.internal.R.string.whichEditApplicationNamed, com.android.internal.R.string.whichEditApplicationLabel), SEND(Intent.ACTION_SEND, com.android.internal.R.string.whichSendApplication, com.android.internal.R.string.whichSendApplicationNamed, com.android.internal.R.string.whichSendApplicationLabel), SENDTO(Intent.ACTION_SENDTO, com.android.internal.R.string.whichSendToApplication, com.android.internal.R.string.whichSendToApplicationNamed, com.android.internal.R.string.whichSendToApplicationLabel), SEND_MULTIPLE(Intent.ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE, com.android.internal.R.string.whichSendApplication, com.android.internal.R.string.whichSendApplicationNamed, com.android.internal.R.string.whichSendApplicationLabel), CAPTURE_IMAGE(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE, com.android.internal.R.string.whichImageCaptureApplication, com.android.internal.R.string.whichImageCaptureApplicationNamed, com.android.internal.R.string.whichImageCaptureApplicationLabel), DEFAULT(null, com.android.internal.R.string.whichApplication, com.android.internal.R.string.whichApplicationNamed, com.android.internal.R.string.whichApplicationLabel), HOME(Intent.ACTION_MAIN, com.android.internal.R.string.whichHomeApplication, com.android.internal.R.string.whichHomeApplicationNamed, com.android.internal.R.string.whichHomeApplicationLabel); // titles for layout that deals with http(s) intents public static final int BROWSABLE_TITLE_RES = com.android.internal.R.string.whichOpenLinksWith; public static final int BROWSABLE_HOST_TITLE_RES = com.android.internal.R.string.whichOpenHostLinksWith; public static final int BROWSABLE_HOST_APP_TITLE_RES = com.android.internal.R.string.whichOpenHostLinksWithApp; public static final int BROWSABLE_APP_TITLE_RES = com.android.internal.R.string.whichOpenLinksWithApp; public final String action; public final int titleRes; public final int namedTitleRes; public final @StringRes int labelRes; ActionTitle(String action, int titleRes, int namedTitleRes, @StringRes int labelRes) { this.action = action; this.titleRes = titleRes; this.namedTitleRes = namedTitleRes; this.labelRes = labelRes; } public static ActionTitle forAction(String action) { for (ActionTitle title : values()) { if (title != HOME && action != null && action.equals(title.action)) { return title; } } return DEFAULT; } } protected PackageMonitor createPackageMonitor(ResolverListAdapter listAdapter) { return new PackageMonitor() { @Override public void onSomePackagesChanged() { listAdapter.handlePackagesChanged(); updateProfileViewButton(); } @Override public boolean onPackageChanged(String packageName, int uid, String[] components) { // We care about all package changes, not just the whole package itself which is // default behavior. return true; } }; } private Intent makeMyIntent() { Intent intent = new Intent(getIntent()); intent.setComponent(null); // The resolver activity is set to be hidden from recent tasks. // we don't want this attribute to be propagated to the next activity // being launched. Note that if the original Intent also had this // flag set, we are now losing it. That should be a very rare case // and we can live with this. intent.setFlags(intent.getFlags()&~Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTS); // If FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCH_ADJACENT was set, ResolverActivity was opened in the alternate // side, which means we want to open the target app on the same side as ResolverActivity. if ((intent.getFlags() & FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCH_ADJACENT) != 0) { intent.setFlags(intent.getFlags() & ~FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCH_ADJACENT); } return intent; } /** * Call {@link Activity#onCreate} without initializing anything further. This should * only be used when the activity is about to be immediately finished to avoid wasting * initializing steps and leaking resources. */ protected void super_onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); } @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { // Use a specialized prompt when we're handling the 'Home' app startActivity() final Intent intent = makeMyIntent(); final Set categories = intent.getCategories(); if (Intent.ACTION_MAIN.equals(intent.getAction()) && categories != null && categories.size() == 1 && categories.contains(Intent.CATEGORY_HOME)) { // Note: this field is not set to true in the compatibility version. mResolvingHome = true; } setSafeForwardingMode(true); onCreate(savedInstanceState, intent, null, 0, null, null, true); } /** * Compatibility version for other bundled services that use this overload without * a default title resource */ @UnsupportedAppUsage protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState, Intent intent, CharSequence title, Intent[] initialIntents, List rList, boolean supportsAlwaysUseOption) { onCreate(savedInstanceState, intent, title, 0, initialIntents, rList, supportsAlwaysUseOption); } protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState, Intent intent, CharSequence title, int defaultTitleRes, Intent[] initialIntents, List rList, boolean supportsAlwaysUseOption) { setTheme(appliedThemeResId()); super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); mQuietModeManager = createQuietModeManager(); // Determine whether we should show that intent is forwarded // from managed profile to owner or other way around. setProfileSwitchMessage(intent.getContentUserHint()); mLaunchedFromUid = getLaunchedFromUid(); mLaunchedFromUserHandle = UserHandle.getUserHandleForUid(mLaunchedFromUid); if (mLaunchedFromUid < 0 || UserHandle.isIsolated(mLaunchedFromUid)) { // Gulp! finish(); return; } mPm = getPackageManager(); mReferrerPackage = getReferrerPackageName(); // Add our initial intent as the first item, regardless of what else has already been added. mIntents.add(0, new Intent(intent)); mTitle = title; mDefaultTitleResId = defaultTitleRes; mSupportsAlwaysUseOption = supportsAlwaysUseOption; mPersonalProfileUserHandle = fetchPersonalProfileUserHandle(); mWorkProfileUserHandle = fetchWorkProfileUserProfile(); mCloneProfileUserHandle = fetchCloneProfileUserHandle(); mPrivateProfileUserHandle = fetchPrivateProfileUserHandle(); mTabOwnerUserHandleForLaunch = fetchTabOwnerUserHandleForLaunch(); // The last argument of createResolverListAdapter is whether to do special handling // of the last used choice to highlight it in the list. We need to always // turn this off when running under voice interaction, since it results in // a more complicated UI that the current voice interaction flow is not able // to handle. We also turn it off when the work tab is shown to simplify the UX. // We also turn it off when clonedProfile is present on the device, because we might have // different "last chosen" activities in the different profiles, and PackageManager doesn't // provide any more information to help us select between them. boolean filterLastUsed = mSupportsAlwaysUseOption && !isVoiceInteraction() && !shouldShowTabs() && !hasCloneProfile(); mMultiProfilePagerAdapter = createMultiProfilePagerAdapter(initialIntents, rList, filterLastUsed); if (configureContentView()) { return; } mPersonalPackageMonitor = createPackageMonitor( mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getPersonalListAdapter()); mPersonalPackageMonitor.register( this, getMainLooper(), getPersonalProfileUserHandle(), false); if (shouldShowTabs()) { mWorkPackageMonitor = createPackageMonitor( mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getWorkListAdapter()); mWorkPackageMonitor.register(this, getMainLooper(), getWorkProfileUserHandle(), false); } mRegistered = true; final ResolverDrawerLayout rdl = findViewById(R.id.contentPanel); if (rdl != null) { rdl.setOnDismissedListener(new ResolverDrawerLayout.OnDismissedListener() { @Override public void onDismissed() { finish(); } }); boolean hasTouchScreen = getPackageManager() .hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_TOUCHSCREEN); if (isVoiceInteraction() || !hasTouchScreen) { rdl.setCollapsed(false); } rdl.setSystemUiVisibility(View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION | View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE); rdl.setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener(this::onApplyWindowInsets); mResolverDrawerLayout = rdl; for (int i = 0, size = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getCount(); i < size; i++) { View view = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getItem(i).rootView.findViewById( R.id.resolver_list); if (view != null) { view.setAccessibilityDelegate(new AppListAccessibilityDelegate(rdl)); } } } mProfileView = findViewById(R.id.profile_button); if (mProfileView != null) { mProfileView.setOnClickListener(this::onProfileClick); updateProfileViewButton(); } final Set categories = intent.getCategories(); MetricsLogger.action(this, mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter().hasFilteredItem() ? MetricsProto.MetricsEvent.ACTION_SHOW_APP_DISAMBIG_APP_FEATURED : MetricsProto.MetricsEvent.ACTION_SHOW_APP_DISAMBIG_NONE_FEATURED, intent.getAction() + ":" + intent.getType() + ":" + (categories != null ? Arrays.toString(categories.toArray()) : "")); } protected AbstractMultiProfilePagerAdapter createMultiProfilePagerAdapter( Intent[] initialIntents, List rList, boolean filterLastUsed) { AbstractMultiProfilePagerAdapter resolverMultiProfilePagerAdapter = null; if (shouldShowTabs()) { resolverMultiProfilePagerAdapter = createResolverMultiProfilePagerAdapterForTwoProfiles( initialIntents, rList, filterLastUsed); } else { resolverMultiProfilePagerAdapter = createResolverMultiProfilePagerAdapterForOneProfile( initialIntents, rList, filterLastUsed); } return resolverMultiProfilePagerAdapter; } @VisibleForTesting protected MyUserIdProvider createMyUserIdProvider() { return new MyUserIdProvider(); } @VisibleForTesting protected CrossProfileIntentsChecker createCrossProfileIntentsChecker() { return new CrossProfileIntentsChecker(getContentResolver()); } @VisibleForTesting protected QuietModeManager createQuietModeManager() { UserManager userManager = getSystemService(UserManager.class); return new QuietModeManager() { private boolean mIsWaitingToEnableWorkProfile = false; @Override public boolean isQuietModeEnabled(UserHandle workProfileUserHandle) { return userManager.isQuietModeEnabled(workProfileUserHandle); } @Override public void requestQuietModeEnabled(boolean enabled, UserHandle workProfileUserHandle) { AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR.execute(() -> { userManager.requestQuietModeEnabled(enabled, workProfileUserHandle); }); mIsWaitingToEnableWorkProfile = true; } @Override public void markWorkProfileEnabledBroadcastReceived() { mIsWaitingToEnableWorkProfile = false; } @Override public boolean isWaitingToEnableWorkProfile() { return mIsWaitingToEnableWorkProfile; } }; } protected EmptyStateProvider createBlockerEmptyStateProvider() { final boolean shouldShowNoCrossProfileIntentsEmptyState = getUser().equals(getIntentUser()); if (!shouldShowNoCrossProfileIntentsEmptyState) { // Implementation that doesn't show any blockers return new EmptyStateProvider() {}; } final AbstractMultiProfilePagerAdapter.EmptyState noWorkToPersonalEmptyState = new DevicePolicyBlockerEmptyState(/* context= */ this, /* devicePolicyStringTitleId= */ RESOLVER_CROSS_PROFILE_BLOCKED_TITLE, /* defaultTitleResource= */ R.string.resolver_cross_profile_blocked, /* devicePolicyStringSubtitleId= */ RESOLVER_CANT_ACCESS_PERSONAL, /* defaultSubtitleResource= */ R.string.resolver_cant_access_personal_apps_explanation, /* devicePolicyEventId= */ RESOLVER_EMPTY_STATE_NO_SHARING_TO_PERSONAL, /* devicePolicyEventCategory= */ ResolverActivity.METRICS_CATEGORY_RESOLVER); final AbstractMultiProfilePagerAdapter.EmptyState noPersonalToWorkEmptyState = new DevicePolicyBlockerEmptyState(/* context= */ this, /* devicePolicyStringTitleId= */ RESOLVER_CROSS_PROFILE_BLOCKED_TITLE, /* defaultTitleResource= */ R.string.resolver_cross_profile_blocked, /* devicePolicyStringSubtitleId= */ RESOLVER_CANT_ACCESS_WORK, /* defaultSubtitleResource= */ R.string.resolver_cant_access_work_apps_explanation, /* devicePolicyEventId= */ RESOLVER_EMPTY_STATE_NO_SHARING_TO_WORK, /* devicePolicyEventCategory= */ ResolverActivity.METRICS_CATEGORY_RESOLVER); return new NoCrossProfileEmptyStateProvider( getPersonalProfileUserHandle(), noWorkToPersonalEmptyState, noPersonalToWorkEmptyState, createCrossProfileIntentsChecker(), getTabOwnerUserHandleForLaunch()); } protected EmptyStateProvider createEmptyStateProvider( @Nullable UserHandle workProfileUserHandle) { final EmptyStateProvider blockerEmptyStateProvider = createBlockerEmptyStateProvider(); final EmptyStateProvider workProfileOffEmptyStateProvider = new WorkProfilePausedEmptyStateProvider(this, workProfileUserHandle, mQuietModeManager, /* onSwitchOnWorkSelectedListener= */ () -> { if (mOnSwitchOnWorkSelectedListener != null) { mOnSwitchOnWorkSelectedListener.onSwitchOnWorkSelected(); }}, getMetricsCategory()); final EmptyStateProvider noAppsEmptyStateProvider = new NoAppsAvailableEmptyStateProvider( this, workProfileUserHandle, getPersonalProfileUserHandle(), getMetricsCategory(), getTabOwnerUserHandleForLaunch() ); // Return composite provider, the order matters (the higher, the more priority) return new CompositeEmptyStateProvider( blockerEmptyStateProvider, workProfileOffEmptyStateProvider, noAppsEmptyStateProvider ); } private ResolverMultiProfilePagerAdapter createResolverMultiProfilePagerAdapterForOneProfile( Intent[] initialIntents, List rList, boolean filterLastUsed) { ResolverListAdapter adapter = createResolverListAdapter( /* context */ this, /* payloadIntents */ mIntents, initialIntents, rList, filterLastUsed, getPersonalProfileUserHandle()); QuietModeManager quietModeManager = createQuietModeManager(); return new ResolverMultiProfilePagerAdapter( /* context */ this, adapter, createEmptyStateProvider(/* workProfileUserHandle= */ null), quietModeManager, /* workProfileUserHandle= */ null, getCloneProfileUserHandle()); } private UserHandle getIntentUser() { return getIntent().hasExtra(EXTRA_CALLING_USER) ? getIntent().getParcelableExtra(EXTRA_CALLING_USER, android.os.UserHandle.class) : getUser(); } private ResolverMultiProfilePagerAdapter createResolverMultiProfilePagerAdapterForTwoProfiles( Intent[] initialIntents, List rList, boolean filterLastUsed) { // In the edge case when we have 0 apps in the current profile and >1 apps in the other, // the intent resolver is started in the other profile. Since this is the only case when // this happens, we check for it here and set the current profile's tab. int selectedProfile = getCurrentProfile(); UserHandle intentUser = getIntentUser(); if (!getTabOwnerUserHandleForLaunch().equals(intentUser)) { if (getPersonalProfileUserHandle().equals(intentUser)) { selectedProfile = PROFILE_PERSONAL; } else if (getWorkProfileUserHandle().equals(intentUser)) { selectedProfile = PROFILE_WORK; } } else { int selectedProfileExtra = getSelectedProfileExtra(); if (selectedProfileExtra != -1) { selectedProfile = selectedProfileExtra; } } // We only show the default app for the profile of the current user. The filterLastUsed // flag determines whether to show a default app and that app is not shown in the // resolver list. So filterLastUsed should be false for the other profile. ResolverListAdapter personalAdapter = createResolverListAdapter( /* context */ this, /* payloadIntents */ mIntents, selectedProfile == PROFILE_PERSONAL ? initialIntents : null, rList, (filterLastUsed && UserHandle.myUserId() == getPersonalProfileUserHandle().getIdentifier()), /* userHandle */ getPersonalProfileUserHandle()); UserHandle workProfileUserHandle = getWorkProfileUserHandle(); ResolverListAdapter workAdapter = createResolverListAdapter( /* context */ this, /* payloadIntents */ mIntents, selectedProfile == PROFILE_WORK ? initialIntents : null, rList, (filterLastUsed && UserHandle.myUserId() == workProfileUserHandle.getIdentifier()), /* userHandle */ workProfileUserHandle); QuietModeManager quietModeManager = createQuietModeManager(); return new ResolverMultiProfilePagerAdapter( /* context */ this, personalAdapter, workAdapter, createEmptyStateProvider(getWorkProfileUserHandle()), quietModeManager, selectedProfile, getWorkProfileUserHandle(), getCloneProfileUserHandle()); } protected int appliedThemeResId() { return R.style.Theme_DeviceDefault_Resolver; } /** * Returns {@link #PROFILE_PERSONAL} or {@link #PROFILE_WORK} if the {@link * #EXTRA_SELECTED_PROFILE} extra was supplied, or {@code -1} if no extra was supplied. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value passed to the {@link #EXTRA_SELECTED_PROFILE} * extra is not {@link #PROFILE_PERSONAL} or {@link #PROFILE_WORK} */ int getSelectedProfileExtra() { int selectedProfile = -1; if (getIntent().hasExtra(EXTRA_SELECTED_PROFILE)) { selectedProfile = getIntent().getIntExtra(EXTRA_SELECTED_PROFILE, /* defValue = */ -1); if (selectedProfile != PROFILE_PERSONAL && selectedProfile != PROFILE_WORK) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(EXTRA_SELECTED_PROFILE + " has invalid value " + selectedProfile + ". Must be either ResolverActivity.PROFILE_PERSONAL or " + "ResolverActivity.PROFILE_WORK."); } } return selectedProfile; } protected @Profile int getCurrentProfile() { return (UserHandle.myUserId() == getPersonalProfileUserHandle().getIdentifier() ? PROFILE_PERSONAL : PROFILE_WORK); } protected UserHandle getPersonalProfileUserHandle() { // When launched in single user mode, only personal tab is populated, so we use // tabOwnerUserHandleForLaunch as personal tab's user handle. if (privateSpaceEnabled() && isLaunchedInSingleUserMode()) { return getTabOwnerUserHandleForLaunch(); } return mPersonalProfileUserHandle; } protected @Nullable UserHandle getWorkProfileUserHandle() { return mWorkProfileUserHandle; } protected @Nullable UserHandle getCloneProfileUserHandle() { return mCloneProfileUserHandle; } protected UserHandle getTabOwnerUserHandleForLaunch() { return mTabOwnerUserHandleForLaunch; } protected UserHandle getPrivateProfileUserHandle() { return mPrivateProfileUserHandle; } protected UserHandle fetchPersonalProfileUserHandle() { // ActivityManager.getCurrentUser() refers to the current Foreground user. When clone/work // profile is active, we always make the personal tab from the foreground user. // Outside profiles, current foreground user is potentially the same as the sharesheet // process's user (UserHandle.myUserId()), so we continue to create personal tab with the // current foreground user. mPersonalProfileUserHandle = UserHandle.of(ActivityManager.getCurrentUser()); return mPersonalProfileUserHandle; } protected @Nullable UserHandle fetchWorkProfileUserProfile() { mWorkProfileUserHandle = null; UserManager userManager = getSystemService(UserManager.class); for (final UserInfo userInfo : userManager .getProfiles(mPersonalProfileUserHandle.getIdentifier())) { if (userInfo.isManagedProfile()) { mWorkProfileUserHandle = userInfo.getUserHandle(); } } return mWorkProfileUserHandle; } protected @Nullable UserHandle fetchCloneProfileUserHandle() { mCloneProfileUserHandle = null; UserManager userManager = getSystemService(UserManager.class); for (final UserInfo userInfo : userManager.getProfiles(mPersonalProfileUserHandle.getIdentifier())) { if (userInfo.isCloneProfile()) { mCloneProfileUserHandle = userInfo.getUserHandle(); } } return mCloneProfileUserHandle; } protected @Nullable UserHandle fetchPrivateProfileUserHandle() { mPrivateProfileUserHandle = null; UserManager userManager = getSystemService(UserManager.class); for (final UserInfo userInfo : userManager.getProfiles(mPersonalProfileUserHandle.getIdentifier())) { if (userInfo.isPrivateProfile()) { mPrivateProfileUserHandle = userInfo.getUserHandle(); break; } } return mPrivateProfileUserHandle; } private UserHandle fetchTabOwnerUserHandleForLaunch() { // If we are in work or private profile's process, return WorkProfile/PrivateProfile user // as owner, otherwise we always return PersonalProfile user as owner if (UserHandle.of(UserHandle.myUserId()).equals(getWorkProfileUserHandle())) { return mWorkProfileUserHandle; } else if (privateSpaceEnabled() && isLaunchedAsPrivateProfile()) { return mPrivateProfileUserHandle; } return mPersonalProfileUserHandle; } private boolean hasWorkProfile() { return getWorkProfileUserHandle() != null; } private boolean hasCloneProfile() { return getCloneProfileUserHandle() != null; } protected final boolean isLaunchedAsCloneProfile() { return hasCloneProfile() && (UserHandle.myUserId() == getCloneProfileUserHandle().getIdentifier()); } protected final boolean isLaunchedAsPrivateProfile() { return getPrivateProfileUserHandle() != null && (UserHandle.myUserId() == getPrivateProfileUserHandle().getIdentifier()); } protected final boolean isLaunchedInSingleUserMode() { // When launched from Private Profile, return true if (isLaunchedAsPrivateProfile()) { return true; } return getIntent() .getBooleanExtra(EXTRA_RESTRICT_TO_SINGLE_USER, /* defaultValue = */ false); } protected boolean shouldShowTabs() { // No Tabs are shown when launched in single user mode. if (privateSpaceEnabled() && isLaunchedInSingleUserMode()) { return false; } return hasWorkProfile() && ENABLE_TABBED_VIEW; } protected void onProfileClick(View v) { final DisplayResolveInfo dri = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter().getOtherProfile(); if (dri == null) { return; } // Do not show the profile switch message anymore. mProfileSwitchMessage = null; onTargetSelected(dri, false); finish(); } /** * Numerous layouts are supported, each with optional ViewGroups. * Make sure the inset gets added to the correct View, using * a footer for Lists so it can properly scroll under the navbar. */ protected boolean shouldAddFooterView() { if (useLayoutWithDefault()) return true; View buttonBar = findViewById(R.id.button_bar); if (buttonBar == null || buttonBar.getVisibility() == View.GONE) return true; return false; } protected void applyFooterView(int height) { if (mFooterSpacer == null) { mFooterSpacer = new Space(getApplicationContext()); } else { ((ResolverMultiProfilePagerAdapter) mMultiProfilePagerAdapter) .getActiveAdapterView().removeFooterView(mFooterSpacer); } mFooterSpacer.setLayoutParams(new AbsListView.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, mSystemWindowInsets.bottom)); ((ResolverMultiProfilePagerAdapter) mMultiProfilePagerAdapter) .getActiveAdapterView().addFooterView(mFooterSpacer); } protected WindowInsets onApplyWindowInsets(View v, WindowInsets insets) { mSystemWindowInsets = insets.getSystemWindowInsets(); mResolverDrawerLayout.setPadding(mSystemWindowInsets.left, mSystemWindowInsets.top, mSystemWindowInsets.right, 0); resetButtonBar(); if (shouldUseMiniResolver()) { View buttonContainer = findViewById(R.id.button_bar_container); buttonContainer.setPadding(0, 0, 0, mSystemWindowInsets.bottom + getResources().getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.resolver_button_bar_spacing)); } // Need extra padding so the list can fully scroll up if (shouldAddFooterView()) { applyFooterView(mSystemWindowInsets.bottom); } return insets.consumeSystemWindowInsets(); } @Override public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) { super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter().handlePackagesChanged(); if (mIsIntentPicker && shouldShowTabs() && !useLayoutWithDefault() && !shouldUseMiniResolver()) { updateIntentPickerPaddings(); } if (mSystemWindowInsets != null) { mResolverDrawerLayout.setPadding(mSystemWindowInsets.left, mSystemWindowInsets.top, mSystemWindowInsets.right, 0); } } private void updateIntentPickerPaddings() { View titleCont = findViewById(R.id.title_container); titleCont.setPadding( titleCont.getPaddingLeft(), titleCont.getPaddingTop(), titleCont.getPaddingRight(), getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.resolver_title_padding_bottom)); View buttonBar = findViewById(R.id.button_bar); buttonBar.setPadding( buttonBar.getPaddingLeft(), getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.resolver_button_bar_spacing), buttonBar.getPaddingRight(), getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.resolver_button_bar_spacing)); } @Override // ResolverListCommunicator public void sendVoiceChoicesIfNeeded() { if (!isVoiceInteraction()) { // Clearly not needed. return; } int count = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter().getCount(); final Option[] options = new Option[count]; for (int i = 0, N = options.length; i < N; i++) { TargetInfo target = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter().getItem(i); if (target == null) { // If this occurs, a new set of targets is being loaded. Let that complete, // and have the next call to send voice choices proceed instead. return; } options[i] = optionForChooserTarget(target, i); } mPickOptionRequest = new PickTargetOptionRequest( new Prompt(getTitle()), options, null); getVoiceInteractor().submitRequest(mPickOptionRequest); } Option optionForChooserTarget(TargetInfo target, int index) { return new Option(target.getDisplayLabel(), index); } protected final void setAdditionalTargets(Intent[] intents) { if (intents != null) { for (Intent intent : intents) { mIntents.add(intent); } } } @Override // SelectableTargetInfoCommunicator ResolverListCommunicator public Intent getTargetIntent() { return mIntents.isEmpty() ? null : mIntents.get(0); } protected String getReferrerPackageName() { final Uri referrer = getReferrer(); if (referrer != null && "android-app".equals(referrer.getScheme())) { return referrer.getHost(); } return null; } public int getLayoutResource() { return R.layout.resolver_list; } @Override // ResolverListCommunicator public void updateProfileViewButton() { if (mProfileView == null) { return; } final DisplayResolveInfo dri = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter().getOtherProfile(); if (dri != null && !shouldShowTabs()) { mProfileView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); View text = mProfileView.findViewById(R.id.profile_button); if (!(text instanceof TextView)) { text = mProfileView.findViewById(R.id.text1); } ((TextView) text).setText(dri.getDisplayLabel()); } else { mProfileView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } private void setProfileSwitchMessage(int contentUserHint) { if (contentUserHint != UserHandle.USER_CURRENT && contentUserHint != UserHandle.myUserId()) { UserManager userManager = (UserManager) getSystemService(Context.USER_SERVICE); UserInfo originUserInfo = userManager.getUserInfo(contentUserHint); boolean originIsManaged = originUserInfo != null ? originUserInfo.isManagedProfile() : false; boolean targetIsManaged = userManager.isManagedProfile(); if (originIsManaged && !targetIsManaged) { mProfileSwitchMessage = getForwardToPersonalMsg(); } else if (!originIsManaged && targetIsManaged) { mProfileSwitchMessage = getForwardToWorkMsg(); } } } private String getForwardToPersonalMsg() { return getSystemService(DevicePolicyManager.class).getResources().getString( FORWARD_INTENT_TO_PERSONAL, () -> getString(com.android.internal.R.string.forward_intent_to_owner)); } private String getForwardToWorkMsg() { return getSystemService(DevicePolicyManager.class).getResources().getString( FORWARD_INTENT_TO_WORK, () -> getString(com.android.internal.R.string.forward_intent_to_work)); } /** * Turn on launch mode that is safe to use when forwarding intents received from * applications and running in system processes. This mode uses Activity.startActivityAsCaller * instead of the normal Activity.startActivity for launching the activity selected * by the user. * *

This mode is set to true by default if the activity is initialized through * {@link #onCreate(android.os.Bundle)}. If a subclass calls one of the other onCreate * methods, it is set to false by default. You must set it before calling one of the * more detailed onCreate methods, so that it will be set correctly in the case where * there is only one intent to resolve and it is thus started immediately.

*/ public void setSafeForwardingMode(boolean safeForwarding) { mSafeForwardingMode = safeForwarding; } protected CharSequence getTitleForAction(Intent intent, int defaultTitleRes) { final ActionTitle title = mResolvingHome ? ActionTitle.HOME : ActionTitle.forAction(intent.getAction()); // While there may already be a filtered item, we can only use it in the title if the list // is already sorted and all information relevant to it is already in the list. final boolean named = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter().getFilteredPosition() >= 0; if (title == ActionTitle.DEFAULT && defaultTitleRes != 0) { return getString(defaultTitleRes); } else { return named ? getString(title.namedTitleRes, mMultiProfilePagerAdapter .getActiveListAdapter().getFilteredItem().getDisplayLabel()) : getString(title.titleRes); } } void dismiss() { if (!isFinishing()) { finish(); } } @Override protected void onRestart() { super.onRestart(); if (!mRegistered) { mPersonalPackageMonitor.register(this, getMainLooper(), getPersonalProfileUserHandle(), false); if (shouldShowTabs()) { if (mWorkPackageMonitor == null) { mWorkPackageMonitor = createPackageMonitor( mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getWorkListAdapter()); } mWorkPackageMonitor.register(this, getMainLooper(), getWorkProfileUserHandle(), false); } mRegistered = true; } if (shouldShowTabs() && mQuietModeManager.isWaitingToEnableWorkProfile()) { if (mQuietModeManager.isQuietModeEnabled(getWorkProfileUserHandle())) { mQuietModeManager.markWorkProfileEnabledBroadcastReceived(); } } mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter().handlePackagesChanged(); updateProfileViewButton(); } @Override protected void onStart() { super.onStart(); this.getWindow().addSystemFlags(SYSTEM_FLAG_HIDE_NON_SYSTEM_OVERLAY_WINDOWS); if (shouldShowTabs()) { mWorkProfileStateReceiver = createWorkProfileStateReceiver(); registerWorkProfileStateReceiver(); mWorkProfileHasBeenEnabled = isWorkProfileEnabled(); } } private boolean isWorkProfileEnabled() { UserHandle workUserHandle = getWorkProfileUserHandle(); UserManager userManager = getSystemService(UserManager.class); return !userManager.isQuietModeEnabled(workUserHandle) && userManager.isUserUnlocked(workUserHandle); } private void registerWorkProfileStateReceiver() { IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(); filter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_USER_UNLOCKED); filter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_MANAGED_PROFILE_AVAILABLE); filter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_MANAGED_PROFILE_UNAVAILABLE); registerReceiverAsUser(mWorkProfileStateReceiver, UserHandle.ALL, filter, null, null); } @Override protected void onStop() { super.onStop(); final Window window = this.getWindow(); final WindowManager.LayoutParams attrs = window.getAttributes(); attrs.privateFlags &= ~SYSTEM_FLAG_HIDE_NON_SYSTEM_OVERLAY_WINDOWS; window.setAttributes(attrs); if (mRegistered) { mPersonalPackageMonitor.unregister(); if (mWorkPackageMonitor != null) { mWorkPackageMonitor.unregister(); } mRegistered = false; } final Intent intent = getIntent(); if ((intent.getFlags() & FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK) != 0 && !isVoiceInteraction() && !mResolvingHome && !mRetainInOnStop) { // This resolver is in the unusual situation where it has been // launched at the top of a new task. We don't let it be added // to the recent tasks shown to the user, and we need to make sure // that each time we are launched we get the correct launching // uid (not re-using the same resolver from an old launching uid), // so we will now finish ourself since being no longer visible, // the user probably can't get back to us. if (!isChangingConfigurations()) { finish(); } } if (mWorkPackageMonitor != null) { unregisterReceiver(mWorkProfileStateReceiver); mWorkPackageMonitor = null; } } @Override protected void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); if (!isChangingConfigurations() && mPickOptionRequest != null) { mPickOptionRequest.cancel(); } if (mMultiProfilePagerAdapter != null && mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter() != null) { mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter().onDestroy(); } } @Override protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); ViewPager viewPager = findViewById(R.id.profile_pager); if (viewPager != null) { outState.putInt(LAST_SHOWN_TAB_KEY, viewPager.getCurrentItem()); } } @Override protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onRestoreInstanceState(savedInstanceState); resetButtonBar(); ViewPager viewPager = findViewById(R.id.profile_pager); if (viewPager != null) { viewPager.setCurrentItem(savedInstanceState.getInt(LAST_SHOWN_TAB_KEY)); } mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.clearInactiveProfileCache(); } private boolean hasManagedProfile() { UserManager userManager = (UserManager) getSystemService(Context.USER_SERVICE); if (userManager == null) { return false; } try { List profiles = userManager.getProfiles(getUserId()); for (UserInfo userInfo : profiles) { if (userInfo != null && userInfo.isManagedProfile()) { return true; } } } catch (SecurityException e) { return false; } return false; } private boolean supportsManagedProfiles(ResolveInfo resolveInfo) { try { ApplicationInfo appInfo = getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo( resolveInfo.activityInfo.packageName, 0 /* default flags */); return appInfo.targetSdkVersion >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP; } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { return false; } } private void setAlwaysButtonEnabled(boolean hasValidSelection, int checkedPos, boolean filtered) { if (!mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getCurrentUserHandle().equals(getUser())) { // Never allow the inactive profile to always open an app. mAlwaysButton.setEnabled(false); return; } // In case of clonedProfile being active, we do not allow the 'Always' option in the // disambiguation dialog of Personal Profile as the package manager cannot distinguish // between cross-profile preferred activities. if (hasCloneProfile() && !mMultiProfilePagerAdapter .getCurrentUserHandle().equals(mWorkProfileUserHandle)) { mAlwaysButton.setEnabled(false); return; } boolean enabled = false; ResolveInfo ri = null; if (hasValidSelection) { ri = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter() .resolveInfoForPosition(checkedPos, filtered); if (ri == null) { Log.e(TAG, "Invalid position supplied to setAlwaysButtonEnabled"); return; } else if (ri.targetUserId != UserHandle.USER_CURRENT) { Log.e(TAG, "Attempted to set selection to resolve info for another user"); return; } else { enabled = true; } mAlwaysButton.setText(getResources() .getString(R.string.activity_resolver_use_always)); } if (ri != null) { ActivityInfo activityInfo = ri.activityInfo; boolean hasRecordPermission = mPm.checkPermission(android.Manifest.permission.RECORD_AUDIO, activityInfo.packageName) == android.content.pm.PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED; if (!hasRecordPermission) { // OK, we know the record permission, is this a capture device boolean hasAudioCapture = getIntent().getBooleanExtra( ResolverActivity.EXTRA_IS_AUDIO_CAPTURE_DEVICE, false); enabled = !hasAudioCapture; } } mAlwaysButton.setEnabled(enabled); } public void onButtonClick(View v) { final int id = v.getId(); ListView listView = (ListView) mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveAdapterView(); ResolverListAdapter currentListAdapter = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter(); int which = currentListAdapter.hasFilteredItem() ? currentListAdapter.getFilteredPosition() : listView.getCheckedItemPosition(); boolean hasIndexBeenFiltered = !currentListAdapter.hasFilteredItem(); startSelected(which, id == R.id.button_always, hasIndexBeenFiltered); } public void startSelected(int which, boolean always, boolean hasIndexBeenFiltered) { if (isFinishing()) { return; } ResolveInfo ri = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter() .resolveInfoForPosition(which, hasIndexBeenFiltered); if (mResolvingHome && hasManagedProfile() && !supportsManagedProfiles(ri)) { Toast.makeText(this, getWorkProfileNotSupportedMsg( ri.activityInfo.loadLabel(getPackageManager()).toString()), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); return; } TargetInfo target = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter() .targetInfoForPosition(which, hasIndexBeenFiltered); if (target == null) { return; } if (onTargetSelected(target, always)) { if (always && mSupportsAlwaysUseOption) { MetricsLogger.action( this, MetricsProto.MetricsEvent.ACTION_APP_DISAMBIG_ALWAYS); } else if (mSupportsAlwaysUseOption) { MetricsLogger.action( this, MetricsProto.MetricsEvent.ACTION_APP_DISAMBIG_JUST_ONCE); } else { MetricsLogger.action( this, MetricsProto.MetricsEvent.ACTION_APP_DISAMBIG_TAP); } MetricsLogger.action(this, mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter().hasFilteredItem() ? MetricsProto.MetricsEvent.ACTION_HIDE_APP_DISAMBIG_APP_FEATURED : MetricsProto.MetricsEvent.ACTION_HIDE_APP_DISAMBIG_NONE_FEATURED); finish(); } } private String getWorkProfileNotSupportedMsg(String launcherName) { return getSystemService(DevicePolicyManager.class).getResources().getString( RESOLVER_WORK_PROFILE_NOT_SUPPORTED, () -> getString( com.android.internal.R.string.activity_resolver_work_profiles_support, launcherName), launcherName); } /** * Replace me in subclasses! */ @Override // ResolverListCommunicator public Intent getReplacementIntent(ActivityInfo aInfo, Intent defIntent) { return defIntent; } @Override // ResolverListCommunicator public final void onPostListReady(ResolverListAdapter listAdapter, boolean doPostProcessing, boolean rebuildCompleted) { if (isDestroyed()) { return; } if (isAutolaunching()) { return; } if (mIsIntentPicker) { ((ResolverMultiProfilePagerAdapter) mMultiProfilePagerAdapter) .setUseLayoutWithDefault(useLayoutWithDefault()); } if (mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.shouldShowEmptyStateScreen(listAdapter)) { mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.showEmptyResolverListEmptyState(listAdapter); } else { mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.showListView(listAdapter); } // showEmptyResolverListEmptyState can mark the tab as loaded, // which is a precondition for auto launching if (rebuildCompleted && maybeAutolaunchActivity()) { return; } if (doPostProcessing) { maybeCreateHeader(listAdapter); resetButtonBar(); onListRebuilt(listAdapter, rebuildCompleted); } } protected void onListRebuilt(ResolverListAdapter listAdapter, boolean rebuildCompleted) { final ItemClickListener listener = new ItemClickListener(); setupAdapterListView((ListView) mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveAdapterView(), listener); if (shouldShowTabs() && mIsIntentPicker) { final ResolverDrawerLayout rdl = findViewById(R.id.contentPanel); if (rdl != null) { rdl.setMaxCollapsedHeight(getResources() .getDimensionPixelSize(useLayoutWithDefault() ? R.dimen.resolver_max_collapsed_height_with_default_with_tabs : R.dimen.resolver_max_collapsed_height_with_tabs)); } } } protected boolean onTargetSelected(TargetInfo target, boolean always) { final ResolveInfo ri = target.getResolveInfo(); final Intent intent = target != null ? target.getResolvedIntent() : null; if (intent != null && (mSupportsAlwaysUseOption || mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter().hasFilteredItem()) && mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter().getUnfilteredResolveList() != null) { // Build a reasonable intent filter, based on what matched. IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(); Intent filterIntent; if (intent.getSelector() != null) { filterIntent = intent.getSelector(); } else { filterIntent = intent; } String action = filterIntent.getAction(); if (action != null) { filter.addAction(action); } Set categories = filterIntent.getCategories(); if (categories != null) { for (String cat : categories) { filter.addCategory(cat); } } filter.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_DEFAULT); int cat = ri.match & IntentFilter.MATCH_CATEGORY_MASK; Uri data = filterIntent.getData(); if (cat == IntentFilter.MATCH_CATEGORY_TYPE) { String mimeType = filterIntent.resolveType(this); if (mimeType != null) { try { filter.addDataType(mimeType); } catch (IntentFilter.MalformedMimeTypeException e) { Log.w("ResolverActivity", e); filter = null; } } } if (data != null && data.getScheme() != null) { // We need the data specification if there was no type, // OR if the scheme is not one of our magical "file:" // or "content:" schemes (see IntentFilter for the reason). if (cat != IntentFilter.MATCH_CATEGORY_TYPE || (!"file".equals(data.getScheme()) && !"content".equals(data.getScheme()))) { filter.addDataScheme(data.getScheme()); // Look through the resolved filter to determine which part // of it matched the original Intent. Iterator pIt = ri.filter.schemeSpecificPartsIterator(); if (pIt != null) { String ssp = data.getSchemeSpecificPart(); while (ssp != null && pIt.hasNext()) { PatternMatcher p = pIt.next(); if (p.match(ssp)) { filter.addDataSchemeSpecificPart(p.getPath(), p.getType()); break; } } } Iterator aIt = ri.filter.authoritiesIterator(); if (aIt != null) { while (aIt.hasNext()) { IntentFilter.AuthorityEntry a = aIt.next(); if (a.match(data) >= 0) { int port = a.getPort(); filter.addDataAuthority(a.getHost(), port >= 0 ? Integer.toString(port) : null); break; } } } pIt = ri.filter.pathsIterator(); if (pIt != null) { String path = data.getPath(); while (path != null && pIt.hasNext()) { PatternMatcher p = pIt.next(); if (p.match(path)) { filter.addDataPath(p.getPath(), p.getType()); break; } } } } } if (filter != null) { final int N = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter() .getUnfilteredResolveList().size(); ComponentName[] set; // If we don't add back in the component for forwarding the intent to a managed // profile, the preferred activity may not be updated correctly (as the set of // components we tell it we knew about will have changed). final boolean needToAddBackProfileForwardingComponent = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter().getOtherProfile() != null; if (!needToAddBackProfileForwardingComponent) { set = new ComponentName[N]; } else { set = new ComponentName[N + 1]; } int bestMatch = 0; for (int i=0; i bestMatch) bestMatch = r.match; } if (needToAddBackProfileForwardingComponent) { set[N] = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter() .getOtherProfile().getResolvedComponentName(); final int otherProfileMatch = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter() .getOtherProfile().getResolveInfo().match; if (otherProfileMatch > bestMatch) bestMatch = otherProfileMatch; } if (always) { final int userId = getUserId(); final PackageManager pm = getPackageManager(); // Set the preferred Activity pm.addUniquePreferredActivity(filter, bestMatch, set, intent.getComponent()); if (ri.handleAllWebDataURI) { // Set default Browser if needed final String packageName = pm.getDefaultBrowserPackageNameAsUser(userId); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(packageName)) { pm.setDefaultBrowserPackageNameAsUser(ri.activityInfo.packageName, userId); } } } else { try { mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter() .mResolverListController.setLastChosen(intent, filter, bestMatch); } catch (RemoteException re) { Log.d(TAG, "Error calling setLastChosenActivity\n" + re); } } } } if (target != null) { safelyStartActivity(target); // Rely on the ActivityManager to pop up a dialog regarding app suspension // and return false if (target.isSuspended()) { return false; } } return true; } /** Start the activity specified by the {@link TargetInfo}.*/ public final void safelyStartActivity(TargetInfo cti) { // In case cloned apps are present, we would want to start those apps in cloned user // space, which will not be same as adaptor's userHandle. resolveInfo.userHandle // identifies the correct user space in such cases. UserHandle activityUserHandle = getResolveInfoUserHandle( cti.getResolveInfo(), mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getCurrentUserHandle()); safelyStartActivityAsUser(cti, activityUserHandle, null); } /** * Start activity as a fixed user handle. * @param cti TargetInfo to be launched. * @param user User to launch this activity as. */ public final void safelyStartActivityAsUser(TargetInfo cti, UserHandle user) { safelyStartActivityAsUser(cti, user, null); } protected final void safelyStartActivityAsUser( TargetInfo cti, UserHandle user, @Nullable Bundle options) { // We're dispatching intents that might be coming from legacy apps, so // don't kill ourselves. StrictMode.disableDeathOnFileUriExposure(); try { safelyStartActivityInternal(cti, user, options); } finally { StrictMode.enableDeathOnFileUriExposure(); } } @VisibleForTesting protected void safelyStartActivityInternal( TargetInfo cti, UserHandle user, @Nullable Bundle options) { // If the target is suspended, the activity will not be successfully launched. // Do not unregister from package manager updates in this case if (!cti.isSuspended() && mRegistered) { if (mPersonalPackageMonitor != null) { mPersonalPackageMonitor.unregister(); } if (mWorkPackageMonitor != null) { mWorkPackageMonitor.unregister(); } mRegistered = false; } // If needed, show that intent is forwarded // from managed profile to owner or other way around. if (mProfileSwitchMessage != null) { Toast.makeText(this, mProfileSwitchMessage, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } if (!mSafeForwardingMode) { if (cti.startAsUser(this, options, user)) { onActivityStarted(cti); maybeLogCrossProfileTargetLaunch(cti, user); } return; } try { if (cti.startAsCaller(this, options, user.getIdentifier())) { onActivityStarted(cti); maybeLogCrossProfileTargetLaunch(cti, user); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { Slog.wtf(TAG, "Unable to launch as uid " + mLaunchedFromUid + " package " + getLaunchedFromPackage() + ", while running in " + ActivityThread.currentProcessName(), e); } } private void maybeLogCrossProfileTargetLaunch(TargetInfo cti, UserHandle currentUserHandle) { if (!hasWorkProfile() || currentUserHandle.equals(getUser())) { return; } DevicePolicyEventLogger .createEvent(DevicePolicyEnums.RESOLVER_CROSS_PROFILE_TARGET_OPENED) .setBoolean(currentUserHandle.equals(getPersonalProfileUserHandle())) .setStrings(getMetricsCategory(), cti instanceof ChooserTargetInfo ? "direct_share" : "other_target") .write(); } public void onActivityStarted(TargetInfo cti) { // Do nothing } @Override // ResolverListCommunicator public boolean shouldGetActivityMetadata() { return false; } public boolean shouldAutoLaunchSingleChoice(TargetInfo target) { return !target.isSuspended(); } void showTargetDetails(ResolveInfo ri) { Intent in = new Intent().setAction(Settings.ACTION_APPLICATION_DETAILS_SETTINGS) .setData(Uri.fromParts("package", ri.activityInfo.packageName, null)) .addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_DOCUMENT); startActivityAsUser(in, mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getCurrentUserHandle()); } @VisibleForTesting protected ResolverListAdapter createResolverListAdapter(Context context, List payloadIntents, Intent[] initialIntents, List rList, boolean filterLastUsed, UserHandle userHandle) { Intent startIntent = getIntent(); boolean isAudioCaptureDevice = startIntent.getBooleanExtra(EXTRA_IS_AUDIO_CAPTURE_DEVICE, false); UserHandle initialIntentsUserSpace = isLaunchedAsCloneProfile() && userHandle.equals(getPersonalProfileUserHandle()) ? getCloneProfileUserHandle() : userHandle; return new ResolverListAdapter(context, payloadIntents, initialIntents, rList, filterLastUsed, createListController(userHandle), this, isAudioCaptureDevice, initialIntentsUserSpace); } @VisibleForTesting protected ResolverListController createListController(UserHandle userHandle) { UserHandle queryIntentsUser = getQueryIntentsUser(userHandle); ResolverRankerServiceResolverComparator resolverComparator = new ResolverRankerServiceResolverComparator( this, getTargetIntent(), getReferrerPackageName(), null, null, getResolverRankerServiceUserHandleList(userHandle)); return new ResolverListController( this, mPm, getTargetIntent(), getReferrerPackageName(), mLaunchedFromUid, userHandle, resolverComparator, queryIntentsUser); } /** * Sets up the content view. * @return true if the activity is finishing and creation should halt. */ private boolean configureContentView() { if (mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getCurrentListAdapter() " + "cannot be null."); } Trace.beginSection("configureContentView"); // We partially rebuild the inactive adapter to determine if we should auto launch // isTabLoaded will be true here if the empty state screen is shown instead of the list. boolean rebuildCompleted = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.rebuildActiveTab(true) || mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter().isTabLoaded(); if (shouldShowTabs()) { boolean rebuildInactiveCompleted = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.rebuildInactiveTab(false) || mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getInactiveListAdapter().isTabLoaded(); rebuildCompleted = rebuildCompleted && rebuildInactiveCompleted; } if (shouldUseMiniResolver()) { configureMiniResolverContent(); Trace.endSection(); return false; } if (useLayoutWithDefault()) { mLayoutId = R.layout.resolver_list_with_default; } else { mLayoutId = getLayoutResource(); } setContentView(mLayoutId); mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.setupViewPager(findViewById(R.id.profile_pager)); boolean result = postRebuildList(rebuildCompleted); Trace.endSection(); return result; } /** * Mini resolver is shown when the user is choosing between browser[s] in this profile and a * single app in the other profile (see shouldUseMiniResolver()). It shows the single app icon * and asks the user if they'd like to open that cross-profile app or use the in-profile * browser. */ private void configureMiniResolverContent() { mLayoutId = R.layout.miniresolver; setContentView(mLayoutId); DisplayResolveInfo sameProfileResolveInfo = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter().mDisplayList.get(0); boolean inWorkProfile = getCurrentProfile() == PROFILE_WORK; final ResolverListAdapter inactiveAdapter = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getInactiveListAdapter(); final DisplayResolveInfo otherProfileResolveInfo = inactiveAdapter.mDisplayList.get(0); // Load the icon asynchronously ImageView icon = findViewById(R.id.icon); inactiveAdapter.new LoadIconTask(otherProfileResolveInfo) { @Override protected void onPostExecute(Drawable drawable) { if (!isDestroyed()) { otherProfileResolveInfo.setDisplayIcon(drawable); new ResolverListAdapter.ViewHolder(icon).bindIcon(otherProfileResolveInfo); } } }.execute(); CharSequence targetDisplayLabel = otherProfileResolveInfo.getDisplayLabel(); DevicePolicyResourcesManager devicePolicyResourcesManager = getSystemService( DevicePolicyManager.class).getResources(); if (inWorkProfile) { ((TextView) findViewById(R.id.open_cross_profile)).setText( devicePolicyResourcesManager.getString(MINIRESOLVER_OPEN_IN_PERSONAL, () -> getString(R.string.miniresolver_open_in_personal, targetDisplayLabel), targetDisplayLabel)); ((Button) findViewById(R.id.use_same_profile_browser)).setText( devicePolicyResourcesManager.getString(MINIRESOLVER_USE_WORK_BROWSER, () -> getString(R.string.miniresolver_use_work_browser))); } else { ((TextView) findViewById(R.id.open_cross_profile)).setText( devicePolicyResourcesManager.getString(MINIRESOLVER_OPEN_IN_WORK, () -> getString(R.string.miniresolver_open_in_work, targetDisplayLabel), targetDisplayLabel)); ((Button) findViewById(R.id.use_same_profile_browser)).setText( devicePolicyResourcesManager.getString(MINIRESOLVER_USE_PERSONAL_BROWSER, () -> getString(R.string.miniresolver_use_personal_browser))); } findViewById(R.id.use_same_profile_browser).setOnClickListener( v -> { safelyStartActivity(sameProfileResolveInfo); finish(); }); findViewById(R.id.button_open).setOnClickListener(v -> { Intent intent = otherProfileResolveInfo.getResolvedIntent(); safelyStartActivityAsUser(otherProfileResolveInfo, inactiveAdapter.mResolverListController.getUserHandle()); finish(); }); } /** * Mini resolver should be used when all of the following are true: * 1. This is the intent picker (ResolverActivity). * 2. This profile only has web browser matches. * 3. The other profile has a single non-browser match. */ private boolean shouldUseMiniResolver() { if (!mIsIntentPicker) { return false; } if (mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter() == null || mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getInactiveListAdapter() == null) { return false; } List sameProfileList = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter().mDisplayList; List otherProfileList = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getInactiveListAdapter().mDisplayList; if (sameProfileList.isEmpty()) { Log.d(TAG, "No targets in the current profile"); return false; } if (otherProfileList.size() != 1) { Log.d(TAG, "Found " + otherProfileList.size() + " resolvers in the other profile"); return false; } if (otherProfileList.get(0).getResolveInfo().handleAllWebDataURI) { Log.d(TAG, "Other profile is a web browser"); return false; } for (DisplayResolveInfo info : sameProfileList) { if (!info.getResolveInfo().handleAllWebDataURI) { Log.d(TAG, "Non-browser found in this profile"); return false; } } return true; } /** * Finishing procedures to be performed after the list has been rebuilt. *

Subclasses must call postRebuildListInternal at the end of postRebuildList. * @param rebuildCompleted * @return true if the activity is finishing and creation should halt. */ protected boolean postRebuildList(boolean rebuildCompleted) { return postRebuildListInternal(rebuildCompleted); } /** * Finishing procedures to be performed after the list has been rebuilt. * @param rebuildCompleted * @return true if the activity is finishing and creation should halt. */ final boolean postRebuildListInternal(boolean rebuildCompleted) { int count = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter().getUnfilteredCount(); // We only rebuild asynchronously when we have multiple elements to sort. In the case where // we're already done, we can check if we should auto-launch immediately. if (rebuildCompleted && maybeAutolaunchActivity()) { return true; } setupViewVisibilities(); if (shouldShowTabs()) { setupProfileTabs(); } return false; } private int isPermissionGranted(String permission, int uid) { return ActivityManager.checkComponentPermission(permission, uid, /* owningUid= */-1, /* exported= */ true); } /** * @return {@code true} if a resolved target is autolaunched, otherwise {@code false} */ private boolean maybeAutolaunchActivity() { int numberOfProfiles = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getItemCount(); if (numberOfProfiles == 1 && maybeAutolaunchIfSingleTarget()) { return true; } else if (numberOfProfiles == 2 && mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter().isTabLoaded() && mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getInactiveListAdapter().isTabLoaded() && (maybeAutolaunchIfNoAppsOnInactiveTab() || maybeAutolaunchIfCrossProfileSupported())) { return true; } return false; } private boolean maybeAutolaunchIfSingleTarget() { int count = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter().getUnfilteredCount(); if (count != 1) { return false; } if (mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter().getOtherProfile() != null) { return false; } // Only one target, so we're a candidate to auto-launch! final TargetInfo target = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter() .targetInfoForPosition(0, false); if (shouldAutoLaunchSingleChoice(target)) { safelyStartActivity(target); finish(); return true; } return false; } private boolean maybeAutolaunchIfNoAppsOnInactiveTab() { int count = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter().getUnfilteredCount(); if (count != 1) { return false; } ResolverListAdapter inactiveListAdapter = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getInactiveListAdapter(); if (inactiveListAdapter.getUnfilteredCount() != 0) { return false; } TargetInfo target = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter() .targetInfoForPosition(0, false); safelyStartActivity(target); finish(); return true; } /** * When we have a personal and a work profile, we auto launch in the following scenario: * - There is 1 resolved target on each profile * - That target is the same app on both profiles * - The target app has permission to communicate cross profiles * - The target app has declared it supports cross-profile communication via manifest metadata */ private boolean maybeAutolaunchIfCrossProfileSupported() { ResolverListAdapter activeListAdapter = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter(); int count = activeListAdapter.getUnfilteredCount(); if (count != 1) { return false; } ResolverListAdapter inactiveListAdapter = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getInactiveListAdapter(); if (inactiveListAdapter.getUnfilteredCount() != 1) { return false; } TargetInfo activeProfileTarget = activeListAdapter .targetInfoForPosition(0, false); TargetInfo inactiveProfileTarget = inactiveListAdapter.targetInfoForPosition(0, false); if (!Objects.equals(activeProfileTarget.getResolvedComponentName(), inactiveProfileTarget.getResolvedComponentName())) { return false; } if (!shouldAutoLaunchSingleChoice(activeProfileTarget)) { return false; } String packageName = activeProfileTarget.getResolvedComponentName().getPackageName(); if (!canAppInteractCrossProfiles(packageName)) { return false; } DevicePolicyEventLogger .createEvent(DevicePolicyEnums.RESOLVER_AUTOLAUNCH_CROSS_PROFILE_TARGET) .setBoolean(activeListAdapter.getUserHandle() .equals(getPersonalProfileUserHandle())) .setStrings(getMetricsCategory()) .write(); safelyStartActivity(activeProfileTarget); finish(); return true; } /** * Returns whether the package has the necessary permissions to interact across profiles on * behalf of a given user. * *

This means meeting the following condition: *

  • The app's {@link ApplicationInfo#crossProfile} flag must be true, and at least * one of the following conditions must be fulfilled
  • *
  • {@code Manifest.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL} granted.
  • *
  • {@code Manifest.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS} granted.
  • *
  • {@code Manifest.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_PROFILES} granted, or the corresponding * AppOps {@code android:interact_across_profiles} is set to "allow".
  • *
* */ private boolean canAppInteractCrossProfiles(String packageName) { ApplicationInfo applicationInfo; try { applicationInfo = getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo(packageName, 0); } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Package " + packageName + " does not exist on current user."); return false; } if (!applicationInfo.crossProfile) { return false; } int packageUid = applicationInfo.uid; if (isPermissionGranted(android.Manifest.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL, packageUid) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { return true; } if (isPermissionGranted(android.Manifest.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS, packageUid) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { return true; } if (PermissionChecker.checkPermissionForPreflight(this, INTERACT_ACROSS_PROFILES, PID_UNKNOWN, packageUid, packageName) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { return true; } return false; } private boolean isAutolaunching() { return !mRegistered && isFinishing(); } private void setupProfileTabs() { maybeHideDivider(); TabHost tabHost = findViewById(R.id.profile_tabhost); tabHost.setup(); ViewPager viewPager = findViewById(R.id.profile_pager); viewPager.setSaveEnabled(false); Button personalButton = (Button) getLayoutInflater().inflate( R.layout.resolver_profile_tab_button, tabHost.getTabWidget(), false); personalButton.setText(getPersonalTabLabel()); personalButton.setContentDescription(getPersonalTabAccessibilityLabel()); TabHost.TabSpec tabSpec = tabHost.newTabSpec(TAB_TAG_PERSONAL) .setContent(R.id.profile_pager) .setIndicator(personalButton); tabHost.addTab(tabSpec); Button workButton = (Button) getLayoutInflater().inflate( R.layout.resolver_profile_tab_button, tabHost.getTabWidget(), false); workButton.setText(getWorkTabLabel()); workButton.setContentDescription(getWorkTabAccessibilityLabel()); tabSpec = tabHost.newTabSpec(TAB_TAG_WORK) .setContent(R.id.profile_pager) .setIndicator(workButton); tabHost.addTab(tabSpec); TabWidget tabWidget = tabHost.getTabWidget(); tabWidget.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); updateActiveTabStyle(tabHost); tabHost.setOnTabChangedListener(tabId -> { updateActiveTabStyle(tabHost); if (TAB_TAG_PERSONAL.equals(tabId)) { viewPager.setCurrentItem(0); } else { viewPager.setCurrentItem(1); } setupViewVisibilities(); maybeLogProfileChange(); onProfileTabSelected(); DevicePolicyEventLogger .createEvent(DevicePolicyEnums.RESOLVER_SWITCH_TABS) .setInt(viewPager.getCurrentItem()) .setStrings(getMetricsCategory()) .write(); }); viewPager.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); tabHost.setCurrentTab(mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getCurrentPage()); mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.setOnProfileSelectedListener( new AbstractMultiProfilePagerAdapter.OnProfileSelectedListener() { @Override public void onProfileSelected(int index) { tabHost.setCurrentTab(index); resetButtonBar(); resetCheckedItem(); } @Override public void onProfilePageStateChanged(int state) { onHorizontalSwipeStateChanged(state); } }); mOnSwitchOnWorkSelectedListener = () -> { final View workTab = tabHost.getTabWidget().getChildAt(1); workTab.setFocusable(true); workTab.setFocusableInTouchMode(true); workTab.requestFocus(); }; } private String getPersonalTabLabel() { return getSystemService(DevicePolicyManager.class).getResources().getString( RESOLVER_PERSONAL_TAB, () -> getString(R.string.resolver_personal_tab)); } private String getWorkTabLabel() { return getSystemService(DevicePolicyManager.class).getResources().getString( RESOLVER_WORK_TAB, () -> getString(R.string.resolver_work_tab)); } void onHorizontalSwipeStateChanged(int state) {} private void maybeHideDivider() { if (!mIsIntentPicker) { return; } final View divider = findViewById(R.id.divider); if (divider == null) { return; } divider.setVisibility(View.GONE); } /** * Callback called when user changes the profile tab. *

This method is intended to be overridden by subclasses. */ protected void onProfileTabSelected() { } private void resetCheckedItem() { if (!mIsIntentPicker) { return; } mLastSelected = ListView.INVALID_POSITION; ListView inactiveListView = (ListView) mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getInactiveAdapterView(); if (inactiveListView.getCheckedItemCount() > 0) { inactiveListView.setItemChecked(inactiveListView.getCheckedItemPosition(), false); } } private String getPersonalTabAccessibilityLabel() { return getSystemService(DevicePolicyManager.class).getResources().getString( RESOLVER_PERSONAL_TAB_ACCESSIBILITY, () -> getString(R.string.resolver_personal_tab_accessibility)); } private String getWorkTabAccessibilityLabel() { return getSystemService(DevicePolicyManager.class).getResources().getString( RESOLVER_WORK_TAB_ACCESSIBILITY, () -> getString(R.string.resolver_work_tab_accessibility)); } private static int getAttrColor(Context context, int attr) { TypedArray ta = context.obtainStyledAttributes(new int[]{attr}); int colorAccent = ta.getColor(0, 0); ta.recycle(); return colorAccent; } private void updateActiveTabStyle(TabHost tabHost) { int currentTab = tabHost.getCurrentTab(); TextView selected = (TextView) tabHost.getTabWidget().getChildAt(currentTab); TextView unselected = (TextView) tabHost.getTabWidget().getChildAt(1 - currentTab); selected.setSelected(true); unselected.setSelected(false); } private void setupViewVisibilities() { ResolverListAdapter activeListAdapter = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter(); if (!mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.shouldShowEmptyStateScreen(activeListAdapter)) { addUseDifferentAppLabelIfNecessary(activeListAdapter); } } /** * Add a label to signify that the user can pick a different app. * @param adapter The adapter used to provide data to item views. */ public void addUseDifferentAppLabelIfNecessary(ResolverListAdapter adapter) { final boolean useHeader = adapter.hasFilteredItem(); if (useHeader) { FrameLayout stub = findViewById(R.id.stub); stub.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); TextView textView = (TextView) LayoutInflater.from(this).inflate( R.layout.resolver_different_item_header, null, false); if (shouldShowTabs()) { textView.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER); } stub.addView(textView); } } private void setupAdapterListView(ListView listView, ItemClickListener listener) { listView.setOnItemClickListener(listener); listView.setOnItemLongClickListener(listener); if (mSupportsAlwaysUseOption) { listView.setChoiceMode(AbsListView.CHOICE_MODE_SINGLE); } } /** * Configure the area above the app selection list (title, content preview, etc). */ private void maybeCreateHeader(ResolverListAdapter listAdapter) { if (mHeaderCreatorUser != null && !listAdapter.getUserHandle().equals(mHeaderCreatorUser)) { return; } if (!shouldShowTabs() && listAdapter.getCount() == 0 && listAdapter.getPlaceholderCount() == 0) { final TextView titleView = findViewById(R.id.title); if (titleView != null) { titleView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } CharSequence title = mTitle != null ? mTitle : getTitleForAction(getTargetIntent(), mDefaultTitleResId); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(title)) { final TextView titleView = findViewById(R.id.title); if (titleView != null) { titleView.setText(title); } setTitle(title); } final ImageView iconView = findViewById(R.id.icon); if (iconView != null) { listAdapter.loadFilteredItemIconTaskAsync(iconView); } mHeaderCreatorUser = listAdapter.getUserHandle(); } protected void resetButtonBar() { if (!mSupportsAlwaysUseOption) { return; } final ViewGroup buttonLayout = findViewById(R.id.button_bar); if (buttonLayout == null) { Log.e(TAG, "Layout unexpectedly does not have a button bar"); return; } ResolverListAdapter activeListAdapter = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter(); View buttonBarDivider = findViewById(R.id.resolver_button_bar_divider); if (!useLayoutWithDefault()) { int inset = mSystemWindowInsets != null ? mSystemWindowInsets.bottom : 0; buttonLayout.setPadding(buttonLayout.getPaddingLeft(), buttonLayout.getPaddingTop(), buttonLayout.getPaddingRight(), getResources().getDimensionPixelSize( R.dimen.resolver_button_bar_spacing) + inset); } if (activeListAdapter.isTabLoaded() && mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.shouldShowEmptyStateScreen(activeListAdapter) && !useLayoutWithDefault()) { buttonLayout.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); if (buttonBarDivider != null) { buttonBarDivider.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } setButtonBarIgnoreOffset(/* ignoreOffset */ false); return; } if (buttonBarDivider != null) { buttonBarDivider.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } buttonLayout.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); setButtonBarIgnoreOffset(/* ignoreOffset */ true); mOnceButton = (Button) buttonLayout.findViewById(R.id.button_once); mAlwaysButton = (Button) buttonLayout.findViewById(R.id.button_always); resetAlwaysOrOnceButtonBar(); } /** * Updates the button bar container {@code ignoreOffset} layout param. *

Setting this to {@code true} means that the button bar will be glued to the bottom of * the screen. */ private void setButtonBarIgnoreOffset(boolean ignoreOffset) { View buttonBarContainer = findViewById(R.id.button_bar_container); if (buttonBarContainer != null) { ResolverDrawerLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = (ResolverDrawerLayout.LayoutParams) buttonBarContainer.getLayoutParams(); layoutParams.ignoreOffset = ignoreOffset; buttonBarContainer.setLayoutParams(layoutParams); } } private void resetAlwaysOrOnceButtonBar() { // Disable both buttons initially setAlwaysButtonEnabled(false, ListView.INVALID_POSITION, false); mOnceButton.setEnabled(false); int filteredPosition = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter() .getFilteredPosition(); if (useLayoutWithDefault() && filteredPosition != ListView.INVALID_POSITION) { setAlwaysButtonEnabled(true, filteredPosition, false); mOnceButton.setEnabled(true); // Focus the button if we already have the default option mOnceButton.requestFocus(); return; } // When the items load in, if an item was already selected, enable the buttons ListView currentAdapterView = (ListView) mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveAdapterView(); if (currentAdapterView != null && currentAdapterView.getCheckedItemPosition() != ListView.INVALID_POSITION) { setAlwaysButtonEnabled(true, currentAdapterView.getCheckedItemPosition(), true); mOnceButton.setEnabled(true); } } @Override // ResolverListCommunicator public boolean useLayoutWithDefault() { // We only use the default app layout when the profile of the active user has a // filtered item. We always show the same default app even in the inactive user profile. boolean adapterForCurrentUserHasFilteredItem = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getListAdapterForUserHandle( getTabOwnerUserHandleForLaunch()).hasFilteredItem(); return mSupportsAlwaysUseOption && adapterForCurrentUserHasFilteredItem; } /** * If {@code retainInOnStop} is set to true, we will not finish ourselves when onStop gets * called and we are launched in a new task. */ protected void setRetainInOnStop(boolean retainInOnStop) { mRetainInOnStop = retainInOnStop; } /** * Check a simple match for the component of two ResolveInfos. */ @Override // ResolverListCommunicator public boolean resolveInfoMatch(ResolveInfo lhs, ResolveInfo rhs) { return lhs == null ? rhs == null : lhs.activityInfo == null ? rhs.activityInfo == null : Objects.equals(lhs.activityInfo.name, rhs.activityInfo.name) && Objects.equals(lhs.activityInfo.packageName, rhs.activityInfo.packageName) // Comparing against resolveInfo.userHandle in case cloned apps are present, // as they will have the same activityInfo. && Objects.equals( getResolveInfoUserHandle(lhs, mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter().getUserHandle()), getResolveInfoUserHandle(rhs, mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter().getUserHandle())); } protected String getMetricsCategory() { return METRICS_CATEGORY_RESOLVER; } @Override // ResolverListCommunicator public void onHandlePackagesChanged(ResolverListAdapter listAdapter) { if (listAdapter == mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter()) { if (listAdapter.getUserHandle().equals(getWorkProfileUserHandle()) && mQuietModeManager.isWaitingToEnableWorkProfile()) { // We have just turned on the work profile and entered the pass code to start it, // now we are waiting to receive the ACTION_USER_UNLOCKED broadcast. There is no // point in reloading the list now, since the work profile user is still // turning on. return; } boolean listRebuilt = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.rebuildActiveTab(true); if (listRebuilt) { ResolverListAdapter activeListAdapter = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter(); activeListAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); if (activeListAdapter.getCount() == 0 && !inactiveListAdapterHasItems()) { // We no longer have any items... just finish the activity. finish(); } } } else { mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.clearInactiveProfileCache(); } } private boolean inactiveListAdapterHasItems() { if (!shouldShowTabs()) { return false; } return mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getInactiveListAdapter().getCount() > 0; } private BroadcastReceiver createWorkProfileStateReceiver() { return new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { String action = intent.getAction(); if (!TextUtils.equals(action, Intent.ACTION_USER_UNLOCKED) && !TextUtils.equals(action, Intent.ACTION_MANAGED_PROFILE_UNAVAILABLE) && !TextUtils.equals(action, Intent.ACTION_MANAGED_PROFILE_AVAILABLE)) { return; } int userId = intent.getIntExtra(Intent.EXTRA_USER_HANDLE, -1); if (userId != getWorkProfileUserHandle().getIdentifier()) { return; } if (isWorkProfileEnabled()) { if (mWorkProfileHasBeenEnabled) { return; } mWorkProfileHasBeenEnabled = true; mQuietModeManager.markWorkProfileEnabledBroadcastReceived(); } else { // Must be an UNAVAILABLE broadcast, so we watch for the next availability mWorkProfileHasBeenEnabled = false; } if (mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getCurrentUserHandle() .equals(getWorkProfileUserHandle())) { mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.rebuildActiveTab(true); } else { mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.clearInactiveProfileCache(); } } }; } public static final class ResolvedComponentInfo { public final ComponentName name; private final List mIntents = new ArrayList<>(); private final List mResolveInfos = new ArrayList<>(); private boolean mPinned; private boolean mFixedAtTop; public ResolvedComponentInfo(ComponentName name, Intent intent, ResolveInfo info) { this.name = name; add(intent, info); } public void add(Intent intent, ResolveInfo info) { mIntents.add(intent); mResolveInfos.add(info); } public int getCount() { return mIntents.size(); } public Intent getIntentAt(int index) { return index >= 0 ? mIntents.get(index) : null; } public ResolveInfo getResolveInfoAt(int index) { return index >= 0 ? mResolveInfos.get(index) : null; } public int findIntent(Intent intent) { for (int i = 0, N = mIntents.size(); i < N; i++) { if (intent.equals(mIntents.get(i))) { return i; } } return -1; } public int findResolveInfo(ResolveInfo info) { for (int i = 0, N = mResolveInfos.size(); i < N; i++) { if (info.equals(mResolveInfos.get(i))) { return i; } } return -1; } public boolean isPinned() { return mPinned; } public void setPinned(boolean pinned) { mPinned = pinned; } public boolean isFixedAtTop() { return mFixedAtTop; } public void setFixedAtTop(boolean isFixedAtTop) { mFixedAtTop = isFixedAtTop; } } class ItemClickListener implements AdapterView.OnItemClickListener, AdapterView.OnItemLongClickListener { @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView parent, View view, int position, long id) { final ListView listView = parent instanceof ListView ? (ListView) parent : null; if (listView != null) { position -= listView.getHeaderViewsCount(); } if (position < 0) { // Header views don't count. return; } // If we're still loading, we can't yet enable the buttons. if (mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter() .resolveInfoForPosition(position, true) == null) { return; } ListView currentAdapterView = (ListView) mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveAdapterView(); final int checkedPos = currentAdapterView.getCheckedItemPosition(); final boolean hasValidSelection = checkedPos != ListView.INVALID_POSITION; if (!useLayoutWithDefault() && (!hasValidSelection || mLastSelected != checkedPos) && mAlwaysButton != null) { setAlwaysButtonEnabled(hasValidSelection, checkedPos, true); mOnceButton.setEnabled(hasValidSelection); if (hasValidSelection) { currentAdapterView.smoothScrollToPosition(checkedPos); mOnceButton.requestFocus(); } mLastSelected = checkedPos; } else { startSelected(position, false, true); } } @Override public boolean onItemLongClick(AdapterView parent, View view, int position, long id) { final ListView listView = parent instanceof ListView ? (ListView) parent : null; if (listView != null) { position -= listView.getHeaderViewsCount(); } if (position < 0) { // Header views don't count. return false; } ResolveInfo ri = mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter() .resolveInfoForPosition(position, true); showTargetDetails(ri); return true; } } static final boolean isSpecificUriMatch(int match) { match = match&IntentFilter.MATCH_CATEGORY_MASK; return match >= IntentFilter.MATCH_CATEGORY_HOST && match <= IntentFilter.MATCH_CATEGORY_PATH; } static class PickTargetOptionRequest extends PickOptionRequest { public PickTargetOptionRequest(@Nullable Prompt prompt, Option[] options, @Nullable Bundle extras) { super(prompt, options, extras); } @Override public void onCancel() { super.onCancel(); final ResolverActivity ra = (ResolverActivity) getActivity(); if (ra != null) { ra.mPickOptionRequest = null; ra.finish(); } } @Override public void onPickOptionResult(boolean finished, Option[] selections, Bundle result) { super.onPickOptionResult(finished, selections, result); if (selections.length != 1) { // TODO In a better world we would filter the UI presented here and let the // user refine. Maybe later. return; } final ResolverActivity ra = (ResolverActivity) getActivity(); if (ra != null) { final TargetInfo ti = ra.mMultiProfilePagerAdapter.getActiveListAdapter() .getItem(selections[0].getIndex()); if (ra.onTargetSelected(ti, false)) { ra.mPickOptionRequest = null; ra.finish(); } } } } protected void maybeLogProfileChange() {} /** * Returns the {@link UserHandle} to use when querying resolutions for intents in a * {@link ResolverListController} configured for the provided {@code userHandle}. */ protected final UserHandle getQueryIntentsUser(UserHandle userHandle) { // In case launching app is in clonedProfile, and we are building the personal tab, intent // resolution will be attempted as clonedUser instead of user 0. This is because intent // resolution from user 0 and clonedUser is not guaranteed to return same results. // We do not care about the case when personal adapter is started with non-root user // (secondary user case), as clone profile is guaranteed to be non-active in that case. UserHandle queryIntentsUser = userHandle; if (isLaunchedAsCloneProfile() && userHandle.equals(getPersonalProfileUserHandle())) { queryIntentsUser = getCloneProfileUserHandle(); } return queryIntentsUser; } /** * Returns the {@link List} of {@link UserHandle} to pass on to the * {@link ResolverRankerServiceResolverComparator} as per the provided {@code userHandle}. */ @VisibleForTesting(visibility = PROTECTED) public final List getResolverRankerServiceUserHandleList(UserHandle userHandle) { return getResolverRankerServiceUserHandleListInternal(userHandle); } @VisibleForTesting protected List getResolverRankerServiceUserHandleListInternal(UserHandle userHandle) { List userList = new ArrayList<>(); userList.add(userHandle); // Add clonedProfileUserHandle to the list only if we are: // a. Building the Personal Tab. // b. CloneProfile exists on the device. if (userHandle.equals(getPersonalProfileUserHandle()) && getCloneProfileUserHandle() != null) { userList.add(getCloneProfileUserHandle()); } return userList; } /** * This function is temporary in nature, and its usages will be replaced with just * resolveInfo.userHandle, once it is available, once sharesheet is stable. */ public static UserHandle getResolveInfoUserHandle(ResolveInfo resolveInfo, UserHandle predictedHandle) { if (resolveInfo.userHandle == null) { Log.e(TAG, "ResolveInfo with null UserHandle found: " + resolveInfo); } return resolveInfo.userHandle; } private boolean privateSpaceEnabled() { return mIsIntentPicker && android.os.Flags.allowPrivateProfile() && android.multiuser.Flags.allowResolverSheetForPrivateSpace() && android.multiuser.Flags.enablePrivateSpaceFeatures(); } /** * An a11y delegate that expands resolver drawer when gesture navigation reaches a partially * invisible target in the list. */ public static class AppListAccessibilityDelegate extends View.AccessibilityDelegate { private final ResolverDrawerLayout mDrawer; @Nullable private final View mBottomBar; private final Rect mRect = new Rect(); public AppListAccessibilityDelegate(ResolverDrawerLayout drawer) { mDrawer = drawer; mBottomBar = mDrawer.findViewById(R.id.button_bar_container); } @Override public boolean onRequestSendAccessibilityEvent(@androidx.annotation.NonNull ViewGroup host, @NonNull View child, @NonNull AccessibilityEvent event) { boolean result = super.onRequestSendAccessibilityEvent(host, child, event); if (result && event.getEventType() == AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUSED && mDrawer.isCollapsed()) { child.getBoundsOnScreen(mRect); int childTop = mRect.top; int childBottom = mRect.bottom; mDrawer.getBoundsOnScreen(mRect, true); int bottomBarHeight = mBottomBar == null ? 0 : mBottomBar.getHeight(); int drawerTop = mRect.top; int drawerBottom = mRect.bottom - bottomBarHeight; if (drawerTop > childTop || childBottom > drawerBottom) { mDrawer.setCollapsed(false); } } return result; } } }