/* * Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.internal.telephony; import android.os.HwBinder; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.telephony.UiccSlotMapping; import com.android.telephony.Rlog; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * RadioConfig proxy class that abstracts the underlying RadioConfig service implementation to * downstream users. */ public class RadioConfigProxy { private static final String TAG = "RadioConfigProxy"; private HalVersion mRadioHalVersion; private final RadioConfigHidlServiceDeathRecipient mRadioConfigHidlServiceDeathRecipient; private final RadioConfigAidlServiceDeathRecipient mRadioConfigAidlServiceDeathRecipient; private volatile android.hardware.radio.config.V1_1.IRadioConfig mHidlRadioConfigProxy = null; private volatile android.hardware.radio.config.IRadioConfig mAidlRadioConfigProxy = null; private HalVersion mRadioConfigHalVersion = RIL.RADIO_HAL_VERSION_UNKNOWN; private boolean mIsAidl; public RadioConfigProxy(RadioConfig radioConfig, HalVersion radioHalVersion) { mRadioHalVersion = radioHalVersion; mRadioConfigAidlServiceDeathRecipient = new RadioConfigAidlServiceDeathRecipient(radioConfig); mRadioConfigHidlServiceDeathRecipient = new RadioConfigHidlServiceDeathRecipient(radioConfig); } /** * Set IRadioConfig as the HIDL implementation for RadioConfigProxy * * @param radioConfigHalVersion RadioConfig HAL version * @param radioConfig IRadioConfig implementation */ public void setHidl( HalVersion radioConfigHalVersion, android.hardware.radio.config.V1_1.IRadioConfig radioConfig) { mRadioConfigHalVersion = radioConfigHalVersion; mHidlRadioConfigProxy = radioConfig; mIsAidl = false; mRadioConfigHidlServiceDeathRecipient.setService(radioConfig); } /** * Get HIDL IRadioConfig V1_1 * @return IRadioConfigV1_1 */ public android.hardware.radio.config.V1_1.IRadioConfig getHidl11() { return mHidlRadioConfigProxy; } /** * Get HIDL IRadioConfig V1_3 * @return IRadioConfigV1_3 */ public android.hardware.radio.config.V1_3.IRadioConfig getHidl13() { return (android.hardware.radio.config.V1_3.IRadioConfig) mHidlRadioConfigProxy; } /** * Set IRadioConfig as the AIDL implementation for RadioConfigProxy * * @param radioConfig IRadioConfig implementation */ public void setAidl(android.hardware.radio.config.IRadioConfig radioConfig) { try { mRadioConfigHalVersion = RIL.getServiceHalVersion(radioConfig.getInterfaceVersion()); Rlog.d(TAG, "setAidl: setting HAL version to version = " + mRadioConfigHalVersion); } catch (RemoteException e) { Rlog.e(TAG, "setAidl: " + e); } mAidlRadioConfigProxy = radioConfig; mIsAidl = true; mRadioConfigAidlServiceDeathRecipient.setService(radioConfig.asBinder()); } /** * Get the AIDL implementation of RadioConfigProxy * * @return IRadio implementation */ public android.hardware.radio.config.IRadioConfig getAidl() { return mAidlRadioConfigProxy; } /** Reset RadioConfigProxy */ public void clear() { mRadioConfigHalVersion = RIL.RADIO_HAL_VERSION_UNKNOWN; mHidlRadioConfigProxy = null; mAidlRadioConfigProxy = null; mRadioConfigHidlServiceDeathRecipient.clear(); mRadioConfigAidlServiceDeathRecipient.clear(); } /** * Wrapper for service's linkToDeath() */ public void linkToDeath(long cookie) throws RemoteException { if (isAidl()) { mRadioConfigAidlServiceDeathRecipient.linkToDeath((int) cookie); } else { mRadioConfigHidlServiceDeathRecipient.linkToDeath(cookie); } } /** * Check whether an implementation exists for this service * * @return false if there is neither a HIDL nor AIDL implementation */ public boolean isEmpty() { return mAidlRadioConfigProxy == null && mHidlRadioConfigProxy == null; } /** * Whether RadioConfigProxy is an AIDL or HIDL implementation * * @return true if AIDL, false if HIDL */ public boolean isAidl() { return mIsAidl; } /** * Return RadioConfig HAL version used by this instance * @return RadioConfig HAL Version */ public HalVersion getVersion() { return mRadioConfigHalVersion; } /** * Set the response functions for RadioConfig instance * @param radioConfig main RadioConfig instance * @throws RemoteException */ public void setResponseFunctions(RadioConfig radioConfig) throws RemoteException { if (isEmpty()) return; if (isAidl()) { mAidlRadioConfigProxy.setResponseFunctions( new RadioConfigResponseAidl(radioConfig, mRadioHalVersion), new RadioConfigIndicationAidl(radioConfig)); } else { mHidlRadioConfigProxy.setResponseFunctions( new RadioConfigResponseHidl(radioConfig, mRadioHalVersion), new RadioConfigIndicationHidl(radioConfig)); } } /** * Get capabilities based off of the radio hal version and feature set configurations * @return Set string capabilities */ public Set getFullCapabilitySet() { return RILUtils.getCaps(mRadioHalVersion, false); } /** * Wrapper function for IRadioConfig.getSimSlotsStatus(). */ public void getSimSlotStatus(int serial) throws RemoteException { if (isAidl()) { getAidl().getSimSlotsStatus(serial); } else { getHidl11().getSimSlotsStatus(serial); } } /** * Wrapper function for IRadioConfig.setPreferredDataModem(int modemId). */ public void setPreferredDataModem(int serial, int modemId) throws RemoteException { if (isAidl()) { getAidl().setPreferredDataModem(serial, (byte) modemId); } else { getHidl11().setPreferredDataModem(serial, (byte) modemId); } } /** * Wrapper function for IRadioConfig.getPhoneCapability(). */ public void getPhoneCapability(int serial) throws RemoteException { if (isAidl()) { getAidl().getPhoneCapability(serial); } else { getHidl11().getPhoneCapability(serial); } } /** * Wrapper function for IRadioConfig.setSimSlotsMapping(int32_t serial, * vec portMap). */ public void setSimSlotsMapping(int serial, List slotMapping) throws RemoteException { if (isAidl()) { getAidl().setSimSlotsMapping(serial, RILUtils.convertSimSlotsMapping(slotMapping)); } else { getHidl11().setSimSlotsMapping(serial, RILUtils.convertSlotMappingToList(slotMapping)); } } /** * Wrapper function for IRadioConfig.getSimultaneousCallingSupport() */ public void updateSimultaneousCallingSupport(int serial) throws RemoteException { if (isAidl()) { getAidl().getSimultaneousCallingSupport(serial); } // Only supported on AIDL. } /** * Wrapper function for using IRadioConfig.setNumOfLiveModems(int32_t serial, * byte numOfLiveModems) to switch between single-sim and multi-sim. */ public void setNumOfLiveModems(int serial, int numOfLiveModems) throws RemoteException { if (isAidl()) { getAidl().setNumOfLiveModems(serial, (byte) numOfLiveModems); } else { android.hardware.radio.config.V1_1.ModemsConfig modemsConfig = new android.hardware.radio.config.V1_1.ModemsConfig(); modemsConfig.numOfLiveModems = (byte) numOfLiveModems; getHidl11().setModemsConfig(serial, modemsConfig); } } /** * Gets the hal capabilities from the device. */ public void getHalDeviceCapabilities(int serial) throws RemoteException { if (isAidl()) { getAidl().getHalDeviceCapabilities(serial); } else { getHidl13().getHalDeviceCapabilities(serial); } } /** * Death Recipient for HIDL binder (if any) of RadioConfig. */ private static class RadioConfigHidlServiceDeathRecipient implements HwBinder.DeathRecipient { private static final String TAG = "RadioConfigHidlSDR"; private final RadioConfig mRadioConfig; private android.hardware.radio.config.V1_1.IRadioConfig mService; RadioConfigHidlServiceDeathRecipient(RadioConfig radioConfig) { mRadioConfig = radioConfig; } public void setService(android.hardware.radio.config.V1_1.IRadioConfig service) { mService = service; } public void linkToDeath(long cookie) throws RemoteException { mService.linkToDeath(this, cookie); } public void clear() { mService = null; } @Override public void serviceDied(long cookie) { // Deal with service going away Rlog.e(TAG, "serviceDied"); mRadioConfig.sendMessage( mRadioConfig.obtainMessage(RadioConfig.EVENT_HIDL_SERVICE_DEAD, cookie)); } } /** * DeathRecipient for AIDL binder service (if any) of RadioConfig */ private static class RadioConfigAidlServiceDeathRecipient implements IBinder.DeathRecipient { private static final String TAG = "RadioConfigAidlSDR"; private final RadioConfig mRadioConfig; private IBinder mService; RadioConfigAidlServiceDeathRecipient(RadioConfig radioConfig) { mRadioConfig = radioConfig; } public void setService(IBinder service) { mService = service; } public void linkToDeath(int cookie) throws RemoteException { mService.linkToDeath(this, cookie); } public void clear() { mService = null; } /** * Unlink from RadioConfig if any. */ public synchronized void unlinkToDeath() { if (mService != null) { mService.unlinkToDeath(this, 0); mService = null; } } @Override public void binderDied() { Rlog.e(TAG, "service died."); unlinkToDeath(); mRadioConfig.sendMessage( mRadioConfig.obtainMessage(RadioConfig.EVENT_AIDL_SERVICE_DEAD)); } } @Override public String toString() { return "RadioConfigProxy[" + "mRadioHalVersion=" + mRadioHalVersion + ", mRadioConfigHalVersion=" + mRadioConfigHalVersion + ']'; } }