/* * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.internal.telephony; import static com.android.internal.telephony.SmsResponse.NO_ERROR_CODE; import static com.android.internal.telephony.cdma.sms.BearerData.ERROR_NONE; import static com.android.internal.telephony.cdma.sms.BearerData.ERROR_TEMPORARY; import android.annotation.NonNull; import android.annotation.Nullable; import android.app.Activity; import android.app.PendingIntent; import android.app.PendingIntent.CanceledException; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.AsyncResult; import android.os.Binder; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import android.os.UserManager; import android.provider.Telephony.Sms; import android.provider.Telephony.Sms.Intents; import android.telephony.Annotation.DisconnectCauses; import android.telephony.DomainSelectionService; import android.telephony.NetworkRegistrationInfo; import android.telephony.ServiceState; import android.telephony.SmsManager; import android.telephony.SmsMessage; import android.telephony.TelephonyManager; import android.telephony.emergency.EmergencyNumber; import android.text.TextUtils; import com.android.ims.ImsManager; import com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.android.internal.os.SomeArgs; import com.android.internal.telephony.cdma.CdmaInboundSmsHandler; import com.android.internal.telephony.cdma.CdmaSMSDispatcher; import com.android.internal.telephony.domainselection.DomainSelectionConnection; import com.android.internal.telephony.domainselection.DomainSelectionResolver; import com.android.internal.telephony.domainselection.EmergencySmsDomainSelectionConnection; import com.android.internal.telephony.domainselection.SmsDomainSelectionConnection; import com.android.internal.telephony.emergency.EmergencyStateTracker; import com.android.internal.telephony.flags.FeatureFlags; import com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.GsmInboundSmsHandler; import com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.GsmSMSDispatcher; import com.android.telephony.Rlog; import java.io.FileDescriptor; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; /** * */ public class SmsDispatchersController extends Handler { private static final String TAG = "SmsDispatchersController"; private static final boolean VDBG = false; // STOPSHIP if true /** Radio is ON */ private static final int EVENT_RADIO_ON = 11; /** IMS registration/SMS format changed */ private static final int EVENT_IMS_STATE_CHANGED = 12; /** Callback from RIL_REQUEST_IMS_REGISTRATION_STATE */ private static final int EVENT_IMS_STATE_DONE = 13; /** Service state changed */ private static final int EVENT_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED = 14; /** Purge old message segments */ private static final int EVENT_PARTIAL_SEGMENT_TIMER_EXPIRY = 15; /** User unlocked the device */ private static final int EVENT_USER_UNLOCKED = 16; /** InboundSmsHandler exited WaitingState */ protected static final int EVENT_SMS_HANDLER_EXITING_WAITING_STATE = 17; /** Called when SMS should be sent using AP domain selection. */ private static final int EVENT_SEND_SMS_USING_DOMAIN_SELECTION = 18; /** Called when SMS is completely sent using AP domain selection regardless of the result. */ private static final int EVENT_SMS_SENT_COMPLETED_USING_DOMAIN_SELECTION = 19; /** Called when AP domain selection is abnormally terminated. */ private static final int EVENT_DOMAIN_SELECTION_TERMINATED_ABNORMALLY = 20; /** Called when MT SMS is received via IMS. */ private static final int EVENT_SMS_RECEIVED_VIA_IMS = 21; /** Called when the domain selection should be performed. */ private static final int EVENT_REQUEST_DOMAIN_SELECTION = 22; /** Delete any partial message segments after being IN_SERVICE for 1 day. */ private static final long PARTIAL_SEGMENT_WAIT_DURATION = (long) (60 * 60 * 1000) * 24; /** Constant for invalid time */ private static final long INVALID_TIME = -1; /** Time at which last IN_SERVICE event was received */ private long mLastInServiceTime = INVALID_TIME; /** Current IN_SERVICE duration */ private long mCurrentWaitElapsedDuration = 0; /** Time at which the current PARTIAL_SEGMENT_WAIT_DURATION timer was started */ private long mCurrentWaitStartTime = INVALID_TIME; private SMSDispatcher mCdmaDispatcher; private SMSDispatcher mGsmDispatcher; private ImsSmsDispatcher mImsSmsDispatcher; private GsmInboundSmsHandler mGsmInboundSmsHandler; private CdmaInboundSmsHandler mCdmaInboundSmsHandler; private Phone mPhone; /** Outgoing message counter. Shared by all dispatchers. */ private final SmsUsageMonitor mUsageMonitor; private final CommandsInterface mCi; private final Context mContext; private final @NonNull FeatureFlags mFeatureFlags; /** true if IMS is registered and sms is supported, false otherwise.*/ private boolean mIms = false; private String mImsSmsFormat = SmsConstants.FORMAT_UNKNOWN; /** 3GPP format sent messages awaiting a delivery status report. */ private HashMap mDeliveryPendingMapFor3GPP = new HashMap<>(); /** 3GPP2 format sent messages awaiting a delivery status report. */ private HashMap mDeliveryPendingMapFor3GPP2 = new HashMap<>(); /** * Testing interface for injecting mock DomainSelectionConnection and a flag to indicate * whether the domain selection is supported. */ @VisibleForTesting public interface DomainSelectionResolverProxy { /** * Returns a {@link DomainSelectionConnection} created using the specified * context and callback. * * @param phone The {@link Phone} instance. * @param selectorType The domain selector type to identify the domain selection connection. * A {@link DomainSelectionService#SELECTOR_TYPE_SMS} is used for SMS. * @param isEmergency A flag to indicate whether this connection is * for an emergency SMS or not. */ @Nullable DomainSelectionConnection getDomainSelectionConnection(Phone phone, @DomainSelectionService.SelectorType int selectorType, boolean isEmergency); /** * Checks if the device supports the domain selection service to route the call / SMS / * supplementary services to the appropriate domain. * * @return {@code true} if the domain selection is supported on the device, * {@code false} otherwise. */ boolean isDomainSelectionSupported(); } private DomainSelectionResolverProxy mDomainSelectionResolverProxy = new DomainSelectionResolverProxy() { @Override @Nullable public DomainSelectionConnection getDomainSelectionConnection(Phone phone, @DomainSelectionService.SelectorType int selectorType, boolean isEmergency) { try { return DomainSelectionResolver.getInstance().getDomainSelectionConnection( phone, selectorType, isEmergency); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // In general, DomainSelectionResolver is always initialized by TeleService, // but if it's not initialized (like in unit tests), // it returns null to perform the legacy behavior in this case. return null; } } @Override public boolean isDomainSelectionSupported() { return DomainSelectionResolver.getInstance().isDomainSelectionSupported(); } }; /** Stores the sending SMS information for a pending request. */ private static class PendingRequest { public static final int TYPE_DATA = 1; public static final int TYPE_TEXT = 2; public static final int TYPE_MULTIPART_TEXT = 3; public static final int TYPE_RETRY_SMS = 4; public final int type; public final SMSDispatcher.SmsTracker tracker; public final String callingPackage; public final String destAddr; public final String scAddr; public final ArrayList sentIntents; public final ArrayList deliveryIntents; public final boolean isForVvm; // sendData specific public final byte[] data; public final int destPort; // sendText / sendMultipartText specific public final ArrayList texts; public final Uri messageUri; public final boolean persistMessage; public final int priority; public final boolean expectMore; public final int validityPeriod; public final long messageId; public final boolean skipShortCodeCheck; PendingRequest(int type, SMSDispatcher.SmsTracker tracker, String callingPackage, String destAddr, String scAddr, ArrayList sentIntents, ArrayList deliveryIntents, boolean isForVvm, byte[] data, int destPort, ArrayList texts, Uri messageUri, boolean persistMessage, int priority, boolean expectMore, int validityPeriod, long messageId, boolean skipShortCodeCheck) { this.type = type; this.tracker = tracker; this.callingPackage = callingPackage; this.destAddr = destAddr; this.scAddr = scAddr; this.sentIntents = sentIntents; this.deliveryIntents = deliveryIntents; this.isForVvm = isForVvm; this.data = data; this.destPort = destPort; this.texts = texts; this.messageUri = messageUri; this.persistMessage = persistMessage; this.priority = priority; this.expectMore = expectMore; this.validityPeriod = validityPeriod; this.messageId = messageId; this.skipShortCodeCheck = skipShortCodeCheck; } } /** * Manages the {@link DomainSelectionConnection} instance and its related information. */ @VisibleForTesting protected class DomainSelectionConnectionHolder implements DomainSelectionConnection.DomainSelectionConnectionCallback { private final boolean mEmergency; // Manages the pending request while selecting a proper domain. private final List mPendingRequests = new ArrayList<>(); // Manages the domain selection connections: MO SMS or emergency SMS. private DomainSelectionConnection mConnection; DomainSelectionConnectionHolder(boolean emergency) { mEmergency = emergency; } /** * Returns a {@link DomainSelectionConnection} instance. */ public DomainSelectionConnection getConnection() { return mConnection; } /** * Returns a list of {@link PendingRequest} that was added * while the domain selection is performed. */ public List getPendingRequests() { return mPendingRequests; } /** * Checks whether or not the domain selection is requested. * If there is no pending request, the domain selection request is needed to * select a proper domain for MO SMS. */ public boolean isDomainSelectionRequested() { return !mPendingRequests.isEmpty(); } /** * Checks whether or not this holder is for an emergency SMS. */ public boolean isEmergency() { return mEmergency; } /** * Clears all pending requests. */ public void clearAllRequests() { mPendingRequests.clear(); } /** * Add a new pending request. */ public void addRequest(@NonNull PendingRequest request) { mPendingRequests.add(request); } /** * Sets a {@link DomainSelectionConnection} instance. */ public void setConnection(DomainSelectionConnection connection) { mConnection = connection; } @Override public void onSelectionTerminated(@DisconnectCauses int cause) { logd("onSelectionTerminated: emergency=" + mEmergency + ", cause=" + cause); // This callback is invoked by another thread, so this operation is posted and handled // through the execution flow of SmsDispatchersController. SmsDispatchersController.this.sendMessage( obtainMessage(EVENT_DOMAIN_SELECTION_TERMINATED_ABNORMALLY, this)); } } /** Manages the domain selection connections: MO SMS or emergency SMS. */ private DomainSelectionConnectionHolder mDscHolder; private DomainSelectionConnectionHolder mEmergencyDscHolder; private EmergencyStateTracker mEmergencyStateTracker; /** * Puts a delivery pending tracker to the map based on the format. * * @param tracker the tracker awaiting a delivery status report. */ public void putDeliveryPendingTracker(SMSDispatcher.SmsTracker tracker) { if (isCdmaFormat(tracker.mFormat)) { mDeliveryPendingMapFor3GPP2.put(tracker.mMessageRef, tracker); } else { mDeliveryPendingMapFor3GPP.put(tracker.mMessageRef, tracker); } } public SmsDispatchersController(Phone phone, SmsStorageMonitor storageMonitor, SmsUsageMonitor usageMonitor, @NonNull FeatureFlags featureFlags) { this(phone, storageMonitor, usageMonitor, phone.getLooper(), featureFlags); } @VisibleForTesting public SmsDispatchersController(Phone phone, SmsStorageMonitor storageMonitor, SmsUsageMonitor usageMonitor, Looper looper, @NonNull FeatureFlags featureFlags) { super(looper); Rlog.d(TAG, "SmsDispatchersController created"); mContext = phone.getContext(); mUsageMonitor = usageMonitor; mCi = phone.mCi; mFeatureFlags = featureFlags; mPhone = phone; // Create dispatchers, inbound SMS handlers and // broadcast undelivered messages in raw table. mImsSmsDispatcher = new ImsSmsDispatcher(phone, this, ImsManager::getConnector); mCdmaDispatcher = new CdmaSMSDispatcher(phone, this); mGsmInboundSmsHandler = GsmInboundSmsHandler.makeInboundSmsHandler(phone.getContext(), storageMonitor, phone, looper); mCdmaInboundSmsHandler = CdmaInboundSmsHandler.makeInboundSmsHandler(phone.getContext(), storageMonitor, phone, (CdmaSMSDispatcher) mCdmaDispatcher, looper); mGsmDispatcher = new GsmSMSDispatcher(phone, this, mGsmInboundSmsHandler); SmsBroadcastUndelivered.initialize(phone.getContext(), mGsmInboundSmsHandler, mCdmaInboundSmsHandler); InboundSmsHandler.registerNewMessageNotificationActionHandler(phone.getContext()); mCi.registerForOn(this, EVENT_RADIO_ON, null); mCi.registerForImsNetworkStateChanged(this, EVENT_IMS_STATE_CHANGED, null); UserManager userManager = (UserManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.USER_SERVICE); if (userManager.isUserUnlocked()) { if (VDBG) { logd("SmsDispatchersController: user unlocked; registering for service" + "state changed"); } mPhone.registerForServiceStateChanged(this, EVENT_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED, null); resetPartialSegmentWaitTimer(); } else { if (VDBG) { logd("SmsDispatchersController: user locked; waiting for USER_UNLOCKED"); } IntentFilter userFilter = new IntentFilter(); userFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_USER_UNLOCKED); mContext.registerReceiver(mBroadcastReceiver, userFilter); } } private final BroadcastReceiver mBroadcastReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(final Context context, Intent intent) { Rlog.d(TAG, "Received broadcast " + intent.getAction()); if (Intent.ACTION_USER_UNLOCKED.equals(intent.getAction())) { sendMessage(obtainMessage(EVENT_USER_UNLOCKED)); } } }; public void dispose() { mCi.unregisterForOn(this); mCi.unregisterForImsNetworkStateChanged(this); mPhone.unregisterForServiceStateChanged(this); mGsmDispatcher.dispose(); mCdmaDispatcher.dispose(); mGsmInboundSmsHandler.dispose(); mCdmaInboundSmsHandler.dispose(); // Cancels the domain selection request if it's still in progress. finishDomainSelection(mDscHolder); finishDomainSelection(mEmergencyDscHolder); } /** * Handles events coming from the phone stack. Overridden from handler. * * @param msg the message to handle */ @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { AsyncResult ar; switch (msg.what) { case EVENT_RADIO_ON: case EVENT_IMS_STATE_CHANGED: // received unsol mCi.getImsRegistrationState(this.obtainMessage(EVENT_IMS_STATE_DONE)); break; case EVENT_IMS_STATE_DONE: ar = (AsyncResult) msg.obj; if (ar.exception == null) { updateImsInfo(ar); } else { Rlog.e(TAG, "IMS State query failed with exp " + ar.exception); } break; case EVENT_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED: case EVENT_SMS_HANDLER_EXITING_WAITING_STATE: reevaluateTimerStatus(); break; case EVENT_PARTIAL_SEGMENT_TIMER_EXPIRY: handlePartialSegmentTimerExpiry((Long) msg.obj); break; case EVENT_USER_UNLOCKED: if (VDBG) { logd("handleMessage: EVENT_USER_UNLOCKED"); } mPhone.registerForServiceStateChanged(this, EVENT_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED, null); resetPartialSegmentWaitTimer(); break; case EVENT_SEND_SMS_USING_DOMAIN_SELECTION: { SomeArgs args = (SomeArgs) msg.obj; DomainSelectionConnectionHolder holder = (DomainSelectionConnectionHolder) args.arg1; PendingRequest request = (PendingRequest) args.arg2; String logTag = (String) args.arg3; try { handleSendSmsUsingDomainSelection(holder, request, logTag); } finally { args.recycle(); } break; } case EVENT_SMS_SENT_COMPLETED_USING_DOMAIN_SELECTION: { SomeArgs args = (SomeArgs) msg.obj; String destAddr = (String) args.arg1; Long messageId = (Long) args.arg2; Boolean success = (Boolean) args.arg3; Boolean isOverIms = (Boolean) args.arg4; Boolean isLastSmsPart = (Boolean) args.arg5; try { handleSmsSentCompletedUsingDomainSelection( destAddr, messageId, success, isOverIms, isLastSmsPart); } finally { args.recycle(); } break; } case EVENT_DOMAIN_SELECTION_TERMINATED_ABNORMALLY: { handleDomainSelectionTerminatedAbnormally( (DomainSelectionConnectionHolder) msg.obj); break; } case EVENT_SMS_RECEIVED_VIA_IMS: { handleSmsReceivedViaIms((String) msg.obj); break; } case EVENT_REQUEST_DOMAIN_SELECTION: { SomeArgs args = (SomeArgs) msg.obj; DomainSelectionConnectionHolder holder = (DomainSelectionConnectionHolder) args.arg1; PendingRequest request = (PendingRequest) args.arg2; String logTag = (String) args.arg3; try { requestDomainSelection(holder, request, logTag); } finally { args.recycle(); } break; } default: if (isCdmaMo()) { mCdmaDispatcher.handleMessage(msg); } else { mGsmDispatcher.handleMessage(msg); } } } private String getSmscAddressFromUSIMWithPhoneIdentity(String callingPkg) { final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { IccSmsInterfaceManager iccSmsIntMgr = mPhone.getIccSmsInterfaceManager(); if (iccSmsIntMgr != null) { return iccSmsIntMgr.getSmscAddressFromIccEf(callingPkg); } else { Rlog.d(TAG, "getSmscAddressFromIccEf iccSmsIntMgr is null"); } } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(identity); } return null; } private void reevaluateTimerStatus() { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Remove unhandled timer expiry message. A new message will be posted if needed. removeMessages(EVENT_PARTIAL_SEGMENT_TIMER_EXPIRY); // Update timer duration elapsed time (add time since last IN_SERVICE to now). // This is needed for IN_SERVICE as well as OUT_OF_SERVICE because same events can be // received back to back if (mLastInServiceTime != INVALID_TIME) { mCurrentWaitElapsedDuration += (currentTime - mLastInServiceTime); } if (VDBG) { logd("reevaluateTimerStatus: currentTime: " + currentTime + " mCurrentWaitElapsedDuration: " + mCurrentWaitElapsedDuration); } if (mCurrentWaitElapsedDuration > PARTIAL_SEGMENT_WAIT_DURATION) { // handle this event as timer expiry handlePartialSegmentTimerExpiry(mCurrentWaitStartTime); } else { if (isInService()) { handleInService(currentTime); } else { handleOutOfService(currentTime); } } } private void handleInService(long currentTime) { if (VDBG) { logd("handleInService: timer expiry in " + (PARTIAL_SEGMENT_WAIT_DURATION - mCurrentWaitElapsedDuration) + "ms"); } // initialize mCurrentWaitStartTime if needed if (mCurrentWaitStartTime == INVALID_TIME) mCurrentWaitStartTime = currentTime; // Post a message for timer expiry time. mCurrentWaitElapsedDuration is the duration already // elapsed from the timer. sendMessageDelayed( obtainMessage(EVENT_PARTIAL_SEGMENT_TIMER_EXPIRY, mCurrentWaitStartTime), PARTIAL_SEGMENT_WAIT_DURATION - mCurrentWaitElapsedDuration); // update mLastInServiceTime as the current time mLastInServiceTime = currentTime; } private void handleOutOfService(long currentTime) { if (VDBG) { logd("handleOutOfService: currentTime: " + currentTime + " mCurrentWaitElapsedDuration: " + mCurrentWaitElapsedDuration); } // mLastInServiceTime is not relevant now since state is OUT_OF_SERVICE; set it to INVALID mLastInServiceTime = INVALID_TIME; } private void handlePartialSegmentTimerExpiry(long waitTimerStart) { if (mGsmInboundSmsHandler.getCurrentState().getName().equals("WaitingState") || mCdmaInboundSmsHandler.getCurrentState().getName().equals("WaitingState")) { logd("handlePartialSegmentTimerExpiry: ignoring timer expiry as InboundSmsHandler is" + " in WaitingState"); return; } if (VDBG) { logd("handlePartialSegmentTimerExpiry: calling scanRawTable()"); } // Timer expired. This indicates that device has been in service for // PARTIAL_SEGMENT_WAIT_DURATION since waitTimerStart. Delete orphaned message segments // older than waitTimerStart. SmsBroadcastUndelivered.scanRawTable(mContext, waitTimerStart); if (VDBG) { logd("handlePartialSegmentTimerExpiry: scanRawTable() done"); } resetPartialSegmentWaitTimer(); } private void resetPartialSegmentWaitTimer() { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); removeMessages(EVENT_PARTIAL_SEGMENT_TIMER_EXPIRY); if (isInService()) { if (VDBG) { logd("resetPartialSegmentWaitTimer: currentTime: " + currentTime + " IN_SERVICE"); } mCurrentWaitStartTime = currentTime; mLastInServiceTime = currentTime; sendMessageDelayed( obtainMessage(EVENT_PARTIAL_SEGMENT_TIMER_EXPIRY, mCurrentWaitStartTime), PARTIAL_SEGMENT_WAIT_DURATION); } else { if (VDBG) { logd("resetPartialSegmentWaitTimer: currentTime: " + currentTime + " not IN_SERVICE"); } mCurrentWaitStartTime = INVALID_TIME; mLastInServiceTime = INVALID_TIME; } mCurrentWaitElapsedDuration = 0; } private boolean isInService() { ServiceState serviceState = mPhone.getServiceState(); return serviceState != null && serviceState.getState() == ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE; } private void setImsSmsFormat(int format) { switch (format) { case PhoneConstants.PHONE_TYPE_GSM: mImsSmsFormat = SmsConstants.FORMAT_3GPP; break; case PhoneConstants.PHONE_TYPE_CDMA: mImsSmsFormat = SmsConstants.FORMAT_3GPP2; break; default: mImsSmsFormat = SmsConstants.FORMAT_UNKNOWN; break; } } private void updateImsInfo(AsyncResult ar) { int[] responseArray = (int[]) ar.result; setImsSmsFormat(responseArray[1]); mIms = responseArray[0] == 1 && !SmsConstants.FORMAT_UNKNOWN.equals(mImsSmsFormat); Rlog.d(TAG, "IMS registration state: " + mIms + " format: " + mImsSmsFormat); } /** * Inject an SMS PDU into the android platform only if it is class 1. * * @param pdu is the byte array of pdu to be injected into android telephony layer * @param format is the format of SMS pdu (3gpp or 3gpp2) * @param callback if not NULL this callback is triggered when the message is successfully * received by the android telephony layer. This callback is triggered at * the same time an SMS received from radio is responded back. */ @VisibleForTesting public void injectSmsPdu(byte[] pdu, String format, boolean isOverIms, SmsInjectionCallback callback) { // TODO We need to decide whether we should allow injecting GSM(3gpp) // SMS pdus when the phone is camping on CDMA(3gpp2) network and vice versa. android.telephony.SmsMessage msg = android.telephony.SmsMessage.createFromPdu(pdu, format); injectSmsPdu(msg, format, callback, false /* ignoreClass */, isOverIms, 0 /* unused */); } @VisibleForTesting public void setImsSmsDispatcher(ImsSmsDispatcher imsSmsDispatcher) { mImsSmsDispatcher = imsSmsDispatcher; } /** * Inject an SMS PDU into the android platform. * * @param msg is the {@link SmsMessage} to be injected into android telephony layer * @param format is the format of SMS pdu (3gpp or 3gpp2) * @param callback if not NULL this callback is triggered when the message is successfully * received by the android telephony layer. This callback is triggered at * the same time an SMS received from radio is responded back. * @param ignoreClass if set to false, this method will inject class 1 sms only. */ @VisibleForTesting public void injectSmsPdu(SmsMessage msg, String format, SmsInjectionCallback callback, boolean ignoreClass, boolean isOverIms, int token) { Rlog.d(TAG, "SmsDispatchersController:injectSmsPdu"); try { if (msg == null) { Rlog.e(TAG, "injectSmsPdu: createFromPdu returned null"); callback.onSmsInjectedResult(Intents.RESULT_SMS_GENERIC_ERROR); return; } if (!ignoreClass && msg.getMessageClass() != android.telephony.SmsMessage.MessageClass.CLASS_1) { Rlog.e(TAG, "injectSmsPdu: not class 1"); callback.onSmsInjectedResult(Intents.RESULT_SMS_GENERIC_ERROR); return; } AsyncResult ar = new AsyncResult(callback, msg, null); if (format.equals(SmsConstants.FORMAT_3GPP)) { Rlog.i(TAG, "SmsDispatchersController:injectSmsText Sending msg=" + msg + ", format=" + format + "to mGsmInboundSmsHandler"); mGsmInboundSmsHandler.sendMessage( InboundSmsHandler.EVENT_INJECT_SMS, isOverIms ? 1 : 0, token, ar); } else if (format.equals(SmsConstants.FORMAT_3GPP2)) { Rlog.i(TAG, "SmsDispatchersController:injectSmsText Sending msg=" + msg + ", format=" + format + "to mCdmaInboundSmsHandler"); mCdmaInboundSmsHandler.sendMessage( InboundSmsHandler.EVENT_INJECT_SMS, isOverIms ? 1 : 0, 0, ar); } else { // Invalid pdu format. Rlog.e(TAG, "Invalid pdu format: " + format); callback.onSmsInjectedResult(Intents.RESULT_SMS_GENERIC_ERROR); } } catch (Exception e) { Rlog.e(TAG, "injectSmsPdu failed: ", e); callback.onSmsInjectedResult(Intents.RESULT_SMS_GENERIC_ERROR); } } /** * sets ImsManager object. * * @param imsManager holds a valid object or a null for setting */ public boolean setImsManager(ImsManager imsManager) { if (mGsmInboundSmsHandler != null) { mGsmInboundSmsHandler.setImsManager(imsManager); return true; } return false; } /** * Retry the message along to the radio. * * @param tracker holds the SMS message to send */ public void sendRetrySms(SMSDispatcher.SmsTracker tracker) { boolean retryUsingImsService = false; if (!tracker.mUsesImsServiceForIms) { if (isSmsDomainSelectionEnabled()) { TelephonyManager tm = mContext.getSystemService(TelephonyManager.class); boolean isEmergency = tm.isEmergencyNumber(tracker.mDestAddress); DomainSelectionConnectionHolder holder = getDomainSelectionConnection(isEmergency); // If the DomainSelectionConnection is not available, // fallback to the legacy implementation. if (holder != null && holder.getConnection() != null) { // This may be invoked by another thread, so this operation is posted and // handled through the execution flow of SmsDispatchersController. SomeArgs args = SomeArgs.obtain(); args.arg1 = holder; args.arg2 = new PendingRequest(PendingRequest.TYPE_RETRY_SMS, tracker, null, null, null, null, null, false, null, 0, null, null, false, 0, false, 0, 0L, false); args.arg3 = "sendRetrySms"; sendMessage(obtainMessage(EVENT_REQUEST_DOMAIN_SELECTION, args)); return; } } if (mImsSmsDispatcher.isAvailable()) { // If this tracker has not been handled by ImsSmsDispatcher yet and IMS Service is // available now, retry this failed tracker using IMS Service. retryUsingImsService = true; } } sendRetrySms(tracker, retryUsingImsService); } /** * Retry the message along to the radio. * * @param tracker holds the SMS message to send * @param retryUsingImsService a flag to indicate whether the retry SMS can use the ImsService */ public void sendRetrySms(SMSDispatcher.SmsTracker tracker, boolean retryUsingImsService) { String oldFormat = tracker.mFormat; // If retryUsingImsService is true, newFormat will be IMS SMS format. Otherwise, newFormat // will be based on voice technology. String newFormat = retryUsingImsService ? mImsSmsDispatcher.getFormat() : (PhoneConstants.PHONE_TYPE_CDMA == mPhone.getPhoneType()) ? mCdmaDispatcher.getFormat() : mGsmDispatcher.getFormat(); Rlog.d(TAG, "old format(" + oldFormat + ") ==> new format (" + newFormat + ")"); if (!oldFormat.equals(newFormat)) { // format didn't match, need to re-encode. HashMap map = tracker.getData(); // to re-encode, fields needed are: scAddr, destAddr and text if originally sent as // sendText or data and destPort if originally sent as sendData. if (!(map.containsKey("scAddr") && map.containsKey("destAddr") && (map.containsKey("text") || (map.containsKey("data") && map.containsKey("destPort"))))) { // should never come here... Rlog.e(TAG, "sendRetrySms failed to re-encode per missing fields!"); tracker.onFailed(mContext, SmsManager.RESULT_SMS_SEND_RETRY_FAILED, NO_ERROR_CODE); notifySmsSentFailedToEmergencyStateTracker( tracker.mDestAddress, tracker.mMessageId, !retryUsingImsService); return; } String scAddr = (String) map.get("scAddr"); String destAddr = (String) map.get("destAddr"); if (destAddr == null) { Rlog.e(TAG, "sendRetrySms failed due to null destAddr"); tracker.onFailed(mContext, SmsManager.RESULT_SMS_SEND_RETRY_FAILED, NO_ERROR_CODE); notifySmsSentFailedToEmergencyStateTracker( tracker.mDestAddress, tracker.mMessageId, !retryUsingImsService); return; } SmsMessageBase.SubmitPduBase pdu = null; // figure out from tracker if this was sendText/Data if (map.containsKey("text")) { String text = (String) map.get("text"); Rlog.d(TAG, "sms failed was text with length: " + (text == null ? null : text.length())); if (isCdmaFormat(newFormat)) { pdu = com.android.internal.telephony.cdma.SmsMessage.getSubmitPdu( scAddr, destAddr, text, (tracker.mDeliveryIntent != null), null); } else { pdu = com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.SmsMessage.getSubmitPdu( scAddr, destAddr, text, (tracker.mDeliveryIntent != null), null, 0, 0, 0, -1, tracker.mMessageRef); } } else if (map.containsKey("data")) { byte[] data = (byte[]) map.get("data"); Integer destPort = (Integer) map.get("destPort"); Rlog.d(TAG, "sms failed was data with length: " + (data == null ? null : data.length)); if (isCdmaFormat(newFormat)) { pdu = com.android.internal.telephony.cdma.SmsMessage.getSubmitPdu( scAddr, destAddr, destPort.intValue(), data, (tracker.mDeliveryIntent != null)); } else { pdu = com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.SmsMessage.getSubmitPdu( scAddr, destAddr, destPort.intValue(), data, (tracker.mDeliveryIntent != null), tracker.mMessageRef); } } if (pdu == null) { Rlog.e(TAG, String.format("sendRetrySms failed to encode message." + "scAddr: %s, " + "destPort: %s", scAddr, map.get("destPort"))); tracker.onFailed(mContext, SmsManager.RESULT_SMS_SEND_RETRY_FAILED, NO_ERROR_CODE); notifySmsSentFailedToEmergencyStateTracker( tracker.mDestAddress, tracker.mMessageId, !retryUsingImsService); return; } // replace old smsc and pdu with newly encoded ones map.put("smsc", pdu.encodedScAddress); map.put("pdu", pdu.encodedMessage); tracker.mFormat = newFormat; } SMSDispatcher dispatcher = retryUsingImsService ? mImsSmsDispatcher : (isCdmaFormat(newFormat)) ? mCdmaDispatcher : mGsmDispatcher; dispatcher.sendSms(tracker); } /** * Memory Available Event * @param result callback message */ public void reportSmsMemoryStatus(Message result) { Rlog.d(TAG, "reportSmsMemoryStatus: "); try { mImsSmsDispatcher.onMemoryAvailable(); AsyncResult.forMessage(result, null, null); result.sendToTarget(); } catch (Exception e) { Rlog.e(TAG, "reportSmsMemoryStatus Failed ", e); AsyncResult.forMessage(result, null, e); result.sendToTarget(); } } /** * SMS over IMS is supported if IMS is registered and SMS is supported on IMS. * * @return true if SMS over IMS is supported via an IMS Service or mIms is true for the older * implementation. Otherwise, false. */ public boolean isIms() { return mImsSmsDispatcher.isAvailable() ? true : mIms; } /** * Gets SMS format supported on IMS. * * @return the SMS format from an IMS Service if available. Otherwise, mImsSmsFormat for the * older implementation. */ public String getImsSmsFormat() { return mImsSmsDispatcher.isAvailable() ? mImsSmsDispatcher.getFormat() : mImsSmsFormat; } /** * Determines whether or not to use CDMA format for MO SMS. * If SMS over IMS is supported, then format is based on IMS SMS format, * otherwise format is based on current phone type. * * @return true if Cdma format should be used for MO SMS, false otherwise. */ protected boolean isCdmaMo() { if (!isIms()) { // IMS is not registered, use Voice technology to determine SMS format. return (PhoneConstants.PHONE_TYPE_CDMA == mPhone.getPhoneType()); } // IMS is registered with SMS support return isCdmaFormat(getImsSmsFormat()); } /** * Determines whether or not format given is CDMA format. * * @param format * @return true if format given is CDMA format, false otherwise. */ public boolean isCdmaFormat(String format) { return (mCdmaDispatcher.getFormat().equals(format)); } /** Sets a proxy interface for accessing the methods of {@link DomainSelectionResolver}. */ @VisibleForTesting public void setDomainSelectionResolverProxy(@NonNull DomainSelectionResolverProxy proxy) { mDomainSelectionResolverProxy = proxy; } /** * Checks whether the SMS domain selection is enabled or not. * * @return {@code true} if the SMS domain selection is enabled, {@code false} otherwise. */ private boolean isSmsDomainSelectionEnabled() { return mFeatureFlags.smsDomainSelectionEnabled() && mDomainSelectionResolverProxy.isDomainSelectionSupported(); } /** * Determines whether or not to use CDMA format for MO SMS when the domain selection uses. * If the domain is {@link NetworkRegistrationInfo#DOMAIN_PS}, then format is based on * IMS SMS format, otherwise format is based on current phone type. * * @return {@code true} if CDMA format should be used for MO SMS, {@code false} otherwise. */ private boolean isCdmaMo(@NetworkRegistrationInfo.Domain int domain) { if (domain != NetworkRegistrationInfo.DOMAIN_PS) { // IMS is not registered, use voice technology to determine SMS format. return (PhoneConstants.PHONE_TYPE_CDMA == mPhone.getPhoneType()); } // IMS is registered with SMS support return isCdmaFormat(mImsSmsDispatcher.getFormat()); } /** * Returns a {@link DomainSelectionConnectionHolder} according to the flag specified. * * @param emergency The flag to indicate that the domain selection is for an emergency SMS. * @return A {@link DomainSelectionConnectionHolder} instance or null. */ @VisibleForTesting @Nullable protected DomainSelectionConnectionHolder getDomainSelectionConnectionHolder( boolean emergency) { return emergency ? mEmergencyDscHolder : mDscHolder; } /** * Returns a {@link DomainSelectionConnectionHolder} if the domain selection supports, * return null otherwise. * * @param emergency The flag to indicate that the domain selection is for an emergency SMS. * @return A {@link DomainSelectionConnectionHolder} that grabs the * {@link DomainSelectionConnection} and its related information to use the domain * selection architecture. */ private DomainSelectionConnectionHolder getDomainSelectionConnection(boolean emergency) { DomainSelectionConnectionHolder holder = getDomainSelectionConnectionHolder(emergency); DomainSelectionConnection connection = (holder != null) ? holder.getConnection() : null; if (connection == null) { connection = mDomainSelectionResolverProxy.getDomainSelectionConnection( mPhone, DomainSelectionService.SELECTOR_TYPE_SMS, emergency); if (connection == null) { // Domain selection architecture is not supported. // Use the legacy architecture. return null; } } if (holder == null) { holder = new DomainSelectionConnectionHolder(emergency); if (emergency) { mEmergencyDscHolder = holder; } else { mDscHolder = holder; } } holder.setConnection(connection); return holder; } /** * Requests the domain selection for MO SMS. * * @param holder The {@link DomainSelectionConnectionHolder} that contains the * {@link DomainSelectionConnection} and its related information. */ @SuppressWarnings("FutureReturnValueIgnored") private void requestDomainSelection(@NonNull DomainSelectionConnectionHolder holder) { DomainSelectionService.SelectionAttributes attr = new DomainSelectionService.SelectionAttributes.Builder(mPhone.getPhoneId(), mPhone.getSubId(), DomainSelectionService.SELECTOR_TYPE_SMS) .setEmergency(holder.isEmergency()) .build(); if (holder.isEmergency()) { EmergencySmsDomainSelectionConnection emergencyConnection = (EmergencySmsDomainSelectionConnection) holder.getConnection(); CompletableFuture future = emergencyConnection.requestDomainSelection(attr, holder); future.thenAcceptAsync((domain) -> { if (VDBG) { logd("requestDomainSelection(emergency): domain=" + DomainSelectionService.getDomainName(domain)); } sendAllPendingRequests(holder, domain); finishDomainSelection(holder); }, this::post); } else { SmsDomainSelectionConnection connection = (SmsDomainSelectionConnection) holder.getConnection(); CompletableFuture future = connection.requestDomainSelection(attr, holder); future.thenAcceptAsync((domain) -> { if (VDBG) { logd("requestDomainSelection: domain=" + DomainSelectionService.getDomainName(domain)); } sendAllPendingRequests(holder, domain); finishDomainSelection(holder); }, this::post); } } /** * Requests the domain selection for MO SMS. * * @param holder The {@link DomainSelectionConnectionHolder} that contains the * {@link DomainSelectionConnection} and its related information. * @param logTag The log string. */ private void requestDomainSelection(@NonNull DomainSelectionConnectionHolder holder, @NonNull PendingRequest request, String logTag) { boolean isDomainSelectionRequested = holder.isDomainSelectionRequested(); // The domain selection is in progress so waits for the result of // the domain selection by adding this request to the pending list. holder.addRequest(request); if (!isDomainSelectionRequested) { if (VDBG) { logd("requestDomainSelection: " + logTag); } requestDomainSelection(holder); } } /** * Handles an event for sending a SMS after selecting the domain via the domain selection * service. * * @param holder The {@link DomainSelectionConnectionHolder} that contains the * {@link DomainSelectionConnection} and its related information. * @param request The {@link PendingRequest} that stores the SMS request * (data, text, multipart text) to be sent. * @param logTag The log tag to display which method called this method. */ @SuppressWarnings("FutureReturnValueIgnored") private void handleSendSmsUsingDomainSelection(@NonNull DomainSelectionConnectionHolder holder, @NonNull PendingRequest request, @NonNull String logTag) { if (holder.isEmergency()) { if (mEmergencyStateTracker == null) { mEmergencyStateTracker = EmergencyStateTracker.getInstance(); } CompletableFuture future = mEmergencyStateTracker.startEmergencySms(mPhone, String.valueOf(request.messageId), isTestEmergencyNumber(request.destAddr)); future.thenAccept((result) -> { logi("startEmergencySms(" + logTag + "): messageId=" + request.messageId + ", result=" + result); // An emergency SMS should be proceeded regardless of the result of the // EmergencyStateTracker. // So the domain selection request should be invoked without checking the result. requestDomainSelection(holder, request, logTag); }); } else { requestDomainSelection(holder, request, logTag); } } /** * Sends a SMS after selecting the domain via the domain selection service. * * @param holder The {@link DomainSelectionConnectionHolder} that contains the * {@link DomainSelectionConnection} and its related information. * @param request The {@link PendingRequest} that stores the SMS request * (data, text, multipart text) to be sent. * @param logTag The log tag to display which method called this method. */ private void sendSmsUsingDomainSelection(@NonNull DomainSelectionConnectionHolder holder, @NonNull PendingRequest request, @NonNull String logTag) { // Run on main thread for interworking with EmergencyStateTracker // and adding the pending request. SomeArgs args = SomeArgs.obtain(); args.arg1 = holder; args.arg2 = request; args.arg3 = logTag; sendMessage(obtainMessage(EVENT_SEND_SMS_USING_DOMAIN_SELECTION, args)); } /** * Called when sending MO SMS is complete regardless of the sent result. * * @param destAddr The destination address for SMS. * @param messageId The message id for SMS. * @param success A flag specifying whether MO SMS is successfully sent or not. * @param isOverIms A flag specifying whether MO SMS is sent over IMS or not. * @param isLastSmsPart A flag specifying whether this result is for the last SMS part or not. */ private void handleSmsSentCompletedUsingDomainSelection(@NonNull String destAddr, long messageId, boolean success, boolean isOverIms, boolean isLastSmsPart) { if (mEmergencyStateTracker != null) { TelephonyManager tm = mContext.getSystemService(TelephonyManager.class); if (tm.isEmergencyNumber(destAddr)) { mEmergencyStateTracker.endSms(String.valueOf(messageId), success, isOverIms ? NetworkRegistrationInfo.DOMAIN_PS : NetworkRegistrationInfo.DOMAIN_CS, isLastSmsPart); } } } /** * Called when MO SMS is successfully sent. */ protected void notifySmsSentToEmergencyStateTracker(@NonNull String destAddr, long messageId, boolean isOverIms, boolean isLastSmsPart) { if (isSmsDomainSelectionEnabled()) { // Run on main thread for interworking with EmergencyStateTracker. SomeArgs args = SomeArgs.obtain(); args.arg1 = destAddr; args.arg2 = Long.valueOf(messageId); args.arg3 = Boolean.TRUE; args.arg4 = Boolean.valueOf(isOverIms); args.arg5 = Boolean.valueOf(isLastSmsPart); sendMessage(obtainMessage(EVENT_SMS_SENT_COMPLETED_USING_DOMAIN_SELECTION, args)); } } /** * Called when sending MO SMS is failed. */ protected void notifySmsSentFailedToEmergencyStateTracker(@NonNull String destAddr, long messageId, boolean isOverIms) { if (isSmsDomainSelectionEnabled()) { // Run on main thread for interworking with EmergencyStateTracker. SomeArgs args = SomeArgs.obtain(); args.arg1 = destAddr; args.arg2 = Long.valueOf(messageId); args.arg3 = Boolean.FALSE; args.arg4 = Boolean.valueOf(isOverIms); args.arg5 = Boolean.TRUE; // Ignored when sending SMS is failed. sendMessage(obtainMessage(EVENT_SMS_SENT_COMPLETED_USING_DOMAIN_SELECTION, args)); } } /** * Called when MT SMS is received via IMS. * * @param origAddr The originating address of MT SMS. */ private void handleSmsReceivedViaIms(@Nullable String origAddr) { if (mEmergencyStateTracker != null) { TelephonyManager tm = mContext.getSystemService(TelephonyManager.class); if (origAddr != null && tm.isEmergencyNumber(origAddr)) { mEmergencyStateTracker.onEmergencySmsReceived(); } } } /** * Called when MT SMS is received via IMS. */ protected void notifySmsReceivedViaImsToEmergencyStateTracker(@Nullable String origAddr) { if (isSmsDomainSelectionEnabled()) { // Run on main thread for interworking with EmergencyStateTracker. sendMessage(obtainMessage(EVENT_SMS_RECEIVED_VIA_IMS, origAddr)); } } private boolean isTestEmergencyNumber(String number) { try { TelephonyManager tm = mContext.getSystemService(TelephonyManager.class); Map> eMap = tm.getEmergencyNumberList(); return eMap.values().stream().flatMap(Collection::stream).anyMatch(eNumber -> eNumber.isFromSources(EmergencyNumber.EMERGENCY_NUMBER_SOURCE_TEST) && number.equals(eNumber.getNumber())); } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { return false; } catch (RuntimeException r) { return false; } } /** * Finishes the domain selection for MO SMS. * * @param holder The {@link DomainSelectionConnectionHolder} object that is being finished. */ private void finishDomainSelection(DomainSelectionConnectionHolder holder) { DomainSelectionConnection connection = (holder != null) ? holder.getConnection() : null; if (connection != null) { // After this method is called, the domain selection service will clean up // its resources and finish the procedure that are related to the current domain // selection request. connection.finishSelection(); } if (holder != null) { final List pendingRequests = holder.getPendingRequests(); logd("finishDomainSelection: pendingRequests=" + pendingRequests.size()); for (PendingRequest r : pendingRequests) { triggerSentIntentForFailure(r.sentIntents); } holder.clearAllRequests(); holder.setConnection(null); } } /** * Called when MO SMS is not sent by the error of domain selection. * * @param holder The {@link DomainSelectionConnectionHolder} object that is being terminated. */ private void handleDomainSelectionTerminatedAbnormally( @NonNull DomainSelectionConnectionHolder holder) { logd("handleDomainSelectionTerminatedAbnormally: pendingRequests=" + holder.getPendingRequests().size()); sendAllPendingRequests(holder, NetworkRegistrationInfo.DOMAIN_UNKNOWN); holder.setConnection(null); } /** * Sends all pending requests for MO SMS. * * @param holder The {@link DomainSelectionConnectionHolder} object that all the pending * requests are handled. * @param domain The domain where the SMS is being sent, which can be one of the following: * - {@link NetworkRegistrationInfo#DOMAIN_PS} * - {@link NetworkRegistrationInfo#DOMAIN_CS} */ private void sendAllPendingRequests(@NonNull DomainSelectionConnectionHolder holder, @NetworkRegistrationInfo.Domain int domain) { final List pendingRequests = holder.getPendingRequests(); if (VDBG) { logd("sendAllPendingRequests: domain=" + DomainSelectionService.getDomainName(domain) + ", size=" + pendingRequests.size()); } // When the domain selection request is failed, SMS should be fallback // to the legacy implementation. boolean wasDomainUnknown = false; if (domain == NetworkRegistrationInfo.DOMAIN_UNKNOWN) { logd("sendAllPendingRequests: fallback - imsAvailable=" + mImsSmsDispatcher.isAvailable()); wasDomainUnknown = true; if (mImsSmsDispatcher.isAvailable()) { domain = NetworkRegistrationInfo.DOMAIN_PS; } else { domain = NetworkRegistrationInfo.DOMAIN_CS; } } for (PendingRequest r : pendingRequests) { switch (r.type) { case PendingRequest.TYPE_DATA: sendData(domain, r); break; case PendingRequest.TYPE_TEXT: // When the domain selection request is failed, emergency SMS should be fallback // to the legacy implementation. if (wasDomainUnknown && domain != NetworkRegistrationInfo.DOMAIN_PS && mImsSmsDispatcher.isEmergencySmsSupport(r.destAddr)) { domain = NetworkRegistrationInfo.DOMAIN_PS; } sendText(domain, r); break; case PendingRequest.TYPE_MULTIPART_TEXT: sendMultipartText(domain, r); break; case PendingRequest.TYPE_RETRY_SMS: sendRetrySms(r.tracker, (domain == NetworkRegistrationInfo.DOMAIN_PS)); break; default: // Not reachable. break; } } holder.clearAllRequests(); } /** * Sends a data based SMS to a specific application port. * * @param domain The domain where the SMS is being sent, which can be one of the following: * - {@link NetworkRegistrationInfo#DOMAIN_PS} * - {@link NetworkRegistrationInfo#DOMAIN_CS} * @param request The pending request for MO SMS. */ private void sendData(@NetworkRegistrationInfo.Domain int domain, @NonNull PendingRequest request) { if (domain == NetworkRegistrationInfo.DOMAIN_PS) { mImsSmsDispatcher.sendData(request.callingPackage, request.destAddr, request.scAddr, request.destPort, request.data, request.sentIntents.get(0), request.deliveryIntents.get(0), request.isForVvm); } else if (isCdmaMo(domain)) { mCdmaDispatcher.sendData(request.callingPackage, request.destAddr, request.scAddr, request.destPort, request.data, request.sentIntents.get(0), request.deliveryIntents.get(0), request.isForVvm); } else { mGsmDispatcher.sendData(request.callingPackage, request.destAddr, request.scAddr, request.destPort, request.data, request.sentIntents.get(0), request.deliveryIntents.get(0), request.isForVvm); } } /** * Sends a text based SMS. * * @param domain The domain where the SMS is being sent, which can be one of the following: * - {@link NetworkRegistrationInfo#DOMAIN_PS} * - {@link NetworkRegistrationInfo#DOMAIN_CS} * @param request The pending request for MO SMS. */ private void sendText(@NetworkRegistrationInfo.Domain int domain, @NonNull PendingRequest request) { if (domain == NetworkRegistrationInfo.DOMAIN_PS) { mImsSmsDispatcher.sendText(request.destAddr, request.scAddr, request.texts.get(0), request.sentIntents.get(0), request.deliveryIntents.get(0), request.messageUri, request.callingPackage, request.persistMessage, request.priority, false /*request.expectMore*/, request.validityPeriod, request.isForVvm, request.messageId, request.skipShortCodeCheck); } else { if (isCdmaMo(domain)) { mCdmaDispatcher.sendText(request.destAddr, request.scAddr, request.texts.get(0), request.sentIntents.get(0), request.deliveryIntents.get(0), request.messageUri, request.callingPackage, request.persistMessage, request.priority, request.expectMore, request.validityPeriod, request.isForVvm, request.messageId, request.skipShortCodeCheck); } else { mGsmDispatcher.sendText(request.destAddr, request.scAddr, request.texts.get(0), request.sentIntents.get(0), request.deliveryIntents.get(0), request.messageUri, request.callingPackage, request.persistMessage, request.priority, request.expectMore, request.validityPeriod, request.isForVvm, request.messageId, request.skipShortCodeCheck); } } } /** * Sends a multi-part text based SMS. * * @param domain The domain where the SMS is being sent, which can be one of the following: * - {@link NetworkRegistrationInfo#DOMAIN_PS} * - {@link NetworkRegistrationInfo#DOMAIN_CS} * @param request The pending request for MO SMS. */ private void sendMultipartText(@NetworkRegistrationInfo.Domain int domain, @NonNull PendingRequest request) { if (domain == NetworkRegistrationInfo.DOMAIN_PS) { mImsSmsDispatcher.sendMultipartText(request.destAddr, request.scAddr, request.texts, request.sentIntents, request.deliveryIntents, request.messageUri, request.callingPackage, request.persistMessage, request.priority, false /*request.expectMore*/, request.validityPeriod, request.messageId); } else { if (isCdmaMo(domain)) { mCdmaDispatcher.sendMultipartText(request.destAddr, request.scAddr, request.texts, request.sentIntents, request.deliveryIntents, request.messageUri, request.callingPackage, request.persistMessage, request.priority, request.expectMore, request.validityPeriod, request.messageId); } else { mGsmDispatcher.sendMultipartText(request.destAddr, request.scAddr, request.texts, request.sentIntents, request.deliveryIntents, request.messageUri, request.callingPackage, request.persistMessage, request.priority, request.expectMore, request.validityPeriod, request.messageId); } } } private void triggerSentIntentForFailure(@NonNull PendingIntent sentIntent) { try { sentIntent.send(SmsManager.RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE); } catch (CanceledException e) { logd("Intent has been canceled!"); } } private void triggerSentIntentForFailure(@NonNull List sentIntents) { for (PendingIntent sentIntent : sentIntents) { triggerSentIntentForFailure(sentIntent); } } /** * Creates an ArrayList object from any object. */ private static ArrayList asArrayList(T object) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add(object); return list; } /** * Send a data based SMS to a specific application port. * * @param callingPackage the package name of the calling app * @param destAddr the address to send the message to * @param scAddr is the service center address or null to use * the current default SMSC * @param destPort the port to deliver the message to * @param data the body of the message to send * @param sentIntent if not NULL this PendingIntent is * broadcast when the message is successfully sent, or failed. * The result code will be Activity.RESULT_OK for success, * or one of these errors:
* For SmsManager.RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE or any of the RESULT_RIL errors, * the sentIntent may include the extra "errorCode" containing a radio technology specific * value, generally only useful for troubleshooting.
* The per-application based SMS control checks sentIntent. If sentIntent * is NULL the caller will be checked against all unknown applications, * which cause smaller number of SMS to be sent in checking period. * @param deliveryIntent if not NULL this PendingIntent is * broadcast when the message is delivered to the recipient. The * raw pdu of the status report is in the extended data ("pdu"). */ protected void sendData(String callingPackage, String destAddr, String scAddr, int destPort, byte[] data, PendingIntent sentIntent, PendingIntent deliveryIntent, boolean isForVvm) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(scAddr)) { scAddr = getSmscAddressFromUSIMWithPhoneIdentity(callingPackage); } if (isSmsDomainSelectionEnabled()) { DomainSelectionConnectionHolder holder = getDomainSelectionConnection(false); // If the DomainSelectionConnection is not available, // fallback to the legacy implementation. if (holder != null && holder.getConnection() != null) { sendSmsUsingDomainSelection(holder, new PendingRequest(PendingRequest.TYPE_DATA, null, callingPackage, destAddr, scAddr, asArrayList(sentIntent), asArrayList(deliveryIntent), isForVvm, data, destPort, null, null, false, 0, false, 0, 0L, false), "sendData"); return; } } if (mImsSmsDispatcher.isAvailable()) { mImsSmsDispatcher.sendData(callingPackage, destAddr, scAddr, destPort, data, sentIntent, deliveryIntent, isForVvm); } else if (isCdmaMo()) { mCdmaDispatcher.sendData(callingPackage, destAddr, scAddr, destPort, data, sentIntent, deliveryIntent, isForVvm); } else { mGsmDispatcher.sendData(callingPackage, destAddr, scAddr, destPort, data, sentIntent, deliveryIntent, isForVvm); } } /** * Send a text based SMS. * * @param destAddr the address to send the message to * @param scAddr is the service center address or null to use * the current default SMSC * @param text the body of the message to send * @param sentIntent if not NULL this PendingIntent is * broadcast when the message is successfully sent, or failed. * The result code will be Activity.RESULT_OK for success, * or one of these errors:
* For SmsManager.RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE or any of the RESULT_RIL errors, * the sentIntent may include the extra "errorCode" containing a radio technology specific * value, generally only useful for troubleshooting.
* The per-application based SMS control checks sentIntent. If sentIntent * is NULL the caller will be checked against all unknown applications, * which cause smaller number of SMS to be sent in checking period. * @param deliveryIntent if not NULL this PendingIntent is * broadcast when the message is delivered to the recipient. The * @param messageUri optional URI of the message if it is already stored in the system * @param callingPkg the calling package name * @param persistMessage whether to save the sent message into SMS DB for a * non-default SMS app. * @param priority Priority level of the message * Refer specification See 3GPP2 C.S0015-B, v2.0, table 4.5.9-1 * --------------------------------- * PRIORITY | Level of Priority * --------------------------------- * '00' | Normal * '01' | Interactive * '10' | Urgent * '11' | Emergency * ---------------------------------- * Any Other values included Negative considered as Invalid Priority Indicator of the message. * @param expectMore is a boolean to indicate the sending messages through same link or not. * @param validityPeriod Validity Period of the message in mins. * Refer specification 3GPP TS 23.040 V6.8.1 section * Validity Period(Minimum) -> 5 mins * Validity Period(Maximum) -> 635040 mins(i.e.63 weeks). * Any Other values included Negative considered as Invalid Validity Period of the message. */ public void sendText(String destAddr, String scAddr, String text, PendingIntent sentIntent, PendingIntent deliveryIntent, Uri messageUri, String callingPkg, boolean persistMessage, int priority, boolean expectMore, int validityPeriod, boolean isForVvm, long messageId) { sendText(destAddr, scAddr, text, sentIntent, deliveryIntent, messageUri, callingPkg, persistMessage, priority, expectMore, validityPeriod, isForVvm, messageId, false); } /** * Send a text based SMS. * * @param destAddr the address to send the message to * @param scAddr is the service center address or null to use * the current default SMSC * @param text the body of the message to send * @param sentIntent if not NULL this PendingIntent is * broadcast when the message is successfully sent, or failed. * The result code will be Activity.RESULT_OK for success, * or one of these errors:
* For SmsManager.RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE or any of the RESULT_RIL errors, * the sentIntent may include the extra "errorCode" containing a radio technology specific * value, generally only useful for troubleshooting.
* The per-application based SMS control checks sentIntent. If sentIntent * is NULL the caller will be checked against all unknown applications, * which cause smaller number of SMS to be sent in checking period. * @param deliveryIntent if not NULL this PendingIntent is * broadcast when the message is delivered to the recipient. The * @param messageUri optional URI of the message if it is already stored in the system * @param callingPkg the calling package name * @param persistMessage whether to save the sent message into SMS DB for a * non-default SMS app. * @param priority Priority level of the message * Refer specification See 3GPP2 C.S0015-B, v2.0, table 4.5.9-1 * --------------------------------- * PRIORITY | Level of Priority * --------------------------------- * '00' | Normal * '01' | Interactive * '10' | Urgent * '11' | Emergency * ---------------------------------- * Any Other values included Negative considered as Invalid Priority Indicator of the message. * @param expectMore is a boolean to indicate the sending messages through same link or not. * @param validityPeriod Validity Period of the message in mins. * Refer specification 3GPP TS 23.040 V6.8.1 section * Validity Period(Minimum) -> 5 mins * Validity Period(Maximum) -> 635040 mins(i.e.63 weeks). * Any Other values included Negative considered as Invalid Validity Period of the message. * @param skipShortCodeCheck Skip check for short code type destination address. */ public void sendText(String destAddr, String scAddr, String text, PendingIntent sentIntent, PendingIntent deliveryIntent, Uri messageUri, String callingPkg, boolean persistMessage, int priority, boolean expectMore, int validityPeriod, boolean isForVvm, long messageId, boolean skipShortCodeCheck) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(scAddr)) { scAddr = getSmscAddressFromUSIMWithPhoneIdentity(callingPkg); } if (isSmsDomainSelectionEnabled()) { TelephonyManager tm = mContext.getSystemService(TelephonyManager.class); boolean isEmergency = tm.isEmergencyNumber(destAddr); DomainSelectionConnectionHolder holder = getDomainSelectionConnection(isEmergency); // If the DomainSelectionConnection is not available, // fallback to the legacy implementation. if (holder != null && holder.getConnection() != null) { sendSmsUsingDomainSelection(holder, new PendingRequest(PendingRequest.TYPE_TEXT, null, callingPkg, destAddr, scAddr, asArrayList(sentIntent), asArrayList(deliveryIntent), isForVvm, null, 0, asArrayList(text), messageUri, persistMessage, priority, expectMore, validityPeriod, messageId, skipShortCodeCheck), "sendText"); return; } } if (mImsSmsDispatcher.isAvailable() || mImsSmsDispatcher.isEmergencySmsSupport(destAddr)) { mImsSmsDispatcher.sendText(destAddr, scAddr, text, sentIntent, deliveryIntent, messageUri, callingPkg, persistMessage, priority, false /*expectMore*/, validityPeriod, isForVvm, messageId, skipShortCodeCheck); } else { if (isCdmaMo()) { mCdmaDispatcher.sendText(destAddr, scAddr, text, sentIntent, deliveryIntent, messageUri, callingPkg, persistMessage, priority, expectMore, validityPeriod, isForVvm, messageId, skipShortCodeCheck); } else { mGsmDispatcher.sendText(destAddr, scAddr, text, sentIntent, deliveryIntent, messageUri, callingPkg, persistMessage, priority, expectMore, validityPeriod, isForVvm, messageId, skipShortCodeCheck); } } } /** * Send a multi-part text based SMS. * * @param destAddr the address to send the message to * @param scAddr is the service center address or null to use * the current default SMSC * @param parts an ArrayList of strings that, in order, * comprise the original message * @param sentIntents if not null, an ArrayList of * PendingIntents (one for each message part) that is * broadcast when the corresponding message part has been sent. * The result code will be Activity.RESULT_OK for success, * or one of these errors:
* For SmsManager.RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE or any of the RESULT_RIL errors, * the sentIntent may include the extra "errorCode" containing a radio technology specific * value, generally only useful for troubleshooting.
* The per-application based SMS control checks sentIntent. If sentIntent * is NULL the caller will be checked against all unknown applications, * which cause smaller number of SMS to be sent in checking period. * @param deliveryIntents if not null, an ArrayList of * PendingIntents (one for each message part) that is * broadcast when the corresponding message part has been delivered * to the recipient. The raw pdu of the status report is in the * @param messageUri optional URI of the message if it is already stored in the system * @param callingPkg the calling package name * @param persistMessage whether to save the sent message into SMS DB for a * non-default SMS app. * @param priority Priority level of the message * Refer specification See 3GPP2 C.S0015-B, v2.0, table 4.5.9-1 * --------------------------------- * PRIORITY | Level of Priority * --------------------------------- * '00' | Normal * '01' | Interactive * '10' | Urgent * '11' | Emergency * ---------------------------------- * Any Other values included Negative considered as Invalid Priority Indicator of the message. * @param expectMore is a boolean to indicate the sending messages through same link or not. * @param validityPeriod Validity Period of the message in mins. * Refer specification 3GPP TS 23.040 V6.8.1 section * Validity Period(Minimum) -> 5 mins * Validity Period(Maximum) -> 635040 mins(i.e.63 weeks). * Any Other values included Negative considered as Invalid Validity Period of the message. * @param messageId An id that uniquely identifies the message requested to be sent. * Used for logging and diagnostics purposes. The id may be 0. * */ protected void sendMultipartText(String destAddr, String scAddr, ArrayList parts, ArrayList sentIntents, ArrayList deliveryIntents, Uri messageUri, String callingPkg, boolean persistMessage, int priority, boolean expectMore, int validityPeriod, long messageId) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(scAddr)) { scAddr = getSmscAddressFromUSIMWithPhoneIdentity(callingPkg); } if (isSmsDomainSelectionEnabled()) { TelephonyManager tm = mContext.getSystemService(TelephonyManager.class); boolean isEmergency = tm.isEmergencyNumber(destAddr); DomainSelectionConnectionHolder holder = getDomainSelectionConnection(isEmergency); // If the DomainSelectionConnection is not available, // fallback to the legacy implementation. if (holder != null && holder.getConnection() != null) { sendSmsUsingDomainSelection(holder, new PendingRequest(PendingRequest.TYPE_MULTIPART_TEXT, null, callingPkg, destAddr, scAddr, sentIntents, deliveryIntents, false, null, 0, parts, messageUri, persistMessage, priority, expectMore, validityPeriod, messageId, false), "sendMultipartText"); return; } } if (mImsSmsDispatcher.isAvailable()) { mImsSmsDispatcher.sendMultipartText(destAddr, scAddr, parts, sentIntents, deliveryIntents, messageUri, callingPkg, persistMessage, priority, false /*expectMore*/, validityPeriod, messageId); } else { if (isCdmaMo()) { mCdmaDispatcher.sendMultipartText(destAddr, scAddr, parts, sentIntents, deliveryIntents, messageUri, callingPkg, persistMessage, priority, expectMore, validityPeriod, messageId); } else { mGsmDispatcher.sendMultipartText(destAddr, scAddr, parts, sentIntents, deliveryIntents, messageUri, callingPkg, persistMessage, priority, expectMore, validityPeriod, messageId); } } } /** * Returns the premium SMS permission for the specified package. If the package has never * been seen before, the default {@link SmsUsageMonitor#PREMIUM_SMS_PERMISSION_UNKNOWN} * will be returned. * @param packageName the name of the package to query permission * @return one of {@link SmsUsageMonitor#PREMIUM_SMS_PERMISSION_UNKNOWN}, * {@link SmsUsageMonitor#PREMIUM_SMS_PERMISSION_ASK_USER}, * {@link SmsUsageMonitor#PREMIUM_SMS_PERMISSION_NEVER_ALLOW}, or * {@link SmsUsageMonitor#PREMIUM_SMS_PERMISSION_ALWAYS_ALLOW} */ public int getPremiumSmsPermission(String packageName) { return mUsageMonitor.getPremiumSmsPermission(packageName); } /** * Sets the premium SMS permission for the specified package and save the value asynchronously * to persistent storage. * @param packageName the name of the package to set permission * @param permission one of {@link SmsUsageMonitor#PREMIUM_SMS_PERMISSION_ASK_USER}, * {@link SmsUsageMonitor#PREMIUM_SMS_PERMISSION_NEVER_ALLOW}, or * {@link SmsUsageMonitor#PREMIUM_SMS_PERMISSION_ALWAYS_ALLOW} */ public void setPremiumSmsPermission(String packageName, int permission) { mUsageMonitor.setPremiumSmsPermission(packageName, permission); } public SmsUsageMonitor getUsageMonitor() { return mUsageMonitor; } /** * Handles the sms status report based on the format. * * @param format the format. * @param pdu the pdu of the report. */ public void handleSmsStatusReport(String format, byte[] pdu) { int messageRef; SMSDispatcher.SmsTracker tracker; boolean handled = false; if (isCdmaFormat(format)) { com.android.internal.telephony.cdma.SmsMessage sms = com.android.internal.telephony.cdma.SmsMessage.createFromPdu(pdu); if (sms != null) { boolean foundIn3GPPMap = false; messageRef = sms.mMessageRef; tracker = mDeliveryPendingMapFor3GPP2.get(messageRef); if (tracker == null) { // A tracker for this 3GPP2 report may be in the 3GPP map instead if the // previously submitted SMS was 3GPP format. // (i.e. Some carriers require that devices receive 3GPP2 SMS also even if IMS // SMS format is 3GGP.) tracker = mDeliveryPendingMapFor3GPP.get(messageRef); if (tracker != null) { foundIn3GPPMap = true; } } if (tracker != null) { // The status is composed of an error class (bits 25-24) and a status code // (bits 23-16). int errorClass = (sms.getStatus() >> 24) & 0x03; if (errorClass != ERROR_TEMPORARY) { // Update the message status (COMPLETE or FAILED) tracker.updateSentMessageStatus( mContext, (errorClass == ERROR_NONE) ? Sms.STATUS_COMPLETE : Sms.STATUS_FAILED); // No longer need to be kept. if (foundIn3GPPMap) { mDeliveryPendingMapFor3GPP.remove(messageRef); } else { mDeliveryPendingMapFor3GPP2.remove(messageRef); } } handled = triggerDeliveryIntent(tracker, format, pdu); } } } else { com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.SmsMessage sms = com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.SmsMessage.createFromPdu(pdu); if (sms != null) { messageRef = sms.mMessageRef; tracker = mDeliveryPendingMapFor3GPP.get(messageRef); if (tracker != null) { int tpStatus = sms.getStatus(); if (tpStatus >= Sms.STATUS_FAILED || tpStatus < Sms.STATUS_PENDING) { // Update the message status (COMPLETE or FAILED) tracker.updateSentMessageStatus(mContext, tpStatus); // No longer need to be kept. mDeliveryPendingMapFor3GPP.remove(messageRef); } handled = triggerDeliveryIntent(tracker, format, pdu); } } } if (!handled) { Rlog.e(TAG, "handleSmsStatusReport: can not handle the status report!"); } } private boolean triggerDeliveryIntent(SMSDispatcher.SmsTracker tracker, String format, byte[] pdu) { PendingIntent intent = tracker.mDeliveryIntent; Intent fillIn = new Intent(); fillIn.putExtra("pdu", pdu); fillIn.putExtra("format", format); try { intent.send(mContext, Activity.RESULT_OK, fillIn); return true; } catch (CanceledException ex) { return false; } } /** * Get InboundSmsHandler for the phone. */ public InboundSmsHandler getInboundSmsHandler(boolean is3gpp2) { if (is3gpp2) return mCdmaInboundSmsHandler; else return mGsmInboundSmsHandler; } public interface SmsInjectionCallback { void onSmsInjectedResult(int result); } public void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args) { mGsmInboundSmsHandler.dump(fd, pw, args); mCdmaInboundSmsHandler.dump(fd, pw, args); mGsmDispatcher.dump(fd, pw, args); mCdmaDispatcher.dump(fd, pw, args); mImsSmsDispatcher.dump(fd, pw, args); } private void logd(String msg) { Rlog.d(TAG, msg); } private void logi(String s) { Rlog.i(TAG + " [" + mPhone.getPhoneId() + "]", s); } }