/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.app; import android.animation.Animator; import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter; import android.animation.ObjectAnimator; import android.annotation.NonNull; import android.app.SharedElementCallback.OnSharedElementsReadyListener; import android.content.Intent; import android.graphics.Color; import android.graphics.Matrix; import android.graphics.RectF; import android.graphics.drawable.ColorDrawable; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.os.ResultReceiver; import android.transition.Transition; import android.transition.TransitionListenerAdapter; import android.transition.TransitionManager; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.Window; import com.android.internal.view.OneShotPreDrawListener; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * This ActivityTransitionCoordinator is created in ActivityOptions#makeSceneTransitionAnimation * to govern the exit of the Scene and the shared elements when calling an Activity as well as * the reentry of the Scene when coming back from the called Activity. * * @hide */ public class ExitTransitionCoordinator extends ActivityTransitionCoordinator { private static final String TAG = "ExitTransitionCoordinator"; static long sMaxWaitMillis = 1000; private Bundle mSharedElementBundle; private boolean mExitNotified; private boolean mSharedElementNotified; private ExitTransitionCallbacks mExitCallbacks; private boolean mIsBackgroundReady; private boolean mIsCanceled; private Handler mHandler; private ObjectAnimator mBackgroundAnimator; private boolean mIsHidden; private Bundle mExitSharedElementBundle; private boolean mIsExitStarted; private boolean mSharedElementsHidden; public ExitTransitionCoordinator(ExitTransitionCallbacks exitCallbacks, Window window, SharedElementCallback listener, ArrayList names, ArrayList accepted, ArrayList mapped, boolean isReturning) { super(window, names, listener, isReturning); viewsReady(mapSharedElements(accepted, mapped)); stripOffscreenViews(); mIsBackgroundReady = !isReturning; mExitCallbacks = exitCallbacks; } @Override protected void onReceiveResult(int resultCode, Bundle resultData) { switch (resultCode) { case MSG_SET_REMOTE_RECEIVER: stopCancel(); mResultReceiver = resultData.getParcelable(KEY_REMOTE_RECEIVER, android.os.ResultReceiver.class); if (mIsCanceled) { mResultReceiver.send(MSG_CANCEL, null); mResultReceiver = null; } else { notifyComplete(); } break; case MSG_HIDE_SHARED_ELEMENTS: stopCancel(); if (!mIsCanceled) { hideSharedElements(); } break; case MSG_START_EXIT_TRANSITION: mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_CANCEL); startExit(); break; case MSG_SHARED_ELEMENT_DESTINATION: mExitSharedElementBundle = resultData; sharedElementExitBack(); break; case MSG_CANCEL: mIsCanceled = true; finish(); break; } } private void stopCancel() { if (mHandler != null) { mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_CANCEL); } } private void delayCancel() { if (mHandler != null) { mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(MSG_CANCEL, sMaxWaitMillis); } } public void resetViews() { ViewGroup decorView = getDecor(); if (decorView != null) { TransitionManager.endTransitions(decorView); } if (mTransitioningViews != null) { showViews(mTransitioningViews, true); setTransitioningViewsVisiblity(View.VISIBLE, true); } showViews(mSharedElements, true); mIsHidden = true; if (!mIsReturning && decorView != null) { decorView.suppressLayout(false); } moveSharedElementsFromOverlay(); clearState(); } private void sharedElementExitBack() { final ViewGroup decorView = getDecor(); if (decorView != null) { decorView.suppressLayout(true); } if (decorView != null && mExitSharedElementBundle != null && !mExitSharedElementBundle.isEmpty() && !mSharedElements.isEmpty() && getSharedElementTransition() != null) { startTransition(new Runnable() { public void run() { startSharedElementExit(decorView); } }); } else { sharedElementTransitionComplete(); } } private void startSharedElementExit(final ViewGroup decorView) { Transition transition = getSharedElementExitTransition(); transition.addListener(new TransitionListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onTransitionEnd(Transition transition) { transition.removeListener(this); if (isViewsTransitionComplete()) { delayCancel(); } } }); final ArrayList sharedElementSnapshots = createSnapshots(mExitSharedElementBundle, mSharedElementNames); OneShotPreDrawListener.add(decorView, () -> { setSharedElementState(mExitSharedElementBundle, sharedElementSnapshots); }); setGhostVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); scheduleGhostVisibilityChange(View.INVISIBLE); if (mListener != null) { mListener.onSharedElementEnd(mSharedElementNames, mSharedElements, sharedElementSnapshots); } TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition(decorView, transition); scheduleGhostVisibilityChange(View.VISIBLE); setGhostVisibility(View.VISIBLE); decorView.invalidate(); } private void hideSharedElements() { moveSharedElementsFromOverlay(); if (mExitCallbacks != null) { mExitCallbacks.hideSharedElements(); } if (!mIsHidden) { hideViews(mSharedElements); } mSharedElementsHidden = true; finishIfNecessary(); } public void startExit() { if (!mIsExitStarted) { backgroundAnimatorComplete(); mIsExitStarted = true; pauseInput(); ViewGroup decorView = getDecor(); if (decorView != null) { decorView.suppressLayout(true); } moveSharedElementsToOverlay(); startTransition(this::beginTransitions); } } /** * Starts the exit animation and sends back the activity result */ public void startExit(Activity activity) { int resultCode = activity.mResultCode; Intent data = activity.mResultData; if (!mIsExitStarted) { mIsExitStarted = true; pauseInput(); ViewGroup decorView = getDecor(); if (decorView != null) { decorView.suppressLayout(true); } mHandler = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { mIsCanceled = true; finish(); } }; delayCancel(); moveSharedElementsToOverlay(); if (decorView != null && decorView.getBackground() == null) { getWindow().setBackgroundDrawable(new ColorDrawable(Color.TRANSPARENT)); } final boolean targetsM = decorView == null || decorView.getContext() .getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion >= VERSION_CODES.M; ArrayList sharedElementNames = targetsM ? mSharedElementNames : mAllSharedElementNames; ActivityOptions options = ActivityOptions.makeSceneTransitionAnimation(activity, this, sharedElementNames, resultCode, data); activity.convertToTranslucent(new Activity.TranslucentConversionListener() { @Override public void onTranslucentConversionComplete(boolean drawComplete) { if (!mIsCanceled) { fadeOutBackground(); } } }, options); startTransition(this::startExitTransition); } } /** * Called from {@link Activity#onStop()} */ public void stop(Activity activity) { if (mIsReturning && mExitCallbacks != null) { // Override the previous ActivityOptions. We don't want the // activity to have options since we're essentially canceling the // transition and finishing right now. activity.convertToTranslucent(null, null); finish(); } } private void startExitTransition() { Transition transition = getExitTransition(); ViewGroup decorView = getDecor(); if (transition != null && decorView != null && mTransitioningViews != null) { setTransitioningViewsVisiblity(View.VISIBLE, false); TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition(decorView, transition); setTransitioningViewsVisiblity(View.INVISIBLE, false); decorView.invalidate(); } else { transitionStarted(); } } private void fadeOutBackground() { if (mBackgroundAnimator == null) { ViewGroup decor = getDecor(); Drawable background; if (decor != null && (background = decor.getBackground()) != null) { background = background.mutate(); getWindow().setBackgroundDrawable(background); mBackgroundAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofInt(background, "alpha", 0); mBackgroundAnimator.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { mBackgroundAnimator = null; if (!mIsCanceled) { mIsBackgroundReady = true; notifyComplete(); } backgroundAnimatorComplete(); } }); mBackgroundAnimator.setDuration(getFadeDuration()); mBackgroundAnimator.start(); } else { backgroundAnimatorComplete(); mIsBackgroundReady = true; } } } private Transition getExitTransition() { Transition viewsTransition = null; if (mTransitioningViews != null && !mTransitioningViews.isEmpty()) { viewsTransition = configureTransition(getViewsTransition(), true); removeExcludedViews(viewsTransition, mTransitioningViews); if (mTransitioningViews.isEmpty()) { viewsTransition = null; } } if (viewsTransition == null) { viewsTransitionComplete(); } else { final ArrayList transitioningViews = mTransitioningViews; viewsTransition.addListener(new ContinueTransitionListener() { @Override public void onTransitionEnd(Transition transition) { viewsTransitionComplete(); if (mIsHidden && transitioningViews != null) { showViews(transitioningViews, true); setTransitioningViewsVisiblity(View.VISIBLE, true); } if (mSharedElementBundle != null) { delayCancel(); } super.onTransitionEnd(transition); } }); } return viewsTransition; } private Transition getSharedElementExitTransition() { Transition sharedElementTransition = null; if (!mSharedElements.isEmpty()) { sharedElementTransition = configureTransition(getSharedElementTransition(), false); } if (sharedElementTransition == null) { sharedElementTransitionComplete(); } else { sharedElementTransition.addListener(new ContinueTransitionListener() { @Override public void onTransitionEnd(Transition transition) { sharedElementTransitionComplete(); if (mIsHidden) { showViews(mSharedElements, true); } super.onTransitionEnd(transition); } }); mSharedElements.get(0).invalidate(); } return sharedElementTransition; } private void beginTransitions() { Transition sharedElementTransition = getSharedElementExitTransition(); Transition viewsTransition = getExitTransition(); Transition transition = mergeTransitions(sharedElementTransition, viewsTransition); ViewGroup decorView = getDecor(); if (transition != null && decorView != null) { setGhostVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); scheduleGhostVisibilityChange(View.INVISIBLE); if (viewsTransition != null) { setTransitioningViewsVisiblity(View.VISIBLE, false); } TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition(decorView, transition); scheduleGhostVisibilityChange(View.VISIBLE); setGhostVisibility(View.VISIBLE); if (viewsTransition != null) { setTransitioningViewsVisiblity(View.INVISIBLE, false); } decorView.invalidate(); } else { transitionStarted(); } } protected boolean isReadyToNotify() { return mSharedElementBundle != null && mResultReceiver != null && mIsBackgroundReady; } @Override protected void sharedElementTransitionComplete() { mSharedElementBundle = mExitSharedElementBundle == null ? captureSharedElementState() : captureExitSharedElementsState(); super.sharedElementTransitionComplete(); } private Bundle captureExitSharedElementsState() { Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); RectF bounds = new RectF(); Matrix matrix = new Matrix(); for (int i = 0; i < mSharedElements.size(); i++) { String name = mSharedElementNames.get(i); Bundle sharedElementState = mExitSharedElementBundle.getBundle(name); if (sharedElementState != null) { bundle.putBundle(name, sharedElementState); } else { View view = mSharedElements.get(i); captureSharedElementState(view, name, bundle, matrix, bounds); } } return bundle; } @Override protected void onTransitionsComplete() { notifyComplete(); } protected void notifyComplete() { if (isReadyToNotify()) { if (!mSharedElementNotified) { mSharedElementNotified = true; delayCancel(); if (mExitCallbacks != null && mExitCallbacks.isReturnTransitionAllowed()) { mResultReceiver.send(MSG_ALLOW_RETURN_TRANSITION, null); } if (mListener == null) { mResultReceiver.send(MSG_TAKE_SHARED_ELEMENTS, mSharedElementBundle); notifyExitComplete(); } else { final ResultReceiver resultReceiver = mResultReceiver; final Bundle sharedElementBundle = mSharedElementBundle; mListener.onSharedElementsArrived(mSharedElementNames, mSharedElements, new OnSharedElementsReadyListener() { @Override public void onSharedElementsReady() { resultReceiver.send(MSG_TAKE_SHARED_ELEMENTS, sharedElementBundle); notifyExitComplete(); } }); } } else { notifyExitComplete(); } } } private void notifyExitComplete() { if (!mExitNotified && isViewsTransitionComplete()) { mExitNotified = true; mResultReceiver.send(MSG_EXIT_TRANSITION_COMPLETE, null); mResultReceiver = null; // done talking ViewGroup decorView = getDecor(); if (!mIsReturning && decorView != null) { decorView.suppressLayout(false); } finishIfNecessary(); } } private void finishIfNecessary() { if (mIsReturning && mExitNotified && mExitCallbacks != null && (mSharedElements.isEmpty() || mSharedElementsHidden)) { finish(); } } private void finish() { stopCancel(); if (mExitCallbacks != null) { mExitCallbacks.onFinish(); mExitCallbacks = null; } // Clear the state so that we can't hold any references accidentally and leak memory. clearState(); } @Override protected void clearState() { mHandler = null; mSharedElementBundle = null; if (mBackgroundAnimator != null) { mBackgroundAnimator.cancel(); mBackgroundAnimator = null; } mExitSharedElementBundle = null; super.clearState(); } @Override protected boolean moveSharedElementWithParent() { return !mIsReturning; } @Override protected Transition getViewsTransition() { if (mIsReturning) { return getWindow().getReturnTransition(); } else { return getWindow().getExitTransition(); } } protected Transition getSharedElementTransition() { if (mIsReturning) { return getWindow().getSharedElementReturnTransition(); } else { return getWindow().getSharedElementExitTransition(); } } /** * @hide */ public interface ExitTransitionCallbacks { /** * Returns true if reverse exit animation is supported */ boolean isReturnTransitionAllowed(); /** * Called then the transition finishes */ void onFinish(); /** * Optional callback when the transition is hiding elements in the source surface */ default void hideSharedElements() { }; } /** * @hide */ public static class ActivityExitTransitionCallbacks implements ExitTransitionCallbacks { @NonNull final Activity mActivity; ActivityExitTransitionCallbacks(@NonNull Activity activity) { mActivity = activity; } @Override public boolean isReturnTransitionAllowed() { return true; } @Override public void onFinish() { mActivity.mActivityTransitionState.clear(); mActivity.finish(); mActivity.overridePendingTransition(0, 0); } } }