/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.telephony; import android.annotation.IntDef; import android.annotation.NonNull; import android.annotation.Nullable; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Objects; /** * Defines a request to perform a network scan. * * This class defines whether the network scan will be performed only once or periodically until * cancelled, when the scan is performed periodically, the time interval is not controlled by the * user but defined by the modem vendor. */ public final class NetworkScanRequest implements Parcelable { // Below size limits for RAN/Band/Channel are for pre-treble modems and will be removed later. /** @hide */ public static final int MAX_RADIO_ACCESS_NETWORKS = 8; /** @hide */ public static final int MAX_BANDS = 8; /** @hide */ public static final int MAX_CHANNELS = 32; /** @hide */ public static final int MAX_MCC_MNC_LIST_SIZE = 20; /** @hide */ public static final int MIN_SEARCH_PERIODICITY_SEC = 5; /** @hide */ public static final int MAX_SEARCH_PERIODICITY_SEC = 300; /** @hide */ public static final int MIN_SEARCH_MAX_SEC = 60; /** @hide */ public static final int MAX_SEARCH_MAX_SEC = 3600; /** @hide */ public static final int MIN_INCREMENTAL_PERIODICITY_SEC = 1; /** @hide */ public static final int MAX_INCREMENTAL_PERIODICITY_SEC = 10; /** @hide */ @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) @IntDef({ SCAN_TYPE_ONE_SHOT, SCAN_TYPE_PERIODIC, }) public @interface ScanType {} /** Performs the scan only once */ public static final int SCAN_TYPE_ONE_SHOT = 0; /** * Performs the scan periodically until cancelled * * The modem will start new scans periodically, and the interval between two scans is usually * multiple minutes. */ public static final int SCAN_TYPE_PERIODIC = 1; /** Defines the type of the scan. */ private int mScanType; /** * Search periodicity (in seconds). * Expected range for the input is [5s - 300s] * This value must be less than or equal to mMaxSearchTime */ private int mSearchPeriodicity; /** * Maximum duration of the periodic search (in seconds). * Expected range for the input is [60s - 3600s] * If the search lasts this long, it will be terminated. */ private int mMaxSearchTime; /** * Indicates whether the modem should report incremental * results of the network scan to the client. * FALSE – Incremental results are not reported. * TRUE (default) – Incremental results are reported */ private boolean mIncrementalResults; /** * Indicates the periodicity with which the modem should * report incremental results to the client (in seconds). * Expected range for the input is [1s - 10s] * This value must be less than or equal to mMaxSearchTime */ private int mIncrementalResultsPeriodicity; /** Describes the radio access technologies with bands or channels that need to be scanned. */ @Nullable private RadioAccessSpecifier[] mSpecifiers; /** * Describes the List of PLMN ids (MCC-MNC) * If any PLMN of this list is found, search should end at that point and * results with all PLMN found till that point should be sent as response. * If list not sent, search to be completed till end and all PLMNs found to be reported. * Max size of array is MAX_MCC_MNC_LIST_SIZE */ @NonNull private ArrayList mMccMncs; /** * Creates a new NetworkScanRequest with mScanType and network mSpecifiers * * @param scanType The type of the scan, can be either one shot or periodic * @param specifiers the radio network with bands / channels to be scanned * @param searchPeriodicity The modem will restart the scan every searchPeriodicity seconds if * no network has been found, until it reaches the maxSearchTime. Only * valid when scan type is periodic scan. * @param maxSearchTime Maximum duration of the search (in seconds) * @param incrementalResults Indicates whether the modem should report incremental * results of the network scan to the client * @param incrementalResultsPeriodicity Indicates the periodicity with which the modem should * report incremental results to the client (in seconds), * only valid when incrementalResults is true * @param mccMncs Describes the list of PLMN ids (MCC-MNC), once any network in the list has * been found, the scan will be terminated by the modem. */ public NetworkScanRequest(int scanType, RadioAccessSpecifier[] specifiers, int searchPeriodicity, int maxSearchTime, boolean incrementalResults, int incrementalResultsPeriodicity, ArrayList mccMncs) { this.mScanType = scanType; if (specifiers != null) { this.mSpecifiers = specifiers.clone(); } else { this.mSpecifiers = null; } this.mSearchPeriodicity = searchPeriodicity; this.mMaxSearchTime = maxSearchTime; this.mIncrementalResults = incrementalResults; this.mIncrementalResultsPeriodicity = incrementalResultsPeriodicity; if (mccMncs != null) { this.mMccMncs = (ArrayList) mccMncs.clone(); } else { this.mMccMncs = new ArrayList<>(); } } /** Returns the type of the scan. */ @ScanType public int getScanType() { return mScanType; } /** Returns the search periodicity in seconds. */ public int getSearchPeriodicity() { return mSearchPeriodicity; } /** Returns maximum duration of the periodic search in seconds. */ public int getMaxSearchTime() { return mMaxSearchTime; } /** * Returns whether incremental result is enabled. * FALSE – Incremental results is not enabled. * TRUE – Incremental results is reported. */ public boolean getIncrementalResults() { return mIncrementalResults; } /** Returns the periodicity in seconds of incremental results. */ public int getIncrementalResultsPeriodicity() { return mIncrementalResultsPeriodicity; } /** Returns the radio access technologies with bands or channels that need to be scanned. */ public RadioAccessSpecifier[] getSpecifiers() { return mSpecifiers == null ? null : mSpecifiers.clone(); } /** * Returns the List of PLMN ids (MCC-MNC) for early termination of scan. * If any PLMN of this list is found, search should end at that point and * results with all PLMN found till that point should be sent as response. */ public ArrayList getPlmns() { return (ArrayList) mMccMncs.clone(); } @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { dest.writeInt(mScanType); dest.writeParcelableArray(mSpecifiers, flags); dest.writeInt(mSearchPeriodicity); dest.writeInt(mMaxSearchTime); dest.writeBoolean(mIncrementalResults); dest.writeInt(mIncrementalResultsPeriodicity); dest.writeStringList(mMccMncs); } private NetworkScanRequest(Parcel in) { mScanType = in.readInt(); Parcelable[] tempSpecifiers = in.readParcelableArray(Object.class.getClassLoader(), RadioAccessSpecifier.class); if (tempSpecifiers != null) { mSpecifiers = new RadioAccessSpecifier[tempSpecifiers.length]; for (int i = 0; i < tempSpecifiers.length; i++) { mSpecifiers[i] = (RadioAccessSpecifier) tempSpecifiers[i]; } } else { mSpecifiers = null; } mSearchPeriodicity = in.readInt(); mMaxSearchTime = in.readInt(); mIncrementalResults = in.readBoolean(); mIncrementalResultsPeriodicity = in.readInt(); mMccMncs = new ArrayList<>(); in.readStringList(mMccMncs); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (this == other) return true; if (!(other instanceof NetworkScanRequest)) return false; NetworkScanRequest nsr = (NetworkScanRequest) other; return mScanType == nsr.mScanType && Arrays.equals(mSpecifiers, nsr.mSpecifiers) && mSearchPeriodicity == nsr.mSearchPeriodicity && mMaxSearchTime == nsr.mMaxSearchTime && mIncrementalResults == nsr.mIncrementalResults && mIncrementalResultsPeriodicity == nsr.mIncrementalResultsPeriodicity && Objects.equals(mMccMncs, nsr.mMccMncs); } @Override public int hashCode () { return ((mScanType * 31) + (Arrays.hashCode(mSpecifiers)) * 37 + (mSearchPeriodicity * 41) + (mMaxSearchTime * 43) + ((mIncrementalResults == true? 1 : 0) * 47) + (mIncrementalResultsPeriodicity * 53) + (mMccMncs.hashCode() * 59)); } public static final @android.annotation.NonNull Creator CREATOR = new Creator() { @Override public NetworkScanRequest createFromParcel(Parcel in) { return new NetworkScanRequest(in); } @Override public NetworkScanRequest[] newArray(int size) { return new NetworkScanRequest[size]; } }; }