/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.telephony; import android.annotation.IntDef; import android.annotation.NonNull; import android.annotation.SystemApi; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; /** * Contains CMAS (Commercial Mobile Alert System) warning notification Type 1 elements for a * {@link SmsCbMessage}. * Supported values for each element are defined in TIA-1149-0-1 (CMAS over CDMA) and * 3GPP TS 23.041 (for GSM/UMTS). * * {@hide} */ @SystemApi public final class SmsCbCmasInfo implements Parcelable { // CMAS message class (in GSM/UMTS message identifier or CDMA service category). /** Presidential-level alert (Korean Public Alert System Class 0 message). */ public static final int CMAS_CLASS_PRESIDENTIAL_LEVEL_ALERT = 0x00; /** Extreme threat to life and property (Korean Public Alert System Class 1 message). */ public static final int CMAS_CLASS_EXTREME_THREAT = 0x01; /** Severe threat to life and property (Korean Public Alert System Class 1 message). */ public static final int CMAS_CLASS_SEVERE_THREAT = 0x02; /** Child abduction emergency (AMBER Alert). */ public static final int CMAS_CLASS_CHILD_ABDUCTION_EMERGENCY = 0x03; /** CMAS test message. */ public static final int CMAS_CLASS_REQUIRED_MONTHLY_TEST = 0x04; /** CMAS exercise. */ public static final int CMAS_CLASS_CMAS_EXERCISE = 0x05; /** CMAS category for operator defined use. */ public static final int CMAS_CLASS_OPERATOR_DEFINED_USE = 0x06; /** CMAS category for warning types that are reserved for future extension. */ public static final int CMAS_CLASS_UNKNOWN = -1; /** @hide */ @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) @IntDef(prefix = {"CMAS_CLASS_"}, value = { CMAS_CLASS_PRESIDENTIAL_LEVEL_ALERT, CMAS_CLASS_EXTREME_THREAT, CMAS_CLASS_SEVERE_THREAT, CMAS_CLASS_CHILD_ABDUCTION_EMERGENCY, CMAS_CLASS_REQUIRED_MONTHLY_TEST, CMAS_CLASS_CMAS_EXERCISE, CMAS_CLASS_OPERATOR_DEFINED_USE, CMAS_CLASS_UNKNOWN, }) public @interface Class {} // CMAS alert category (in CDMA type 1 elements record). /** CMAS alert category: Geophysical including landslide. */ public static final int CMAS_CATEGORY_GEO = 0x00; /** CMAS alert category: Meteorological including flood. */ public static final int CMAS_CATEGORY_MET = 0x01; /** CMAS alert category: General emergency and public safety. */ public static final int CMAS_CATEGORY_SAFETY = 0x02; /** CMAS alert category: Law enforcement, military, homeland/local/private security. */ public static final int CMAS_CATEGORY_SECURITY = 0x03; /** CMAS alert category: Rescue and recovery. */ public static final int CMAS_CATEGORY_RESCUE = 0x04; /** CMAS alert category: Fire suppression and rescue. */ public static final int CMAS_CATEGORY_FIRE = 0x05; /** CMAS alert category: Medical and public health. */ public static final int CMAS_CATEGORY_HEALTH = 0x06; /** CMAS alert category: Pollution and other environmental. */ public static final int CMAS_CATEGORY_ENV = 0x07; /** CMAS alert category: Public and private transportation. */ public static final int CMAS_CATEGORY_TRANSPORT = 0x08; /** CMAS alert category: Utility, telecom, other non-transport infrastructure. */ public static final int CMAS_CATEGORY_INFRA = 0x09; /** CMAS alert category: Chem, bio, radiological, nuclear, high explosive threat or attack. */ public static final int CMAS_CATEGORY_CBRNE = 0x0a; /** CMAS alert category: Other events. */ public static final int CMAS_CATEGORY_OTHER = 0x0b; /** * CMAS alert category is unknown. The category is only available for CDMA broadcasts * containing a type 1 elements record, so GSM and UMTS broadcasts always return unknown. */ public static final int CMAS_CATEGORY_UNKNOWN = -1; /** @hide */ @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) @IntDef(prefix = {"CMAS_CATEORY_"}, value = { CMAS_CATEGORY_GEO, CMAS_CATEGORY_MET, CMAS_CATEGORY_SAFETY, CMAS_CATEGORY_SECURITY, CMAS_CATEGORY_RESCUE, CMAS_CATEGORY_FIRE, CMAS_CATEGORY_HEALTH, CMAS_CATEGORY_ENV, CMAS_CATEGORY_TRANSPORT, CMAS_CATEGORY_INFRA, CMAS_CATEGORY_CBRNE, CMAS_CATEGORY_OTHER, CMAS_CATEGORY_UNKNOWN, }) public @interface Category {} // CMAS response type (in CDMA type 1 elements record). /** CMAS response type: Take shelter in place. */ public static final int CMAS_RESPONSE_TYPE_SHELTER = 0x00; /** CMAS response type: Evacuate (Relocate). */ public static final int CMAS_RESPONSE_TYPE_EVACUATE = 0x01; /** CMAS response type: Make preparations. */ public static final int CMAS_RESPONSE_TYPE_PREPARE = 0x02; /** CMAS response type: Execute a pre-planned activity. */ public static final int CMAS_RESPONSE_TYPE_EXECUTE = 0x03; /** CMAS response type: Attend to information sources. */ public static final int CMAS_RESPONSE_TYPE_MONITOR = 0x04; /** CMAS response type: Avoid hazard. */ public static final int CMAS_RESPONSE_TYPE_AVOID = 0x05; /** CMAS response type: Evaluate the information in this message (not for public warnings). */ public static final int CMAS_RESPONSE_TYPE_ASSESS = 0x06; /** CMAS response type: No action recommended. */ public static final int CMAS_RESPONSE_TYPE_NONE = 0x07; /** * CMAS response type is unknown. The response type is only available for CDMA broadcasts * containing a type 1 elements record, so GSM and UMTS broadcasts always return unknown. */ public static final int CMAS_RESPONSE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = -1; /** @hide */ @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) @IntDef(prefix = {"CMAS_RESPONSE_TYPE_"}, value = { CMAS_RESPONSE_TYPE_SHELTER, CMAS_RESPONSE_TYPE_EVACUATE, CMAS_RESPONSE_TYPE_PREPARE, CMAS_RESPONSE_TYPE_EXECUTE, CMAS_RESPONSE_TYPE_MONITOR, CMAS_RESPONSE_TYPE_AVOID, CMAS_RESPONSE_TYPE_ASSESS, CMAS_RESPONSE_TYPE_NONE, CMAS_RESPONSE_TYPE_UNKNOWN, }) public @interface ResponseType {} // 4-bit CMAS severity (in GSM/UMTS message identifier or CDMA type 1 elements record). /** CMAS severity type: Extraordinary threat to life or property. */ public static final int CMAS_SEVERITY_EXTREME = 0x0; /** CMAS severity type: Significant threat to life or property. */ public static final int CMAS_SEVERITY_SEVERE = 0x1; /** * CMAS alert severity is unknown. The severity is available for CDMA warning alerts * containing a type 1 elements record and for all GSM and UMTS alerts except for the * Presidential-level alert class (Korean Public Alert System Class 0). */ public static final int CMAS_SEVERITY_UNKNOWN = -1; /** @hide */ @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) @IntDef(prefix = {"CMAS_SEVERITY_"}, value = { CMAS_SEVERITY_EXTREME, CMAS_SEVERITY_SEVERE, CMAS_SEVERITY_UNKNOWN, }) public @interface Severity {} // CMAS urgency (in GSM/UMTS message identifier or CDMA type 1 elements record). /** CMAS urgency type: Responsive action should be taken immediately. */ public static final int CMAS_URGENCY_IMMEDIATE = 0x0; /** CMAS urgency type: Responsive action should be taken within the next hour. */ public static final int CMAS_URGENCY_EXPECTED = 0x1; /** * CMAS alert urgency is unknown. The urgency is available for CDMA warning alerts * containing a type 1 elements record and for all GSM and UMTS alerts except for the * Presidential-level alert class (Korean Public Alert System Class 0). */ public static final int CMAS_URGENCY_UNKNOWN = -1; /** @hide */ @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) @IntDef(prefix = {"CMAS_URGENCY_"}, value = { CMAS_URGENCY_IMMEDIATE, CMAS_URGENCY_EXPECTED, CMAS_URGENCY_UNKNOWN, }) public @interface Urgency {} // CMAS certainty (in GSM/UMTS message identifier or CDMA type 1 elements record). /** CMAS certainty type: Determined to have occurred or to be ongoing. */ public static final int CMAS_CERTAINTY_OBSERVED = 0x0; /** CMAS certainty type: Likely (probability > ~50%). */ public static final int CMAS_CERTAINTY_LIKELY = 0x1; /** * CMAS alert certainty is unknown. The certainty is available for CDMA warning alerts * containing a type 1 elements record and for all GSM and UMTS alerts except for the * Presidential-level alert class (Korean Public Alert System Class 0). */ public static final int CMAS_CERTAINTY_UNKNOWN = -1; /** @hide */ @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) @IntDef(prefix = {"CMAS_CERTAINTY_"}, value = { CMAS_CERTAINTY_OBSERVED, CMAS_CERTAINTY_LIKELY, CMAS_CERTAINTY_UNKNOWN, }) public @interface Certainty {} /** CMAS message class. */ private final @Class int mMessageClass; /** CMAS category. */ private final @Category int mCategory; /** CMAS response type. */ private final @ResponseType int mResponseType; /** CMAS severity. */ private final @Severity int mSeverity; /** CMAS urgency. */ private final @Urgency int mUrgency; /** CMAS certainty. */ private final @Certainty int mCertainty; /** Create a new SmsCbCmasInfo object with the specified values. */ public SmsCbCmasInfo(@Class int messageClass, @Category int category, @ResponseType int responseType, @Severity int severity, @Urgency int urgency, @Certainty int certainty) { mMessageClass = messageClass; mCategory = category; mResponseType = responseType; mSeverity = severity; mUrgency = urgency; mCertainty = certainty; } /** Create a new SmsCbCmasInfo object from a Parcel. */ SmsCbCmasInfo(Parcel in) { mMessageClass = in.readInt(); mCategory = in.readInt(); mResponseType = in.readInt(); mSeverity = in.readInt(); mUrgency = in.readInt(); mCertainty = in.readInt(); } /** * Flatten this object into a Parcel. * * @param dest The Parcel in which the object should be written. * @param flags Additional flags about how the object should be written (ignored). */ @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { dest.writeInt(mMessageClass); dest.writeInt(mCategory); dest.writeInt(mResponseType); dest.writeInt(mSeverity); dest.writeInt(mUrgency); dest.writeInt(mCertainty); } /** * Returns the CMAS message class, e.g. {@link #CMAS_CLASS_PRESIDENTIAL_LEVEL_ALERT}. * @return one of the {@code CMAS_CLASS} values */ public @Class int getMessageClass() { return mMessageClass; } /** * Returns the CMAS category, e.g. {@link #CMAS_CATEGORY_GEO}. * @return one of the {@code CMAS_CATEGORY} values */ public @Category int getCategory() { return mCategory; } /** * Returns the CMAS response type, e.g. {@link #CMAS_RESPONSE_TYPE_SHELTER}. * @return one of the {@code CMAS_RESPONSE_TYPE} values */ public @ResponseType int getResponseType() { return mResponseType; } /** * Returns the CMAS severity, e.g. {@link #CMAS_SEVERITY_EXTREME}. * @return one of the {@code CMAS_SEVERITY} values */ public @Severity int getSeverity() { return mSeverity; } /** * Returns the CMAS urgency, e.g. {@link #CMAS_URGENCY_IMMEDIATE}. * @return one of the {@code CMAS_URGENCY} values */ public @Urgency int getUrgency() { return mUrgency; } /** * Returns the CMAS certainty, e.g. {@link #CMAS_CERTAINTY_OBSERVED}. * * @return one of the {@code CMAS_CERTAINTY} values */ public @Certainty int getCertainty() { return mCertainty; } @Override public String toString() { return "SmsCbCmasInfo{messageClass=" + mMessageClass + ", category=" + mCategory + ", responseType=" + mResponseType + ", severity=" + mSeverity + ", urgency=" + mUrgency + ", certainty=" + mCertainty + '}'; } /** * Describe the kinds of special objects contained in the marshalled representation. * * @return a bitmask indicating this Parcelable contains no special objects */ @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } /** Creator for unparcelling objects. */ @NonNull public static final Parcelable.Creator CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator() { @Override public SmsCbCmasInfo createFromParcel(Parcel in) { return new SmsCbCmasInfo(in); } @Override public SmsCbCmasInfo[] newArray(int size) { return new SmsCbCmasInfo[size]; } }; }