/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License */ package android.view; import static android.app.WindowConfiguration.ACTIVITY_TYPE_UNDEFINED; import static android.view.EventLogTags.IMF_IME_ANIM_CANCEL; import static android.view.EventLogTags.IMF_IME_ANIM_FINISH; import static android.view.EventLogTags.IMF_IME_ANIM_START; import static android.view.InsetsAnimationControlImplProto.CURRENT_ALPHA; import static android.view.InsetsAnimationControlImplProto.IS_CANCELLED; import static android.view.InsetsAnimationControlImplProto.IS_FINISHED; import static android.view.InsetsAnimationControlImplProto.PENDING_ALPHA; import static android.view.InsetsAnimationControlImplProto.PENDING_FRACTION; import static android.view.InsetsAnimationControlImplProto.PENDING_INSETS; import static android.view.InsetsAnimationControlImplProto.SHOWN_ON_FINISH; import static android.view.InsetsAnimationControlImplProto.TMP_MATRIX; import static android.view.InsetsController.ANIMATION_TYPE_SHOW; import static android.view.InsetsController.AnimationType; import static android.view.InsetsController.DEBUG; import static android.view.InsetsController.LAYOUT_INSETS_DURING_ANIMATION_SHOWN; import static android.view.InsetsController.LayoutInsetsDuringAnimation; import static android.view.InsetsSource.ID_IME; import static android.view.InsetsSource.SIDE_BOTTOM; import static android.view.InsetsSource.SIDE_NONE; import static android.view.InsetsSource.SIDE_LEFT; import static android.view.InsetsSource.SIDE_RIGHT; import static android.view.InsetsSource.SIDE_TOP; import static android.view.WindowInsets.Type.ime; import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_RESIZE; import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION; import static android.view.inputmethod.ImeTracker.DEBUG_IME_VISIBILITY; import static com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting.Visibility.PACKAGE; import android.annotation.Nullable; import android.content.res.CompatibilityInfo; import android.graphics.Insets; import android.graphics.Matrix; import android.graphics.Point; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.util.ArraySet; import android.util.EventLog; import android.util.Log; import android.util.SparseArray; import android.util.SparseIntArray; import android.util.SparseSetArray; import android.util.proto.ProtoOutputStream; import android.view.InsetsSource.InternalInsetsSide; import android.view.SyncRtSurfaceTransactionApplier.SurfaceParams; import android.view.WindowInsets.Type.InsetsType; import android.view.WindowInsetsAnimation.Bounds; import android.view.animation.Interpolator; import android.view.inputmethod.ImeTracker; import com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Objects; /** * Implements {@link WindowInsetsAnimationController} * @hide */ @VisibleForTesting(visibility = VisibleForTesting.Visibility.PACKAGE) public class InsetsAnimationControlImpl implements InternalInsetsAnimationController, InsetsAnimationControlRunner { private static final String TAG = "InsetsAnimationCtrlImpl"; private final Rect mTmpFrame = new Rect(); private final WindowInsetsAnimationControlListener mListener; private final SparseArray mControls; private final SparseSetArray mSideControlsMap = new SparseSetArray<>(); /** @see WindowInsetsAnimationController#getHiddenStateInsets */ private final Insets mHiddenInsets; /** @see WindowInsetsAnimationController#getShownStateInsets */ private final Insets mShownInsets; private final Matrix mTmpMatrix = new Matrix(); private final InsetsState mInitialInsetsState; private final @AnimationType int mAnimationType; private @LayoutInsetsDuringAnimation int mLayoutInsetsDuringAnimation; private final @InsetsType int mTypes; private @InsetsType int mControllingTypes; private final InsetsAnimationControlCallbacks mController; private final WindowInsetsAnimation mAnimation; /** @see WindowInsetsAnimationController#hasZeroInsetsIme */ private final boolean mHasZeroInsetsIme; private final CompatibilityInfo.Translator mTranslator; @Nullable private final ImeTracker.Token mStatsToken; private Insets mCurrentInsets; private Insets mPendingInsets; private float mPendingFraction; private boolean mFinished; private boolean mCancelled; private boolean mShownOnFinish; private float mCurrentAlpha = 1.0f; private float mPendingAlpha = 1.0f; @VisibleForTesting(visibility = PACKAGE) private boolean mReadyDispatched; private Boolean mPerceptible; @VisibleForTesting public InsetsAnimationControlImpl(SparseArray controls, @Nullable Rect frame, InsetsState state, WindowInsetsAnimationControlListener listener, @InsetsType int types, InsetsAnimationControlCallbacks controller, long durationMs, Interpolator interpolator, @AnimationType int animationType, @LayoutInsetsDuringAnimation int layoutInsetsDuringAnimation, CompatibilityInfo.Translator translator, @Nullable ImeTracker.Token statsToken) { mControls = controls; mListener = listener; mTypes = types; mControllingTypes = types; mController = controller; mInitialInsetsState = new InsetsState(state, true /* copySources */); if (frame != null) { final SparseIntArray idSideMap = new SparseIntArray(); mCurrentInsets = getInsetsFromState(mInitialInsetsState, frame, null /* idSideMap */); mHiddenInsets = calculateInsets(mInitialInsetsState, frame, controls, false /* shown */, null /* idSideMap */); mShownInsets = calculateInsets(mInitialInsetsState, frame, controls, true /* shown */, idSideMap); mHasZeroInsetsIme = mShownInsets.bottom == 0 && controlsType(WindowInsets.Type.ime()); if (mHasZeroInsetsIme) { // IME has shownInsets of ZERO, and can't map to a side by default. // Map zero insets IME to bottom, making it a special case of bottom insets. idSideMap.put(ID_IME, SIDE_BOTTOM); } buildSideControlsMap(idSideMap, mSideControlsMap, controls); } else { // Passing a null frame indicates the caller wants to play the insets animation anyway, // no matter the source provides insets to the frame or not. mCurrentInsets = calculateInsets(mInitialInsetsState, controls, true /* shown */); mHiddenInsets = calculateInsets(null, controls, false /* shown */); mShownInsets = calculateInsets(null, controls, true /* shown */); mHasZeroInsetsIme = mShownInsets.bottom == 0 && controlsType(WindowInsets.Type.ime()); buildSideControlsMap(mSideControlsMap, controls); } mPendingInsets = mCurrentInsets; mAnimation = new WindowInsetsAnimation(mTypes, interpolator, durationMs); mAnimation.setAlpha(getCurrentAlpha()); mAnimationType = animationType; mLayoutInsetsDuringAnimation = layoutInsetsDuringAnimation; mTranslator = translator; mStatsToken = statsToken; if (DEBUG_IME_VISIBILITY && (types & ime()) != 0) { EventLog.writeEvent(IMF_IME_ANIM_START, mStatsToken != null ? mStatsToken.getTag() : ImeTracker.TOKEN_NONE, mAnimationType, mCurrentAlpha, "Current:" + mCurrentInsets, "Shown:" + mShownInsets, "Hidden:" + mHiddenInsets); } mController.startAnimation(this, listener, types, mAnimation, new Bounds(mHiddenInsets, mShownInsets)); } private boolean calculatePerceptible(Insets currentInsets, float currentAlpha) { return 100 * currentInsets.left >= 5 * (mShownInsets.left - mHiddenInsets.left) && 100 * currentInsets.top >= 5 * (mShownInsets.top - mHiddenInsets.top) && 100 * currentInsets.right >= 5 * (mShownInsets.right - mHiddenInsets.right) && 100 * currentInsets.bottom >= 5 * (mShownInsets.bottom - mHiddenInsets.bottom) && currentAlpha >= 0.5f; } @Override public boolean hasZeroInsetsIme() { return mHasZeroInsetsIme; } @Override public void setReadyDispatched(boolean dispatched) { mReadyDispatched = dispatched; } @Override public Insets getHiddenStateInsets() { return mHiddenInsets; } @Override public Insets getShownStateInsets() { return mShownInsets; } @Override public Insets getCurrentInsets() { return mCurrentInsets; } @Override public float getCurrentAlpha() { return mCurrentAlpha; } @Override @InsetsType public int getTypes() { return mTypes; } @Override public int getControllingTypes() { return mControllingTypes; } @Override public void notifyControlRevoked(@InsetsType int types) { mControllingTypes &= ~types; } @Override public void updateSurfacePosition(SparseArray controls) { for (int i = controls.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final InsetsSourceControl control = controls.valueAt(i); final InsetsSourceControl c = mControls.get(control.getId()); if (c == null) { continue; } final Point position = control.getSurfacePosition(); c.setSurfacePosition(position.x, position.y); } } @Override public @AnimationType int getAnimationType() { return mAnimationType; } @Override @Nullable public ImeTracker.Token getStatsToken() { return mStatsToken; } @Override public void setInsetsAndAlpha(Insets insets, float alpha, float fraction) { setInsetsAndAlpha(insets, alpha, fraction, false /* allowWhenFinished */); } private void setInsetsAndAlpha(Insets insets, float alpha, float fraction, boolean allowWhenFinished) { if (!allowWhenFinished && mFinished) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Can't change insets on an animation that is finished."); } if (mCancelled) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Can't change insets on an animation that is cancelled."); } mPendingFraction = sanitize(fraction); mPendingInsets = sanitize(insets); mPendingAlpha = sanitize(alpha); mController.scheduleApplyChangeInsets(this); boolean perceptible = calculatePerceptible(mPendingInsets, mPendingAlpha); if (mPerceptible == null || perceptible != mPerceptible) { mController.reportPerceptible(mTypes, perceptible); mPerceptible = perceptible; } } /** * @return Whether the finish callback of this animation should be invoked. */ @VisibleForTesting public boolean applyChangeInsets(@Nullable InsetsState outState) { if (mCancelled) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "applyChangeInsets canceled"); return false; } final Insets offset = Insets.subtract(mShownInsets, mPendingInsets); final ArrayList params = new ArrayList<>(); updateLeashesForSide(SIDE_LEFT, offset.left, params, outState, mPendingAlpha); updateLeashesForSide(SIDE_TOP, offset.top, params, outState, mPendingAlpha); updateLeashesForSide(SIDE_RIGHT, offset.right, params, outState, mPendingAlpha); updateLeashesForSide(SIDE_BOTTOM, offset.bottom, params, outState, mPendingAlpha); mController.applySurfaceParams(params.toArray(new SurfaceParams[params.size()])); mCurrentInsets = mPendingInsets; mAnimation.setFraction(mPendingFraction); mCurrentAlpha = mPendingAlpha; mAnimation.setAlpha(mPendingAlpha); if (mFinished) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, String.format( "notifyFinished shown: %s, currentAlpha: %f, currentInsets: %s", mShownOnFinish, mCurrentAlpha, mCurrentInsets)); mController.notifyFinished(this, mShownOnFinish); releaseLeashes(); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Animation finished abruptly."); } return mFinished; } private void releaseLeashes() { for (int i = mControls.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final InsetsSourceControl c = mControls.valueAt(i); if (c == null) continue; c.release(mController::releaseSurfaceControlFromRt); } } @Override public void finish(boolean shown) { if (mCancelled || mFinished) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Animation already canceled or finished, not notifying."); return; } mShownOnFinish = shown; mFinished = true; final Insets insets = shown ? mShownInsets : mHiddenInsets; setInsetsAndAlpha(insets, mPendingAlpha, 1f /* fraction */, true /* allowWhenFinished */); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "notify control request finished for types: " + mTypes); mListener.onFinished(this); if (DEBUG_IME_VISIBILITY && (mTypes & ime()) != 0) { EventLog.writeEvent(IMF_IME_ANIM_FINISH, mStatsToken != null ? mStatsToken.getTag() : ImeTracker.TOKEN_NONE, mAnimationType, mCurrentAlpha, shown ? 1 : 0, Objects.toString(insets)); } } @Override @VisibleForTesting public float getCurrentFraction() { return mAnimation.getFraction(); } @Override public void cancel() { if (mFinished) { return; } mPendingInsets = mLayoutInsetsDuringAnimation == LAYOUT_INSETS_DURING_ANIMATION_SHOWN ? mShownInsets : mHiddenInsets; mPendingAlpha = 1f; applyChangeInsets(null); mCancelled = true; mListener.onCancelled(mReadyDispatched ? this : null); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "notify Control request cancelled for types: " + mTypes); if (DEBUG_IME_VISIBILITY && (mTypes & ime()) != 0) { EventLog.writeEvent(IMF_IME_ANIM_CANCEL, mStatsToken != null ? mStatsToken.getTag() : ImeTracker.TOKEN_NONE, mAnimationType, Objects.toString(mPendingInsets)); } releaseLeashes(); } @Override public boolean isFinished() { return mFinished; } @Override public boolean isCancelled() { return mCancelled; } @Override public WindowInsetsAnimation getAnimation() { return mAnimation; } @Override public void updateLayoutInsetsDuringAnimation( @LayoutInsetsDuringAnimation int layoutInsetsDuringAnimation) { mLayoutInsetsDuringAnimation = layoutInsetsDuringAnimation; } @Override public void dumpDebug(ProtoOutputStream proto, long fieldId) { final long token = proto.start(fieldId); proto.write(IS_CANCELLED, mCancelled); proto.write(IS_FINISHED, mFinished); proto.write(TMP_MATRIX, Objects.toString(mTmpMatrix)); proto.write(PENDING_INSETS, Objects.toString(mPendingInsets)); proto.write(PENDING_FRACTION, mPendingFraction); proto.write(SHOWN_ON_FINISH, mShownOnFinish); proto.write(CURRENT_ALPHA, mCurrentAlpha); proto.write(PENDING_ALPHA, mPendingAlpha); proto.end(token); } SparseArray getControls() { return mControls; } private Insets getInsetsFromState(InsetsState state, Rect frame, @Nullable @InternalInsetsSide SparseIntArray idSideMap) { return state.calculateInsets(frame, null /* ignoringVisibilityState */, false /* isScreenRound */, SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_RESIZE /* legacySoftInputMode */, 0 /* legacyWindowFlags */, 0 /* legacySystemUiFlags */, TYPE_APPLICATION, ACTIVITY_TYPE_UNDEFINED, idSideMap).getInsets(mTypes); } /** Computes the insets relative to the given frame. */ private Insets calculateInsets(InsetsState state, Rect frame, SparseArray controls, boolean shown, @Nullable @InternalInsetsSide SparseIntArray idSideMap) { for (int i = controls.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final InsetsSourceControl control = controls.valueAt(i); if (control == null) { // control may be null if it got revoked. continue; } state.setSourceVisible(control.getId(), shown); } return getInsetsFromState(state, frame, idSideMap); } /** Computes the insets from the insets hints of controls. */ private Insets calculateInsets(InsetsState state, SparseArray controls, boolean shownOrCurrent) { Insets insets = Insets.NONE; if (!shownOrCurrent) { return insets; } for (int i = controls.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final InsetsSourceControl control = controls.valueAt(i); if (control == null) { // control may be null if it got revoked. continue; } if (state == null || state.isSourceOrDefaultVisible(control.getId(), control.getType())) { insets = Insets.max(insets, control.getInsetsHint()); } } return insets; } private Insets sanitize(Insets insets) { if (insets == null) { insets = getCurrentInsets(); } if (hasZeroInsetsIme()) { return insets; } return Insets.max(Insets.min(insets, mShownInsets), mHiddenInsets); } private static float sanitize(float alpha) { return alpha >= 1 ? 1 : (alpha <= 0 ? 0 : alpha); } private void updateLeashesForSide(@InternalInsetsSide int side, int offset, ArrayList surfaceParams, @Nullable InsetsState outState, float alpha) { final ArraySet controls = mSideControlsMap.get(side); if (controls == null) { return; } // TODO: Implement behavior when inset spans over multiple types for (int i = controls.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final InsetsSourceControl control = controls.valueAt(i); final InsetsSource source = mInitialInsetsState.peekSource(control.getId()); final SurfaceControl leash = control.getLeash(); mTmpMatrix.setTranslate(control.getSurfacePosition().x, control.getSurfacePosition().y); if (source != null) { mTmpFrame.set(source.getFrame()); } addTranslationToMatrix(side, offset, mTmpMatrix, mTmpFrame); // The first frame of ANIMATION_TYPE_SHOW should be invisible since it is animated from // the hidden state. final boolean visible = mPendingFraction == 0 ? mAnimationType != ANIMATION_TYPE_SHOW : !mFinished || mShownOnFinish; if (outState != null && source != null) { outState.addSource(new InsetsSource(source) .setVisible(visible) .setFrame(mTmpFrame)); } // If the system is controlling the insets source, the leash can be null. if (leash != null) { SurfaceParams params = new SurfaceParams.Builder(leash) .withAlpha(alpha) .withMatrix(mTmpMatrix) .withVisibility(visible) .build(); surfaceParams.add(params); } } } private void addTranslationToMatrix(@InternalInsetsSide int side, int offset, Matrix m, Rect frame) { final float surfaceOffset = mTranslator != null ? mTranslator.translateLengthInAppWindowToScreen(offset) : offset; switch (side) { case SIDE_LEFT: m.postTranslate(-surfaceOffset, 0); frame.offset(-offset, 0); break; case SIDE_TOP: m.postTranslate(0, -surfaceOffset); frame.offset(0, -offset); break; case SIDE_RIGHT: m.postTranslate(surfaceOffset, 0); frame.offset(offset, 0); break; case SIDE_BOTTOM: m.postTranslate(0, surfaceOffset); frame.offset(0, offset); break; } } private static void buildSideControlsMap(SparseIntArray idSideMap, SparseSetArray sideControlsMap, SparseArray controls) { for (int i = idSideMap.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final int type = idSideMap.keyAt(i); final int side = idSideMap.valueAt(i); final InsetsSourceControl control = controls.get(type); if (control == null) { // If the types that we are controlling are less than the types that the system has, // there can be some null controllers. continue; } sideControlsMap.add(side, control); } } private static void buildSideControlsMap( SparseSetArray sideControlsMap, SparseArray controls) { for (int i = controls.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final InsetsSourceControl control = controls.valueAt(i); if (control == null) { // control may be null if it got revoked. continue; } @InternalInsetsSide int side = InsetsSource.getInsetSide(control.getInsetsHint()); if (side == SIDE_NONE && control.getType() == WindowInsets.Type.ime()) { // IME might not provide insets when it is fullscreen or floating. side = SIDE_BOTTOM; } sideControlsMap.add(side, control); } } }