/* * Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.window; import static android.content.pm.ActivityInfo.CONFIG_SCREEN_LAYOUT; import static android.content.pm.ActivityInfo.CONFIG_SCREEN_SIZE; import static android.content.pm.ActivityInfo.CONFIG_SMALLEST_SCREEN_SIZE; import android.annotation.NonNull; import android.annotation.Nullable; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.util.SparseIntArray; import com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.android.internal.util.DataClass; import java.util.Arrays; /** * Contains size-configuration buckets used to prevent excessive configuration changes during * resize. * * These configurations are collected from application's resources based on size-sensitive * qualifiers. For example, layout-w800dp will be added to mHorizontalSizeConfigurations as 800 * and drawable-sw400dp will be added to both as 400. * * @hide */ @DataClass(genAidl = true) public final class SizeConfigurationBuckets implements Parcelable { /** Horizontal (screenWidthDp) buckets */ @Nullable private final int[] mHorizontal; /** Vertical (screenHeightDp) buckets */ @Nullable private final int[] mVertical; /** Smallest (smallestScreenWidthDp) buckets */ @Nullable private final int[] mSmallest; /** Screen Layout Size (screenLayout & SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_MASK) buckets */ @Nullable private final int[] mScreenLayoutSize; /** * Screen Layout Long (screenLayout & SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_MASK) boolean. Only need to know if a * value is set because only two possible buckets, SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_NO and * SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_YES, so if either is set, then any change is a bucket change. */ private final boolean mScreenLayoutLongSet; public SizeConfigurationBuckets(Configuration[] sizeConfigurations) { SparseIntArray horizontal = new SparseIntArray(); SparseIntArray vertical = new SparseIntArray(); SparseIntArray smallest = new SparseIntArray(); SparseIntArray screenLayoutSize = new SparseIntArray(); int curScreenLayoutSize; boolean screenLayoutLongSet = false; for (int i = sizeConfigurations.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Configuration config = sizeConfigurations[i]; if (config.screenHeightDp != Configuration.SCREEN_HEIGHT_DP_UNDEFINED) { vertical.put(config.screenHeightDp, 0); } if (config.screenWidthDp != Configuration.SCREEN_WIDTH_DP_UNDEFINED) { horizontal.put(config.screenWidthDp, 0); } if (config.smallestScreenWidthDp != Configuration.SMALLEST_SCREEN_WIDTH_DP_UNDEFINED) { smallest.put(config.smallestScreenWidthDp, 0); } if ((curScreenLayoutSize = config.screenLayout & Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_MASK) != Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_UNDEFINED) { screenLayoutSize.put(curScreenLayoutSize, 0); } if (!screenLayoutLongSet && (config.screenLayout & Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_MASK) != Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_UNDEFINED) { screenLayoutLongSet = true; } } mHorizontal = horizontal.copyKeys(); mVertical = vertical.copyKeys(); mSmallest = smallest.copyKeys(); mScreenLayoutSize = screenLayoutSize.copyKeys(); mScreenLayoutLongSet = screenLayoutLongSet; } /** * Get the changes between two configurations but don't count changes in sizes if they don't * cross boundaries that are important to the app. */ public static int filterDiff(int diff, @NonNull Configuration oldConfig, @NonNull Configuration newConfig, @Nullable SizeConfigurationBuckets buckets) { if (buckets == null) { return diff; } final boolean nonSizeLayoutFieldsUnchanged = areNonSizeLayoutFieldsUnchanged(oldConfig.screenLayout, newConfig.screenLayout); if ((diff & CONFIG_SCREEN_SIZE) != 0) { final boolean crosses = buckets.crossesHorizontalSizeThreshold(oldConfig.screenWidthDp, newConfig.screenWidthDp) || buckets.crossesVerticalSizeThreshold(oldConfig.screenHeightDp, newConfig.screenHeightDp); if (!crosses) { diff &= ~CONFIG_SCREEN_SIZE; } } if ((diff & CONFIG_SMALLEST_SCREEN_SIZE) != 0) { final int oldSmallest = oldConfig.smallestScreenWidthDp; final int newSmallest = newConfig.smallestScreenWidthDp; if (!buckets.crossesSmallestSizeThreshold(oldSmallest, newSmallest)) { diff &= ~CONFIG_SMALLEST_SCREEN_SIZE; } } if ((diff & CONFIG_SCREEN_LAYOUT) != 0 && nonSizeLayoutFieldsUnchanged) { if (!buckets.crossesScreenLayoutSizeThreshold(oldConfig, newConfig) && !buckets.crossesScreenLayoutLongThreshold(oldConfig.screenLayout, newConfig.screenLayout)) { diff &= ~CONFIG_SCREEN_LAYOUT; } } return diff; } private boolean crossesHorizontalSizeThreshold(int firstDp, int secondDp) { return crossesSizeThreshold(mHorizontal, firstDp, secondDp); } private boolean crossesVerticalSizeThreshold(int firstDp, int secondDp) { return crossesSizeThreshold(mVertical, firstDp, secondDp); } private boolean crossesSmallestSizeThreshold(int firstDp, int secondDp) { return crossesSizeThreshold(mSmallest, firstDp, secondDp); } /** * Returns whether a screen layout size threshold has been crossed. */ @VisibleForTesting public boolean crossesScreenLayoutSizeThreshold(@NonNull Configuration firstConfig, @NonNull Configuration secondConfig) { // If both the old and new screen layout are equal (both can be undefined), then no // threshold is crossed. if ((firstConfig.screenLayout & Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_MASK) == (secondConfig.screenLayout & Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_MASK)) { return false; } // Any time the new layout size is smaller than the old layout size, the activity has // crossed a size threshold because layout size represents the smallest possible size the // activity can occupy. if (!secondConfig.isLayoutSizeAtLeast(firstConfig.screenLayout & Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_MASK)) { return true; } // If the new layout size is at least as large as the old layout size, then check if the new // layout size has crossed a threshold. if (mScreenLayoutSize != null) { for (int screenLayoutSize : mScreenLayoutSize) { if (firstConfig.isLayoutSizeAtLeast(screenLayoutSize) != secondConfig.isLayoutSizeAtLeast(screenLayoutSize)) { return true; } } } return false; } private boolean crossesScreenLayoutLongThreshold(int firstScreenLayout, int secondScreenLayout) { final int firstScreenLayoutLongValue = firstScreenLayout & Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_MASK; final int secondScreenLayoutLongValue = secondScreenLayout & Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_MASK; return mScreenLayoutLongSet && firstScreenLayoutLongValue != secondScreenLayoutLongValue; } /** * Returns whether non-size related screen layout attributes have changed. If true, then * {@link ActivityInfo#CONFIG_SCREEN_LAYOUT} should not be filtered out in * {@link SizeConfigurationBuckets#filterDiff()} because the non-size related attributes * do not have a bucket range like the size-related attributes of screen layout. */ @VisibleForTesting public static boolean areNonSizeLayoutFieldsUnchanged(int oldScreenLayout, int newScreenLayout) { final int nonSizeRelatedFields = Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_LAYOUTDIR_MASK | Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_ROUND_MASK | Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_COMPAT_NEEDED; return (oldScreenLayout & nonSizeRelatedFields) == (newScreenLayout & nonSizeRelatedFields); } /** * The purpose of this method is to decide whether the activity needs to be relaunched upon * changing its size. In most cases the activities don't need to be relaunched, if the resize * is small, all the activity content has to do is relayout itself within new bounds. There are * cases however, where the activity's content would be completely changed in the new size and * the full relaunch is required. * * The activity will report to us vertical and horizontal thresholds after which a relaunch is * required. These thresholds are collected from the application resource qualifiers. For * example, if application has layout-w600dp resource directory, then it needs a relaunch when * we resize from width of 650dp to 550dp, as it crosses the 600dp threshold. However, if * it resizes width from 620dp to 700dp, it won't be relaunched as it stays on the same side * of the threshold. */ @VisibleForTesting public static boolean crossesSizeThreshold(int[] thresholds, int firstDp, int secondDp) { if (thresholds == null) { return false; } for (int i = thresholds.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final int threshold = thresholds[i]; if ((firstDp < threshold && secondDp >= threshold) || (firstDp >= threshold && secondDp < threshold)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public String toString() { return Arrays.toString(mHorizontal) + " " + Arrays.toString(mVertical) + " " + Arrays.toString(mSmallest) + " " + Arrays.toString(mScreenLayoutSize) + " " + mScreenLayoutLongSet; } // Code below generated by codegen v1.0.23. // // DO NOT MODIFY! // CHECKSTYLE:OFF Generated code // // To regenerate run: // $ codegen $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/frameworks/base/core/java/android/window/SizeConfigurationBuckets.java // // To exclude the generated code from IntelliJ auto-formatting enable (one-time): // Settings > Editor > Code Style > Formatter Control //@formatter:off /** * Creates a new SizeConfigurationBuckets. * * @param horizontal * Horizontal (screenWidthDp) buckets * @param vertical * Vertical (screenHeightDp) buckets * @param smallest * Smallest (smallestScreenWidthDp) buckets * @param screenLayoutSize * Screen Layout Size (screenLayout & SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_MASK) buckets * @param screenLayoutLongSet * Screen Layout Long (screenLayout & SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_MASK) boolean. Only need to know if a * value is set because only two possible buckets, SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_NO and * SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_YES, so if either is set, then any change is a bucket change. */ @DataClass.Generated.Member public SizeConfigurationBuckets( @Nullable int[] horizontal, @Nullable int[] vertical, @Nullable int[] smallest, @Nullable int[] screenLayoutSize, boolean screenLayoutLongSet) { this.mHorizontal = horizontal; this.mVertical = vertical; this.mSmallest = smallest; this.mScreenLayoutSize = screenLayoutSize; this.mScreenLayoutLongSet = screenLayoutLongSet; // onConstructed(); // You can define this method to get a callback } /** * Horizontal (screenWidthDp) buckets */ @DataClass.Generated.Member public @Nullable int[] getHorizontal() { return mHorizontal; } /** * Vertical (screenHeightDp) buckets */ @DataClass.Generated.Member public @Nullable int[] getVertical() { return mVertical; } /** * Smallest (smallestScreenWidthDp) buckets */ @DataClass.Generated.Member public @Nullable int[] getSmallest() { return mSmallest; } /** * Screen Layout Size (screenLayout & SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_MASK) buckets */ @DataClass.Generated.Member public @Nullable int[] getScreenLayoutSize() { return mScreenLayoutSize; } /** * Screen Layout Long (screenLayout & SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_MASK) boolean. Only need to know if a * value is set because only two possible buckets, SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_NO and * SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_YES, so if either is set, then any change is a bucket change. */ @DataClass.Generated.Member public boolean isScreenLayoutLongSet() { return mScreenLayoutLongSet; } @Override @DataClass.Generated.Member public void writeToParcel(@NonNull android.os.Parcel dest, int flags) { // You can override field parcelling by defining methods like: // void parcelFieldName(Parcel dest, int flags) { ... } byte flg = 0; if (mScreenLayoutLongSet) flg |= 0x10; if (mHorizontal != null) flg |= 0x1; if (mVertical != null) flg |= 0x2; if (mSmallest != null) flg |= 0x4; if (mScreenLayoutSize != null) flg |= 0x8; dest.writeByte(flg); if (mHorizontal != null) dest.writeIntArray(mHorizontal); if (mVertical != null) dest.writeIntArray(mVertical); if (mSmallest != null) dest.writeIntArray(mSmallest); if (mScreenLayoutSize != null) dest.writeIntArray(mScreenLayoutSize); } @Override @DataClass.Generated.Member public int describeContents() { return 0; } /** @hide */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "RedundantCast"}) @DataClass.Generated.Member /* package-private */ SizeConfigurationBuckets(@NonNull android.os.Parcel in) { // You can override field unparcelling by defining methods like: // static FieldType unparcelFieldName(Parcel in) { ... } byte flg = in.readByte(); boolean screenLayoutLongSet = (flg & 0x10) != 0; int[] horizontal = (flg & 0x1) == 0 ? null : in.createIntArray(); int[] vertical = (flg & 0x2) == 0 ? null : in.createIntArray(); int[] smallest = (flg & 0x4) == 0 ? null : in.createIntArray(); int[] screenLayoutSize = (flg & 0x8) == 0 ? null : in.createIntArray(); this.mHorizontal = horizontal; this.mVertical = vertical; this.mSmallest = smallest; this.mScreenLayoutSize = screenLayoutSize; this.mScreenLayoutLongSet = screenLayoutLongSet; // onConstructed(); // You can define this method to get a callback } @DataClass.Generated.Member public static final @NonNull Parcelable.Creator CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator() { @Override public SizeConfigurationBuckets[] newArray(int size) { return new SizeConfigurationBuckets[size]; } @Override public SizeConfigurationBuckets createFromParcel(@NonNull android.os.Parcel in) { return new SizeConfigurationBuckets(in); } }; @DataClass.Generated( time = 1628273704583L, codegenVersion = "1.0.23", sourceFile = "frameworks/base/core/java/android/window/SizeConfigurationBuckets.java", inputSignatures = "private final @android.annotation.Nullable int[] mHorizontal\nprivate final @android.annotation.Nullable int[] mVertical\nprivate final @android.annotation.Nullable int[] mSmallest\nprivate final @android.annotation.Nullable int[] mScreenLayoutSize\nprivate final boolean mScreenLayoutLongSet\npublic static int filterDiff(int,android.content.res.Configuration,android.content.res.Configuration,android.window.SizeConfigurationBuckets)\nprivate boolean crossesHorizontalSizeThreshold(int,int)\nprivate boolean crossesVerticalSizeThreshold(int,int)\nprivate boolean crossesSmallestSizeThreshold(int,int)\npublic @com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting boolean crossesScreenLayoutSizeThreshold(android.content.res.Configuration,android.content.res.Configuration)\nprivate boolean crossesScreenLayoutLongThreshold(int,int)\npublic static @com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting boolean areNonSizeLayoutFieldsUnchanged(int,int)\npublic static @com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting boolean crossesSizeThreshold(int[],int,int)\npublic @java.lang.Override java.lang.String toString()\nclass SizeConfigurationBuckets extends java.lang.Object implements [android.os.Parcelable]\n@com.android.internal.util.DataClass(genAidl=true)") @Deprecated private void __metadata() {} //@formatter:on // End of generated code }