/* * Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.internal.policy; import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_CLOSE; import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_FLAG_KEYGUARD_GOING_AWAY_NO_ANIMATION; import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_FLAG_KEYGUARD_GOING_AWAY_SUBTLE_ANIMATION; import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_FLAG_KEYGUARD_GOING_AWAY_TO_SHADE; import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_OLD_ACTIVITY_CLOSE; import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_OLD_ACTIVITY_OPEN; import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_OLD_NONE; import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_OLD_TRANSLUCENT_ACTIVITY_CLOSE; import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_OLD_TRANSLUCENT_ACTIVITY_OPEN; import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_OLD_UNSET; import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_OLD_WALLPAPER_INTRA_CLOSE; import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_OLD_WALLPAPER_INTRA_OPEN; import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_OPEN; import android.annotation.NonNull; import android.annotation.Nullable; import android.app.ActivityManager; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.content.res.ResourceId; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.Color; import android.graphics.ColorSpace; import android.graphics.Picture; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import android.hardware.HardwareBuffer; import android.media.Image; import android.media.ImageReader; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.SystemProperties; import android.util.Slog; import android.view.InflateException; import android.view.SurfaceControl; import android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams; import android.view.WindowManager.TransitionOldType; import android.view.WindowManager.TransitionType; import android.view.animation.AlphaAnimation; import android.view.animation.Animation; import android.view.animation.AnimationSet; import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils; import android.view.animation.ClipRectAnimation; import android.view.animation.Interpolator; import android.view.animation.PathInterpolator; import android.view.animation.ScaleAnimation; import android.view.animation.TranslateAnimation; import android.window.ScreenCapture; import com.android.internal.R; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.List; /** @hide */ public class TransitionAnimation { public static final int WALLPAPER_TRANSITION_NONE = 0; public static final int WALLPAPER_TRANSITION_OPEN = 1; public static final int WALLPAPER_TRANSITION_CLOSE = 2; public static final int WALLPAPER_TRANSITION_INTRA_OPEN = 3; public static final int WALLPAPER_TRANSITION_INTRA_CLOSE = 4; // These are the possible states for the enter/exit activities during a thumbnail transition private static final int THUMBNAIL_TRANSITION_ENTER_SCALE_UP = 0; private static final int THUMBNAIL_TRANSITION_EXIT_SCALE_UP = 1; private static final int THUMBNAIL_TRANSITION_ENTER_SCALE_DOWN = 2; private static final int THUMBNAIL_TRANSITION_EXIT_SCALE_DOWN = 3; /** * Maximum duration for the clip reveal animation. This is used when there is a lot of movement * involved, to make it more understandable. */ private static final int MAX_CLIP_REVEAL_TRANSITION_DURATION = 420; private static final int CLIP_REVEAL_TRANSLATION_Y_DP = 8; private static final int THUMBNAIL_APP_TRANSITION_DURATION = 336; public static final int DEFAULT_APP_TRANSITION_DURATION = 336; /** Fraction of animation at which the recents thumbnail stays completely transparent */ private static final float RECENTS_THUMBNAIL_FADEIN_FRACTION = 0.5f; /** Fraction of animation at which the recents thumbnail becomes completely transparent */ private static final float RECENTS_THUMBNAIL_FADEOUT_FRACTION = 0.5f; /** Interpolator to be used for animations that respond directly to a touch */ static final Interpolator TOUCH_RESPONSE_INTERPOLATOR = new PathInterpolator(0.3f, 0f, 0.1f, 1f); private static final String DEFAULT_PACKAGE = "android"; private final Context mContext; private final String mTag; private final LogDecelerateInterpolator mInterpolator = new LogDecelerateInterpolator(100, 0); /** Interpolator to be used for animations that respond directly to a touch */ private final Interpolator mTouchResponseInterpolator = new PathInterpolator(0.3f, 0f, 0.1f, 1f); private final Interpolator mClipHorizontalInterpolator = new PathInterpolator(0, 0, 0.4f, 1f); private final Interpolator mDecelerateInterpolator; private final Interpolator mFastOutLinearInInterpolator; private final Interpolator mLinearOutSlowInInterpolator; private final Interpolator mThumbnailFadeInInterpolator; private final Interpolator mThumbnailFadeOutInterpolator; private final Rect mTmpFromClipRect = new Rect(); private final Rect mTmpToClipRect = new Rect(); private final Rect mTmpRect = new Rect(); private final int mClipRevealTranslationY; private final int mConfigShortAnimTime; private final int mDefaultWindowAnimationStyleResId; private final boolean mDebug; private final boolean mLowRamRecentsEnabled; public TransitionAnimation(Context context, boolean debug, String tag) { mContext = context; mDebug = debug; mTag = tag; mDecelerateInterpolator = AnimationUtils.loadInterpolator(context, com.android.internal.R.interpolator.decelerate_cubic); mFastOutLinearInInterpolator = AnimationUtils.loadInterpolator(context, com.android.internal.R.interpolator.fast_out_linear_in); mLinearOutSlowInInterpolator = AnimationUtils.loadInterpolator(context, com.android.internal.R.interpolator.linear_out_slow_in); mThumbnailFadeInInterpolator = input -> { // Linear response for first fraction, then complete after that. if (input < RECENTS_THUMBNAIL_FADEIN_FRACTION) { return 0f; } float t = (input - RECENTS_THUMBNAIL_FADEIN_FRACTION) / (1f - RECENTS_THUMBNAIL_FADEIN_FRACTION); return mFastOutLinearInInterpolator.getInterpolation(t); }; mThumbnailFadeOutInterpolator = input -> { // Linear response for first fraction, then complete after that. if (input < RECENTS_THUMBNAIL_FADEOUT_FRACTION) { float t = input / RECENTS_THUMBNAIL_FADEOUT_FRACTION; return mLinearOutSlowInInterpolator.getInterpolation(t); } return 1f; }; mClipRevealTranslationY = (int) (CLIP_REVEAL_TRANSLATION_Y_DP * mContext.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density); mConfigShortAnimTime = context.getResources().getInteger( com.android.internal.R.integer.config_shortAnimTime); mLowRamRecentsEnabled = ActivityManager.isLowRamDeviceStatic(); final TypedArray windowStyle = mContext.getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes( com.android.internal.R.styleable.Window); mDefaultWindowAnimationStyleResId = windowStyle.getResourceId( com.android.internal.R.styleable.Window_windowAnimationStyle, 0); windowStyle.recycle(); } /** Loads keyguard animation by transition flags and check it is on wallpaper or not. */ public Animation loadKeyguardExitAnimation(int transitionFlags, boolean onWallpaper) { if ((transitionFlags & TRANSIT_FLAG_KEYGUARD_GOING_AWAY_NO_ANIMATION) != 0) { return null; } final boolean toShade = (transitionFlags & TRANSIT_FLAG_KEYGUARD_GOING_AWAY_TO_SHADE) != 0; final boolean subtle = (transitionFlags & TRANSIT_FLAG_KEYGUARD_GOING_AWAY_SUBTLE_ANIMATION) != 0; return createHiddenByKeyguardExit(mContext, mInterpolator, onWallpaper, toShade, subtle); } @Nullable public Animation loadKeyguardUnoccludeAnimation() { return loadDefaultAnimationRes(com.android.internal.R.anim.wallpaper_open_exit); } @Nullable public Animation loadVoiceActivityOpenAnimation(boolean enter) { return loadDefaultAnimationRes(enter ? com.android.internal.R.anim.voice_activity_open_enter : com.android.internal.R.anim.voice_activity_open_exit); } @Nullable public Animation loadVoiceActivityExitAnimation(boolean enter) { return loadDefaultAnimationRes(enter ? com.android.internal.R.anim.voice_activity_close_enter : com.android.internal.R.anim.voice_activity_close_exit); } @Nullable public Animation loadAppTransitionAnimation(String packageName, int resId) { return loadAnimationRes(packageName, resId); } @Nullable public Animation loadCrossProfileAppEnterAnimation() { return loadAnimationRes(DEFAULT_PACKAGE, com.android.internal.R.anim.task_open_enter_cross_profile_apps); } @Nullable public Animation loadCrossProfileAppThumbnailEnterAnimation() { return loadAnimationRes( DEFAULT_PACKAGE, com.android.internal.R.anim.cross_profile_apps_thumbnail_enter); } @Nullable public Animation createCrossProfileAppsThumbnailAnimationLocked(Rect appRect) { final Animation animation = loadCrossProfileAppThumbnailEnterAnimation(); return prepareThumbnailAnimationWithDuration(animation, appRect.width(), appRect.height(), 0, null); } /** Load animation by resource Id from specific package. */ @Nullable public Animation loadAnimationRes(String packageName, int resId) { if (ResourceId.isValid(resId)) { AttributeCache.Entry ent = getCachedAnimations(packageName, resId); if (ent != null) { return loadAnimationSafely(ent.context, resId, mTag); } } return null; } /** Load animation by resource Id from android package. */ @Nullable public Animation loadDefaultAnimationRes(int resId) { return loadAnimationRes(DEFAULT_PACKAGE, resId); } /** Load animation by attribute Id from specific LayoutParams */ @Nullable public Animation loadAnimationAttr(LayoutParams lp, int animAttr, int transit) { int resId = Resources.ID_NULL; Context context = mContext; if (animAttr >= 0) { AttributeCache.Entry ent = getCachedAnimations(lp); if (ent != null) { context = ent.context; resId = ent.array.getResourceId(animAttr, 0); } } resId = updateToTranslucentAnimIfNeeded(resId, transit); if (ResourceId.isValid(resId)) { return loadAnimationSafely(context, resId, mTag); } return null; } /** Get animation resId by attribute Id from specific LayoutParams */ public int getAnimationResId(LayoutParams lp, int animAttr, int transit) { int resId = Resources.ID_NULL; if (animAttr >= 0) { AttributeCache.Entry ent = getCachedAnimations(lp); if (ent != null) { resId = ent.array.getResourceId(animAttr, 0); } } resId = updateToTranslucentAnimIfNeeded(resId, transit); return resId; } /** Get default animation resId */ public int getDefaultAnimationResId(int animAttr, int transit) { int resId = Resources.ID_NULL; if (animAttr >= 0) { AttributeCache.Entry ent = getCachedAnimations(DEFAULT_PACKAGE, mDefaultWindowAnimationStyleResId); if (ent != null) { resId = ent.array.getResourceId(animAttr, 0); } } resId = updateToTranslucentAnimIfNeeded(resId, transit); return resId; } /** * Load animation by attribute Id from a specific AnimationStyle resource. * * @param translucent {@code true} if we're sure that the animation is applied on a translucent * window container, {@code false} otherwise. * @param transit {@link TransitionOldType} for the app transition of this animation, or * {@link TransitionOldType#TRANSIT_OLD_UNSET} if app transition type is unknown. */ @Nullable private Animation loadAnimationAttr(String packageName, int animStyleResId, int animAttr, boolean translucent, @TransitionOldType int transit) { if (animStyleResId == 0) { return null; } int resId = Resources.ID_NULL; Context context = mContext; if (animAttr >= 0) { packageName = packageName != null ? packageName : DEFAULT_PACKAGE; AttributeCache.Entry ent = getCachedAnimations(packageName, animStyleResId); if (ent != null) { context = ent.context; resId = ent.array.getResourceId(animAttr, 0); } } if (translucent) { resId = updateToTranslucentAnimIfNeeded(resId); } else if (transit != TRANSIT_OLD_UNSET) { resId = updateToTranslucentAnimIfNeeded(resId, transit); } if (ResourceId.isValid(resId)) { return loadAnimationSafely(context, resId, mTag); } return null; } /** Load animation by attribute Id from a specific AnimationStyle resource. */ @Nullable public Animation loadAnimationAttr(String packageName, int animStyleResId, int animAttr, boolean translucent) { return loadAnimationAttr(packageName, animStyleResId, animAttr, translucent, TRANSIT_OLD_UNSET); } /** Load animation by attribute Id from android package. */ @Nullable public Animation loadDefaultAnimationAttr(int animAttr, boolean translucent) { return loadAnimationAttr(DEFAULT_PACKAGE, mDefaultWindowAnimationStyleResId, animAttr, translucent); } /** Load animation by attribute Id from android package. */ @Nullable public Animation loadDefaultAnimationAttr(int animAttr, @TransitionOldType int transit) { return loadAnimationAttr(DEFAULT_PACKAGE, mDefaultWindowAnimationStyleResId, animAttr, false /* translucent */, transit); } @Nullable private AttributeCache.Entry getCachedAnimations(LayoutParams lp) { if (mDebug) { Slog.v(mTag, "Loading animations: layout params pkg=" + (lp != null ? lp.packageName : null) + " resId=0x" + (lp != null ? Integer.toHexString(lp.windowAnimations) : null)); } if (lp != null && lp.windowAnimations != 0) { // If this is a system resource, don't try to load it from the // application resources. It is nice to avoid loading application // resources if we can. String packageName = lp.packageName != null ? lp.packageName : DEFAULT_PACKAGE; int resId = getAnimationStyleResId(lp); if ((resId & 0xFF000000) == 0x01000000) { packageName = DEFAULT_PACKAGE; } if (mDebug) { Slog.v(mTag, "Loading animations: picked package=" + packageName); } return AttributeCache.instance().get(packageName, resId, com.android.internal.R.styleable.WindowAnimation); } return null; } @Nullable private AttributeCache.Entry getCachedAnimations(String packageName, int resId) { if (mDebug) { Slog.v(mTag, "Loading animations: package=" + packageName + " resId=0x" + Integer.toHexString(resId)); } if (packageName != null) { if ((resId & 0xFF000000) == 0x01000000) { packageName = DEFAULT_PACKAGE; } if (mDebug) { Slog.v(mTag, "Loading animations: picked package=" + packageName); } return AttributeCache.instance().get(packageName, resId, com.android.internal.R.styleable.WindowAnimation); } return null; } /** Returns window animation style ID from {@link LayoutParams} or from system in some cases */ public int getAnimationStyleResId(@NonNull LayoutParams lp) { int resId = lp.windowAnimations; if (lp.type == LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION_STARTING) { // Note that we don't want application to customize starting window animation. // Since this window is specific for displaying while app starting, // application should not change its animation directly. // In this case, it will use system resource to get default animation. resId = mDefaultWindowAnimationStyleResId; } return resId; } public Animation createRelaunchAnimation(Rect containingFrame, Rect contentInsets, Rect startRect) { setupDefaultNextAppTransitionStartRect(startRect, mTmpFromClipRect); final int left = mTmpFromClipRect.left; final int top = mTmpFromClipRect.top; mTmpFromClipRect.offset(-left, -top); // TODO: Isn't that strange that we ignore exact position of the containingFrame? mTmpToClipRect.set(0, 0, containingFrame.width(), containingFrame.height()); AnimationSet set = new AnimationSet(true); float fromWidth = mTmpFromClipRect.width(); float toWidth = mTmpToClipRect.width(); float fromHeight = mTmpFromClipRect.height(); // While the window might span the whole display, the actual content will be cropped to the // system decoration frame, for example when the window is docked. We need to take into // account the visible height when constructing the animation. float toHeight = mTmpToClipRect.height() - contentInsets.top - contentInsets.bottom; int translateAdjustment = 0; if (fromWidth <= toWidth && fromHeight <= toHeight) { // The final window is larger in both dimensions than current window (e.g. we are // maximizing), so we can simply unclip the new window and there will be no disappearing // frame. set.addAnimation(new ClipRectAnimation(mTmpFromClipRect, mTmpToClipRect)); } else { // The disappearing window has one larger dimension. We need to apply scaling, so the // first frame of the entry animation matches the old window. set.addAnimation(new ScaleAnimation(fromWidth / toWidth, 1, fromHeight / toHeight, 1)); // We might not be going exactly full screen, but instead be aligned under the status // bar using cropping. We still need to account for the cropped part, which will also // be scaled. translateAdjustment = (int) (contentInsets.top * fromHeight / toHeight); } // We animate the translation from the old position of the removed window, to the new // position of the added window. The latter might not be full screen, for example docked for // docked windows. TranslateAnimation translate = new TranslateAnimation(left - containingFrame.left, 0, top - containingFrame.top - translateAdjustment, 0); set.addAnimation(translate); set.setDuration(DEFAULT_APP_TRANSITION_DURATION); set.setZAdjustment(Animation.ZORDER_TOP); return set; } private void setupDefaultNextAppTransitionStartRect(Rect startRect, Rect rect) { if (startRect == null) { Slog.e(mTag, "Starting rect for app requested, but none available", new Throwable()); rect.setEmpty(); } else { rect.set(startRect); } } public Animation createClipRevealAnimationLocked(@TransitionType int transit, int wallpaperTransit, boolean enter, Rect appFrame, Rect displayFrame, Rect startRect) { return createClipRevealAnimationLockedCompat( getTransitCompatType(transit, wallpaperTransit), enter, appFrame, displayFrame, startRect); } public Animation createClipRevealAnimationLockedCompat(@TransitionOldType int transit, boolean enter, Rect appFrame, Rect displayFrame, Rect startRect) { final Animation anim; if (enter) { final int appWidth = appFrame.width(); final int appHeight = appFrame.height(); // mTmpRect will contain an area around the launcher icon that was pressed. We will // clip reveal from that area in the final area of the app. setupDefaultNextAppTransitionStartRect(startRect, mTmpRect); float t = 0f; if (appHeight > 0) { t = (float) mTmpRect.top / displayFrame.height(); } int translationY = mClipRevealTranslationY + (int) (displayFrame.height() / 7f * t); int translationX = 0; int translationYCorrection = translationY; int centerX = mTmpRect.centerX(); int centerY = mTmpRect.centerY(); int halfWidth = mTmpRect.width() / 2; int halfHeight = mTmpRect.height() / 2; int clipStartX = centerX - halfWidth - appFrame.left; int clipStartY = centerY - halfHeight - appFrame.top; boolean cutOff = false; // If the starting rectangle is fully or partially outside of the target rectangle, we // need to start the clipping at the edge and then achieve the rest with translation // and extending the clip rect from that edge. if (appFrame.top > centerY - halfHeight) { translationY = (centerY - halfHeight) - appFrame.top; translationYCorrection = 0; clipStartY = 0; cutOff = true; } if (appFrame.left > centerX - halfWidth) { translationX = (centerX - halfWidth) - appFrame.left; clipStartX = 0; cutOff = true; } if (appFrame.right < centerX + halfWidth) { translationX = (centerX + halfWidth) - appFrame.right; clipStartX = appWidth - mTmpRect.width(); cutOff = true; } final long duration = calculateClipRevealTransitionDuration(cutOff, translationX, translationY, displayFrame); // Clip third of the from size of launch icon, expand to full width/height Animation clipAnimLR = new ClipRectLRAnimation( clipStartX, clipStartX + mTmpRect.width(), 0, appWidth); clipAnimLR.setInterpolator(mClipHorizontalInterpolator); clipAnimLR.setDuration((long) (duration / 2.5f)); TranslateAnimation translate = new TranslateAnimation(translationX, 0, translationY, 0); translate.setInterpolator(cutOff ? mTouchResponseInterpolator : mLinearOutSlowInInterpolator); translate.setDuration(duration); Animation clipAnimTB = new ClipRectTBAnimation( clipStartY, clipStartY + mTmpRect.height(), 0, appHeight, translationYCorrection, 0, mLinearOutSlowInInterpolator); clipAnimTB.setInterpolator(mTouchResponseInterpolator); clipAnimTB.setDuration(duration); // Quick fade-in from icon to app window final long alphaDuration = duration / 4; AlphaAnimation alpha = new AlphaAnimation(0.5f, 1); alpha.setDuration(alphaDuration); alpha.setInterpolator(mLinearOutSlowInInterpolator); AnimationSet set = new AnimationSet(false); set.addAnimation(clipAnimLR); set.addAnimation(clipAnimTB); set.addAnimation(translate); set.addAnimation(alpha); set.setZAdjustment(Animation.ZORDER_TOP); set.initialize(appWidth, appHeight, appWidth, appHeight); anim = set; } else { final long duration; switch (transit) { case TRANSIT_OLD_ACTIVITY_OPEN: case TRANSIT_OLD_ACTIVITY_CLOSE: duration = mConfigShortAnimTime; break; default: duration = DEFAULT_APP_TRANSITION_DURATION; break; } if (transit == TRANSIT_OLD_WALLPAPER_INTRA_OPEN || transit == TRANSIT_OLD_WALLPAPER_INTRA_CLOSE) { // If we are on top of the wallpaper, we need an animation that // correctly handles the wallpaper staying static behind all of // the animated elements. To do this, will just have the existing // element fade out. anim = new AlphaAnimation(1, 0); anim.setDetachWallpaper(true); } else { // For normal animations, the exiting element just holds in place. anim = new AlphaAnimation(1, 1); } anim.setInterpolator(mDecelerateInterpolator); anim.setDuration(duration); anim.setFillAfter(true); } return anim; } public Animation createScaleUpAnimationLocked(@TransitionType int transit, int wallpaperTransit, boolean enter, Rect containingFrame, Rect startRect) { return createScaleUpAnimationLockedCompat(getTransitCompatType(transit, wallpaperTransit), enter, containingFrame, startRect); } public Animation createScaleUpAnimationLockedCompat(@TransitionOldType int transit, boolean enter, Rect containingFrame, Rect startRect) { Animation a; setupDefaultNextAppTransitionStartRect(startRect, mTmpRect); final int appWidth = containingFrame.width(); final int appHeight = containingFrame.height(); if (enter) { // Entering app zooms out from the center of the initial rect. float scaleW = mTmpRect.width() / (float) appWidth; float scaleH = mTmpRect.height() / (float) appHeight; Animation scale = new ScaleAnimation(scaleW, 1, scaleH, 1, computePivot(mTmpRect.left, scaleW), computePivot(mTmpRect.top, scaleH)); scale.setInterpolator(mDecelerateInterpolator); Animation alpha = new AlphaAnimation(0, 1); alpha.setInterpolator(mThumbnailFadeOutInterpolator); AnimationSet set = new AnimationSet(false); set.addAnimation(scale); set.addAnimation(alpha); set.setDetachWallpaper(true); a = set; } else if (transit == TRANSIT_OLD_WALLPAPER_INTRA_OPEN || transit == TRANSIT_OLD_WALLPAPER_INTRA_CLOSE) { // If we are on top of the wallpaper, we need an animation that // correctly handles the wallpaper staying static behind all of // the animated elements. To do this, will just have the existing // element fade out. a = new AlphaAnimation(1, 0); a.setDetachWallpaper(true); } else { // For normal animations, the exiting element just holds in place. a = new AlphaAnimation(1, 1); } // Pick the desired duration. If this is an inter-activity transition, // it is the standard duration for that. Otherwise we use the longer // task transition duration. final long duration; switch (transit) { case TRANSIT_OLD_ACTIVITY_OPEN: case TRANSIT_OLD_ACTIVITY_CLOSE: duration = mConfigShortAnimTime; break; default: duration = DEFAULT_APP_TRANSITION_DURATION; break; } a.setDuration(duration); a.setFillAfter(true); a.setInterpolator(mDecelerateInterpolator); a.initialize(appWidth, appHeight, appWidth, appHeight); return a; } public Animation createThumbnailEnterExitAnimationLocked(boolean enter, boolean scaleUp, Rect containingFrame, @TransitionType int transit, int wallpaperTransit, HardwareBuffer thumbnailHeader, Rect startRect) { return createThumbnailEnterExitAnimationLockedCompat(enter, scaleUp, containingFrame, getTransitCompatType(transit, wallpaperTransit), thumbnailHeader, startRect); } /** * This animation is created when we are doing a thumbnail transition, for the activity that is * leaving, and the activity that is entering. */ public Animation createThumbnailEnterExitAnimationLockedCompat(boolean enter, boolean scaleUp, Rect containingFrame, @TransitionOldType int transit, HardwareBuffer thumbnailHeader, Rect startRect) { final int appWidth = containingFrame.width(); final int appHeight = containingFrame.height(); Animation a; setupDefaultNextAppTransitionStartRect(startRect, mTmpRect); final int thumbWidthI = thumbnailHeader != null ? thumbnailHeader.getWidth() : appWidth; final float thumbWidth = thumbWidthI > 0 ? thumbWidthI : 1; final int thumbHeightI = thumbnailHeader != null ? thumbnailHeader.getHeight() : appHeight; final float thumbHeight = thumbHeightI > 0 ? thumbHeightI : 1; final int thumbTransitState = getThumbnailTransitionState(enter, scaleUp); switch (thumbTransitState) { case THUMBNAIL_TRANSITION_ENTER_SCALE_UP: { // Entering app scales up with the thumbnail float scaleW = thumbWidth / appWidth; float scaleH = thumbHeight / appHeight; a = new ScaleAnimation(scaleW, 1, scaleH, 1, computePivot(mTmpRect.left, scaleW), computePivot(mTmpRect.top, scaleH)); break; } case THUMBNAIL_TRANSITION_EXIT_SCALE_UP: { // Exiting app while the thumbnail is scaling up should fade or stay in place if (transit == TRANSIT_OLD_WALLPAPER_INTRA_OPEN) { // Fade out while bringing up selected activity. This keeps the // current activity from showing through a launching wallpaper // activity. a = new AlphaAnimation(1, 0); } else { // noop animation a = new AlphaAnimation(1, 1); } break; } case THUMBNAIL_TRANSITION_ENTER_SCALE_DOWN: { // Entering the other app, it should just be visible while we scale the thumbnail // down above it a = new AlphaAnimation(1, 1); break; } case THUMBNAIL_TRANSITION_EXIT_SCALE_DOWN: { // Exiting the current app, the app should scale down with the thumbnail float scaleW = thumbWidth / appWidth; float scaleH = thumbHeight / appHeight; Animation scale = new ScaleAnimation(1, scaleW, 1, scaleH, computePivot(mTmpRect.left, scaleW), computePivot(mTmpRect.top, scaleH)); Animation alpha = new AlphaAnimation(1, 0); AnimationSet set = new AnimationSet(true); set.addAnimation(scale); set.addAnimation(alpha); set.setZAdjustment(Animation.ZORDER_TOP); a = set; break; } default: throw new RuntimeException("Invalid thumbnail transition state"); } return prepareThumbnailAnimation(a, appWidth, appHeight, transit); } /** * This alternate animation is created when we are doing a thumbnail transition, for the * activity that is leaving, and the activity that is entering. */ public Animation createAspectScaledThumbnailEnterExitAnimationLocked(boolean enter, boolean scaleUp, int orientation, int transit, Rect containingFrame, Rect contentInsets, @Nullable Rect surfaceInsets, @Nullable Rect stableInsets, boolean freeform, Rect startRect, Rect defaultStartRect) { Animation a; final int appWidth = containingFrame.width(); final int appHeight = containingFrame.height(); setupDefaultNextAppTransitionStartRect(defaultStartRect, mTmpRect); final int thumbWidthI = mTmpRect.width(); final float thumbWidth = thumbWidthI > 0 ? thumbWidthI : 1; final int thumbHeightI = mTmpRect.height(); final float thumbHeight = thumbHeightI > 0 ? thumbHeightI : 1; final int thumbStartX = mTmpRect.left - containingFrame.left - contentInsets.left; final int thumbStartY = mTmpRect.top - containingFrame.top; final int thumbTransitState = getThumbnailTransitionState(enter, scaleUp); switch (thumbTransitState) { case THUMBNAIL_TRANSITION_ENTER_SCALE_UP: case THUMBNAIL_TRANSITION_EXIT_SCALE_DOWN: { if (freeform && scaleUp) { a = createAspectScaledThumbnailEnterFreeformAnimationLocked( containingFrame, surfaceInsets, startRect, defaultStartRect); } else if (freeform) { a = createAspectScaledThumbnailExitFreeformAnimationLocked( containingFrame, surfaceInsets, startRect, defaultStartRect); } else { AnimationSet set = new AnimationSet(true); // In portrait, we scale to fit the width mTmpFromClipRect.set(containingFrame); mTmpToClipRect.set(containingFrame); // Containing frame is in screen space, but we need the clip rect in the // app space. mTmpFromClipRect.offsetTo(0, 0); mTmpToClipRect.offsetTo(0, 0); // Exclude insets region from the source clip. mTmpFromClipRect.inset(contentInsets); if (shouldScaleDownThumbnailTransition(orientation)) { // We scale the width and clip to the top/left square float scale = thumbWidth / (appWidth - contentInsets.left - contentInsets.right); int unscaledThumbHeight = (int) (thumbHeight / scale); mTmpFromClipRect.bottom = mTmpFromClipRect.top + unscaledThumbHeight; Animation scaleAnim = new ScaleAnimation( scaleUp ? scale : 1, scaleUp ? 1 : scale, scaleUp ? scale : 1, scaleUp ? 1 : scale, containingFrame.width() / 2f, containingFrame.height() / 2f + contentInsets.top); final float targetX = (mTmpRect.left - containingFrame.left); final float x = containingFrame.width() / 2f - containingFrame.width() / 2f * scale; final float targetY = (mTmpRect.top - containingFrame.top); float y = containingFrame.height() / 2f - containingFrame.height() / 2f * scale; // During transition may require clipping offset from any top stable insets // such as the statusbar height when statusbar is hidden if (mLowRamRecentsEnabled && contentInsets.top == 0 && scaleUp) { mTmpFromClipRect.top += stableInsets.top; y += stableInsets.top; } final float startX = targetX - x; final float startY = targetY - y; Animation clipAnim = scaleUp ? new ClipRectAnimation(mTmpFromClipRect, mTmpToClipRect) : new ClipRectAnimation(mTmpToClipRect, mTmpFromClipRect); Animation translateAnim = scaleUp ? createCurvedMotion(startX, 0, startY - contentInsets.top, 0) : createCurvedMotion(0, startX, 0, startY - contentInsets.top); set.addAnimation(clipAnim); set.addAnimation(scaleAnim); set.addAnimation(translateAnim); } else { // In landscape, we don't scale at all and only crop mTmpFromClipRect.bottom = mTmpFromClipRect.top + thumbHeightI; mTmpFromClipRect.right = mTmpFromClipRect.left + thumbWidthI; Animation clipAnim = scaleUp ? new ClipRectAnimation(mTmpFromClipRect, mTmpToClipRect) : new ClipRectAnimation(mTmpToClipRect, mTmpFromClipRect); Animation translateAnim = scaleUp ? createCurvedMotion(thumbStartX, 0, thumbStartY - contentInsets.top, 0) : createCurvedMotion(0, thumbStartX, 0, thumbStartY - contentInsets.top); set.addAnimation(clipAnim); set.addAnimation(translateAnim); } a = set; a.setZAdjustment(Animation.ZORDER_TOP); } break; } case THUMBNAIL_TRANSITION_EXIT_SCALE_UP: { // Previous app window during the scale up if (transit == TRANSIT_OLD_WALLPAPER_INTRA_OPEN) { // Fade out the source activity if we are animating to a wallpaper // activity. a = new AlphaAnimation(1, 0); } else { a = new AlphaAnimation(1, 1); } break; } case THUMBNAIL_TRANSITION_ENTER_SCALE_DOWN: { // Target app window during the scale down if (transit == TRANSIT_OLD_WALLPAPER_INTRA_OPEN) { // Fade in the destination activity if we are animating from a wallpaper // activity. a = new AlphaAnimation(0, 1); } else { a = new AlphaAnimation(1, 1); } break; } default: throw new RuntimeException("Invalid thumbnail transition state"); } return prepareThumbnailAnimationWithDuration(a, appWidth, appHeight, THUMBNAIL_APP_TRANSITION_DURATION, mTouchResponseInterpolator); } /** * This animation runs for the thumbnail that gets cross faded with the enter/exit activity * when a thumbnail is specified with the pending animation override. */ public Animation createThumbnailAspectScaleAnimationLocked(Rect appRect, @Nullable Rect contentInsets, HardwareBuffer thumbnailHeader, int orientation, Rect startRect, Rect defaultStartRect, boolean scaleUp) { Animation a; final int thumbWidthI = thumbnailHeader.getWidth(); final float thumbWidth = thumbWidthI > 0 ? thumbWidthI : 1; final int thumbHeightI = thumbnailHeader.getHeight(); final int appWidth = appRect.width(); float scaleW = appWidth / thumbWidth; getNextAppTransitionStartRect(startRect, defaultStartRect, mTmpRect); final float fromX; float fromY; final float toX; float toY; final float pivotX; final float pivotY; if (shouldScaleDownThumbnailTransition(orientation)) { fromX = mTmpRect.left; fromY = mTmpRect.top; // For the curved translate animation to work, the pivot points needs to be at the // same absolute position as the one from the real surface. toX = mTmpRect.width() / 2 * (scaleW - 1f) + appRect.left; toY = appRect.height() / 2 * (1 - 1 / scaleW) + appRect.top; pivotX = mTmpRect.width() / 2; pivotY = appRect.height() / 2 / scaleW; } else { pivotX = 0; pivotY = 0; fromX = mTmpRect.left; fromY = mTmpRect.top; toX = appRect.left; toY = appRect.top; } if (scaleUp) { // Animation up from the thumbnail to the full screen Animation scale = new ScaleAnimation(1f, scaleW, 1f, scaleW, pivotX, pivotY); scale.setInterpolator(TOUCH_RESPONSE_INTERPOLATOR); scale.setDuration(THUMBNAIL_APP_TRANSITION_DURATION); Animation alpha = new AlphaAnimation(1f, 0f); alpha.setInterpolator(mThumbnailFadeOutInterpolator); alpha.setDuration(THUMBNAIL_APP_TRANSITION_DURATION); Animation translate = createCurvedMotion(fromX, toX, fromY, toY); translate.setInterpolator(TOUCH_RESPONSE_INTERPOLATOR); translate.setDuration(THUMBNAIL_APP_TRANSITION_DURATION); mTmpFromClipRect.set(0, 0, thumbWidthI, thumbHeightI); mTmpToClipRect.set(appRect); // Containing frame is in screen space, but we need the clip rect in the // app space. mTmpToClipRect.offsetTo(0, 0); mTmpToClipRect.right = (int) (mTmpToClipRect.right / scaleW); mTmpToClipRect.bottom = (int) (mTmpToClipRect.bottom / scaleW); if (contentInsets != null) { mTmpToClipRect.inset((int) (-contentInsets.left * scaleW), (int) (-contentInsets.top * scaleW), (int) (-contentInsets.right * scaleW), (int) (-contentInsets.bottom * scaleW)); } Animation clipAnim = new ClipRectAnimation(mTmpFromClipRect, mTmpToClipRect); clipAnim.setInterpolator(TOUCH_RESPONSE_INTERPOLATOR); clipAnim.setDuration(THUMBNAIL_APP_TRANSITION_DURATION); // This AnimationSet uses the Interpolators assigned above. AnimationSet set = new AnimationSet(false); set.addAnimation(scale); set.addAnimation(alpha); set.addAnimation(translate); set.addAnimation(clipAnim); a = set; } else { // Animation down from the full screen to the thumbnail Animation scale = new ScaleAnimation(scaleW, 1f, scaleW, 1f, pivotX, pivotY); scale.setInterpolator(TOUCH_RESPONSE_INTERPOLATOR); scale.setDuration(THUMBNAIL_APP_TRANSITION_DURATION); Animation alpha = new AlphaAnimation(0f, 1f); alpha.setInterpolator(mThumbnailFadeInInterpolator); alpha.setDuration(THUMBNAIL_APP_TRANSITION_DURATION); Animation translate = createCurvedMotion(toX, fromX, toY, fromY); translate.setInterpolator(TOUCH_RESPONSE_INTERPOLATOR); translate.setDuration(THUMBNAIL_APP_TRANSITION_DURATION); // This AnimationSet uses the Interpolators assigned above. AnimationSet set = new AnimationSet(false); set.addAnimation(scale); set.addAnimation(alpha); set.addAnimation(translate); a = set; } return prepareThumbnailAnimationWithDuration(a, appWidth, appRect.height(), 0, null); } /** * Creates an overlay with a background color and a thumbnail for the cross profile apps * animation. */ public HardwareBuffer createCrossProfileAppsThumbnail( Drawable thumbnailDrawable, Rect frame) { final int width = frame.width(); final int height = frame.height(); final Picture picture = new Picture(); final Canvas canvas = picture.beginRecording(width, height); canvas.drawColor(Color.argb(0.6f, 0, 0, 0)); final int thumbnailSize = mContext.getResources().getDimensionPixelSize( com.android.internal.R.dimen.cross_profile_apps_thumbnail_size); thumbnailDrawable.setBounds( (width - thumbnailSize) / 2, (height - thumbnailSize) / 2, (width + thumbnailSize) / 2, (height + thumbnailSize) / 2); thumbnailDrawable.setTint(mContext.getColor(android.R.color.white)); thumbnailDrawable.draw(canvas); picture.endRecording(); return Bitmap.createBitmap(picture).getHardwareBuffer(); } /** * Prepares the specified animation with a standard duration, interpolator, etc. */ private Animation prepareThumbnailAnimation(Animation a, int appWidth, int appHeight, @TransitionOldType int transit) { // Pick the desired duration. If this is an inter-activity transition, // it is the standard duration for that. Otherwise we use the longer // task transition duration. final int duration; switch (transit) { case TRANSIT_OLD_ACTIVITY_OPEN: case TRANSIT_OLD_ACTIVITY_CLOSE: duration = mConfigShortAnimTime; break; default: duration = DEFAULT_APP_TRANSITION_DURATION; break; } return prepareThumbnailAnimationWithDuration(a, appWidth, appHeight, duration, mDecelerateInterpolator); } private Animation createAspectScaledThumbnailEnterFreeformAnimationLocked(Rect frame, @Nullable Rect surfaceInsets, @Nullable Rect startRect, @Nullable Rect defaultStartRect) { getNextAppTransitionStartRect(startRect, defaultStartRect, mTmpRect); return createAspectScaledThumbnailFreeformAnimationLocked(mTmpRect, frame, surfaceInsets, true); } private Animation createAspectScaledThumbnailExitFreeformAnimationLocked(Rect frame, @Nullable Rect surfaceInsets, @Nullable Rect startRect, @Nullable Rect defaultStartRect) { getNextAppTransitionStartRect(startRect, defaultStartRect, mTmpRect); return createAspectScaledThumbnailFreeformAnimationLocked(frame, mTmpRect, surfaceInsets, false); } private void getNextAppTransitionStartRect(Rect startRect, Rect defaultStartRect, Rect rect) { if (startRect == null && defaultStartRect == null) { Slog.e(mTag, "Starting rect for container not available", new Throwable()); rect.setEmpty(); } else { rect.set(startRect != null ? startRect : defaultStartRect); } } private AnimationSet createAspectScaledThumbnailFreeformAnimationLocked(Rect sourceFrame, Rect destFrame, @Nullable Rect surfaceInsets, boolean enter) { final float sourceWidth = sourceFrame.width(); final float sourceHeight = sourceFrame.height(); final float destWidth = destFrame.width(); final float destHeight = destFrame.height(); final float scaleH = enter ? sourceWidth / destWidth : destWidth / sourceWidth; final float scaleV = enter ? sourceHeight / destHeight : destHeight / sourceHeight; AnimationSet set = new AnimationSet(true); final int surfaceInsetsH = surfaceInsets == null ? 0 : surfaceInsets.left + surfaceInsets.right; final int surfaceInsetsV = surfaceInsets == null ? 0 : surfaceInsets.top + surfaceInsets.bottom; // We want the scaling to happen from the center of the surface. In order to achieve that, // we need to account for surface insets that will be used to enlarge the surface. final float scaleHCenter = ((enter ? destWidth : sourceWidth) + surfaceInsetsH) / 2; final float scaleVCenter = ((enter ? destHeight : sourceHeight) + surfaceInsetsV) / 2; final ScaleAnimation scale = enter ? new ScaleAnimation(scaleH, 1, scaleV, 1, scaleHCenter, scaleVCenter) : new ScaleAnimation(1, scaleH, 1, scaleV, scaleHCenter, scaleVCenter); final int sourceHCenter = sourceFrame.left + sourceFrame.width() / 2; final int sourceVCenter = sourceFrame.top + sourceFrame.height() / 2; final int destHCenter = destFrame.left + destFrame.width() / 2; final int destVCenter = destFrame.top + destFrame.height() / 2; final int fromX = enter ? sourceHCenter - destHCenter : destHCenter - sourceHCenter; final int fromY = enter ? sourceVCenter - destVCenter : destVCenter - sourceVCenter; final TranslateAnimation translation = enter ? new TranslateAnimation(fromX, 0, fromY, 0) : new TranslateAnimation(0, fromX, 0, fromY); set.addAnimation(scale); set.addAnimation(translation); return set; } /** * @return whether the transition should show the thumbnail being scaled down. */ private boolean shouldScaleDownThumbnailTransition(int orientation) { return orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT; } private static int updateToTranslucentAnimIfNeeded(int anim, @TransitionOldType int transit) { if (transit == TRANSIT_OLD_TRANSLUCENT_ACTIVITY_OPEN && anim == R.anim.activity_open_enter) { return R.anim.activity_translucent_open_enter; } if (transit == TRANSIT_OLD_TRANSLUCENT_ACTIVITY_CLOSE && anim == R.anim.activity_close_exit) { return R.anim.activity_translucent_close_exit; } return anim; } private static int updateToTranslucentAnimIfNeeded(int anim) { if (anim == R.anim.activity_open_enter) { return R.anim.activity_translucent_open_enter; } if (anim == R.anim.activity_close_exit) { return R.anim.activity_translucent_close_exit; } return anim; } private static @TransitionOldType int getTransitCompatType(@TransitionType int transit, int wallpaperTransit) { if (wallpaperTransit == WALLPAPER_TRANSITION_INTRA_OPEN) { return TRANSIT_OLD_WALLPAPER_INTRA_OPEN; } else if (wallpaperTransit == WALLPAPER_TRANSITION_INTRA_CLOSE) { return TRANSIT_OLD_WALLPAPER_INTRA_CLOSE; } else if (transit == TRANSIT_OPEN) { return TRANSIT_OLD_ACTIVITY_OPEN; } else if (transit == TRANSIT_CLOSE) { return TRANSIT_OLD_ACTIVITY_CLOSE; } // We only do some special handle for above type, so use type NONE for default behavior. return TRANSIT_OLD_NONE; } /** * Calculates the duration for the clip reveal animation. If the clip is "cut off", meaning that * the start rect is outside of the target rect, and there is a lot of movement going on. * * @param cutOff whether the start rect was not fully contained by the end rect * @param translationX the total translation the surface moves in x direction * @param translationY the total translation the surfaces moves in y direction * @param displayFrame our display frame * * @return the duration of the clip reveal animation, in milliseconds */ private static long calculateClipRevealTransitionDuration(boolean cutOff, float translationX, float translationY, Rect displayFrame) { if (!cutOff) { return DEFAULT_APP_TRANSITION_DURATION; } final float fraction = Math.max(Math.abs(translationX) / displayFrame.width(), Math.abs(translationY) / displayFrame.height()); return (long) (DEFAULT_APP_TRANSITION_DURATION + fraction * (MAX_CLIP_REVEAL_TRANSITION_DURATION - DEFAULT_APP_TRANSITION_DURATION)); } /** * Return the current thumbnail transition state. */ private int getThumbnailTransitionState(boolean enter, boolean scaleUp) { if (enter) { if (scaleUp) { return THUMBNAIL_TRANSITION_ENTER_SCALE_UP; } else { return THUMBNAIL_TRANSITION_ENTER_SCALE_DOWN; } } else { if (scaleUp) { return THUMBNAIL_TRANSITION_EXIT_SCALE_UP; } else { return THUMBNAIL_TRANSITION_EXIT_SCALE_DOWN; } } } /** * Prepares the specified animation with a standard duration, interpolator, etc. */ public static Animation prepareThumbnailAnimationWithDuration(Animation a, int appWidth, int appHeight, long duration, Interpolator interpolator) { if (a == null) { return null; } if (duration > 0) { a.setDuration(duration); } a.setFillAfter(true); if (interpolator != null) { a.setInterpolator(interpolator); } a.initialize(appWidth, appHeight, appWidth, appHeight); return a; } private static Animation createCurvedMotion(float fromX, float toX, float fromY, float toY) { return new TranslateAnimation(fromX, toX, fromY, toY); } /** * Compute the pivot point for an animation that is scaling from a small * rect on screen to a larger rect. The pivot point varies depending on * the distance between the inner and outer edges on both sides. This * function computes the pivot point for one dimension. * @param startPos Offset from left/top edge of outer rectangle to * left/top edge of inner rectangle. * @param finalScale The scaling factor between the size of the outer * and inner rectangles. */ public static float computePivot(int startPos, float finalScale) { /* Theorem of intercepting lines: + + +-----------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | x | y | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + | +--------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | | | + ++ p ++ scale = (x - y) / x <=> x = -y / (scale - 1) */ final float denom = finalScale - 1; if (Math.abs(denom) < .0001f) { return startPos; } return -startPos / denom; } @Nullable public static Animation loadAnimationSafely(Context context, int resId, String tag) { try { return AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(context, resId); } catch (Resources.NotFoundException | InflateException e) { Slog.w(tag, "Unable to load animation resource", e); return null; } } public static Animation createHiddenByKeyguardExit(Context context, LogDecelerateInterpolator interpolator, boolean onWallpaper, boolean goingToNotificationShade, boolean subtleAnimation) { if (goingToNotificationShade) { return AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(context, R.anim.lock_screen_behind_enter_fade_in); } final int resource; if (subtleAnimation) { resource = R.anim.lock_screen_behind_enter_subtle; } else if (onWallpaper) { resource = R.anim.lock_screen_behind_enter_wallpaper; } else { resource = R.anim.lock_screen_behind_enter; } AnimationSet set = (AnimationSet) AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(context, resource); // TODO: Use XML interpolators when we have log interpolators available in XML. final List animations = set.getAnimations(); for (int i = animations.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { animations.get(i).setInterpolator(interpolator); } return set; } /** Sets the default attributes of the screenshot layer used for animation. */ public static void configureScreenshotLayer(SurfaceControl.Transaction t, SurfaceControl layer, ScreenCapture.ScreenshotHardwareBuffer buffer) { t.setBuffer(layer, buffer.getHardwareBuffer()); t.setDataSpace(layer, buffer.getColorSpace().getDataSpace()); // Avoid showing dimming effect for HDR content when running animations. if (buffer.containsHdrLayers()) { t.setDimmingEnabled(layer, false); } } /** Returns whether the hardware buffer passed in is marked as protected. */ public static boolean hasProtectedContent(HardwareBuffer hardwareBuffer) { return (hardwareBuffer.getUsage() & HardwareBuffer.USAGE_PROTECTED_CONTENT) == HardwareBuffer.USAGE_PROTECTED_CONTENT; } /** Returns the luminance in 0~1. */ public static float getBorderLuma(SurfaceControl surfaceControl, int w, int h) { final ScreenCapture.ScreenshotHardwareBuffer buffer = ScreenCapture.captureLayers(surfaceControl, new Rect(0, 0, w, h), 1); if (buffer == null) { return 0; } final HardwareBuffer hwBuffer = buffer.getHardwareBuffer(); final float luma = getBorderLuma(hwBuffer, buffer.getColorSpace()); if (hwBuffer != null) { hwBuffer.close(); } return luma; } /** Returns the luminance in 0~1. */ public static float getBorderLuma(HardwareBuffer hwBuffer, ColorSpace colorSpace) { if (hwBuffer == null) { return 0; } final int format = hwBuffer.getFormat(); // Only support RGB format in 4 bytes. And protected buffer is not readable. if (format != HardwareBuffer.RGBA_8888 || hasProtectedContent(hwBuffer)) { return 0; } final ImageReader ir = ImageReader.newInstance(hwBuffer.getWidth(), hwBuffer.getHeight(), format, 1 /* maxImages */); ir.getSurface().attachAndQueueBufferWithColorSpace(hwBuffer, colorSpace); final Image image = ir.acquireLatestImage(); if (image == null || image.getPlaneCount() < 1) { return 0; } final Image.Plane plane = image.getPlanes()[0]; final ByteBuffer buffer = plane.getBuffer(); final int width = image.getWidth(); final int height = image.getHeight(); final int pixelStride = plane.getPixelStride(); final int rowStride = plane.getRowStride(); final int sampling = 10; final int[] histogram = new int[256]; // Grab the top and bottom borders. int i = 0; for (int x = 0, size = width - sampling; x < size; x += sampling) { final int topLm = getPixelLuminance(buffer, x, 0, pixelStride, rowStride); final int bottomLm = getPixelLuminance(buffer, x, height - 1, pixelStride, rowStride); histogram[topLm]++; histogram[bottomLm]++; } // Grab the left and right borders. for (int y = 0, size = height - sampling; y < size; y += sampling) { final int leftLm = getPixelLuminance(buffer, 0, y, pixelStride, rowStride); final int rightLm = getPixelLuminance(buffer, width - 1, y, pixelStride, rowStride); histogram[leftLm]++; histogram[rightLm]++; } ir.close(); // Find the median from histogram. final int halfNum = (width + height) / sampling; int sum = 0; int medianLuminance = 0; for (i = 0; i < histogram.length; i++) { sum += histogram[i]; if (sum >= halfNum) { medianLuminance = i; break; } } return medianLuminance / 255f; } /** Returns the luminance of the pixel in 0~255. */ private static int getPixelLuminance(ByteBuffer buffer, int x, int y, int pixelStride, int rowStride) { final int color = buffer.getInt(y * rowStride + x * pixelStride); // The buffer from ImageReader is always in native order (little-endian), so extract the // color components in reversed order. final int r = color & 0xff; final int g = (color >> 8) & 0xff; final int b = (color >> 16) & 0xff; // Approximation of WCAG 2.0 relative luminance. return ((r * 8) + (g * 22) + (b * 2)) >> 5; } /** * For non-system server process, it must call this method to initialize the AttributeCache and * start monitor package change, so the resources can be loaded correctly. */ public static void initAttributeCache(Context context, Handler handler) { AttributeCache.init(context); AttributeCache.instance().monitorPackageRemove(handler); } }