/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.internal.util; import java.io.Closeable; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.net.ProtocolException; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; /** * Reader that specializes in parsing {@code /proc/} files quickly. Walks * through the stream using a single space {@code ' '} as token separator, and * requires each line boundary to be explicitly acknowledged using * {@link #finishLine()}. Assumes {@link StandardCharsets#US_ASCII} encoding. *

* Currently doesn't support formats based on {@code \0}, tabs. * Consecutive spaces are treated as a single delimiter. */ @android.ravenwood.annotation.RavenwoodKeepWholeClass public class ProcFileReader implements Closeable { private final InputStream mStream; private final byte[] mBuffer; /** Write pointer in {@link #mBuffer}. */ private int mTail; /** Flag when last read token finished current line. */ private boolean mLineFinished; public ProcFileReader(InputStream stream) throws IOException { this(stream, 4096); } public ProcFileReader(InputStream stream, int bufferSize) throws IOException { mStream = stream; mBuffer = new byte[bufferSize]; if (stream.markSupported()) { mStream.mark(0); } // read enough to answer hasMoreData fillBuf(); } /** * Read more data from {@link #mStream} into internal buffer. */ private int fillBuf() throws IOException { final int length = mBuffer.length - mTail; if (length == 0) { throw new IOException("attempting to fill already-full buffer"); } final int read = mStream.read(mBuffer, mTail, length); if (read != -1) { mTail += read; } return read; } /** * Consume number of bytes from beginning of internal buffer. If consuming * all remaining bytes, will attempt to {@link #fillBuf()}. */ private void consumeBuf(int count) throws IOException { // TODO: consider moving to read pointer, but for now traceview says // these copies aren't a bottleneck. // skip all consecutive delimiters. while (count < mTail && mBuffer[count] == ' ') { count++; } System.arraycopy(mBuffer, count, mBuffer, 0, mTail - count); mTail -= count; if (mTail == 0) { fillBuf(); if (mTail > 0 && mBuffer[0] == ' ') { // After filling the buffer, it contains more consecutive // delimiters that need to be skipped. consumeBuf(0); } } } /** * Find buffer index of next token delimiter, usually space or newline. * Fills buffer as needed. * * @return Index of next delimeter, otherwise -1 if no tokens remain on * current line. */ private int nextTokenIndex() throws IOException { if (mLineFinished) { return -1; } int i = 0; do { // scan forward for token boundary for (; i < mTail; i++) { final byte b = mBuffer[i]; if (b == '\n') { mLineFinished = true; return i; } if (b == ' ') { return i; } } } while (fillBuf() > 0); throw new ProtocolException("End of stream while looking for token boundary"); } /** * Check if stream has more data to be parsed. */ public boolean hasMoreData() { return mTail > 0; } /** * Finish current line, skipping any remaining data. */ public void finishLine() throws IOException { // last token already finished line; reset silently if (mLineFinished) { mLineFinished = false; return; } int i = 0; do { // scan forward for line boundary and consume for (; i < mTail; i++) { if (mBuffer[i] == '\n') { consumeBuf(i + 1); return; } } } while (fillBuf() > 0); throw new ProtocolException("End of stream while looking for line boundary"); } /** * Parse and return next token as {@link String}. */ public String nextString() throws IOException { final int tokenIndex = nextTokenIndex(); if (tokenIndex == -1) { throw new ProtocolException("Missing required string"); } else { return parseAndConsumeString(tokenIndex); } } /** * Parse and return next token as base-10 encoded {@code long}. */ public long nextLong() throws IOException { return nextLong(false); } /** * Parse and return next token as base-10 encoded {@code long}. */ public long nextLong(boolean stopAtInvalid) throws IOException { final int tokenIndex = nextTokenIndex(); if (tokenIndex == -1) { throw new ProtocolException("Missing required long"); } else { return parseAndConsumeLong(tokenIndex, stopAtInvalid); } } /** * Parse and return next token as base-10 encoded {@code long}, or return * the given default value if no remaining tokens on current line. */ public long nextOptionalLong(long def) throws IOException { final int tokenIndex = nextTokenIndex(); if (tokenIndex == -1) { return def; } else { return parseAndConsumeLong(tokenIndex, false); } } private String parseAndConsumeString(int tokenIndex) throws IOException { final String s = new String(mBuffer, 0, tokenIndex, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII); consumeBuf(tokenIndex + 1); return s; } /** * If stopAtInvalid is true, don't throw IOException but return whatever parsed so far. */ private long parseAndConsumeLong(int tokenIndex, boolean stopAtInvalid) throws IOException { final boolean negative = mBuffer[0] == '-'; // TODO: refactor into something like IntegralToString long result = 0; for (int i = negative ? 1 : 0; i < tokenIndex; i++) { final int digit = mBuffer[i] - '0'; if (digit < 0 || digit > 9) { if (stopAtInvalid) { break; } else { throw invalidLong(tokenIndex); } } // always parse as negative number and apply sign later; this // correctly handles MIN_VALUE which is "larger" than MAX_VALUE. final long next = result * 10 - digit; if (next > result) { throw invalidLong(tokenIndex); } result = next; } consumeBuf(tokenIndex + 1); return negative ? result : -result; } private NumberFormatException invalidLong(int tokenIndex) { return new NumberFormatException( "invalid long: " + new String(mBuffer, 0, tokenIndex, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII)); } /** * Parse and return next token as base-10 encoded {@code int}. */ public int nextInt() throws IOException { final long value = nextLong(); if (value > Integer.MAX_VALUE || value < Integer.MIN_VALUE) { throw new NumberFormatException("parsed value larger than integer"); } return (int) value; } /** * Bypass the next token. */ public void nextIgnored() throws IOException { final int tokenIndex = nextTokenIndex(); if (tokenIndex == -1) { throw new ProtocolException("Missing required token"); } else { consumeBuf(tokenIndex + 1); } } /** * Reset file position and internal buffer * @throws IOException */ public void rewind() throws IOException { if (mStream instanceof FileInputStream) { ((FileInputStream) mStream).getChannel().position(0); } else if (mStream.markSupported()) { mStream.reset(); } else { throw new IOException("The InputStream is NOT markable"); } mTail = 0; mLineFinished = false; fillBuf(); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { mStream.close(); } }