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* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.provider;
import static android.provider.CloudMediaProviderContract.EXTRA_ASYNC_CONTENT_PROVIDER;
import static android.provider.CloudMediaProviderContract.EXTRA_AUTHORITY;
import static android.provider.CloudMediaProviderContract.EXTRA_ERROR_MESSAGE;
import static android.provider.CloudMediaProviderContract.EXTRA_FILE_DESCRIPTOR;
import static android.provider.CloudMediaProviderContract.EXTRA_LOOPING_PLAYBACK_ENABLED;
import static android.provider.CloudMediaProviderContract.EXTRA_MEDIASTORE_THUMB;
import static android.provider.CloudMediaProviderContract.EXTRA_SURFACE_CONTROLLER;
import static android.provider.CloudMediaProviderContract.EXTRA_SURFACE_CONTROLLER_AUDIO_MUTE_ENABLED;
import static android.provider.CloudMediaProviderContract.EXTRA_SURFACE_STATE_CALLBACK;
import static android.provider.CloudMediaProviderContract.METHOD_CREATE_SURFACE_CONTROLLER;
import static android.provider.CloudMediaProviderContract.METHOD_GET_ASYNC_CONTENT_PROVIDER;
import static android.provider.CloudMediaProviderContract.METHOD_GET_MEDIA_COLLECTION_INFO;
import static android.provider.CloudMediaProviderContract.URI_PATH_ALBUM;
import static android.provider.CloudMediaProviderContract.URI_PATH_DELETED_MEDIA;
import static android.provider.CloudMediaProviderContract.URI_PATH_MEDIA;
import static android.provider.CloudMediaProviderContract.URI_PATH_MEDIA_COLLECTION_INFO;
import static android.provider.CloudMediaProviderContract.URI_PATH_SURFACE_CONTROLLER;
import android.annotation.DurationMillisLong;
import android.annotation.IntDef;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.ContentProvider;
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.content.ContentValues;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.UriMatcher;
import android.content.pm.ProviderInfo;
import android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.graphics.PixelFormat;
import android.graphics.Point;
import android.media.MediaPlayer;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.os.Binder;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.CancellationSignal;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor;
import android.os.RemoteCallback;
import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.Surface;
import android.view.SurfaceHolder;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.Objects;
* Base class for a cloud media provider. A cloud media provider offers read-only access to durable
* media files, specifically photos and videos stored on a local disk, or files in a cloud storage
* service. To create a cloud media provider, extend this class, implement the abstract methods,
* and add it to your manifest like this:
* <pre class="prettyprint"><manifest>
* ...
* <application>
* ...
* <provider
* android:name="com.example.MyCloudProvider"
* android:authorities="com.example.mycloudprovider"
* android:exported="true"
* android:permission="com.android.providers.media.permission.MANAGE_CLOUD_MEDIA_PROVIDERS"
* <intent-filter>
* <action android:name="android.content.action.CLOUD_MEDIA_PROVIDER" />
* </intent-filter>
* </provider>
* ...
* </application>
* <p>
* When defining your provider, you must protect it with the
* {@link CloudMediaProviderContract#MANAGE_CLOUD_MEDIA_PROVIDERS_PERMISSION}, which is a permission
* only the system can obtain, trying to define an unprotected {@link CloudMediaProvider} will
* result in a {@link SecurityException}.
* <p>
* Applications cannot use a cloud media provider directly; they must go through
* {@link MediaStore#ACTION_PICK_IMAGES} which requires a user to actively navigate and select
* media items. When a user selects a media item through that UI, the system issues narrow URI
* permission grants to the requesting application.
* <h3>Media items</h3>
* <p>
* A media item must be an openable stream (with a specific MIME type). Media items can belong to
* zero or more albums. Albums cannot contain other albums.
* <p>
* Each item under a provider is uniquely referenced by its media or album id, which must not
* change which must be unique across all collection IDs as returned by
* {@link #onGetMediaCollectionInfo}.
* @see MediaStore#ACTION_PICK_IMAGES
public abstract class CloudMediaProvider extends ContentProvider {
private static final String TAG = "CloudMediaProvider";
private static final int MATCH_MEDIAS = 1;
private static final int MATCH_DELETED_MEDIAS = 2;
private static final int MATCH_ALBUMS = 3;
private static final int MATCH_MEDIA_COLLECTION_INFO = 4;
private static final int MATCH_SURFACE_CONTROLLER = 5;
private static final boolean DEFAULT_LOOPING_PLAYBACK_ENABLED = true;
private static final boolean DEFAULT_SURFACE_CONTROLLER_AUDIO_MUTE_ENABLED = false;
private final UriMatcher mMatcher = new UriMatcher(UriMatcher.NO_MATCH);
private volatile int mMediaStoreAuthorityAppId;
private String mAuthority;
* Implementation is provided by the parent class. Cannot be overridden.
public final void attachInfo(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull ProviderInfo info) {
super.attachInfo(context, info);
private void registerAuthority(String authority) {
mAuthority = authority;
mMatcher.addURI(authority, URI_PATH_MEDIA, MATCH_MEDIAS);
mMatcher.addURI(authority, URI_PATH_ALBUM, MATCH_ALBUMS);
* Returns {@link Bundle} containing binder to {@link IAsyncContentProvider}.
* @hide
public final Bundle onGetAsyncContentProvider() {
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
(new AsyncContentProviderWrapper()).asBinder());
return bundle;
* Returns metadata about the media collection itself.
* <p>
* This is useful for the OS to determine if its cache of media items in the collection is
* still valid and if a full or incremental sync is required with {@link #onQueryMedia}.
* <p>
* This method might be called by the OS frequently and is performance critical, hence it should
* avoid long running operations.
* <p>
* If the provider handled any filters in {@code extras}, it must add the key to the
* {@link ContentResolver#EXTRA_HONORED_ARGS} as part of the returned {@link Bundle}.
* @param extras containing keys to filter result:
* <ul>
* <li> {@link CloudMediaProviderContract#EXTRA_ALBUM_ID}
* </ul>
* @return {@link Bundle} containing {@link CloudMediaProviderContract.MediaCollectionInfo}
* <ul>
* <li> {@link CloudMediaProviderContract.MediaCollectionInfo#MEDIA_COLLECTION_ID}
* <li> {@link CloudMediaProviderContract.MediaCollectionInfo#LAST_MEDIA_SYNC_GENERATION}
* <li> {@link CloudMediaProviderContract.MediaCollectionInfo#ACCOUNT_NAME}
* <li> {@link CloudMediaProviderContract.MediaCollectionInfo#ACCOUNT_CONFIGURATION_INTENT}
* </ul>
public abstract Bundle onGetMediaCollectionInfo(@NonNull Bundle extras);
* Returns a cursor representing all media items in the media collection optionally filtered by
* {@code extras} and sorted in reverse chronological order of
* {@link CloudMediaProviderContract.MediaColumns#DATE_TAKEN_MILLIS}, i.e. most recent items
* first.
* <p>
* The cloud media provider must set the
* {@link CloudMediaProviderContract#EXTRA_MEDIA_COLLECTION_ID} as part of the returned
* {@link Cursor#setExtras} {@link Bundle}. Not setting this is an error and invalidates the
* returned {@link Cursor}.
* <p>
* If the cloud media provider handled any filters in {@code extras}, it must add the key to
* the {@link ContentResolver#EXTRA_HONORED_ARGS} as part of the returned
* {@link Cursor#setExtras} {@link Bundle}.
* @param extras containing keys to filter media items:
* <ul>
* <li> {@link CloudMediaProviderContract#EXTRA_SYNC_GENERATION}
* <li> {@link CloudMediaProviderContract#EXTRA_PAGE_TOKEN}
* <li> {@link CloudMediaProviderContract#EXTRA_ALBUM_ID}
* <li> {@link CloudMediaProviderContract#EXTRA_PAGE_SIZE}
* </ul>
* @return cursor representing media items containing all
* {@link CloudMediaProviderContract.MediaColumns} columns
public abstract Cursor onQueryMedia(@NonNull Bundle extras);
* Returns a {@link Cursor} representing all deleted media items in the entire media collection
* within the current provider version as returned by {@link #onGetMediaCollectionInfo}. These
* items can be optionally filtered by {@code extras}.
* <p>
* The cloud media provider must set the
* {@link CloudMediaProviderContract#EXTRA_MEDIA_COLLECTION_ID} as part of the returned
* {@link Cursor#setExtras} {@link Bundle}. Not setting this is an error and invalidates the
* returned {@link Cursor}.
* <p>
* If the provider handled any filters in {@code extras}, it must add the key to
* the {@link ContentResolver#EXTRA_HONORED_ARGS} as part of the returned
* {@link Cursor#setExtras} {@link Bundle}.
* @param extras containing keys to filter deleted media items:
* <ul>
* <li> {@link CloudMediaProviderContract#EXTRA_SYNC_GENERATION}
* <li> {@link CloudMediaProviderContract#EXTRA_PAGE_TOKEN}
* </ul>
* @return cursor representing deleted media items containing just the
* {@link CloudMediaProviderContract.MediaColumns#ID} column
public abstract Cursor onQueryDeletedMedia(@NonNull Bundle extras);
* Returns a cursor representing all album items in the media collection optionally filtered
* by {@code extras} and sorted in reverse chronological order of
* {@link CloudMediaProviderContract.AlbumColumns#DATE_TAKEN_MILLIS}, i.e. most recent items
* first.
* <p>
* The cloud media provider must set the
* {@link CloudMediaProviderContract#EXTRA_MEDIA_COLLECTION_ID} as part of the returned
* {@link Cursor#setExtras} {@link Bundle}. Not setting this is an error and invalidates the
* returned {@link Cursor}.
* <p>
* If the provider handled any filters in {@code extras}, it must add the key to
* the {@link ContentResolver#EXTRA_HONORED_ARGS} as part of the returned
* {@link Cursor#setExtras} {@link Bundle}.
* @param extras containing keys to filter album items:
* <ul>
* <li> {@link CloudMediaProviderContract#EXTRA_SYNC_GENERATION}
* <li> {@link CloudMediaProviderContract#EXTRA_PAGE_TOKEN}
* <li> {@link CloudMediaProviderContract#EXTRA_PAGE_SIZE}
* </ul>
* @return cursor representing album items containing all
* {@link CloudMediaProviderContract.AlbumColumns} columns
public Cursor onQueryAlbums(@NonNull Bundle extras) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("queryAlbums not supported");
* Returns a thumbnail of {@code size} for a media item identified by {@code mediaId}
* <p>The cloud media provider should strictly return thumbnail in the original
* {@link CloudMediaProviderContract.MediaColumns#MIME_TYPE} of the item.
* <p>
* This is expected to be a much lower resolution version than the item returned by
* {@link #onOpenMedia}.
* <p>
* If you block while downloading content, you should periodically check
* {@link CancellationSignal#isCanceled()} to abort abandoned open requests.
* @param mediaId the media item to return
* @param size the dimensions of the thumbnail to return. The returned file descriptor doesn't
* have to match the {@code size} precisely because the OS will adjust the dimensions before
* usage. Implementations can return close approximations especially if the approximation is
* already locally on the device and doesn't require downloading from the cloud.
* @param extras to modify the way the fd is opened, e.g. for video files we may request a
* thumbnail image instead of a video with
* {@link CloudMediaProviderContract#EXTRA_PREVIEW_THUMBNAIL}
* @param signal used by the OS to signal if the request should be cancelled
* @return read-only file descriptor for accessing the thumbnail for the media file
* @see #onOpenMedia
* @see CloudMediaProviderContract#EXTRA_PREVIEW_THUMBNAIL
public abstract AssetFileDescriptor onOpenPreview(@NonNull String mediaId,
@NonNull Point size, @Nullable Bundle extras, @Nullable CancellationSignal signal)
throws FileNotFoundException;
* Returns the full size media item identified by {@code mediaId}.
* <p>
* If you block while downloading content, you should periodically check
* {@link CancellationSignal#isCanceled()} to abort abandoned open requests.
* @param mediaId the media item to return
* @param extras to modify the way the fd is opened, there's none at the moment, but some
* might be implemented in the future
* @param signal used by the OS to signal if the request should be cancelled
* @return read-only file descriptor for accessing the media file
* @see #onOpenPreview
public abstract ParcelFileDescriptor onOpenMedia(@NonNull String mediaId,
@Nullable Bundle extras, @Nullable CancellationSignal signal)
throws FileNotFoundException;
* Returns a {@link CloudMediaSurfaceController} used for rendering the preview of media items,
* or null if preview rendering is not supported.
* @param config containing configuration parameters for {@link CloudMediaSurfaceController}
* <ul>
* <li> {@link CloudMediaProviderContract#EXTRA_LOOPING_PLAYBACK_ENABLED}
* <li> {@link CloudMediaProviderContract#EXTRA_SURFACE_CONTROLLER_AUDIO_MUTE_ENABLED}
* </ul>
* @param callback {@link CloudMediaSurfaceStateChangedCallback} to send state updates for
* {@link Surface} to picker launched via {@link MediaStore#ACTION_PICK_IMAGES}
public CloudMediaSurfaceController onCreateCloudMediaSurfaceController(@NonNull Bundle config,
@NonNull CloudMediaSurfaceStateChangedCallback callback) {
return null;
* Implementation is provided by the parent class. Cannot be overridden.
public final Bundle call(@NonNull String method, @Nullable String arg,
@Nullable Bundle extras) {
if (!method.startsWith("android:")) {
// Ignore non-platform methods
return super.call(method, arg, extras);
try {
return callUnchecked(method, arg, extras);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private Bundle callUnchecked(String method, String arg, Bundle extras)
throws FileNotFoundException {
Bundle result = new Bundle();
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
result = onGetMediaCollectionInfo(extras);
CmpApiVerifier.verifyApiResult(new CmpApiResult(
CmpApiVerifier.CloudMediaProviderApis.OnGetMediaCollectionInfo, result),
System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime, mAuthority);
} else if (METHOD_CREATE_SURFACE_CONTROLLER.equals(method)) {
result = onCreateCloudMediaSurfaceController(extras);
} else if (METHOD_GET_ASYNC_CONTENT_PROVIDER.equals(method)) {
result = onGetAsyncContentProvider();
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not supported " + method);
return result;
private Bundle onCreateCloudMediaSurfaceController(@NonNull Bundle extras) {
final IBinder binder = extras.getBinder(EXTRA_SURFACE_STATE_CALLBACK);
if (binder == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing surface state callback");
final boolean enableLoop = extras.getBoolean(EXTRA_LOOPING_PLAYBACK_ENABLED,
final boolean muteAudio = extras.getBoolean(EXTRA_SURFACE_CONTROLLER_AUDIO_MUTE_ENABLED,
final String authority = extras.getString(EXTRA_AUTHORITY);
final CloudMediaSurfaceStateChangedCallback callback =
new CloudMediaSurfaceStateChangedCallback(
final Bundle config = new Bundle();
config.putBoolean(EXTRA_LOOPING_PLAYBACK_ENABLED, enableLoop);
config.putString(EXTRA_AUTHORITY, authority);
final CloudMediaSurfaceController controller =
onCreateCloudMediaSurfaceController(config, callback);
if (controller == null) {
Log.d(TAG, "onCreateCloudMediaSurfaceController returned null");
return Bundle.EMPTY;
Bundle result = new Bundle();
new CloudMediaSurfaceControllerWrapper(controller).asBinder());
return result;
* Implementation is provided by the parent class. Cannot be overridden.
* @see #onOpenMedia
public final ParcelFileDescriptor openFile(@NonNull Uri uri, @NonNull String mode)
throws FileNotFoundException {
return openFile(uri, mode, null);
* Implementation is provided by the parent class. Cannot be overridden.
* @see #onOpenMedia
public final ParcelFileDescriptor openFile(@NonNull Uri uri, @NonNull String mode,
@Nullable CancellationSignal signal) throws FileNotFoundException {
String mediaId = uri.getLastPathSegment();
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
ParcelFileDescriptor result = onOpenMedia(mediaId, /* extras */ null, signal);
CmpApiVerifier.verifyApiResult(new CmpApiResult(
CmpApiVerifier.CloudMediaProviderApis.OnOpenMedia, result),
System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime, mAuthority);
return result;
* Implementation is provided by the parent class. Cannot be overridden.
* @see #onOpenPreview
* @see #onOpenMedia
public final AssetFileDescriptor openTypedAssetFile(@NonNull Uri uri,
@NonNull String mimeTypeFilter, @Nullable Bundle opts) throws FileNotFoundException {
return openTypedAssetFile(uri, mimeTypeFilter, opts, null);
* Implementation is provided by the parent class. Cannot be overridden.
* @see #onOpenPreview
* @see #onOpenMedia
public final AssetFileDescriptor openTypedAssetFile(
@NonNull Uri uri, @NonNull String mimeTypeFilter, @Nullable Bundle opts,
@Nullable CancellationSignal signal) throws FileNotFoundException {
final String mediaId = uri.getLastPathSegment();
final Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
Point previewSize = null;
final DisplayMetrics screenMetrics = getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
int minPreviewLength = Math.min(screenMetrics.widthPixels, screenMetrics.heightPixels);
if (opts != null) {
if (opts.containsKey(CloudMediaProviderContract.EXTRA_PREVIEW_THUMBNAIL)) {
bundle.putBoolean(CloudMediaProviderContract.EXTRA_PREVIEW_THUMBNAIL, true);
minPreviewLength = minPreviewLength / 2;
previewSize = opts.getParcelable(ContentResolver.EXTRA_SIZE);
if (previewSize == null) {
previewSize = new Point(minPreviewLength, minPreviewLength);
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
AssetFileDescriptor result = onOpenPreview(mediaId, previewSize, bundle, signal);
CmpApiVerifier.verifyApiResult(new CmpApiResult(
CmpApiVerifier.CloudMediaProviderApis.OnOpenPreview, result, previewSize),
System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime, mAuthority);
return result;
* Implementation is provided by the parent class. Cannot be overridden.
* @see #onQueryMedia
* @see #onQueryDeletedMedia
* @see #onQueryAlbums
public final Cursor query(@NonNull Uri uri, @Nullable String[] projection,
@Nullable Bundle queryArgs, @Nullable CancellationSignal cancellationSignal) {
if (queryArgs == null) {
queryArgs = new Bundle();
Cursor result;
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
switch (mMatcher.match(uri)) {
result = onQueryMedia(queryArgs);
CmpApiVerifier.verifyApiResult(new CmpApiResult(
CmpApiVerifier.CloudMediaProviderApis.OnQueryMedia, result),
System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime, mAuthority);
result = onQueryDeletedMedia(queryArgs);
CmpApiVerifier.verifyApiResult(new CmpApiResult(
CmpApiVerifier.CloudMediaProviderApis.OnQueryDeletedMedia, result),
System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime, mAuthority);
result = onQueryAlbums(queryArgs);
CmpApiVerifier.verifyApiResult(new CmpApiResult(
CmpApiVerifier.CloudMediaProviderApis.OnQueryAlbums, result),
System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime, mAuthority);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported Uri " + uri);
return result;
* Implementation is provided by the parent class. Throws by default, and
* cannot be overridden.
public final String getType(@NonNull Uri uri) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("getType not supported");
* Implementation is provided by the parent class. Throws by default, and
* cannot be overridden.
public final Uri canonicalize(@NonNull Uri uri) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Canonicalize not supported");
* Implementation is provided by the parent class. Throws by default, and
* cannot be overridden.
public final Cursor query(@NonNull Uri uri, @Nullable String[] projection,
@Nullable String selection, @Nullable String[] selectionArgs,
@Nullable String sortOrder) {
// As of Android-O, ContentProvider#query (w/ bundle arg) is the primary
// transport method. We override that, and don't ever delegate to this method.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Pre-Android-O query format not supported.");
* Implementation is provided by the parent class. Throws by default, and
* cannot be overridden.
public final Cursor query(@NonNull Uri uri, @Nullable String[] projection,
@Nullable String selection, @Nullable String[] selectionArgs,
@Nullable String sortOrder, @Nullable CancellationSignal cancellationSignal) {
// As of Android-O, ContentProvider#query (w/ bundle arg) is the primary
// transport method. We override that, and don't ever delegate to this metohd.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Pre-Android-O query format not supported.");
* Implementation is provided by the parent class. Throws by default, and
* cannot be overridden.
public final Uri insert(@NonNull Uri uri, @NonNull ContentValues values) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Insert not supported");
* Implementation is provided by the parent class. Throws by default, and
* cannot be overridden.
public final int delete(@NonNull Uri uri, @Nullable String selection,
@Nullable String[] selectionArgs) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Delete not supported");
* Implementation is provided by the parent class. Throws by default, and
* cannot be overridden.
public final int update(@NonNull Uri uri, @NonNull ContentValues values,
@Nullable String selection, @Nullable String[] selectionArgs) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Update not supported");
* Manages rendering the preview of media items on given instances of {@link Surface}.
* <p>The methods of this class are meant to be asynchronous, and should not block by performing
* any heavy operation.
* <p>Note that a single CloudMediaSurfaceController instance would be responsible for
* rendering multiple media items associated with multiple surfaces.
@SuppressLint("PackageLayering") // We need to pass in a Surface which can be prepared for
// rendering a media item.
public static abstract class CloudMediaSurfaceController {
* Creates any player resource(s) needed for rendering.
public abstract void onPlayerCreate();
* Releases any player resource(s) used for rendering.
public abstract void onPlayerRelease();
* Indicates creation of the given {@link Surface} with given {@code surfaceId} for
* rendering the preview of a media item with given {@code mediaId}.
* <p>This is called immediately after the surface is first created. Implementations of this
* should start up whatever rendering code they desire.
* <p>Note that the given media item remains associated with the given surface id till the
* {@link Surface} is destroyed.
* @param surfaceId id which uniquely identifies the {@link Surface} for rendering
* @param surface instance of the {@link Surface} on which the media item should be rendered
* @param mediaId id which uniquely identifies the media to be rendered
* @see SurfaceHolder.Callback#surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder)
public abstract void onSurfaceCreated(int surfaceId, @NonNull Surface surface,
@NonNull String mediaId);
* Indicates structural changes (format or size) in the {@link Surface} for rendering.
* <p>This method is always called at least once, after {@link #onSurfaceCreated}.
* @param surfaceId id which uniquely identifies the {@link Surface} for rendering
* @param format the new {@link PixelFormat} of the surface
* @param width the new width of the {@link Surface}
* @param height the new height of the {@link Surface}
* @see SurfaceHolder.Callback#surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder, int, int, int)
public abstract void onSurfaceChanged(int surfaceId, int format, int width, int height);
* Indicates destruction of a {@link Surface} with given {@code surfaceId}.
* <p>This is called immediately before a surface is being destroyed. After returning from
* this call, you should no longer try to access this surface.
* @param surfaceId id which uniquely identifies the {@link Surface} for rendering
* @see SurfaceHolder.Callback#surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder)
public abstract void onSurfaceDestroyed(int surfaceId);
* Start playing the preview of the media associated with the given surface id. If
* playback had previously been paused, playback will continue from where it was paused.
* If playback had been stopped, or never started before, playback will start at the
* beginning.
* @param surfaceId id which uniquely identifies the {@link Surface} for rendering
public abstract void onMediaPlay(int surfaceId);
* Pauses the playback of the media associated with the given surface id.
* @param surfaceId id which uniquely identifies the {@link Surface} for rendering
public abstract void onMediaPause(int surfaceId);
* Seeks the media associated with the given surface id to specified timestamp.
* @param surfaceId id which uniquely identifies the {@link Surface} for rendering
* @param timestampMillis the timestamp in milliseconds from the start to seek to
public abstract void onMediaSeekTo(int surfaceId, @DurationMillisLong long timestampMillis);
* Changes the configuration parameters for the CloudMediaSurfaceController.
* @param config the updated config to change to. This can include config changes for the
* following:
* <ul>
* <li> {@link CloudMediaProviderContract#EXTRA_LOOPING_PLAYBACK_ENABLED}
* <li> {@link CloudMediaProviderContract#EXTRA_SURFACE_CONTROLLER_AUDIO_MUTE_ENABLED}
* </ul>
public abstract void onConfigChange(@NonNull Bundle config);
* Indicates destruction of this CloudMediaSurfaceController object.
* <p>This CloudMediaSurfaceController object should no longer be in use after this method
* has been called.
* <p>Note that it is possible for this method to be called directly without
* {@link #onPlayerRelease} being called, hence you should release any resources associated
* with this CloudMediaSurfaceController object, or perform any cleanup required in this
* method.
public abstract void onDestroy();
* This class is used by {@link CloudMediaProvider} to send {@link Surface} state updates to
* picker launched via {@link MediaStore#ACTION_PICK_IMAGES}.
* @see MediaStore#ACTION_PICK_IMAGES
public static final class CloudMediaSurfaceStateChangedCallback {
/** {@hide} */
@IntDef(flag = true, prefix = { "PLAYBACK_STATE_" }, value = {
public @interface PlaybackState {}
* Constant to notify that the playback is buffering
public static final int PLAYBACK_STATE_BUFFERING = 1;
* Constant to notify that the playback is ready to be played
public static final int PLAYBACK_STATE_READY = 2;
* Constant to notify that the playback has started
public static final int PLAYBACK_STATE_STARTED = 3;
* Constant to notify that the playback is paused.
public static final int PLAYBACK_STATE_PAUSED = 4;
* Constant to notify that the playback has completed
public static final int PLAYBACK_STATE_COMPLETED = 5;
* Constant to notify that the playback has failed with a retriable error.
* Constant to notify that the playback has failed with a permanent error.
* Constant to notify that the media size is first known or has changed.
* Pass the width and height of the media as a {@link Point} inside the {@link Bundle} with
* {@link ContentResolver#EXTRA_SIZE} as the key.
* @see CloudMediaSurfaceStateChangedCallback#setPlaybackState(int, int, Bundle)
* @see MediaPlayer.OnVideoSizeChangedListener#onVideoSizeChanged(MediaPlayer, int, int)
public static final int PLAYBACK_STATE_MEDIA_SIZE_CHANGED = 8;
private final ICloudMediaSurfaceStateChangedCallback mCallback;
CloudMediaSurfaceStateChangedCallback(ICloudMediaSurfaceStateChangedCallback callback) {
mCallback = callback;
* This is called to notify playback state update for a {@link Surface}
* on the picker launched via {@link MediaStore#ACTION_PICK_IMAGES}.
* @param surfaceId id which uniquely identifies a {@link Surface}
* @param playbackState playback state to notify picker about
* @param playbackStateInfo {@link Bundle} which may contain extra information about the
* playback state, such as media size, progress/seek info or
* details about errors.
public void setPlaybackState(int surfaceId, @PlaybackState int playbackState,
@Nullable Bundle playbackStateInfo) {
try {
mCallback.setPlaybackState(surfaceId, playbackState, playbackStateInfo);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.w(TAG, "Failed to notify playback state (" + playbackState + ") for "
+ "surfaceId: " + surfaceId + " ; playbackStateInfo: " + playbackStateInfo,
* Returns the underliying {@link IBinder} object.
* @hide
public IBinder getIBinder() {
return mCallback.asBinder();
* {@link Binder} object backing a {@link CloudMediaSurfaceController} instance.
* @hide
public static class CloudMediaSurfaceControllerWrapper
extends ICloudMediaSurfaceController.Stub {
final private CloudMediaSurfaceController mSurfaceController;
CloudMediaSurfaceControllerWrapper(CloudMediaSurfaceController surfaceController) {
mSurfaceController = surfaceController;
public void onPlayerCreate() {
Log.i(TAG, "Creating player.");
public void onPlayerRelease() {
Log.i(TAG, "Releasing player.");
public void onSurfaceCreated(int surfaceId, @NonNull Surface surface,
@NonNull String mediaId) {
Log.i(TAG, "Surface prepared. SurfaceId: " + surfaceId + ". MediaId: " + mediaId);
mSurfaceController.onSurfaceCreated(surfaceId, surface, mediaId);
public void onSurfaceChanged(int surfaceId, int format, int width, int height) {
Log.i(TAG, "Surface changed. SurfaceId: " + surfaceId + ". Format: " + format
+ ". Width: " + width + ". Height: " + height);
mSurfaceController.onSurfaceChanged(surfaceId, format, width, height);
public void onSurfaceDestroyed(int surfaceId) {
Log.i(TAG, "Surface released. SurfaceId: " + surfaceId);
public void onMediaPlay(int surfaceId) {
Log.i(TAG, "Media played. SurfaceId: " + surfaceId);
public void onMediaPause(int surfaceId) {
Log.i(TAG, "Media paused. SurfaceId: " + surfaceId);
public void onMediaSeekTo(int surfaceId, @DurationMillisLong long timestampMillis) {
Log.i(TAG, "Media seeked. SurfaceId: " + surfaceId + ". Seek timestamp(ms): "
+ timestampMillis);
mSurfaceController.onMediaSeekTo(surfaceId, timestampMillis);
public void onConfigChange(@NonNull Bundle config) {
Log.i(TAG, "Config changed. Updated config params: " + config);
public void onDestroy() {
Log.i(TAG, "Controller destroyed");
* @hide
private class AsyncContentProviderWrapper extends IAsyncContentProvider.Stub {
public void openMedia(String mediaId, RemoteCallback remoteCallback) {
try {
ParcelFileDescriptor pfd = onOpenMedia(mediaId,/* extras */
null,/* cancellationSignal */ null);
sendResult(pfd, null, remoteCallback);
} catch (Exception e) {
sendResult(null, e, remoteCallback);
private void sendResult(ParcelFileDescriptor pfd, Throwable throwable,
RemoteCallback remoteCallback) {
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
if (pfd == null && throwable == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Expected ParcelFileDescriptor or an exception.");
if (pfd != null) {
bundle.putParcelable(EXTRA_FILE_DESCRIPTOR, pfd);
if (throwable != null) {
bundle.putString(EXTRA_ERROR_MESSAGE, throwable.getMessage());