961 lines
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961 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.android.internal.os;
import static com.android.internal.os.KernelCpuProcStringReader.asLongs;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.os.StrictMode;
import android.util.IntArray;
import android.util.Slog;
import android.util.SparseArray;
import com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.android.internal.os.KernelCpuProcStringReader.ProcFileIterator;
import com.android.internal.os.KernelCpuUidBpfMapReader.BpfMapIterator;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
* Reads per-UID CPU time proc files. Concrete implementations are all nested inside.
* This class uses a throttler to reject any {@link #readDelta} or {@link #readAbsolute} call
* within {@link #mMinTimeBetweenRead}. The throttler can be enable / disabled via a param in
* the constructor.
* This class and its subclasses are NOT thread-safe and NOT designed to be accessed by more than
* one caller since each caller has its own view of delta.
* @param <T> The type of CPU time for the callback.
public abstract class KernelCpuUidTimeReader<T> {
protected static final boolean DEBUG = false;
private static final long DEFAULT_MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_READ = 1000L; // In milliseconds
final String mTag = this.getClass().getSimpleName();
final SparseArray<T> mLastTimes = new SparseArray<>();
final KernelCpuProcStringReader mReader;
final boolean mThrottle;
protected boolean mBpfTimesAvailable;
final KernelCpuUidBpfMapReader mBpfReader;
private final Clock mClock;
private long mMinTimeBetweenRead = DEFAULT_MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_READ;
private long mLastReadTimeMs = 0;
* Callback interface for processing each line of the proc file.
* @param <T> The type of CPU time for the callback function.
public interface Callback<T> {
* @param uid UID of the app
* @param time Time spent. The exact data structure depends on subclass implementation.
void onUidCpuTime(int uid, T time);
KernelCpuUidTimeReader(KernelCpuProcStringReader reader,
@Nullable KernelCpuUidBpfMapReader bpfReader, boolean throttle, Clock clock) {
mReader = reader;
mThrottle = throttle;
mBpfReader = bpfReader;
mClock = clock;
mBpfTimesAvailable = (mBpfReader != null);
KernelCpuUidTimeReader(KernelCpuProcStringReader reader, boolean throttle, Clock clock) {
this(reader, null, throttle, clock);
* Reads the proc file, calling into the callback with a delta of time for each UID.
* @param cb The callback to invoke for each line of the proc file. If null,the data is
public void readDelta(@Nullable Callback<T> cb) {
readDelta(false, cb);
* Reads the proc file, calling into the callback with a delta of time for each UID.
* @param force Ignore the throttling and force read the delta.
* @param cb The callback to invoke for each line of the proc file. If null,the data is
public void readDelta(boolean force, @Nullable Callback<T> cb) {
if (!mThrottle) {
readDeltaImpl(cb, force);
final long currTimeMs = mClock.elapsedRealtime();
if (!force && currTimeMs < mLastReadTimeMs + mMinTimeBetweenRead) {
if (DEBUG) {
Slog.d(mTag, "Throttle readDelta");
readDeltaImpl(cb, force);
mLastReadTimeMs = currTimeMs;
* Reads the proc file, calling into the callback with cumulative time for each UID.
* @param cb The callback to invoke for each line of the proc file. It cannot be null.
public void readAbsolute(Callback<T> cb) {
if (!mThrottle) {
final long currTimeMs = mClock.elapsedRealtime();
if (currTimeMs < mLastReadTimeMs + mMinTimeBetweenRead) {
if (DEBUG) {
Slog.d(mTag, "Throttle readAbsolute");
mLastReadTimeMs = currTimeMs;
abstract void readDeltaImpl(@Nullable Callback<T> cb, boolean forceRead);
abstract void readAbsoluteImpl(Callback<T> callback);
* Removes the UID from internal accounting data. This method, overridden in
* {@link KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader}, also removes the UID from the kernel module.
* @param uid The UID to remove.
* @see KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader#removeUid(int)
public void removeUid(int uid) {
if (mBpfTimesAvailable) {
mBpfReader.removeUidsInRange(uid, uid);
* Removes UIDs in a given range from internal accounting data. This method, overridden in
* {@link KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader}, also removes the UIDs from the kernel module.
* @param startUid the first uid to remove.
* @param endUid the last uid to remove.
* @see KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader#removeUidsInRange(int, int)
public void removeUidsInRange(int startUid, int endUid) {
if (endUid < startUid) {
Slog.e(mTag, "start UID " + startUid + " > end UID " + endUid);
mLastTimes.put(startUid, null);
mLastTimes.put(endUid, null);
int firstIndex = mLastTimes.indexOfKey(startUid);
int lastIndex = mLastTimes.indexOfKey(endUid);
mLastTimes.removeAtRange(firstIndex, lastIndex - firstIndex + 1);
if (mBpfTimesAvailable) {
mBpfReader.removeUidsInRange(startUid, endUid);
* Set the minimum time in milliseconds between reads. If throttle is not enabled, this method
* has no effect.
* @param minTimeBetweenRead The minimum time in milliseconds.
public void setThrottle(long minTimeBetweenRead) {
if (mThrottle && minTimeBetweenRead >= 0) {
mMinTimeBetweenRead = minTimeBetweenRead;
* Reads /proc/uid_cputime/show_uid_stat which has the line format:
* uid: user_time_micro_seconds system_time_micro_seconds power_in_milli-amp-micro_seconds
* This provides the time a UID's processes spent executing in user-space and kernel-space.
* The file contains a monotonically increasing count of time for a single boot. This class
* maintains the previous results of a call to {@link #readDelta} in order to provide a proper
* delta.
* The second parameter of the callback is a long[] with 2 elements, [user time in us, system
* time in us].
public static class KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader extends KernelCpuUidTimeReader<long[]> {
private static final String REMOVE_UID_PROC_FILE = "/proc/uid_cputime/remove_uid_range";
// [uid, user_time, system_time, (maybe) power_in_milli-amp-micro_seconds]
private final long[] mBuffer = new long[4];
// A reusable array to hold [user_time, system_time] for the callback.
private final long[] mUsrSysTime = new long[2];
public KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader(boolean throttle) {
this(throttle, Clock.SYSTEM_CLOCK);
public KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader(boolean throttle, Clock clock) {
super(KernelCpuProcStringReader.getUserSysTimeReaderInstance(), throttle, clock);
public KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader(KernelCpuProcStringReader reader, boolean throttle,
Clock clock) {
super(reader, throttle, clock);
void readDeltaImpl(@Nullable Callback<long[]> cb, boolean forceRead) {
try (ProcFileIterator iter = mReader.open(!mThrottle || forceRead)) {
if (iter == null) {
CharBuffer buf;
while ((buf = iter.nextLine()) != null) {
if (asLongs(buf, mBuffer) < 3) {
Slog.wtf(mTag, "Invalid line: " + buf.toString());
final int uid = (int) mBuffer[0];
long[] lastTimes = mLastTimes.get(uid);
if (lastTimes == null) {
lastTimes = new long[2];
mLastTimes.put(uid, lastTimes);
final long currUsrTimeUs = mBuffer[1];
final long currSysTimeUs = mBuffer[2];
mUsrSysTime[0] = currUsrTimeUs - lastTimes[0];
mUsrSysTime[1] = currSysTimeUs - lastTimes[1];
if (mUsrSysTime[0] < 0 || mUsrSysTime[1] < 0) {
Slog.e(mTag, "Negative user/sys time delta for UID=" + uid
+ "\nPrev times: u=" + lastTimes[0] + " s=" + lastTimes[1]
+ " Curr times: u=" + currUsrTimeUs + " s=" + currSysTimeUs);
} else if (mUsrSysTime[0] > 0 || mUsrSysTime[1] > 0) {
if (cb != null) {
cb.onUidCpuTime(uid, mUsrSysTime);
lastTimes[0] = currUsrTimeUs;
lastTimes[1] = currSysTimeUs;
void readAbsoluteImpl(Callback<long[]> cb) {
try (ProcFileIterator iter = mReader.open(!mThrottle)) {
if (iter == null) {
CharBuffer buf;
while ((buf = iter.nextLine()) != null) {
if (asLongs(buf, mBuffer) < 3) {
Slog.wtf(mTag, "Invalid line: " + buf.toString());
mUsrSysTime[0] = mBuffer[1]; // User time in microseconds
mUsrSysTime[1] = mBuffer[2]; // System time in microseconds
cb.onUidCpuTime((int) mBuffer[0], mUsrSysTime);
public void removeUid(int uid) {
removeUidsFromKernelModule(uid, uid);
public void removeUidsInRange(int startUid, int endUid) {
super.removeUidsInRange(startUid, endUid);
removeUidsFromKernelModule(startUid, endUid);
* Removes UIDs in a given range from the kernel module and internal accounting data. Only
* {@link BatteryStatsImpl} and its child processes should call this, as the change on
* Kernel is
* visible system wide.
* @param startUid the first uid to remove
* @param endUid the last uid to remove
private void removeUidsFromKernelModule(int startUid, int endUid) {
Slog.d(mTag, "Removing uids " + startUid + "-" + endUid);
final int oldMask = StrictMode.allowThreadDiskWritesMask();
try (FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(REMOVE_UID_PROC_FILE)) {
writer.write(startUid + "-" + endUid);
} catch (IOException e) {
Slog.e(mTag, "failed to remove uids " + startUid + " - " + endUid
+ " from uid_cputime module", e);
} finally {
* Reads /proc/uid_time_in_state which has the format:
* uid: [freq1] [freq2] [freq3] ...
* [uid1]: [time in freq1] [time in freq2] [time in freq3] ...
* [uid2]: [time in freq1] [time in freq2] [time in freq3] ...
* ...
* This provides the times a UID's processes spent executing at each different cpu frequency.
* The file contains a monotonically increasing count of time for a single boot. This class
* maintains the previous results of a call to {@link #readDelta} in order to provide a proper
* delta.
public static class KernelCpuUidFreqTimeReader extends KernelCpuUidTimeReader<long[]> {
private static final String UID_TIMES_PROC_FILE = "/proc/uid_time_in_state";
// We check the existence of proc file a few times (just in case it is not ready yet when we
// start reading) and if it is not available, we simply ignore further read requests.
private static final int MAX_ERROR_COUNT = 5;
private final Path mProcFilePath;
private long[] mBuffer;
private long[] mCurTimes;
private long[] mDeltaTimes;
private long[] mCpuFreqs;
private int mFreqCount = 0;
private int mErrors = 0;
private boolean mPerClusterTimesAvailable;
private boolean mAllUidTimesAvailable;
public KernelCpuUidFreqTimeReader(boolean throttle) {
this(throttle, Clock.SYSTEM_CLOCK);
public KernelCpuUidFreqTimeReader(boolean throttle, Clock clock) {
this(UID_TIMES_PROC_FILE, KernelCpuProcStringReader.getFreqTimeReaderInstance(),
KernelCpuUidBpfMapReader.getFreqTimeReaderInstance(), throttle, clock);
public KernelCpuUidFreqTimeReader(String procFile, KernelCpuProcStringReader reader,
KernelCpuUidBpfMapReader bpfReader, boolean throttle) {
this(procFile, reader, bpfReader, throttle, Clock.SYSTEM_CLOCK);
private KernelCpuUidFreqTimeReader(String procFile, KernelCpuProcStringReader reader,
KernelCpuUidBpfMapReader bpfReader, boolean throttle, Clock clock) {
super(reader, bpfReader, throttle, clock);
mProcFilePath = Paths.get(procFile);
* Initializes the reader. Should be called during the system-ready boot phase.
public void onSystemReady() {
if (mBpfTimesAvailable && mCpuFreqs == null) {
// By extension: if we can read CPU frequencies through eBPF, we can also
// read per-UID CPU time-in-state
mAllUidTimesAvailable = mCpuFreqs != null;
* @return Whether per-cluster times are available.
public boolean perClusterTimesAvailable() {
return mBpfTimesAvailable;
* @return Whether all-UID times are available.
public boolean allUidTimesAvailable() {
return mAllUidTimesAvailable;
* @return A map of all UIDs to their CPU time-in-state array in milliseconds.
public SparseArray<long[]> getAllUidCpuFreqTimeMs() {
return mLastTimes;
private long[] readFreqsThroughBpf() {
if (!mBpfTimesAvailable || mBpfReader == null) {
return null;
mCpuFreqs = mBpfReader.getDataDimensions();
if (mCpuFreqs == null) {
return null;
mFreqCount = mCpuFreqs.length;
mCurTimes = new long[mFreqCount];
mDeltaTimes = new long[mFreqCount];
mBuffer = new long[mFreqCount + 1];
return mCpuFreqs;
private long[] readFreqs(String line) {
if (line == null || line.trim().isEmpty()) {
return null;
final String[] lineArray = line.split(" ");
if (lineArray.length <= 1) {
Slog.wtf(mTag, "Malformed freq line: " + line);
return null;
mFreqCount = lineArray.length - 1;
mCpuFreqs = new long[mFreqCount];
mCurTimes = new long[mFreqCount];
mDeltaTimes = new long[mFreqCount];
mBuffer = new long[mFreqCount + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < mFreqCount; ++i) {
mCpuFreqs[i] = Long.parseLong(lineArray[i + 1], 10);
return mCpuFreqs;
private void processUidDelta(@Nullable Callback<long[]> cb) {
final int uid = (int) mBuffer[0];
long[] lastTimes = mLastTimes.get(uid);
if (lastTimes == null) {
lastTimes = new long[mFreqCount];
mLastTimes.put(uid, lastTimes);
boolean notify = false;
for (int i = 0; i < mFreqCount; i++) {
// Unit is 10ms.
mDeltaTimes[i] = mCurTimes[i] - lastTimes[i];
if (mDeltaTimes[i] < 0) {
Slog.e(mTag, "Negative delta from freq time for uid: " + uid
+ ", delta: " + mDeltaTimes[i]);
notify |= mDeltaTimes[i] > 0;
if (notify) {
System.arraycopy(mCurTimes, 0, lastTimes, 0, mFreqCount);
if (cb != null) {
cb.onUidCpuTime(uid, mDeltaTimes);
void readDeltaImpl(@Nullable Callback<long[]> cb, boolean forceRead) {
if (mBpfTimesAvailable) {
try (BpfMapIterator iter = mBpfReader.open(!mThrottle)) {
if (checkPrecondition(iter)) {
while (iter.getNextUid(mBuffer)) {
try (ProcFileIterator iter = mReader.open(!mThrottle)) {
if (!checkPrecondition(iter)) {
CharBuffer buf;
while ((buf = iter.nextLine()) != null) {
if (asLongs(buf, mBuffer) != mBuffer.length) {
Slog.wtf(mTag, "Invalid line: " + buf.toString());
void readAbsoluteImpl(Callback<long[]> cb) {
if (mBpfTimesAvailable) {
try (BpfMapIterator iter = mBpfReader.open(!mThrottle)) {
if (checkPrecondition(iter)) {
while (iter.getNextUid(mBuffer)) {
cb.onUidCpuTime((int) mBuffer[0], mCurTimes);
try (ProcFileIterator iter = mReader.open(!mThrottle)) {
if (!checkPrecondition(iter)) {
CharBuffer buf;
while ((buf = iter.nextLine()) != null) {
if (asLongs(buf, mBuffer) != mBuffer.length) {
Slog.wtf(mTag, "Invalid line: " + buf.toString());
cb.onUidCpuTime((int) mBuffer[0], mCurTimes);
private void copyToCurTimes() {
long factor = mBpfTimesAvailable ? 1 : 10;
for (int i = 0; i < mFreqCount; i++) {
mCurTimes[i] = mBuffer[i + 1] * factor;
private boolean checkPrecondition(BpfMapIterator iter) {
if (iter == null) {
mBpfTimesAvailable = false;
return false;
if (mCpuFreqs != null) {
return true;
mBpfTimesAvailable = (readFreqsThroughBpf() != null);
return mBpfTimesAvailable;
private boolean checkPrecondition(ProcFileIterator iter) {
if (iter == null || !iter.hasNextLine()) {
// Error logged in KernelCpuProcStringReader.
return false;
CharBuffer line = iter.nextLine();
if (mCpuFreqs != null) {
return true;
return readFreqs(line.toString()) != null;
* Extracts no. of cpu clusters and no. of freqs in each of these clusters from the freqs
* read from the proc file.
* We need to assume that freqs in each cluster are strictly increasing.
* For e.g. if the freqs read from proc file are: 12, 34, 15, 45, 12, 15, 52. Then it means
* there are 3 clusters: (12, 34), (15, 45), (12, 15, 52)
* @return an IntArray filled with no. of freqs in each cluster.
private IntArray extractClusterInfoFromProcFileFreqs() {
final IntArray numClusterFreqs = new IntArray();
int freqsFound = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mFreqCount; ++i) {
if (i + 1 == mFreqCount || mCpuFreqs[i + 1] <= mCpuFreqs[i]) {
freqsFound = 0;
return numClusterFreqs;
public boolean isFastCpuTimesReader() {
return mBpfTimesAvailable;
* Reads /proc/uid_concurrent_active_time and reports CPU active time to BatteryStats to
* compute {@link PowerProfile#POWER_CPU_ACTIVE}.
* /proc/uid_concurrent_active_time has the following format:
* cpus: n
* uid0: time0a, time0b, ..., time0n,
* uid1: time1a, time1b, ..., time1n,
* uid2: time2a, time2b, ..., time2n,
* ...
* where n is the total number of cpus (num_possible_cpus)
* timeXn means the CPU time that a UID X spent running concurrently with n other processes.
* The file contains a monotonically increasing count of time for a single boot. This class
* maintains the previous results of a call to {@link #readDelta} in order to provide a
* proper delta.
public static class KernelCpuUidActiveTimeReader extends KernelCpuUidTimeReader<Long> {
private int mCores = 0;
private long[] mBuffer;
public KernelCpuUidActiveTimeReader(boolean throttle) {
this(throttle, Clock.SYSTEM_CLOCK);
public KernelCpuUidActiveTimeReader(boolean throttle, Clock clock) {
KernelCpuUidBpfMapReader.getActiveTimeReaderInstance(), throttle, clock);
public KernelCpuUidActiveTimeReader(KernelCpuProcStringReader reader,
KernelCpuUidBpfMapReader bpfReader, boolean throttle) {
super(reader, bpfReader, throttle, Clock.SYSTEM_CLOCK);
private void processUidDelta(@Nullable Callback<Long> cb) {
int uid = (int) mBuffer[0];
long cpuActiveTime = sumActiveTime(mBuffer, mBpfTimesAvailable ? 1 : 10);
if (cpuActiveTime > 0) {
long delta = cpuActiveTime - mLastTimes.get(uid, 0L);
if (delta > 0) {
mLastTimes.put(uid, cpuActiveTime);
if (cb != null) {
cb.onUidCpuTime(uid, delta);
} else if (delta < 0) {
Slog.e(mTag, "Negative delta from active time for uid: " + uid
+ ", delta: " + delta);
void readDeltaImpl(@Nullable Callback<Long> cb, boolean forceRead) {
if (mBpfTimesAvailable) {
try (BpfMapIterator iter = mBpfReader.open(!mThrottle)) {
if (checkPrecondition(iter)) {
while (iter.getNextUid(mBuffer)) {
try (ProcFileIterator iter = mReader.open(!mThrottle)) {
if (!checkPrecondition(iter)) {
CharBuffer buf;
while ((buf = iter.nextLine()) != null) {
if (asLongs(buf, mBuffer) != mBuffer.length) {
Slog.wtf(mTag, "Invalid line: " + buf.toString());
private void processUidAbsolute(@Nullable Callback<Long> cb) {
long cpuActiveTime = sumActiveTime(mBuffer, mBpfTimesAvailable ? 1 : 10);
if (cpuActiveTime > 0) {
cb.onUidCpuTime((int) mBuffer[0], cpuActiveTime);
void readAbsoluteImpl(Callback<Long> cb) {
if (mBpfTimesAvailable) {
try (BpfMapIterator iter = mBpfReader.open(!mThrottle)) {
if (checkPrecondition(iter)) {
while (iter.getNextUid(mBuffer)) {
try (ProcFileIterator iter = mReader.open(!mThrottle)) {
if (!checkPrecondition(iter)) {
CharBuffer buf;
while ((buf = iter.nextLine()) != null) {
if (asLongs(buf, mBuffer) != mBuffer.length) {
Slog.wtf(mTag, "Invalid line: " + buf.toString());
private static long sumActiveTime(long[] times, double factor) {
// UID is stored at times[0].
double sum = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < times.length; i++) {
sum += (double) times[i] * factor / i; // Unit is 10ms.
return (long) sum;
private boolean checkPrecondition(BpfMapIterator iter) {
if (iter == null) {
mBpfTimesAvailable = false;
return false;
if (mCores > 0) {
return true;
long[] cores = mBpfReader.getDataDimensions();
if (cores == null || cores.length < 1) {
mBpfTimesAvailable = false;
return false;
mCores = (int) cores[0];
mBuffer = new long[mCores + 1];
return true;
private boolean checkPrecondition(ProcFileIterator iter) {
if (iter == null || !iter.hasNextLine()) {
// Error logged in KernelCpuProcStringReader.
return false;
CharBuffer line = iter.nextLine();
if (mCores > 0) {
return true;
String str = line.toString().trim();
if (str.isEmpty()) {
Slog.w(mTag, "Empty uid_concurrent_active_time");
return false;
if (!str.startsWith("cpus:")) {
Slog.wtf(mTag, "Malformed uid_concurrent_active_time line: " + str);
return false;
int cores = Integer.parseInt(str.substring(5).trim(), 10);
if (cores <= 0) {
Slog.wtf(mTag, "Malformed uid_concurrent_active_time line: " + str);
return false;
mCores = cores;
mBuffer = new long[mCores + 1]; // UID is stored at mBuffer[0].
return true;
* Reads /proc/uid_concurrent_policy_time and reports CPU cluster times to BatteryStats to
* compute cluster power. See {@link PowerProfile#getAveragePowerForCpuCluster(int)}.
* /proc/uid_concurrent_policy_time has the following format:
* policyX: x policyY: y policyZ: z...
* uid1, time1a, time1b, ..., time1n,
* uid2, time2a, time2b, ..., time2n,
* ...
* The first line lists all policies (i.e. clusters) followed by # cores in each policy.
* Each uid is followed by x time entries corresponding to the time it spent on clusterX
* running concurrently with 0, 1, 2, ..., x - 1 other processes, then followed by y, z, ...
* time entries.
* The file contains a monotonically increasing count of time for a single boot. This class
* maintains the previous results of a call to {@link #readDelta} in order to provide a
* proper delta.
public static class KernelCpuUidClusterTimeReader extends KernelCpuUidTimeReader<long[]> {
private int mNumClusters;
private int mNumCores;
private int[] mCoresOnClusters; // # cores on each cluster.
private long[] mBuffer; // To store data returned from ProcFileIterator.
private long[] mCurTime;
private long[] mDeltaTime;
public KernelCpuUidClusterTimeReader(boolean throttle) {
this(throttle, Clock.SYSTEM_CLOCK);
public KernelCpuUidClusterTimeReader(boolean throttle, Clock clock) {
KernelCpuUidBpfMapReader.getClusterTimeReaderInstance(), throttle, clock);
public KernelCpuUidClusterTimeReader(KernelCpuProcStringReader reader,
KernelCpuUidBpfMapReader bpfReader, boolean throttle) {
super(reader, bpfReader, throttle, Clock.SYSTEM_CLOCK);
void processUidDelta(@Nullable Callback<long[]> cb) {
int uid = (int) mBuffer[0];
long[] lastTimes = mLastTimes.get(uid);
if (lastTimes == null) {
lastTimes = new long[mNumClusters];
mLastTimes.put(uid, lastTimes);
boolean valid = true;
boolean notify = false;
for (int i = 0; i < mNumClusters; i++) {
mDeltaTime[i] = mCurTime[i] - lastTimes[i];
if (mDeltaTime[i] < 0) {
Slog.e(mTag, "Negative delta from cluster time for uid: " + uid
+ ", delta: " + mDeltaTime[i]);
notify |= mDeltaTime[i] > 0;
if (notify) {
System.arraycopy(mCurTime, 0, lastTimes, 0, mNumClusters);
if (cb != null) {
cb.onUidCpuTime(uid, mDeltaTime);
void readDeltaImpl(@Nullable Callback<long[]> cb, boolean forceRead) {
if (mBpfTimesAvailable) {
try (BpfMapIterator iter = mBpfReader.open(!mThrottle)) {
if (checkPrecondition(iter)) {
while (iter.getNextUid(mBuffer)) {
try (ProcFileIterator iter = mReader.open(!mThrottle)) {
if (!checkPrecondition(iter)) {
CharBuffer buf;
while ((buf = iter.nextLine()) != null) {
if (asLongs(buf, mBuffer) != mBuffer.length) {
Slog.wtf(mTag, "Invalid line: " + buf.toString());
void readAbsoluteImpl(Callback<long[]> cb) {
if (mBpfTimesAvailable) {
try (BpfMapIterator iter = mBpfReader.open(!mThrottle)) {
if (checkPrecondition(iter)) {
while (iter.getNextUid(mBuffer)) {
cb.onUidCpuTime((int) mBuffer[0], mCurTime);
try (ProcFileIterator iter = mReader.open(!mThrottle)) {
if (!checkPrecondition(iter)) {
CharBuffer buf;
while ((buf = iter.nextLine()) != null) {
if (asLongs(buf, mBuffer) != mBuffer.length) {
Slog.wtf(mTag, "Invalid line: " + buf.toString());
cb.onUidCpuTime((int) mBuffer[0], mCurTime);
private void sumClusterTime() {
double factor = mBpfTimesAvailable ? 1 : 10;
// UID is stored at mBuffer[0].
int core = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < mNumClusters; i++) {
double sum = 0;
for (int j = 1; j <= mCoresOnClusters[i]; j++) {
sum += (double) mBuffer[core++] * factor / j; // Unit is 10ms.
mCurTime[i] = (long) sum;
private boolean checkPrecondition(BpfMapIterator iter) {
if (iter == null) {
mBpfTimesAvailable = false;
return false;
if (mNumClusters > 0) {
return true;
long[] coresOnClusters = mBpfReader.getDataDimensions();
if (coresOnClusters == null || coresOnClusters.length < 1) {
mBpfTimesAvailable = false;
return false;
mNumClusters = coresOnClusters.length;
mCoresOnClusters = new int[mNumClusters];
int cores = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mNumClusters; i++) {
mCoresOnClusters[i] = (int) coresOnClusters[i];
cores += mCoresOnClusters[i];
mNumCores = cores;
mBuffer = new long[cores + 1];
mCurTime = new long[mNumClusters];
mDeltaTime = new long[mNumClusters];
return true;
private boolean checkPrecondition(ProcFileIterator iter) {
if (iter == null || !iter.hasNextLine()) {
// Error logged in KernelCpuProcStringReader.
return false;
CharBuffer line = iter.nextLine();
if (mNumClusters > 0) {
return true;
String lineStr = line.toString().trim();
if (lineStr.isEmpty()) {
Slog.w(mTag, "Empty uid_concurrent_policy_time");
return false;
// Parse # cores in clusters.
String[] lineArray = lineStr.split(" ");
if (lineArray.length % 2 != 0) {
Slog.wtf(mTag, "Malformed uid_concurrent_policy_time line: " + lineStr);
return false;
int[] clusters = new int[lineArray.length / 2];
int cores = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < clusters.length; i++) {
if (!lineArray[i * 2].startsWith("policy")) {
Slog.wtf(mTag, "Malformed uid_concurrent_policy_time line: " + lineStr);
return false;
clusters[i] = Integer.parseInt(lineArray[i * 2 + 1], 10);
cores += clusters[i];
mNumClusters = clusters.length;
mNumCores = cores;
mCoresOnClusters = clusters;
mBuffer = new long[cores + 1];
mCurTime = new long[mNumClusters];
mDeltaTime = new long[mNumClusters];
return true;