374 lines
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Protocol Buffer
374 lines
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Protocol Buffer
// Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// An EmulatedBluetoothService represents a bluetooth Gatt device.
// The android emulator will connect to this service to read/write and
// observe characteristics if the emulator establishes a connection
// to this device.
// You will need to implement this service and register the endpoint with
// the emulator to make this device discoverable.
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "com.android.emulator.bluetooth";
package android.emulation.bluetooth;
import "grpc_endpoint_description.proto";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
// You can provide your own GattDevice by implementing this service
// and registering it with the android emulator.
// The device will appear as a real bluetooth device, and you will
// receive callbacks when the bluetooth system wants to
// read, write or observe a characteristic.
service GattDeviceService {
// A remote client has requested to read a local characteristic.
// Return the current observed value.
rpc OnCharacteristicReadRequest(CharacteristicValueRequest)
returns (CharacteristicValueResponse);
// A remote client has requested to write to a local characteristic.
// Return the current observed value.
rpc OnCharacteristicWriteRequest(CharacteristicValueRequest)
returns (CharacteristicValueResponse);
// Listens for notifications from the emulated device, the device should
// write to the stream with a response when a change has occurred.
rpc OnCharacteristicObserveRequest(CharacteristicValueRequest)
returns (stream CharacteristicValueResponse);
// A remote device has been connected or disconnected.
rpc OnConnectionStateChange(ConnectionStateChange)
returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// A callback identifier is used by the service to identify
// who should handle the any of the requests above.
// This is only relevant if you have a single endpoint that
// emulates multiple devices.
message CallbackIdentifier {
string identity = 1;
// A Device Identifier is used to uniquely identify an emulated
// bluetooth device on the rootcanal mesh.
message DeviceIdentifier {
// A string that uniquely identifies this device on the
// rootcanal mesh.
string address = 1;
message ConnectionStateChange {
enum ConnectionState {
// The profile is in disconnected state
// The profile is in connected state
// The identity of the device is receiving the state change.
CallbackIdentifier callback_device_id = 1;
// The identity of the device that is changing state.
DeviceIdentifier from_device = 2;
// The current state of the device
ConnectionState new_state = 3;
// A UUID is a universally unique identifier that is guaranteed to be unique
// across all space and all time. UUIDs can be independently created in a
// distributed fashion. No central registry of assigned UUIDs is required. A
// UUID is a 128-bit value.
// To reduce the burden of storing and transferring 128-bit UUID values, a range
// of UUID values has been pre-allocated for assignment to often-used,
// registered purposes.
// The first UUID in this pre-allocated range is known as
// the Bluetooth Base UUID and has the value 00000000-0000-1000-8000-
// 00805F9B34FB, from Assigned Numbers. UUID values in the pre-allocated
// range have aliases that are represented as 16-bit or 32-bit values.
// These aliases are often called 16-bit and 32-bit UUIDs, but each actually
// represents a 128-bit UUID value.
// The full 128-bit value of a 16-bit or 32-bit
// UUID may be computed by a simple arithmetic operation:
// 128_bit_value = 16_bit_value * 2^96 + Bluetooth_Base_UUID
// 128_bit_value = 32_bit_value * 2^96 + Bluetooth_Base_UUID
// A 16-bit UUID may be converted to 32-bit UUID format by zero-extending the
// 16-bit value to 32-bits. An equivalent method is to add the 16-bit UUID value
// to a zero-valued 32-bit UUID.
// Note: Two 16-bit UUIDs may be compared
// directly, as may two 32-bit UUIDs or two 128-bit UUIDs. If two UUIDs of
// differing sizes are to be compared, the shorter UUID must be converted to the
// longer UUID format before comparison.
message Uuid {
oneof short_or_long {
// The shortened bluetooth uuid, either 16/32 bit.
uint32 id = 1;
// The first 8 hex digits of the guid, if you are using
// 128 bit guid. These are the least significant bits.
uint64 lsb = 2;
// The next 8 hex digits of the guid, ignored if the lsb value is not set.
// These are the most significant bits.
int64 msb = 3;
// Data exchanged to read/write bluetooth characteristics
message CharacteristicValueRequest {
// The identity of the device we are making this request to. The gRPC
// service for the emulated device must route the request to the actual
// device that emulates this identity.
// This is needed if you wish to emulate multipe devices on a single
// gRPC endpoint.
CallbackIdentifier callback_device_id = 1;
// The identity of the device that is making this request.
DeviceIdentifier from_device = 2;
// The specific callback id for which this request is. This is the
// callback_id used to register the given characteristic. If the value
// was not set it will be the uuid of the characteristic.
Uuid callback_id = 3;
// The raw data in the request. The application developer will
// need to parse the data and handle it properly.
bytes data = 4;
// Data exchanged to read/write bluetooth characteristics
message CharacteristicValueResponse {
enum GattStatus {
// A GATT operation completed successfully
// A GATT operation failed
// The status of the request to be sent to the remote devices
GattStatus status = 1;
// The data of interest, this should contain the raw data according
// to the bluetooth specification for the requested charactersic uuid.
bytes data = 2;
message GattCharacteristic {
// The Characteristic Properties bit field determines how the Characteristic
// Value can be used, or how the characteristic descriptors can be accessed.
// Properties Value Description.
enum Properties {
// If set, permits broadcasts of the Characteristic
// Value using Server Characteristic Configuration Descriptor. If set,
// the Server Characteristic Configuration Descriptor shall exist.
// If set, permits reads of the Characteristic Value using procedures
// defined in Section 4.8
// If set, permit writes of the Characteristic Value without response
// using procedures defined in Section 4.9.1.
// If set, permits writes of the Characteristic Value with response
// using procedures defined in Section 4.9.3 or Section 4.9.4.
// If set, permits notifications of a Characteristic Value without
// acknowledgment using the procedure defined in Section 4.10. If
// set, the Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor shall exist.
// If set, permits indications of a Characteristic Value with
// acknowledgment using the procedure defined in Section 4.11. If set,
// the Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor shall exist.
// If set, permits signed writes to the Characteristic Value using the
// procedure defined in Section 4.9.2.
// If set, additional characteristic properties are defined in the
// Characteristic Extended Properties Descriptor defined in Section
// If set, the Characteristic Extended Properties Descriptor
// An attribute has a set of permission values associated with it. The
// permissions associated with an attribute specifies that it may be read
// and/or written. The permissions associated with the attribute specifies
// the security level required for read and/or write access, as well as
// notification and/or indication. The permissions of a given attribute are
// defined by a higher layer specification, and are not discoverable using
// the Attribute protocol.
enum Permissions {
// Characteristic read permission
// Characteristic permission: Allow encrypted read operations
// Characteristic permission: Allow reading with person-in-the-middle
// protection
// Characteristic write permission
// Characteristic permission: Allow encrypted writes
// Characteristic permission: Allow encrypted writes with
// person-in-the-middle protection
// Characteristic permission: Allow signed write operations
// Characteristic permission: Allow signed write operations with
// person-in-the-middle protection
// The UUID identifying this characteristic, for a list of UUIDS:
// https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/assigned-numbers/
// Or (the much easier to use) XML definitions:
// https://github.com/sputnikdev/bluetooth-gatt-parser/tree/master/src/main/resources/gatt/characteristic
// For example the uuid=0x2A19 indicates the "The current charge level of a
// battery."
Uuid uuid = 1;
// Contains a mask of the properties described in the properties enum.
// Property definitions are *ONLY* required during device registration.
uint32 properties = 2;
// Contains a mask of the permissions described in the permissions enum.
// Permission definitions are *ONLY* required during device registration.
uint32 permissions = 3;
// The callback_id that will be set whenever a bluetooth request
// comes in for this characteristic. Defaults to the value in uuid (field 1)
// if it is not set. You will only need to set this if the same uuid is
// defined multiple defines in your service, and can be used to disambiguate
// which characterisic is requested.
Uuid callback_id = 4;
// A Gatt service definition.
message GattService {
enum ServiceType {
// Primary service
// Secondary service (included by primary services)
// The uuid of this service. This can be a: 16, 32 or 128 bit uuid. This
// is usually a well defined UUID from the bluetooth specification. For
// example 0x180D indicates a heart rate monitor. See
// https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/assigned-numbers/service-discovery/
// for a list of well known uuid's.
Uuid uuid = 1;
ServiceType service_type = 2;
repeated GattCharacteristic characteristics = 3;
// A Gatt profile consists of a series of services that are offered
// to clients. Gatt profiles are well defined in the spec. You can find
// more information about the various profiles in the official specifications:
// https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/specs/
// A concrete example is the Heart Rate Monitor:
// https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/specs/heart-rate-service-1-0/
message GattProfile {
repeated GattService services = 1;
// The advertisement definition, this will be used to advertise the
// bluetooth device to android emulator. Every device that is registered
// will be discoverable by the emulator.
message Advertisement {
// The name of the device as an UTF-8 string. This is how the device will
// show up when android scans for devices. Only the first 29 bytes will show
// up on an in initial scan.
string device_name = 1;
enum ConnectionMode {
// None specified, defaults to undirected
// Non-connectable, as per section 3.C.9.3.2
// Directed-connectable, as per section 3.C.9.3.3
// Undirected-connectable, as per section 3.C.9.3.4
// Whether the advertisement type should be connectable or non-connectable.
ConnectionMode connection_mode = 2;
enum DiscoveryMode {
// None specified, defaults to general discoverable
// Non-discoverable, as per section 3.C.9.2.2).
// Limited-discoverable, as per section 3.C.9.2.3).
// General-discoverable, as per section 3.C.9.2.4).
DiscoveryMode discovery_mode = 3;
message GattDevice {
// The endpoint where the emulated device can be found. This endpoint should
// provide an implementation of the GattDeviceService and must be
// reachable through the provided description.
android.emulation.remote.Endpoint endpoint = 1;
// How this device will be advertised.
Advertisement advertisement = 2;
// The bluetooth profile that is made available.
GattProfile profile = 3;