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* Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.android.internal.telephony;
import static android.os.PowerWhitelistManager.REASON_EVENT_MMS;
import static android.os.PowerWhitelistManager.TEMPORARY_ALLOWLIST_TYPE_FOREGROUND_SERVICE_ALLOWED;
import static com.google.android.mms.pdu.PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_IND;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.app.AppOpsManager;
import android.app.BroadcastOptions;
import android.compat.annotation.UnsupportedAppUsage;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.ServiceConnection;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
import android.content.pm.ResolveInfo;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.os.PowerWhitelistManager;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.os.UserHandle;
import android.os.UserManager;
import android.provider.Telephony.Sms.Intents;
import android.telephony.SmsManager;
import android.telephony.SubscriptionManager;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.IccUtils;
import com.android.internal.telephony.util.TelephonyUtils;
import com.android.telephony.Rlog;
import com.google.android.mms.pdu.GenericPdu;
import com.google.android.mms.pdu.NotificationInd;
import com.google.android.mms.pdu.PduParser;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
* WAP push handler class.
* @hide
public class WapPushOverSms implements ServiceConnection {
private static final String TAG = "WAP PUSH";
private static final boolean DBG = false;
@UnsupportedAppUsage(maxTargetSdk = Build.VERSION_CODES.R, trackingBug = 170729553)
private final Context mContext;
PowerWhitelistManager mPowerWhitelistManager;
private String mWapPushManagerPackage;
/** Assigned from ServiceConnection callback on main threaad. */
@UnsupportedAppUsage(maxTargetSdk = Build.VERSION_CODES.R, trackingBug = 170729553)
private volatile IWapPushManager mWapPushManager;
private void bindWapPushManagerService(Context context) {
Intent intent = new Intent(IWapPushManager.class.getName());
ComponentName comp = resolveSystemService(context.getPackageManager(), intent);
if (comp == null || !context.bindService(intent, this, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE)) {
Rlog.e(TAG, "bindService() for wappush manager failed");
} else {
synchronized (this) {
mWapPushManagerPackage = comp.getPackageName();
if (DBG) Rlog.v(TAG, "bindService() for wappush manager succeeded");
* Special function for use by the system to resolve service
* intents to system apps. Throws an exception if there are
* multiple potential matches to the Intent. Returns null if
* there are no matches.
private static @Nullable ComponentName resolveSystemService(@NonNull PackageManager pm,
@NonNull Intent intent) {
List<ResolveInfo> results = pm.queryIntentServices(
intent, PackageManager.MATCH_SYSTEM_ONLY);
if (results == null) {
return null;
ComponentName comp = null;
for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) {
ResolveInfo ri = results.get(i);
ComponentName foundComp = new ComponentName(ri.serviceInfo.applicationInfo.packageName,
if (comp != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Multiple system services handle " + intent
+ ": " + comp + ", " + foundComp);
comp = foundComp;
return comp;
public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) {
mWapPushManager = IWapPushManager.Stub.asInterface(service);
if (DBG) Rlog.v(TAG, "wappush manager connected to " + hashCode());
public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) {
mWapPushManager = null;
if (DBG) Rlog.v(TAG, "wappush manager disconnected.");
public WapPushOverSms(Context context) {
mContext = context;
mPowerWhitelistManager = mContext.getSystemService(PowerWhitelistManager.class);
UserManager userManager = (UserManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.USER_SERVICE);
public void dispose() {
if (mWapPushManager != null) {
if (DBG) Rlog.v(TAG, "dispose: unbind wappush manager");
} else {
Rlog.e(TAG, "dispose: not bound to a wappush manager");
* Decodes the wap push pdu. The decoded result is wrapped inside the {@link DecodedResult}
* object. The caller of this method should check {@link DecodedResult#statusCode} for the
* decoding status. It can have the following values.
* Activity.RESULT_OK - the wap push pdu is successfully decoded and should be further processed
* Intents.RESULT_SMS_HANDLED - the wap push pdu should be ignored.
* Intents.RESULT_SMS_GENERIC_ERROR - the pdu is invalid.
private DecodedResult decodeWapPdu(byte[] pdu, InboundSmsHandler handler) {
DecodedResult result = new DecodedResult();
if (DBG) Rlog.d(TAG, "Rx: " + IccUtils.bytesToHexString(pdu));
try {
int index = 0;
int transactionId = pdu[index++] & 0xFF;
int pduType = pdu[index++] & 0xFF;
// Should we "abort" if no subId for now just no supplying extra param below
int phoneId = handler.getPhone().getPhoneId();
if ((pduType != WspTypeDecoder.PDU_TYPE_PUSH) &&
(pduType != WspTypeDecoder.PDU_TYPE_CONFIRMED_PUSH)) {
index = mContext.getResources().getInteger(
if (index != -1) {
transactionId = pdu[index++] & 0xff;
pduType = pdu[index++] & 0xff;
if (DBG)
Rlog.d(TAG, "index = " + index + " PDU Type = " + pduType +
" transactionID = " + transactionId);
// recheck wap push pduType
if ((pduType != WspTypeDecoder.PDU_TYPE_PUSH)
&& (pduType != WspTypeDecoder.PDU_TYPE_CONFIRMED_PUSH)) {
if (DBG) Rlog.w(TAG, "Received non-PUSH WAP PDU. Type = " + pduType);
result.statusCode = Intents.RESULT_SMS_HANDLED;
return result;
} else {
if (DBG) Rlog.w(TAG, "Received non-PUSH WAP PDU. Type = " + pduType);
result.statusCode = Intents.RESULT_SMS_HANDLED;
return result;
WspTypeDecoder pduDecoder =
* Parse HeaderLen(unsigned integer).
* From wap-230-wsp-20010705-a section 8.1.2
* The maximum size of a uintvar is 32 bits.
* So it will be encoded in no more than 5 octets.
if (pduDecoder.decodeUintvarInteger(index) == false) {
if (DBG) Rlog.w(TAG, "Received PDU. Header Length error.");
result.statusCode = Intents.RESULT_SMS_GENERIC_ERROR;
return result;
int headerLength = (int) pduDecoder.getValue32();
index += pduDecoder.getDecodedDataLength();
int headerStartIndex = index;
* Parse Content-Type.
* From wap-230-wsp-20010705-a section
* Content-type-value = Constrained-media | Content-general-form
* Content-general-form = Value-length Media-type
* Media-type = (Well-known-media | Extension-Media) *(Parameter)
* Value-length = Short-length | (Length-quote Length)
* Short-length = <Any octet 0-30> (octet <= WAP_PDU_SHORT_LENGTH_MAX)
* Length-quote = <Octet 31> (WAP_PDU_LENGTH_QUOTE)
* Length = Uintvar-integer
if (pduDecoder.decodeContentType(index) == false) {
if (DBG) Rlog.w(TAG, "Received PDU. Header Content-Type error.");
result.statusCode = Intents.RESULT_SMS_GENERIC_ERROR;
return result;
String mimeType = pduDecoder.getValueString();
long binaryContentType = pduDecoder.getValue32();
index += pduDecoder.getDecodedDataLength();
byte[] header = new byte[headerLength];
System.arraycopy(pdu, headerStartIndex, header, 0, header.length);
byte[] intentData;
if (mimeType != null && mimeType.equals(WspTypeDecoder.CONTENT_TYPE_B_PUSH_CO)) {
intentData = pdu;
} else {
int dataIndex = headerStartIndex + headerLength;
intentData = new byte[pdu.length - dataIndex];
System.arraycopy(pdu, dataIndex, intentData, 0, intentData.length);
int subId = SubscriptionManager.getSubscriptionId(phoneId);
if (!SubscriptionManager.isValidSubscriptionId(subId)) {
subId = SmsManager.getDefaultSmsSubscriptionId();
// Continue if PDU parsing fails: the default messaging app may successfully parse the
// same PDU.
GenericPdu parsedPdu = null;
try {
parsedPdu = new PduParser(intentData, shouldParseContentDisposition(subId)).parse();
} catch (Exception e) {
Rlog.e(TAG, "Unable to parse PDU: " + e.toString());
if (parsedPdu != null && parsedPdu.getMessageType() == MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_IND) {
final NotificationInd nInd = (NotificationInd) parsedPdu;
// save the WAP push message size so that if a download request is made for it
// while on a satellite connection we can check if the size is under the threshold
if (nInd.getFrom() != null
&& BlockChecker.isBlocked(mContext, nInd.getFrom().getString(), null)) {
result.statusCode = Intents.RESULT_SMS_HANDLED;
return result;
* Seek for application ID field in WSP header.
* If application ID is found, WapPushManager substitute the message
* processing. Since WapPushManager is optional module, if WapPushManager
* is not found, legacy message processing will be continued.
if (pduDecoder.seekXWapApplicationId(index, index + headerLength - 1)) {
index = (int) pduDecoder.getValue32();
String wapAppId = pduDecoder.getValueString();
if (wapAppId == null) {
wapAppId = Integer.toString((int) pduDecoder.getValue32());
result.wapAppId = wapAppId;
String contentType = ((mimeType == null) ?
Long.toString(binaryContentType) : mimeType);
result.contentType = contentType;
if (DBG) Rlog.v(TAG, "appid found: " + wapAppId + ":" + contentType);
result.subId = subId;
result.phoneId = phoneId;
result.parsedPdu = parsedPdu;
result.mimeType = mimeType;
result.transactionId = transactionId;
result.pduType = pduType;
result.header = header;
result.intentData = intentData;
result.contentTypeParameters = pduDecoder.getContentParameters();
result.statusCode = Activity.RESULT_OK;
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aie) {
// 0-byte WAP PDU or other unexpected WAP PDU contents can easily throw this;
// log exception string without stack trace and return false.
Rlog.e(TAG, "ignoring dispatchWapPdu() array index exception: " + aie);
result.statusCode = Intents.RESULT_SMS_GENERIC_ERROR;
return result;
* Dispatches inbound messages that are in the WAP PDU format. See
* wap-230-wsp-20010705-a section 8 for details on the WAP PDU format.
* @param pdu The WAP PDU, made up of one or more SMS PDUs
* @param address The originating address
* @return a result code from {@link android.provider.Telephony.Sms.Intents}, or
* {@link Activity#RESULT_OK} if the message has been broadcast
* to applications
public int dispatchWapPdu(byte[] pdu, InboundSmsHandler.SmsBroadcastReceiver receiver,
InboundSmsHandler handler, String address, int subId, long messageId) {
DecodedResult result = decodeWapPdu(pdu, handler);
if (result.statusCode != Activity.RESULT_OK) {
return result.statusCode;
* If the pdu has application ID, WapPushManager substitute the message
* processing. Since WapPushManager is optional module, if WapPushManager
* is not found, legacy message processing will be continued.
if (result.wapAppId != null) {
try {
boolean processFurther = true;
IWapPushManager wapPushMan = mWapPushManager;
if (wapPushMan == null) {
if (DBG) Rlog.w(TAG, "wap push manager not found!");
} else {
synchronized (this) {
mWapPushManagerPackage, PowerWhitelistManager.EVENT_MMS,
REASON_EVENT_MMS, "mms-mgr");
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.putExtra("transactionId", result.transactionId);
intent.putExtra("pduType", result.pduType);
intent.putExtra("header", result.header);
intent.putExtra("data", result.intentData);
intent.putExtra("contentTypeParameters", result.contentTypeParameters);
SubscriptionManager.putPhoneIdAndSubIdExtra(intent, result.phoneId);
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(address)) {
intent.putExtra("address", address);
int procRet = wapPushMan.processMessage(
result.wapAppId, result.contentType, intent);
if (DBG) Rlog.v(TAG, "procRet:" + procRet);
if ((procRet & WapPushManagerParams.MESSAGE_HANDLED) > 0
&& (procRet & WapPushManagerParams.FURTHER_PROCESSING) == 0) {
processFurther = false;
if (!processFurther) {
return Intents.RESULT_SMS_HANDLED;
} catch (RemoteException e) {
if (DBG) Rlog.w(TAG, "remote func failed...");
if (DBG) Rlog.v(TAG, "fall back to existing handler");
if (result.mimeType == null) {
if (DBG) Rlog.w(TAG, "Header Content-Type error.");
Intent intent = new Intent(Intents.WAP_PUSH_DELIVER_ACTION);
intent.putExtra("transactionId", result.transactionId);
intent.putExtra("pduType", result.pduType);
intent.putExtra("header", result.header);
intent.putExtra("data", result.intentData);
intent.putExtra("contentTypeParameters", result.contentTypeParameters);
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(address)) {
intent.putExtra("address", address);
if (messageId != 0L) {
intent.putExtra("messageId", messageId);
// Direct the intent to only the default MMS app. If we can't find a default MMS app
// then sent it to all broadcast receivers.
UserHandle userHandle = TelephonyUtils.getSubscriptionUserHandle(mContext, subId);
ComponentName componentName = SmsApplication.getDefaultMmsApplicationAsUser(mContext,
true, userHandle);
Bundle options = null;
if (componentName != null) {
// Deliver MMS message only to this receiver
if (DBG) Rlog.v(TAG, "Delivering MMS to: " + componentName.getPackageName() +
" " + componentName.getClassName());
long duration = mPowerWhitelistManager.whitelistAppTemporarilyForEvent(
componentName.getPackageName(), PowerWhitelistManager.EVENT_MMS,
REASON_EVENT_MMS, "mms-app");
BroadcastOptions bopts = BroadcastOptions.makeBasic();
options = bopts.toBundle();
if (userHandle == null) {
userHandle = UserHandle.SYSTEM;
handler.dispatchIntent(intent, getPermissionForType(result.mimeType),
getAppOpsStringPermissionForIntent(result.mimeType), options, receiver,
userHandle, subId);
return Activity.RESULT_OK;
* Check whether the pdu is a MMS WAP push pdu that should be dispatched to the SMS app.
@UnsupportedAppUsage(maxTargetSdk = Build.VERSION_CODES.R, trackingBug = 170729553)
public boolean isWapPushForMms(byte[] pdu, InboundSmsHandler handler) {
DecodedResult result = decodeWapPdu(pdu, handler);
return result.statusCode == Activity.RESULT_OK
&& WspTypeDecoder.CONTENT_TYPE_B_MMS.equals(result.mimeType);
private static boolean shouldParseContentDisposition(int subId) {
return SmsManager
public static String getPermissionForType(String mimeType) {
String permission;
if (WspTypeDecoder.CONTENT_TYPE_B_MMS.equals(mimeType)) {
permission = android.Manifest.permission.RECEIVE_MMS;
} else {
permission = android.Manifest.permission.RECEIVE_WAP_PUSH;
return permission;
* Return a appOps String for the given MIME type.
* @param mimeType MIME type of the Intent
* @return The appOps String
public static String getAppOpsStringPermissionForIntent(String mimeType) {
String appOp;
if (WspTypeDecoder.CONTENT_TYPE_B_MMS.equals(mimeType)) {
appOp = AppOpsManager.OPSTR_RECEIVE_MMS;
} else {
return appOp;
* Place holder for decoded Wap pdu data.
private final class DecodedResult {
String mimeType;
String contentType;
int transactionId;
int pduType;
int phoneId;
int subId;
byte[] header;
String wapAppId;
byte[] intentData;
HashMap<String, String> contentTypeParameters;
GenericPdu parsedPdu;
int statusCode;