# matule-sample This project was created using the [Ktor Project Generator](https://start.ktor.io). Here are some useful links to get you started: - [Ktor Documentation](https://ktor.io/docs/home.html) - [Ktor GitHub page](https://github.com/ktorio/ktor) - The [Ktor Slack chat](https://app.slack.com/client/T09229ZC6/C0A974TJ9). You'll need to [request an invite](https://surveys.jetbrains.com/s3/kotlin-slack-sign-up) to join. ## Features Here's a list of features included in this project: | Name | Description | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | [Content Negotiation](https://start.ktor.io/p/content-negotiation) | Provides automatic content conversion according to Content-Type and Accept headers | | [Routing](https://start.ktor.io/p/routing) | Provides a structured routing DSL | | [kotlinx.serialization](https://start.ktor.io/p/kotlinx-serialization) | Handles JSON serialization using kotlinx.serialization library | | [Resources](https://start.ktor.io/p/resources) | Provides type-safe routing | | [Authentication](https://start.ktor.io/p/auth) | Provides extension point for handling the Authorization header | | [Authentication JWT](https://start.ktor.io/p/auth-jwt) | Handles JSON Web Token (JWT) bearer authentication scheme | ## Building & Running To build or run the project, use one of the following tasks: | Task | Description | | -------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `./gradlew test` | Run the tests | | `./gradlew build` | Build everything | | `buildFatJar` | Build an executable JAR of the server with all dependencies included | | `buildImage` | Build the docker image to use with the fat JAR | | `publishImageToLocalRegistry` | Publish the docker image locally | | `run` | Run the server | | `runDocker` | Run using the local docker image | If the server starts successfully, you'll see the following output: ``` 2024-12-04 14:32:45.584 [main] INFO Application - Application started in 0.303 seconds. 2024-12-04 14:32:45.682 [main] INFO Application - Responding at ```